Now with the Colorado ruling saying that religion can override public accommodation laws

What do you have to say of your libertarian idea of private food grocers denying service?

Any answer there? No?

They should be allowed to do so. Personally I think we are far enough along the free market would take care of it.

I know personally if there was a business that did that I would never give them my money, nor would anyone else I know...and the problem would be solved when they went out of business.
How long will it be before some business refuses service to black people because they say it's against the owner's religion?

How long before an employer gets to refuse to hire a woman because the business owner's religious belief is that a woman should be at home serving her husband and raising children?

And how many other laws will get to be ignored on the basis of a religious claim?
Sounds like what Liberals support with respect to Muslims.
They should be allowed to do so. Personally I think we are far enough along the free market would take care of it.

I know personally if there was a business that did that I would never give them my money, nor would anyone else I know...and the problem would be solved when they went out of business.

In my parent's small town there is one grocer. If they refuse to serve (whatever) then should disabled/elderly people be forced to drive long distances to another grocer that will serve them?
In my parent's small town there is one grocer. If they refuse to serve (whatever) then should disabled/elderly people be forced to drive long distances to another grocer that will serve them?

Gee, you make it sound discriminatory refusals of service Republicans are so fond of are the original CANCEL CULTURE.
In my parent's small town there is one grocer. If they refuse to serve (whatever) then should disabled/elderly people be forced to drive long distances to another grocer that will serve them?

If those in the small town stood up to the store and said 'do this and we will not give you our money", the store would either change or go out of business and then a better one could take it place
If those in the small town stood up to the store and said 'do this and we will not give you our money", the store would either change or go out of business and then a better one could take it place

And if not, then the minorities can starve in your Libertarian Utopia.

Again, why I am conservative with libertarian leanings, but not full on libertarian. Thank God
No, it isn't. Those employers who can't find good workers simply need look in the mirror for the entire cause. And if people can survive without a job all the good on them. We have more than enough workers.
Yes it is.

It is not the fault of businesses it is the fault of government for funding such worthless laziness. We do not have enouhg period by definition if businesses cannot find enough they do not have enough
I don't care what someone else said, you posted your own post that I responded to, you failed to engage my questions, or have a rational conversation, so you lost....Not my problem.
I was responding to some other idiot who said all gay people need to be kept away from children

Then you just had to interject your particular brand of stupidity into the conversation.
In my parent's small town there is one grocer. If they refuse to serve (whatever) then should disabled/elderly people be forced to drive long distances to another grocer that will serve them?

That solution is working just fine and dandy for progressives in cities where pharmacies and stores are closing down due to legalized theft.

People have pointed out that such closures hurt the elderly and sick but what to the progressive local governments do? They double and triple down and drive out more businesses by allowing theft and street violence and open drug bazaarz.

That solution is working just fine and dandy for progressives in cities where pharmacies and stores are closing down due to legalized theft.

People have pointed out that such closures hurt the elderly and sick but what to the progressive local governments do? They double and triple down and drive out more businesses by allowing theft and street violence and open drug bazaarz.

The theft is not "legalized" though. It is illegal--Soros prosecutors have decided to ignore it for the most part
I was responding to some other idiot who said all gay people need to be kept away from children

Then you just had to interject your particular brand of stupidity into the conversation.
Again, not my problem that you post idiocy…
How long will it be before some business refuses service to black people because they say it's against the owner's religion?

How long before an employer gets to refuse to hire a woman because the business owner's religious belief is that a woman should be at home serving her husband and raising children?

And how many other laws will get to be ignored on the basis of a religious claim?
At my business I am firing all the women now.

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