Now with the Colorado ruling saying that religion can override public accommodation laws

Yes, I know what they are called. It is wrong of the Govt to force private employers to provide them.

But for big government loving folks like you, it is not.
I really don't care. I'm retired. I do find it amusing because a few years ago when democrats were bending over backwards to accommodate Muslims, no problem. Now if it's Christians being accommodated they're all hyperventilating.
I really don't care. I'm retired. I do find it amusing because a few years ago when democrats were bending over backwards to accommodate Muslims, no problem. Now if it's Christians being accommodated they're all hyperventilating.

This is going to blow your tiny little bigoted mind, but everything is not about you.
Well it isn't all that hard to find workers.
Yes it is.

Many many businesses nationwide are having big problems finding employers. Covid and the massive handouts taught people that rhey can live without a job if they game the system.
If I am your employee and you schedule me for Sunday Morning I should NOT have to report for work. I would like to be in church. So this should be coming down the pike in the near future. Seems fair.
If the employer discussed your work schedule before you were hired, then yes he can. However, he can't spring it on you after you have been hired.

Is a private business Congress? Is a private business mentioned in the 1st amendment?

Why should a private employer be forced by the Fed Govt to give a fuck about your religion?

Freedom of religion trumps the business owner's "right" to have a business, as long as the employee is not causing "undue burden".
If the employer discussed your work schedule before you were hired, then yes he can. However, he can't spring it on you after you have been hired.

Why not? The needs of the employer can change over time.
Freedom of religion trumps the business owner's "right" to have a business, as long as the employee is not causing "undue burden".

Freedom of religion applies to the Govt, not to a private business. A business owner should be under no obligation to give a fuck about your religion.
Yes it is.

Many many businesses nationwide are having big problems finding employers. Covid and the massive handouts taught people that rhey can live without a job if they game the system.
No, it isn't. Those employers who can't find good workers simply need look in the mirror for the entire cause. And if people can survive without a job all the good on them. We have more than enough workers.
Freedom of religion applies to the Govt, not to a private business. A business owner should be under no obligation to give a fuck about your religion.

Then you would be in favor of the govt standing by when electric companies deny, say, gay or black people power, or mortgage companies denying them loans. Okay.

This is why I'm SO close to a libertarian, but not quite.
Then you would be in favor of the govt standing by when electric companies deny, say, gay or black people power, or mortgage companies denying them loans. Okay.

This is why I'm SO close to a libertarian, but not quite.

I believe that anti-discrimination laws enforced against anyone but the Govt is unconstitutional.

I believe protected classes is a violation of the equal protection clause.

I think you should be allowed to refuse service to anyone and everyone you desire to not serve no matter the reason.
I believe that anti-discrimination laws enforced against anyone but the Govt is unconstitutional.

That works in a perfect world. In this IMperfect world, private businesses provide essential services such as food, electricity, housing and health care. If you shut people out of those for immutable characteristics, or even choices like religion etc, they are outside of society.

I believe protected classes is a violation of the equal protection clause.

The OP ruling is meant to mitigate "protected classes" via govt preference, actually. While all citizens should be able to access basic services for, say, their basic life provisions, they are not due the compelled speech of vendors. Yes, you can have food, power and housing. No, you cannot COMPEL someone to condone your lifestyle choices with their speech.

A happy medium.

I think you should be allowed to refuse service to anyone and everyone you desire to not serve no matter the reason.

Well that's nice in Utopia.

Again, why I am not a full libertarian.
The OP ruling is meant to mitigate "protected classes" via govt preference, actually. While all citizens should be able to access basic services for, say, their basic life provisions, they are not due the compelled speech of vendors. Yes, you can have food, power and housing. No, you cannot COMPEL someone to condone your lifestyle choices with their speech.

I will never buy into the idea that decorating a cake is any more "speech" than making a sandwich.
I will never buy into the idea that decorating a cake is any more "speech" than making a sandwich.

What if the sandwich vendor is asked to CUSTOM design sandwiches--and then deliver them--to a gay pride celebration, and he is Muslim? This is not "hey, stopping in for a sandwich, you don't know anything about me except for you can see my skin color so you won't serve me" situation.

It's not "basic services".

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