Now with the Colorado ruling saying that religion can override public accommodation laws

The Government has no business telling a private company who they serve or hire. You should realize that the left is just as intolerant as everyone else and I wouldn't have an issue with loons refusing to serve or hire anyone they didn't like.

I agree that the left can be very intolerant. But I don't see any reason why the value of a particular law should be based on what the left do or don't do. Nor does it change the fact that this is a badly decided case, largely due to being very poorly litigate, and with terrible consequences.
So what?

Some other idiot brought up that all gay people need to be kept away from children read back in the thread and find it.
LOL....What an idiot....You just admitted that your stupid "FACT" was nothing but a pure troll....What a useless individual you are....
LOL....What an idiot....You just admitted that your stupid "FACT" was nothing but a pure troll....What a useless individual you are....
I'm not the one who brought up keeping all gay people away from children, Moron.
Keep tap dancing...You like facts? Here's one for ya, You got your ass handed to you, and now are trying to deflect...loser...
look back in the thread and find out who brought up keeping all gay people away from children.

But you won't because you are so fucking pathetic that you need to claim winning on the internet.
That's why they elected a President for being black? Because they hate the blacks?

I think you're confused.
no they voted for him because they were told by the demklan to vote for him…the demaklan picked him because he was the only choice they had to win, and he was a “well spoken” black man they could puppet just ask racial jungle joe…he said it
How long will it be before some business refuses service to black people because they say it's against the owner's religion?

How long before an employer gets to refuse to hire a woman because the business owner's religious belief is that a woman should be at home serving her husband and raising children?

And how many other laws will get to be ignored on the basis of a religious claim?
/---/ Hey Bimbo - you need to establish that your religious beliefs include those tenets, you just can't make them up on the spot.
Here is a tenet of the Cathollic Church on equality: The pursuit of human equality should be seen as a spiritual path of discipleship and witness. When the pursuit of equality is seen as a spiritual practice, Christians can see working for human equality in (e.g.) the removal of racism or gender bias as part of the fundamental vocation of the baptised whereby we witness to God’s equal love of each person.
look back in the thread and find out who brought up keeping all gay people away from children.

But you won't because you are so fucking pathetic that you need to claim winning on the internet.
I don't care what someone else said, you posted your own post that I responded to, you failed to engage my questions, or have a rational conversation, so you lost....Not my problem.
/---/ Hey Bimbo - you need to establish that your religious beliefs include those tenets, you just can't make them up on the spot.
Here is a tenet of the Cathollic Church on equality: The pursuit of human equality should be seen as a spiritual path of discipleship and witness. When the pursuit of equality is seen as a spiritual practice, Christians can see working for human equality in (e.g.) the removal of racism or gender bias as part of the fundamental vocation of the baptised whereby we witness to God’s equal love of each person.

And who is going to be the judge of another person's religious sincerity? You?
I have done my reading, and everyone pretty much agrees with me except those with a greedy political bias.
There is no question at all in this case.
The web designer is not harmed at all in any way by doing the gay wedding website.
The clients, (if there actually would have been any), would have been harmed by the denial of service which was totally arbitrary and illegal.
Of course the designer wasn't harmed, the case was theoretical. We all know that, and it's irrelevant to the case. The point is, the "legal scholars" you consulted have to demonstrate that their understanding of the law and the Constitution is greater than that of the Supreme Court Justices. You're just believing them because they confirm your bias.
Ayup. So many of our basic rights get inverted in this way. Freedom of Religion is now seen as a special perk for religious folks (well, if their religion is recognized by the state), so they don't have to follow laws they don't like.
That's a little hysterical right there, I don't care who you are.
My apologies. I didn't mean to drive you to hysterics.
You didn't. What you wrote, however, was. Not too surprising, however because some people do tend to go off the rails and hysterically bleat about things that aren't happening. Just lie down and you'll feel better soon.

The ruling by the SCOTUS states that "employers can only deny an employee's request for a religious accommodation under federal law if they can prove it would result in substantial increased costs for the business.".

So a nurse that joins the 7th Day Advents would have to be given Saturday off to practice their religion, unless they prove it would result in substantial increased costs for the business.
The ruling by the SCOTUS states that "employers can only deny an employee's request for a religious accommodation under federal law if they can prove it would result in substantial increased costs for the business.".

So a nurse that joins the 7th Day Advents would have to be given Saturday off to practice their religion, unless they prove it would result in substantial increased costs for the business.
Is that in the ruling by SCOTUS on the web designer?
The ruling by the SCOTUS states that "employers can only deny an employee's request for a religious accommodation under federal law if they can prove it would result in substantial increased costs for the business.".

So a nurse that joins the 7th Day Advents would have to be given Saturday off to practice their religion, unless they prove it would result in substantial increased costs for the business.
And the hospital would be glad to have a regular Sunday worker.

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