Now you see her, now you don't.

Many believe she did get the nod. It was a very close race, wasn't it?
ANyway...old history as you said.

I'd like to know why such an important moment in history has been warped to show ONLY MEN by a newspaper intruding on that history by posting a pic that is not complete.
And to get back on is an insult to her and to any woman in positions of power. Put her damn picture back in where it belongs!!

Howzat rock and hard place, "rabbi"? Where did ya go? Consulting with other "rabbi's" of like mind as yourself? How long shall we wait for your answer to such a simple question?

Positions of power. Maybe thats the problem with society nowadays. We think power comes from government instead of recognizing real women of power rarely get recognized or praised but do far more than Hillary ever could.

And you're right. She should be back in the picture. no need to photoshop it to begin with. especially for the reasoning given. That was always my point.

Just to clarify, the 'reasoning given' was simply that they don't publish photographs of women for 'religious reasons.' I'd like some clarification of that 'religious reasoning.' I've never heard of such a thing.
And to get back on is an insult to her and to any woman in positions of power. Put her damn picture back in where it belongs!!

Howzat rock and hard place, "rabbi"? Where did ya go? Consulting with other "rabbi's" of like mind as yourself? How long shall we wait for your answer to such a simple question?

Positions of power. Maybe thats the problem with society nowadays. We think power comes from government instead of recognizing real women of power rarely get recognized or praised but do far more than Hillary ever could.

And you're right. She should be back in the picture. no need to photoshop it to begin with. especially for the reasoning given. That was always my point.

Just to clarify, the 'reasoning given' was simply that they don't publish photographs of women for 'religious reasons.' I'd like some clarification of that 'religious reasoning.' I've never heard of such a thing.

Don't hold yer breath for an answer. "Rabbi" doesn't have a crowbar big enough to move that rock squishing him.
Many believe she did get the nod. It was a very close race, wasn't it?
ANyway...old history as you said.

I'd like to know why such an important moment in history has been warped to show ONLY MEN by a newspaper intruding on that history by posting a pic that is not complete.

In that regard? *I* was for the Hildebeast...over Bam-Bam...
Why wouldn't I want to read it? It was on my yahoo news page know..NEWS. And I am entitled to talk about it since this is a message board, yes?

You can talk about your left tit. BUt if you're upset over a newspaper you can't read and are never going to read directed to a community you aren't a part of then you got big problems.
And it's Die Tzeitung, btw.
Der Tzeitung Issues Apology, Clarification » - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry

Oh ouch. Was that supposed to hurt?
Why you wanna know about my left tit? It's the same as my right one.

It was supposed to make you think. That's obviously impossible because that jello between your ears is incapable of rational thought and resorts to bumper sticker emotion when confronted with something outside her realm of experience
As I say, don't read the paper, which isn't meant for you anyway.
And to get back on is an insult to her and to any woman in positions of power. Put her damn picture back in where it belongs!!

Howzat rock and hard place, "rabbi"? Where did ya go? Consulting with other "rabbi's" of like mind as yourself? How long shall we wait for your answer to such a simple question?

Positions of power. Maybe thats the problem with society nowadays. We think power comes from government instead of recognizing real women of power rarely get recognized or praised but do far more than Hillary ever could.

And you're right. She should be back in the picture. no need to photoshop it to begin with. especially for the reasoning given. That was always my point.

Just to clarify, the 'reasoning given' was simply that they don't publish photographs of women for 'religious reasons.' I'd like some clarification of that 'religious reasoning.' I've never heard of such a thing.

It's considered immodest and demeaning to women. Women aren't meant to be public spectacles.

I don't give a shit whether you agree or not. But that's the answer.
Positions of power. Maybe thats the problem with society nowadays. We think power comes from government instead of recognizing real women of power rarely get recognized or praised but do far more than Hillary ever could.

And you're right. She should be back in the picture. no need to photoshop it to begin with. especially for the reasoning given. That was always my point.

Just to clarify, the 'reasoning given' was simply that they don't publish photographs of women for 'religious reasons.' I'd like some clarification of that 'religious reasoning.' I've never heard of such a thing.

It's considered immodest and demeaning to women. Women aren't meant to be public spectacles.

I don't give a shit whether you agree or not. But that's the answer.

And I'm the moron, eh? Poor thing. Feel threatened?:lol:

Hi, you have received -62 reputation points from The Rabbi.
Reputation was given for this post.

You\'re a Class A moron

The Rabbi

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Just to clarify, the 'reasoning given' was simply that they don't publish photographs of women for 'religious reasons.' I'd like some clarification of that 'religious reasoning.' I've never heard of such a thing.

It's considered immodest and demeaning to women. Women aren't meant to be public spectacles.

I don't give a shit whether you agree or not. But that's the answer.

And I'm the moron, eh? Poor thing. Feel threatened?:lol:

Hi, you have received -62 reputation points from The Rabbi.
Reputation was given for this post.

You\'re a Class A moron

The Rabbi

Note: This is an automated message.

Yes you are, dear. Sit back and enjoy it.
She is a public spectacle in your opinion then? She is secretary of state. Nor is she being immodest or demeaning. You are the moron, "rabbi".
It's considered immodest and demeaning to women. Women aren't meant to be public spectacles.

I don't give a shit whether you agree or not. But that's the answer.

And I'm the moron, eh? Poor thing. Feel threatened?:lol:

Hi, you have received -62 reputation points from The Rabbi.
Reputation was given for this post.

You\'re a Class A moron

The Rabbi

Note: This is an automated message.

Yes you are, dear. Sit back and enjoy it.
She is a public spectacle in your opinion then? She is secretary of state. Nor is she being immodest or demeaning. You are the moron, "rabbi".

Like I said, I don't give a shit about your ill-informed opinion. Neither do the editors.
She is a public spectacle in your opinion then? She is secretary of state. Nor is she being immodest or demeaning. You are the moron, "rabbi".

Like I said, I don't give a shit about your ill-informed opinion. Neither do the editors.

Oh. Oh. Ouch. Um. Wait. Not even a sting. Keep trying.
What I find strange is the pious response that it is demeaning, degrading and immodest for women to be photographed but the .....cough cough...."rabbi" wants to talk about my left tit.
This could be in the religion forum, but I was not sure if it fits, so I put it here.

Newspaper takes out Hillary from photo during Seals mission. Why? Read it.


Hillary all sexy. Oh yeah.

This could be in the religion forum, but I was not sure if it fits, so I put it here.

Newspaper takes out Hillary from photo during Seals mission. Why? Read it.

Where’s Hillary? Hasidic paper breaks the rules by editing Clinton out of White House photo - Yahoo! News

Now....if women are not to be seen in today's world and therefore regulated back to the kitchen where they belong and are edited OUT, what makes anyone think it wasn't done in gospels of the bible or ANY religious book? :eusa_eh:

"Apparently the presence of a woman, any woman, being all womanly and sexy all over the United States' counterterrorism efforts was too much for the editors of Der Tzitung to handle," noted the prominent women's blog Jezebel.
Indeed, "The Hasidic newspaper will not intentionally include any images of women in the paper because it could be considered sexually suggestive," Rabbi Jason Miller explains in The Jewish Week. Though he notes that the publication's "fauxtograpphing" may in fact be a graver act against their religious tenets: "To my mind, this act of censorship is actually a violation of the Jewish legal principle of g'neivat da'at (deceit)."
Beyond that, Der Tzitung's editors apparently missed or blatantly ignored the guidelines stipulated on the official White House Flickr page, where the photo was released for use by news organizations: "The photograph may not be manipulated in any way."
The White House has not issued a response on the altered image.

That's some pretty underhanded shit they pulled.

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