NPC Memes Driving Moonbats Even Battier

Omigawd. Antifa PussyHat at 7:06 is a freakshow.

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PSA for right-wingers who don't internet: The “weaponized autists” at 4Chan have done it again; because they can. A new meme suggesting that liberals are programmed idiots who can’t think for themselves has gone viral. NPCs do not disagree with one another, they conform and copy whatever their peers are doing, and reject anyone who thinks outside their comfort zone. They have no individualism, they don't disagree with one another on anything, create echo chambers blocking anyone right of Marxist, and they spout the same tired debunked rhetoric over and over again (even when it contradicts itself). Not everyone who disagrees with you is an NPC, but NPCs (SJWs or whatever you want to call them) do all disagree with you. Perfection. The More You Know! Warning: posting NPC memes is considered worse than posting porn on social media, if you NPC meme, you could get banned - meme responsibly (on fake accounts so you can still talk to your kids after the lolz)

(Right winger guy, his video has images of some of the NPC meme's and the "Meme Army" tweets from the folks getting banned on Twitter in it.)

(Tim Pool is a "classical" liberal Bernie supporter)

I am so glad that I'm not the only one who recognized the bullshit factor of the leftists whining "dehumanization" after they've spent the past two years calling everyone bots \o/

And the intellectual discussion no one ever reads; "NPC meme's" at least the principle behind the meme has been around forever under many different names and psychological theories. One such example, though by all means not the only, is "internal monologue" to wit: ( Internal monologue - Wikipedia )

Piaget's theory
In the 1920s, Jean Piaget, a Swiss developmental psychologist, proposed the idea that internal monologue was found in adolescents and reflected the inability to take other individual's perspectives and modify their speech to their listeners (1). According to Piaget, inner speech resulted from the lack of ability to communicate with others. He suggested that the concept of "internal monologue" would fade away as the child aged because the individual would become more skilled at taking the perspective of the listeners into account.

Vygotsky's theory
In the 1930s, a Russian psychologist expanded on the theory of internal monologue. Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky proposed a different theory for internal monologue. Vygotsky theorized that children intentionally repurposed words that they had previously used successfully with other people. Instead of using language to regulate the behavior of others, individuals were using self-talk to regulate themselves.

One of the most important components of Vygotsky's theory is that self-talk should have the same structure as verbal conversation (specifically the quality of dialogue with different points of view). However, as speech is internalized, its form changes. When an individual internalizes speech, different kinds of abbreviations are utilized.(1). While Vygotsky's theory for internal monologue is rather straightforward, the implications behind the concept are complex. Within the past 10 years, research has brought Vygotsky's theory of internal monologue into the spotlight.


Just for shits and giggles. I've long been using the "borg" term rather than "NPC" personally, though they are pointed barbs for close to the same reasons. To quote myself:

"The biggest concern when it comes to the "borg" mentality are threats to individuality, autonomy, and responsibility. The reason why they are so disturbing is that they ride roughshod over these values, callously assimilating individuals into their collective with no allowance for deviation. I, for one, value my individuality. I think my unique identity is important and my ability to choose my own course and beliefs in life is something worth protecting."

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