NRA Board Member Blames 'Sympathy Factor of Kids Getting Killed' for Possibility of Gun Control Laws

Asslips, are you in favor of young, law-abiding black men not being able to buy an AR-15?
The NRA was founded to arm all Americans, of which a significant portion happen to be black.
I dont think anyone needs an AR-15.
True – no one needs an AR 15.

But lack of a need doesn’t warrant their prohibition, however Constitutional.

Says you, and opinions are like anuses. Everybody has one.

PS: What led you to draw that conclusion?

Rabid leftism?

Extreme pussyism?


A desire to see a less-armed America?
Passing laws will grant liberty to some and remove it from others?

I'll keep our guns until you can figure out what you're talking about.
Make it until you can figure it out. That way you can keep your compensators forever. Seems like you need them.
their murder rates won't be far behind.....
Their firearm homicide rates are a fraction of the US', you hysterical ninny. Start dealing in reality instead of fanciful projections plucked from your arse.
Much nicer than your bunch...using children, dead and alive, to further your agenda
No, you just let them die and say fuck you to anyone who wants to get guns out of the hands of the violent and insane because RIGHTS.

Now you're just fucking lying, asshole. I've said all along to focus on preventing those types from obtaining guns and to focus on the real problem. mental issues

Now take your BS and stick it up your decrepit ass, bitch. Your shit is getting old
No need to get testy.
My shit is exactly the same as your shit, if you'd take the time to listen. It isn't just about guns, I agree. There is a lot to do. But controlling who has guns is part of it, and I think controlling military style weapons is part of it, too. Even body armor. Who needs that unless they're planning on killing a bunch of cops?

You're being paranoid. I have three sets of body armor and I would never consider doing harm to my local law-enforcement officers.

I'm on a first-name basis with several of them and we've even shot together at the local range.
I'm not sure I dare ask, but WHY do you have three sets of body armor?
Who are you expecting to shoot you?
Much nicer than your bunch...using children, dead and alive, to further your agenda
No, you just let them die and say fuck you to anyone who wants to get guns out of the hands of the violent and insane because RIGHTS.

Now you're just fucking lying, asshole. I've said all along to focus on preventing those types from obtaining guns and to focus on the real problem. mental issues

Now take your BS and stick it up your decrepit ass, bitch. Your shit is getting old
No need to get testy.
My shit is exactly the same as your shit, if you'd take the time to listen. It isn't just about guns, I agree. There is a lot to do. But controlling who has guns is part of it, and I think controlling military style weapons is part of it, too. Even body armor. Who needs that unless they're planning on killing a bunch of cops?

You're being paranoid. I have three sets of body armor and I would never consider doing harm to my local law-enforcement officers.

I'm on a first-name basis with several of them and we've even shot together at the local range.
I'm not sure I dare ask, but WHY do you have three sets of body armor?
Who are you expecting to shoot you?

I have them because 1.) I am not a felon and I can legally own them in my state, and because 2.) they were something I came across at some garage sales, and the price was right.

Besides, I sometimes carry sums of money with me when I'm going to auctions or estates sales in other cities, which is why I also carry a Glock.
I never knew Asslips was retarded. Well, I'm all for that father in the ghetto with an AR or shotgun, or whatever he has to use to keep his family safe.

My money says he will, too. Asslips would like to restrict his ability to do that? :no_text11:

He's an American.
None of my weapons is a AR-15. Got all that Rambo stuff out of my system in the military. Got a 12 gauge to knock you down and take a chunk out of your ass. The other 4 are hand guns 9mm and .45 ACP. Oh yeah I have a Browning 22 rifle as well but thats a heirloom.
School shootings and terrorism fall at the same statistical level of tolerance and that is zero.
Disease and accidents are inevitable but terrorism and school shootings aren't. So no comparison should even be considered.
The guy who made the apparently callous comment is right. Emotions shouldn't rule the day and the more they are allowed to the more the real source of the problem is missed and the longer the threat exists.
I'm guessing you're not a black Republican.

Well, I'll throw this out there: How are Americans going to vote in November, knowing that Democrats are coming for their guns? It is what it is, baby. :dunno:
There are no Democrats in power.

Try again slick.
Most of you cons readily support russian meddling. You are all idiot traitors.

Believe whatever you want to. All that matters is that Hillary isn't President, nor will she ever be.

Is this a great country or what?

That is too bad. We need to take this country back from the neurotic gun lovers and religious freaks.

You never had it from them in the first place. Leftists as such are less than 27% of the population, and declining rapidly.

The Marxist faggot did a lot of damage, everyone realizes that. Unfortunately for decent American black men, he probably delayed the election of one by one.

I would have said "the next one" except Obama is not a black American. He's nothing like any black Americans I've ever met, he's not for America. He never was, or was to be a black American. I know, and have known plenty of black Americans, zero were a Marxist faggot like Obama.

Trumps a Marxist. Everything for the rich. Putin loves his oligarchs as long as they don't sass him.

Congratulations: How have just won the "Most Obtuse Statement Of The Day Award".

Trump is a "Marxist"? :21::auiqs.jpg::laugh::laughing0301::lmao::lol:
Russia Is Using Marxist Strategies, and So Is Trump
You never had it from them in the first place. Leftists as such are less than 27% of the population, and declining rapidly.

The Marxist faggot did a lot of damage, everyone realizes that. Unfortunately for decent American black men, he probably delayed the election of one by one.

I would have said "the next one" except Obama is not a black American. He's nothing like any black Americans I've ever met, he's not for America. He never was, or was to be a black American. I know, and have known plenty of black Americans, zero were a Marxist faggot like Obama.
^ Can't quit Former President Obama......:lol:

^Can't realize that despite all the bullshit Obama did, leftism is swirling the drain in America.

We're about making our people prosperous and smart, not a bunch of mindless slaves.

and what white?

Wtf are you talking about? Are you being racist to me because I'm white?

Yes, I'm white. As a matter of fact, I'm a Cracker. Crackas and niggas don't give a fuck last time I checked. Both are American.

I got Penelope pegged for being a Russian troll. I could be wrong, but probably not.

Not even a Russian troll would be stupid enough to make the statement "Trump is a Marxist."

Penelope is just retarded. Anyone who would say something that ignorant is surely retarded, unhinged, or possibly retarded.

Or maybe even retarded.

Trump is and can be whoever you want him to be. He loves chaos, and authority, and power, he admires Putin and the Pres of China, he wants his people around him. He is alienating us from our allies except for Israel. He is causing alienation in the US. He is using the working class for his end means, which enriches him and his buddies.
You are unclear about the lies and distortion, really?

Why Are We Afraid of Being a Victim of a Mass Shooting?
Mass Shootings and the Fear of Being a Victim
"The lifetime risk of dying in a mass shooting is around 1 in 110,154 — about the same chance of dying from a dog attack or legal execution.

There is a three times greater chance of dying from a sharp object than from a mass shooting. The chance of dying from lightning, though, is lower.

In fact, there are many more likely ways to die than in a mass shooting.

Heart disease and cancer are at the top — the risk of dying is 1 in 7. And even dying in a motor vehicle crash is higher — 1 in 113."


"The researchers suggest that seeing or hearing news related to an attack several hours a day might prolong the stress reaction triggered by the initial “collective trauma.”

It’s difficult to know the exact link between media coverage of an attack and people’s fears, but the content that people watch may matter.

“We do tend to see that people who have greater exposure to different types of news media, as well as people who view more crime dramas, tend to express higher levels of fear,” said Schafer, “but it’s not clear which is causing the other.”

People may develop anxiety from watching the news, or people who are anxious may watch the news in order to calm their worries.

News media can also skew the perception of how frequent these events are."
Youre missing the point. There are a lot of things that cause more deaths than shootings. The point is no one wants a school shooting to be the reason their child dies.

No one wants their child to die of anything, dumb ass......I don't want the most rare of events to take the guns away from law abiding people who use them 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent criminals and mass shooters....

Mass shooters kill less people each year than lawn mowers do, yet no one is calling for banning all lawn mowers.....

Lawn mower deaths...

Lawn Mower Accidents Rise This Time of Year | MU News BureauCOLUMBIA, Mo. — It can travel at speeds of more than 200 miles per hour, and with little warning it can severely injure someone. That is how University of Missouri Extension safety expert Bill Casady describes a rock thrown from a lawn mower. Each year, more than more than 75,000 Americans are injured in lawn mowing accidents, and 10,000 of them are children.

“A projectile traveling at 150 to 250 miles per hour has great potential to tear the skin, and usually those injuries heal. However, an object could just as easily hit you in the face or directly in the eye, and that will put an eye out immediately,” Casady said.

Each year, more than 75 people die in lawn mower accidents.

Many lawn mowing accidents involve children, Casady said. He advises parents to not allow children under the age of 12 to use a push mower and to keep children under the age of 16 off riding lawn mowers.

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

Lawn mower deaths every year.... more than 75

(Lawn Mower Accidents Rise This Time of Year | MU News Bureau)

Mass shooting deaths by year....

2014..... 9
2013..... 36
2012..... 72
2011..... 19
2002...not listed by mother jones
1985...(none listed)
1983 (none listed)

Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208
Accidental drowning.....3,391
Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760

Everyone has to die, and some just die in school, yes we understand you.
That is too bad. We need to take this country back from the neurotic gun lovers and religious freaks.

You never had it from them in the first place. Leftists as such are less than 27% of the population, and declining rapidly.

The Marxist faggot did a lot of damage, everyone realizes that. Unfortunately for decent American black men, he probably delayed the election of one by one.

I would have said "the next one" except Obama is not a black American. He's nothing like any black Americans I've ever met, he's not for America. He never was, or was to be a black American. I know, and have known plenty of black Americans, zero were a Marxist faggot like Obama.
^ Can't quit Former President Obama......:lol:

^Can't realize that despite all the bullshit Obama did, leftism is swirling the drain in America.

We're about making our people prosperous and smart, not a bunch of mindless slaves.

and what white?

Wtf are you talking about? Are you being racist to me because I'm white?

Yes, I'm white. As a matter of fact, I'm a Cracker. Crackas and niggas don't give a fuck last time I checked. Both are American.

I got Penelope pegged for being a Russian troll. I could be wrong, but probably not.

I'm a Caucasian, you brought up Obama's skin color. Come on, you and many other whites just could not stand to have a black skinned man in the oval office, or as an attorney general, or as a chairman of the RNC.
Also you just could not stand having a female Potus.
You are unclear about the lies and distortion, really?

Why Are We Afraid of Being a Victim of a Mass Shooting?
Mass Shootings and the Fear of Being a Victim
"The lifetime risk of dying in a mass shooting is around 1 in 110,154 — about the same chance of dying from a dog attack or legal execution.

There is a three times greater chance of dying from a sharp object than from a mass shooting. The chance of dying from lightning, though, is lower.

In fact, there are many more likely ways to die than in a mass shooting.

Heart disease and cancer are at the top — the risk of dying is 1 in 7. And even dying in a motor vehicle crash is higher — 1 in 113."


"The researchers suggest that seeing or hearing news related to an attack several hours a day might prolong the stress reaction triggered by the initial “collective trauma.”

It’s difficult to know the exact link between media coverage of an attack and people’s fears, but the content that people watch may matter.

“We do tend to see that people who have greater exposure to different types of news media, as well as people who view more crime dramas, tend to express higher levels of fear,” said Schafer, “but it’s not clear which is causing the other.”

People may develop anxiety from watching the news, or people who are anxious may watch the news in order to calm their worries.

News media can also skew the perception of how frequent these events are."
Youre missing the point. There are a lot of things that cause more deaths than shootings. The point is no one wants a school shooting to be the reason their child dies.


It's an issue of balance though. It is an issue of understanding the magnitude of the problem. It really isn't that big of a problem. The media over-hypes it, so it seems like it is a huge problem when really, it isn't. Sure, it is a tragedy when it occures, but it doesn't necessitate the infringement of the rights of millions of people.

This problem is so small, does it justify creating laws that will affect millions and millions of people over something so infinitesimally small?

There are much better ways to stop school shootings than gun control laws.

The governing elites just would prefer that the population be disarmed though.

If these elites pass gun control laws, do you think these laws would ever apply to private security companies that provide them protection? Seriously?
The numbers may be small but the emotional effect isnt. No one freaks out over someone getting killed by a lawn mower. Its more a a curiosity. Kill a couple of kids and youre messing with a natural instinctive desire to protect.

Tightening gun laws wont prevent school shootings. Just make it harder.
You LIE, My Lawn Mower is loaded with government regulated safety items. Guns are not.

I have to replace electric outlets at all my properties because 20 people on the entire planet die per year & this "might save them".
Last edited:
Longtime NRA Board MemberCharles Cotton is concerned gun control laws may actually pass in the wake of the Parkland, Florida high school massacre, and he's blaming the "sympathy factor of kids getting killed."

Marjory Stoneman Douglas student survivors have won the hearts of many across the nation, and have effectively countered the tired arguments of the NRA and gun advocates.

Cotton posted to a pro-gun message board, the Texas CHL Forum, responding to a member upset that bump stocks may actually get banned. Bump stocks are add on devices that effectively turn semi-automatic assault weapons into automatic weapons.

In a thread titled, "Can it be?: We may lose more gun rights under Trump than Obama?" just before midnight Monday Cotton wrote, "the reality is we could well see bump-stocks 'taken away' because the votes are probably there."


"Wake up people and see what's happening!!!! Bloomberg and Hollywood are pouring money into this effort and the media is helping to the fullest extent. We've never had this level of opposition before, not ever. It's a campaign of lies and distortion, but it's very well funded and they are playing on the sympathy factor of kids getting killed."

It's unclear what the "lies and distortion" are that Cotton claims.

He also told members the NRA needs to triple its membership to fight gun safety.

"If you really want to make a difference, then start recruiting NRA members every single day. The NRA better be 15 million strong soon, or this is only going to get worse."

Cotton is no stranger to controversy. In 2015 he said that physically disciplining a school-aged child by "paddling" them might stop him from “having to put a bullet in him later.”

Just months before that Cotton blamed the pastor of the Charleston church for his own murder by a white supremacist terrorist who killed nine bible study members.

Cotton, in addition to serving on the NRA's Board of Directors, also serves on the Board of Trustees of the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund.

Source: NRA Board Member Blames 'Sympathy Factor of Kids Getting Killed' for Possibility of Gun Control Laws Passing
/----/ Last week someone posted a pic of the so called devestated students smiling for a selfie before their tearful news conference. Does anyones still have it?

This photo was really taken before they went live?
That is too bad. We need to take this country back from the neurotic gun lovers and religious freaks.

How can we be "neurotic" if we're not wearing pink pussy hats, screaming at the sky, and believing some harebrained conspiracy about "Russians hacked muh election"?

You lost me there.
Ah, you just can't see it because you're nutty as a fruitcake.

No, seriously. When have you seen conservatives or Republicans acting like silly little spoiled children, as the Democrats have been acting?

Have we been protesting, rioting, breaking windows, setting fires, assaulting people physically and denying them their right to speech?
Oh quit whining. I seem to recall some big burly beer gutted Republicans shouting down high schoolers at our state capital last week, and I definitely remember Cruz in his MAGA hat talking about shooting him some Antifa, and a bunch of Republicans with tiki torches chanting in downtown Charlottesville last summer. I could go on, but it's stupid. Neither side is being reasonable, including YOURS.
That is too bad. We need to take this country back from the neurotic gun lovers and religious freaks.

How can we be "neurotic" if we're not wearing pink pussy hats, screaming at the sky, and believing some harebrained conspiracy about "Russians hacked muh election"?

You lost me there.
Ah, you just can't see it because you're nutty as a fruitcake.

No, seriously. When have you seen conservatives or Republicans acting like silly little spoiled children, as the Democrats have been acting?

Have we been protesting, rioting, breaking windows, setting fires, assaulting people physically and denying them their right to speech?
Oh quit whining. I seem to recall some big burly beer gutted Republicans shouting down high schoolers at our state capital last week, and I definitely remember Cruz in his MAGA hat talking about shooting him some Antifa, and a bunch of Republicans with tiki torches chanting in downtown Charlottesville last summer. I could go on, but it's stupid. Neither side is being reasonable, including YOURS.

Gawd, you're such a milquetoast moderate. You're attitude reminds me of those Jews in 1930's Germany who said "That Hitler, he's not such a bad guy..."

Can't speak to that last post, can you, because it's true.
Keep name calling. It ain't hurting me any. Just remember 17-20, J Galt.
No, you just let them die and say fuck you to anyone who wants to get guns out of the hands of the violent and insane because RIGHTS.

Now you're just fucking lying, asshole. I've said all along to focus on preventing those types from obtaining guns and to focus on the real problem. mental issues

Now take your BS and stick it up your decrepit ass, bitch. Your shit is getting old
No need to get testy.
My shit is exactly the same as your shit, if you'd take the time to listen. It isn't just about guns, I agree. There is a lot to do. But controlling who has guns is part of it, and I think controlling military style weapons is part of it, too. Even body armor. Who needs that unless they're planning on killing a bunch of cops?

You're being paranoid. I have three sets of body armor and I would never consider doing harm to my local law-enforcement officers.

I'm on a first-name basis with several of them and we've even shot together at the local range.
I'm not sure I dare ask, but WHY do you have three sets of body armor?
Who are you expecting to shoot you?

I have them because 1.) I am not a felon and I can legally own them in my state, and because 2.) they were something I came across at some garage sales, and the price was right.

Besides, I sometimes carry sums of money with me when I'm going to auctions or estates sales in other cities, which is why I also carry a Glock.
You must scare the shit out of auctioneers, walking in dressed in full body armor with a Glock.
Longtime NRA Board MemberCharles Cotton is concerned gun control laws may actually pass in the wake of the Parkland, Florida high school massacre, and he's blaming the "sympathy factor of kids getting killed."

Marjory Stoneman Douglas student survivors have won the hearts of many across the nation, and have effectively countered the tired arguments of the NRA and gun advocates.

Cotton posted to a pro-gun message board, the Texas CHL Forum, responding to a member upset that bump stocks may actually get banned. Bump stocks are add on devices that effectively turn semi-automatic assault weapons into automatic weapons.

In a thread titled, "Can it be?: We may lose more gun rights under Trump than Obama?" just before midnight Monday Cotton wrote, "the reality is we could well see bump-stocks 'taken away' because the votes are probably there."


"Wake up people and see what's happening!!!! Bloomberg and Hollywood are pouring money into this effort and the media is helping to the fullest extent. We've never had this level of opposition before, not ever. It's a campaign of lies and distortion, but it's very well funded and they are playing on the sympathy factor of kids getting killed."

It's unclear what the "lies and distortion" are that Cotton claims.

He also told members the NRA needs to triple its membership to fight gun safety.

"If you really want to make a difference, then start recruiting NRA members every single day. The NRA better be 15 million strong soon, or this is only going to get worse."

Cotton is no stranger to controversy. In 2015 he said that physically disciplining a school-aged child by "paddling" them might stop him from “having to put a bullet in him later.”

Just months before that Cotton blamed the pastor of the Charleston church for his own murder by a white supremacist terrorist who killed nine bible study members.

Cotton, in addition to serving on the NRA's Board of Directors, also serves on the Board of Trustees of the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund.

Source: NRA Board Member Blames 'Sympathy Factor of Kids Getting Killed' for Possibility of Gun Control Laws Passing
/----/ Last week someone posted a pic of the so called devestated students smiling for a selfie before their tearful news conference. Does anyones still have it?

This photo was really taken before they went live?

Supposedly, it was all over the internet at the time
Now you're just fucking lying, asshole. I've said all along to focus on preventing those types from obtaining guns and to focus on the real problem. mental issues

Now take your BS and stick it up your decrepit ass, bitch. Your shit is getting old
No need to get testy.
My shit is exactly the same as your shit, if you'd take the time to listen. It isn't just about guns, I agree. There is a lot to do. But controlling who has guns is part of it, and I think controlling military style weapons is part of it, too. Even body armor. Who needs that unless they're planning on killing a bunch of cops?

You're being paranoid. I have three sets of body armor and I would never consider doing harm to my local law-enforcement officers.

I'm on a first-name basis with several of them and we've even shot together at the local range.
I'm not sure I dare ask, but WHY do you have three sets of body armor?
Who are you expecting to shoot you?

I have them because 1.) I am not a felon and I can legally own them in my state, and because 2.) they were something I came across at some garage sales, and the price was right.

Besides, I sometimes carry sums of money with me when I'm going to auctions or estates sales in other cities, which is why I also carry a Glock.
You must scare the shit out of auctioneers, walking in dressed in full body armor with a Glock.

I doubt you'd even know he was carrying a Glock.
Believe whatever you want to. All that matters is that Hillary isn't President, nor will she ever be.

Is this a great country or what?

That is too bad. We need to take this country back from the neurotic gun lovers and religious freaks.

You never had it from them in the first place. Leftists as such are less than 27% of the population, and declining rapidly.

The Marxist faggot did a lot of damage, everyone realizes that. Unfortunately for decent American black men, he probably delayed the election of one by one.

I would have said "the next one" except Obama is not a black American. He's nothing like any black Americans I've ever met, he's not for America. He never was, or was to be a black American. I know, and have known plenty of black Americans, zero were a Marxist faggot like Obama.

Trumps a Marxist. Everything for the rich. Putin loves his oligarchs as long as they don't sass him.

Congratulations: How have just won the "Most Obtuse Statement Of The Day Award".

Trump is a "Marxist"? :21::auiqs.jpg::laugh::laughing0301::lmao::lol:
Russia Is Using Marxist Strategies, and So Is Trump

So? You leftists have been Marxist and Alinsky tactics forever.

How does it feel to have it thrown right back in your faces? :laughing0301:
Now you're just fucking lying, asshole. I've said all along to focus on preventing those types from obtaining guns and to focus on the real problem. mental issues

Now take your BS and stick it up your decrepit ass, bitch. Your shit is getting old
No need to get testy.
My shit is exactly the same as your shit, if you'd take the time to listen. It isn't just about guns, I agree. There is a lot to do. But controlling who has guns is part of it, and I think controlling military style weapons is part of it, too. Even body armor. Who needs that unless they're planning on killing a bunch of cops?

You're being paranoid. I have three sets of body armor and I would never consider doing harm to my local law-enforcement officers.

I'm on a first-name basis with several of them and we've even shot together at the local range.
I'm not sure I dare ask, but WHY do you have three sets of body armor?
Who are you expecting to shoot you?

I have them because 1.) I am not a felon and I can legally own them in my state, and because 2.) they were something I came across at some garage sales, and the price was right.

Besides, I sometimes carry sums of money with me when I'm going to auctions or estates sales in other cities, which is why I also carry a Glock.
You must scare the shit out of auctioneers, walking in dressed in full body armor with a Glock.

Dumbass. The vest and Glock go underneath the shirt. Now you know the reason they call it "concealed carry."

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