NRA files lawsuit

Yeah, you go on ahead and keep on underestimating them. The world you love is going to be turned on its ear.
Where exactly so you think the silent majority come from...?
Silent "minority" until they can find about another 3,000,000 more.
That "minority" sure has you squealing...
Laughing, more often
Yeah, you go on ahead and keep on underestimating them. The world you love is going to be turned on its ear.
Where exactly so you think the silent majority come from...?
Silent "minority" until they can find about another 3,000,000 more.
That "minority" sure has you squealing...
Laughing, more often
That's the spirit!

Right?? It's FRIDAY, FFS! I am fed, clothed and shelted - life is good. Daughter is good, grandkids are good ... and of course, laughter is the best medicine.
So if the laundry soap eating generation lacks the wisdom and maturity to qualify for the 2nd Amendment, then why are they allowed to vote for who will have their finger on the nuclear missile launch button?
Because they are the ones you will be sending off to die when you start your next war.

Obviously you missed the entire point of war. It's not so much as to "die" as it is to make the other side "die".

Not only that, but to totally fuck up their shit, break their stuff, and take it away from them.

And drink from the skulls of those they kill


Honestly, I still waiting for that Taliban skull GW promised me when we went into Afghanistan. It sure would look cool sitting on my fireplace mantle. :biggrin:
So if the laundry soap eating generation lacks the wisdom and maturity to qualify for the 2nd Amendment, then why are they allowed to vote for who will have their finger on the nuclear missile launch button?
Because they are the ones you will be sending off to die when you start your next war.

Obviously you missed the entire point of war. It's not so much as to "die" as it is to make the other side "die".

Not only that, but to totally fuck up their shit, break their stuff, and take it away from them.

And drink from the skulls of those they kill


Honestly, I still waiting for that Taliban skull GW promised me when we went into Afghanistan. It sure would look cool sitting on my fireplace mantle. :biggrin:

You're an Islamaphobe
Don't have a link yet but just heard on the news NRA just filed a lawsuit challenging Gov Scott.
Gun massacres are too good for business. They can't let legislation that might reduce the number of them stay in place.
The NRA will never let a little blood stand in the way of a good profit for its patrons.

Exactly how does a NRA member profit from being a member? What a dumb ass
With all due respect Lass, before you call someone a dumb ass, you had better understand what you are responding to. Did I write members? I did not. I wrote patrons, i.e. which include the gun and arms manufacturers where the bulk of NRA funding comes from.

The dumbass is clear
But alas
It is the SassyIrishlass.
So if the laundry soap eating generation lacks the wisdom and maturity to qualify for the 2nd Amendment, then why are they allowed to vote for who will have their finger on the nuclear missile launch button?

Yeah, you go on ahead and keep on underestimating them. The world you love is going to be turned on its ear.
By simple minded media fed imbeciles that major in gender studies or fine art. lol.

Again - you don't know that. You honestly don't. You are building straw men, and I don't know why.

I get pissed when Gen-Xers or Millenials shit-talk Baby Boomers for "all the damage we did." We? Who is this 'we' you speak of? I didn't do shit. I worked most of my entire adult life (eight years off as a housewife,) never even made it up to the middle class so what the fuck is with this?? You don't blame an entire generation for the sins of a few. Well - I don't. You keep referring to Tide pods though, and see where that gets you.
Baby boomers are less than dog shit scraped from the tread of my boot heel. Your kind are the ones responsible for all the carnage to come.
Don't have a link yet but just heard on the news NRA just filed a lawsuit challenging Gov Scott.
Gun massacres are too good for business. They can't let legislation that might reduce the number of them stay in place.
The NRA will never let a little blood stand in the way of a good profit for its patrons.

Exactly how does a NRA member profit from being a member? What a dumb ass
With all due respect Lass, before you call someone a dumb ass, you had better understand what you are responding to. Did I write members? I did not. I wrote patrons, I.e. Which include the gun and arms manufacturers.

The dumbass is clear
But alas
It is the SassyIrishlass.

Yeah dumb ass...this is what you wrote...right?

The NRA will never let a little blood stand in the way of a good profit for its patrons.

plural noun: patrons
  1. 1.
    a person who gives financial or other support to a person, organization, cause, or activity.
Don't have a link yet but just heard on the news NRA just filed a lawsuit challenging Gov Scott.
Gun massacres are too good for business. They can't let legislation that might reduce the number of them stay in place.
The NRA will never let a little blood stand in the way of a good profit for its patrons.

Exactly how does a NRA member profit from being a member? What a dumb ass
With all due respect Lass, before you call someone a dumb ass, you had better understand what you are responding to. Did I write members? I did not. I wrote patrons, I.e. Which include the gun and arms manufacturers.

The dumbass is clear
But alas
It is the SassyIrishlass.

Yeah dumb ass...this is what you wrote...right?

The NRA will never let a little blood stand in the way of a good profit for its patrons.

plural noun: patrons
  1. 1.
    a person who gives financial or other support to a person, organization, cause, or activity.

I'll try to write simply...a patron is a sponsor who gives major financial support to an organization. A patron may be member of the organization but it also includes all those who are sponsors, financiers and benefactors of said organization. I know some of those are big words.

Your initial response to me made reference to "members" only. My term was broader in its meaning.

In the case of the NRA it includes the gun and ammo manufacturers who profit from NRA activities.

It requires some thought I know. So, go ask your parents or your English teacher and let them explain it to you.
So if the laundry soap eating generation lacks the wisdom and maturity to qualify for the 2nd Amendment, then why are they allowed to vote for who will have their finger on the nuclear missile launch button?

Yeah, you go on ahead and keep on underestimating them. The world you love is going to be turned on its ear.
By simple minded media fed imbeciles that major in gender studies or fine art. lol.

Again - you don't know that. You honestly don't. You are building straw men, and I don't know why.

I get pissed when Gen-Xers or Millenials shit-talk Baby Boomers for "all the damage we did." We? Who is this 'we' you speak of? I didn't do shit. I worked most of my entire adult life (eight years off as a housewife,) never even made it up to the middle class so what the fuck is with this?? You don't blame an entire generation for the sins of a few. Well - I don't. You keep referring to Tide pods though, and see where that gets you.
Baby boomers are less than dog shit scraped from the tread of my boot heel. Your kind are the ones responsible for all the carnage to come.

Gun massacres are too good for business. They can't let legislation that might reduce the number of them stay in place.
The NRA will never let a little blood stand in the way of a good profit for its patrons.

Exactly how does a NRA member profit from being a member? What a dumb ass
With all due respect Lass, before you call someone a dumb ass, you had better understand what you are responding to. Did I write members? I did not. I wrote patrons, I.e. Which include the gun and arms manufacturers.

The dumbass is clear
But alas
It is the SassyIrishlass.

Yeah dumb ass...this is what you wrote...right?

The NRA will never let a little blood stand in the way of a good profit for its patrons.

plural noun: patrons
  1. 1.
    a person who gives financial or other support to a person, organization, cause, or activity.

I'll try to write simply...a patron is a sponsor who gives major financial support to an organization. A patron may be member of the organization but it also includes all those that sponsors, financiers and benefactors said organization. I know some of those are big words.

Your initial response to me made reference to "members" only. My term was broader in its meaning.

In the case of the NRA it includes the gun and ammo manufacturers who profit from NRA activities.

It requires some thought I know. So, go ask your parents or ur English teacher and let them explain it to you.

Get lost moron you fucked up and got called on it and now you're spinning like a top. Goofy twit
So if the laundry soap eating generation lacks the wisdom and maturity to qualify for the 2nd Amendment, then why are they allowed to vote for who will have their finger on the nuclear missile launch button?
Because they are the ones you will be sending off to die when you start your next war.

Obviously you missed the entire point of war. It's not so much as to "die" as it is to make the other side "die".

Not only that, but to totally fuck up their shit, break their stuff, and take it away from them.

And drink from the skulls of those they kill


Honestly, I still waiting for that Taliban skull GW promised me when we went into Afghanistan. It sure would look cool sitting on my fireplace mantle. :biggrin:

You're an Islamaphobe

Who me? I'm an equal-opportunity phobe 'case I hate everyone who isn't as magnificent as I am. I don't care if it's a Taliban skull, an al Queda skull, or a Russian skull for that matter.

It would just look gnarly setting up on my mantle with perhaps a pine-scented aromatic candle affixed to the top of it. To make the room smell all fresh and piney, you know. :biggrin:
Don't have a link yet but just heard on the news NRA just filed a lawsuit challenging Gov Scott.
Gun massacres are too good for business. They can't let legislation that might reduce the number of them stay in place.
The NRA will never let a little blood stand in the way of a good profit for its patrons.

Exactly how does a NRA member profit from being a member? What a dumb ass
With all due respect Lass, before you call someone a dumb ass, you had better understand what you are responding to. Did I write members? I did not. I wrote patrons, i.e. which include the gun and arms manufacturers where the bulk of NRA funding comes from.

The dumbass is clear
But alas
It is the SassyIrishlass.

Untrue. The bulk of the NRA's funding comes from membership fees. Granted the NRAILA gets some funding from corporations, but the amount of political contributions is limited by law.
Don't have a link yet but just heard on the news NRA just filed a lawsuit challenging Gov Scott.
Gun massacres are too good for business. They can't let legislation that might reduce the number of them stay in place.
The NRA will never let a little blood stand in the way of a good profit for its patrons.

Exactly how does a NRA member profit from being a member? What a dumb ass
With all due respect Lass, before you call someone a dumb ass, you had better understand what you are responding to. Did I write members? I did not. I wrote patrons, i.e. which include the gun and arms manufacturers where the bulk of NRA funding comes from.

The dumbass is clear
But alas
It is the SassyIrishlass.

Untrue. The bulk of the NRA's funding comes from membership fees. Granted the NRAILA gets some funding from corporations, the amount of political contributions is limited by law.

He's a doofus talking smack
Gun massacres are too good for business. They can't let legislation that might reduce the number of them stay in place.
The NRA will never let a little blood stand in the way of a good profit for its patrons.

Exactly how does a NRA member profit from being a member? What a dumb ass
With all due respect Lass, before you call someone a dumb ass, you had better understand what you are responding to. Did I write members? I did not. I wrote patrons, i.e. which include the gun and arms manufacturers where the bulk of NRA funding comes from.

The dumbass is clear
But alas
It is the SassyIrishlass.

Untrue. The bulk of the NRA's funding comes from membership fees. Granted the NRAILA gets some funding from corporations, the amount of political contributions is limited by law.

He's a doofus talking smack

Fer sure. Libtards seldom know what they're talking about.
The NRA will never let a little blood stand in the way of a good profit for its patrons.

Exactly how does a NRA member profit from being a member? What a dumb ass
With all due respect Lass, before you call someone a dumb ass, you had better understand what you are responding to. Did I write members? I did not. I wrote patrons, I.e. Which include the gun and arms manufacturers.

The dumbass is clear
But alas
It is the SassyIrishlass.

Yeah dumb ass...this is what you wrote...right?

The NRA will never let a little blood stand in the way of a good profit for its patrons.

plural noun: patrons
  1. 1.
    a person who gives financial or other support to a person, organization, cause, or activity.

I'll try to write simply...a patron is a sponsor who gives major financial support to an organization. A patron may be member of the organization but it also includes all those that sponsors, financiers and benefactors said organization. I know some of those are big words.

Your initial response to me made reference to "members" only. My term was broader in its meaning.

In the case of the NRA it includes the gun and ammo manufacturers who profit from NRA activities.

It requires some thought I know. So, go ask your parents or ur English teacher and let them explain it to you.

Get lost moron you fucked up and got called on it and now you're spinning like a top. Goofy twit

Lovely...if that is the best you can do you need to go to a kiddie forum.
Exactly how does a NRA member profit from being a member? What a dumb ass
With all due respect Lass, before you call someone a dumb ass, you had better understand what you are responding to. Did I write members? I did not. I wrote patrons, I.e. Which include the gun and arms manufacturers.

The dumbass is clear
But alas
It is the SassyIrishlass.

Yeah dumb ass...this is what you wrote...right?

The NRA will never let a little blood stand in the way of a good profit for its patrons.

plural noun: patrons
  1. 1.
    a person who gives financial or other support to a person, organization, cause, or activity.

I'll try to write simply...a patron is a sponsor who gives major financial support to an organization. A patron may be member of the organization but it also includes all those that sponsors, financiers and benefactors said organization. I know some of those are big words.

Your initial response to me made reference to "members" only. My term was broader in its meaning.

In the case of the NRA it includes the gun and ammo manufacturers who profit from NRA activities.

It requires some thought I know. So, go ask your parents or ur English teacher and let them explain it to you.

Get lost moron you fucked up and got called on it and now you're spinning like a top. Goofy twit

Lovely...if that is the best you can do you need to go to a kiddie forum.

You're the one that better start fact checking yourself before making an ass out of yourself. That was blatant BS and everyone knows it
Gun massacres are too good for business. They can't let legislation that might reduce the number of them stay in place.
The NRA will never let a little blood stand in the way of a good profit for its patrons.

Exactly how does a NRA member profit from being a member? What a dumb ass
With all due respect Lass, before you call someone a dumb ass, you had better understand what you are responding to. Did I write members? I did not. I wrote patrons, I.e. Which include the gun and arms manufacturers.

The dumbass is clear
But alas
It is the SassyIrishlass.

Yeah dumb ass...this is what you wrote...right?

The NRA will never let a little blood stand in the way of a good profit for its patrons.

plural noun: patrons
  1. 1.
    a person who gives financial or other support to a person, organization, cause, or activity.

I'll try to write simply...a patron is a sponsor who gives major financial support to an organization. A patron may be member of the organization but it also includes all those who are sponsors, financiers and benefactors of said organization. I know some of those are big words.

Your initial response to me made reference to "members" only. My term was broader in its meaning.

In the case of the NRA it includes the gun and ammo manufacturers who profit from NRA activities.

It requires some thought I know. So, go ask your parents or your English teacher and let them explain it to you.
Classic lib scum remark.
Don't have a link yet but just heard on the news NRA just filed a lawsuit challenging Gov Scott.
Gun massacres are too good for business. They can't let legislation that might reduce the number of them stay in place.
The NRA will never let a little blood stand in the way of a good profit for its patrons.

Exactly how does a NRA member profit from being a member? What a dumb ass
With all due respect Lass, before you call someone a dumb ass, you had better understand what you are responding to. Did I write members? I did not. I wrote patrons, i.e. which include the gun and arms manufacturers where the bulk of NRA funding comes from.

The dumbass is clear
But alas
It is the SassyIrishlass.

Untrue. The bulk of the NRA's funding comes from membership fees. Granted the NRAILA gets some funding from corporations, but the amount of political contributions is limited by law.

The NRA had revenues of 400 million dollars in 2015 of which 164 million came from its members. The remaining amounts came from its patrons, sponsors and larger donors i.e. gun and ammo manufacturers, among other sources.

The real reason the NRA wins
Don't have a link yet but just heard on the news NRA just filed a lawsuit challenging Gov Scott.

The laws that are passed have ways around it from straw purches to stealing the firearm, so how do you prevent someone from a straw purchase or stealing the firearm without infringing on the Citizen Second Amendment right?
The NRA will never let a little blood stand in the way of a good profit for its patrons.

Exactly how does a NRA member profit from being a member? What a dumb ass
With all due respect Lass, before you call someone a dumb ass, you had better understand what you are responding to. Did I write members? I did not. I wrote patrons, i.e. which include the gun and arms manufacturers where the bulk of NRA funding comes from.

The dumbass is clear
But alas
It is the SassyIrishlass.

Untrue. The bulk of the NRA's funding comes from membership fees. Granted the NRAILA gets some funding from corporations, the amount of political contributions is limited by law.

He's a doofus talking smack

Fer sure. Libtards seldom know what they're talking about.
Bunch of friggin Contard morons on this thread who are in denial or don't realize that gun manufacture give money to the NRA and benefit from NRA activities.
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