NRA General Counsel Robert Dowlut Convicted of Murder


Only careless people. I know people who have guns and my own father had guns, and I don't know of one person who was injured by one. If you want to believe some schmuck on the internet who makes up ridiculous stories that just go against all odds, then go right ahead. I think this guy is full of it and is making things up as he goes along.

so because my stories don't validate your worldview, they can't possibly be true.

Because it's completely unlikely that a 52 year old man can know of three victims of gun violence. that's completely impossible
LMAO!! I came back a little bit ago. I have my laptop in my company vehicle.

You might be right that the domestic violence murder wouldn't have happened. There have been a lot of spouses killed without a gun being involved.

But the suicides? How do you know they wouldn't have killed themselves another way? Please enlighten us on how you came to this bullshit conclusion?

You take away a method of suicide, the suicide rate drops.

For instance, when the they redesigned ovens so people couldn't gas themselves, the suicde rate dropped.

In the two cases, one was a teenage kid, the other was a guy with terminal cancer. Neither one would have tried something else.

What a crock! You don't know that! You weren't inside of their heads. I think you are one of the most dishonest posters I have had the bad luck to come across.

Only careless people. I know people who have guns and my own father had guns, and I don't know of one person who was injured by one. If you want to believe some schmuck on the internet who makes up ridiculous stories that just go against all odds, then go right ahead. I think this guy is full of it and is making things up as he goes along.

so because my stories don't validate your worldview, they can't possibly be true.

Because it's completely unlikely that a 52 year old man can know of three victims of gun violence. that's completely impossible

You have proven yourself to be a dishonest poster already in this thread a few times, therefore, your credibility is shot! Pun intended!

Only careless people. I know people who have guns and my own father had guns, and I don't know of one person who was injured by one. If you want to believe some schmuck on the internet who makes up ridiculous stories that just go against all odds, then go right ahead. I think this guy is full of it and is making things up as he goes along.

so because my stories don't validate your worldview, they can't possibly be true.

Because it's completely unlikely that a 52 year old man can know of three victims of gun violence. that's completely impossible

No one is questioning whether or not it happened. Despite your propensity for lying, we still give you the benefit of the doubt.

What we are calling you on is your claim that the suicides would not have happened without a gun.
LMAO!! I came back a little bit ago. I have my laptop in my company vehicle.

You might be right that the domestic violence murder wouldn't have happened. There have been a lot of spouses killed without a gun being involved.

But the suicides? How do you know they wouldn't have killed themselves another way? Please enlighten us on how you came to this bullshit conclusion?

You take away a method of suicide, the suicide rate drops.

For instance, when the they redesigned ovens so people couldn't gas themselves, the suicde rate dropped.

In the two cases, one was a teenage kid, the other was a guy with terminal cancer. Neither one would have tried something else.

when the they redesigned ovens so people couldn't gas themselves, the suicde rate dropped.

I'd like to see a link to THAT!

I've asked for links from him before. I wouldn't count on it.
LMAO!! I came back a little bit ago. I have my laptop in my company vehicle.

You might be right that the domestic violence murder wouldn't have happened. There have been a lot of spouses killed without a gun being involved.

But the suicides? How do you know they wouldn't have killed themselves another way? Please enlighten us on how you came to this bullshit conclusion?

You take away a method of suicide, the suicide rate drops.

For instance, when the they redesigned ovens so people couldn't gas themselves, the suicde rate dropped.

In the two cases, one was a teenage kid, the other was a guy with terminal cancer. Neither one would have tried something else.

when the they redesigned ovens so people couldn't gas themselves, the suicde rate dropped.

I'd like to see a link to THAT!

Why, you'll just pretend you didn't see it.

Re Authors response to Verberne s comment on The British Coal Gas Story The BMJ

As Table 1 and
Figure 4 of Kreitman's paper clearly show, between 1962-3 and 1970-
71, overall suicides declined by around 30% in both males and females. We
agree there is evidence of a (limited) increase in suicide by other
methods, as might be expected, but the far
greater reduction in suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning over the period
studied result in a dramatic decline in overall suicide rates for both men
and women (carbon monoxide poisoning was the single most frequently used
method of suicide in England and Wales in the late 1950s/early 1960s). To
quote Kreitman (page 88) referring to male suicide: "Thus the
decrease in CO suicide has been sufficiently large to lower the total
suicide rate at all ages, but in doing so it conceals an appreciable
increase in young men of suicides by other means" and to
female suicide (page 89) " ... the CO suicide decline has been great
enough to reduce the total suicide rate at all ages".
No one is questioning whether or not it happened. Despite your propensity for lying, we still give you the benefit of the doubt.

What we are calling you on is your claim that the suicides would not have happened without a gun.

Callin me a liar is just an admission you don't have an argument. Get rid of an easy method, suicides decline.

Only careless people. I know people who have guns and my own father had guns, and I don't know of one person who was injured by one. If you want to believe some schmuck on the internet who makes up ridiculous stories that just go against all odds, then go right ahead. I think this guy is full of it and is making things up as he goes along.

so because my stories don't validate your worldview, they can't possibly be true.

Because it's completely unlikely that a 52 year old man can know of three victims of gun violence. that's completely impossible

No one is questioning whether or not it happened. Despite your propensity for lying, we still give you the benefit of the doubt.

What we are calling you on is your claim that the suicides would not have happened without a gun.

No one is questioning whether or not it happened. Despite your propensity for lying, we still give you the benefit of the doubt.

I don't about that. He is a gun banner and a traitor. One of the most dishonest types of poster on debate forums that I have ever come across. Most are dishonest and they lie and twist the truth to fit their agenda.

I don't about that. He is a gun banner and a traitor. One of the most dishonest types of poster on debate forums that I have ever come across. Most are dishonest and they lie and twist the truth to fit their agenda.

Yup. For some reason, being concerned about 32,000 of my fellow Americans being killed by guns makes me traitor to America

I've got a box of medals on my wall that says different.
No one is questioning whether or not it happened. Despite your propensity for lying, we still give you the benefit of the doubt.

What we are calling you on is your claim that the suicides would not have happened without a gun.

Callin me a liar is just an admission you don't have an argument. Get rid of an easy method, suicides decline.

People don't commit suicide because it is convenient. They do it because they don't want to live. And why do you think it would be so much harder to get a razor or a knife than it is to get a gun?

You are projecting. You are the one who lies when you have no argument. I am calling you a liar because you lied.
LMAO!! I came back a little bit ago. I have my laptop in my company vehicle.

You might be right that the domestic violence murder wouldn't have happened. There have been a lot of spouses killed without a gun being involved.

But the suicides? How do you know they wouldn't have killed themselves another way? Please enlighten us on how you came to this bullshit conclusion?

You take away a method of suicide, the suicide rate drops.

For instance, when the they redesigned ovens so people couldn't gas themselves, the suicde rate dropped.

In the two cases, one was a teenage kid, the other was a guy with terminal cancer. Neither one would have tried something else.

when the they redesigned ovens so people couldn't gas themselves, the suicde rate dropped.

I'd like to see a link to THAT!

Why, you'll just pretend you didn't see it.

Re Authors response to Verberne s comment on The British Coal Gas Story The BMJ

As Table 1 and
Figure 4 of Kreitman's paper clearly show, between 1962-3 and 1970-
71, overall suicides declined by around 30% in both males and females. We
agree there is evidence of a (limited) increase in suicide by other
methods, as might be expected, but the far
greater reduction in suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning over the period
studied result in a dramatic decline in overall suicide rates for both men
and women (carbon monoxide poisoning was the single most frequently used
method of suicide in England and Wales in the late 1950s/early 1960s). To
quote Kreitman (page 88) referring to male suicide: "Thus the
decrease in CO suicide has been sufficiently large to lower the total
suicide rate at all ages, but in doing so it conceals an appreciable
increase in young men of suicides by other means" and to
female suicide (page 89) " ... the CO suicide decline has been great
enough to reduce the total suicide rate at all ages".

I can't access this study, only a short excerpt. Of course I want to read the entire study, as well as the rebuttals and more, since what you linked me to was a rebuttal to a prior study.

I don't about that. He is a gun banner and a traitor. One of the most dishonest types of poster on debate forums that I have ever come across. Most are dishonest and they lie and twist the truth to fit their agenda.

Yup. For some reason, being concerned about 32,000 of my fellow Americans being killed by guns makes me traitor to America

I've got a box of medals on my wall that says different.

Don't insult our intelligence. You aren't concerned with lives. You fear your fellow law-abiding American citizens. You want to leave them unarmed and at the mercy of criminals who will STILL be armed.
No one is questioning whether or not it happened. Despite your propensity for lying, we still give you the benefit of the doubt.

What we are calling you on is your claim that the suicides would not have happened without a gun.

Callin me a liar is just an admission you don't have an argument. Get rid of an easy method, suicides decline.

People don't commit suicide because it is convenient. They do it because they don't want to live. And why do you think it would be so much harder to get a razor or a knife than it is to get a gun?

You are projecting. You are the one who lies when you have no argument. I am calling you a liar because you lied.

Exactly, and most people who are seriously considering it can also have more than one plan. And what kind of moron would blame suicide on the TOOL used to carry it out??? Suicide is caused by mental illness in most cases and not the specific tools used. That's like blaming the rope when people hang themselves!!!
LMAO!! I came back a little bit ago. I have my laptop in my company vehicle.

You might be right that the domestic violence murder wouldn't have happened. There have been a lot of spouses killed without a gun being involved.

But the suicides? How do you know they wouldn't have killed themselves another way? Please enlighten us on how you came to this bullshit conclusion?

You take away a method of suicide, the suicide rate drops.

For instance, when the they redesigned ovens so people couldn't gas themselves, the suicde rate dropped.

In the two cases, one was a teenage kid, the other was a guy with terminal cancer. Neither one would have tried something else.

when the they redesigned ovens so people couldn't gas themselves, the suicde rate dropped.

I'd like to see a link to THAT!

Why, you'll just pretend you didn't see it.

Re Authors response to Verberne s comment on The British Coal Gas Story The BMJ

As Table 1 and
Figure 4 of Kreitman's paper clearly show, between 1962-3 and 1970-
71, overall suicides declined by around 30% in both males and females. We
agree there is evidence of a (limited) increase in suicide by other
methods, as might be expected, but the far
greater reduction in suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning over the period
studied result in a dramatic decline in overall suicide rates for both men
and women (carbon monoxide poisoning was the single most frequently used
method of suicide in England and Wales in the late 1950s/early 1960s). To
quote Kreitman (page 88) referring to male suicide: "Thus the
decrease in CO suicide has been sufficiently large to lower the total
suicide rate at all ages, but in doing so it conceals an appreciable
increase in young men of suicides by other means" and to
female suicide (page 89) " ... the CO suicide decline has been great
enough to reduce the total suicide rate at all ages".

First of all, they didn't redesign the ovens, they changed the type of gas.

Secondly, you were, once again, dishonest in your post. Why didn't you post the entire quote? Or at least end the quot with "..." to show you did not quote the author's entire sentence.

What was actually written at the link was: "
"Thus the decrease in CO suicide has been sufficiently large to lower the total
suicide rate at all ages, but in doing so it conceals an appreciable
increase in young men of suicides by other means" and to
female suicide (page 89)
" ... the CO suicide decline has been great
enough to reduce the total suicide rate at all ages".

And your link was a reply to a paper written on the subject. The abstract for the paper is as follows:

"A detailed analysis of suicide rates between 1960 and 1971 for England and Wales and for Scotland confirms that all age-sex subgroups have shown a marked decline in suicide due to domestic gas, corresponding in time to the fall in the CO content. After considering data on the effects of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) Eighth Revision, accident mortality, some personal characteristics of coal gas suicides, and the use of coal gas in parasuicide it was concluded that a simple casual explantation was likely. Suicide due to non-gas methods has in general increased, markedly so in some groups. It was suggested that neither improved psychiatric services nor voluntary agencies could have produced such changes. The 'compensatory' trend of gas and non-gas suicide rates was indicated for certain age-sex subgroups. The continuing need for suicide research was pointed out, and questions were raised concerning the psychological meaning of the epidemiological data."
No one is questioning whether or not it happened. Despite your propensity for lying, we still give you the benefit of the doubt.

What we are calling you on is your claim that the suicides would not have happened without a gun.

Callin me a liar is just an admission you don't have an argument. Get rid of an easy method, suicides decline.

So, if suicides by hanging with rope increases, are you going to suggest we ban rope too?

You know what's strange? Drugs are illegal, and how many people die from drugs every year? Many MANY more than die from guns.
Only careless people. I know people who have guns and my own father had guns, and I don't know of one person who was injured by one. If you want to believe some schmuck on the internet who makes up ridiculous stories that just go against all odds, then go right ahead. I think this guy is full of it and is making things up as he goes along.

You are wrong. We own guns, have for generations, and we are safe because we are not careless or indifferent. And yet we have seen accidents in others' houses over the years.

You can read or watch the news regularly, and you see stupid (not lack of intelligence, lack of common sense) people paying the price for not being careful.

You know it, I know it.

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