NRA General Counsel Robert Dowlut Convicted of Murder


Exactly. I had an intruder break into my home when I was a teenager and masturbated in my room while I was sleeping (he THOUGHT I was sleeping anyway). I don't think I've ever been so frightened and felt so helpless in my life, lying there in my bed with no way to defend myself.

Thankfully for me, it was just some pervy neighborhood kid and not a rapist or a murderer. If it had been, I would have been completely defenseless against him. However, if I had a weapon in my bedside drawer, there is the possibility that I could get to it at some point and use it on the bastard.

And if you screamed, the kid would have probably jumped out the window in embarrassment.

If he had been a rapist, murderer, you'd have never gotten to a weapon.

for someone who has proven bankrupt of knowledge in this area, how can you make such a claim?

we get it that you are afraid of guns and want to project your issues on to the rest of us
How did the 3 people die?

Two suicides and one domestic murders. None would have happened if there hadn't been a gun in the house.

Seriously, did you just sit here for a couple of hours and wait for me to come back... because that's kind of pathetic.

LMAO!! I came back a little bit ago. I have my laptop in my company vehicle.

You might be right that the domestic violence murder wouldn't have happened. There have been a lot of spouses killed without a gun being involved.

But the suicides? How do you know they wouldn't have killed themselves another way? Please enlighten us on how you came to this bullshit conclusion?
people like joe want to remain in the permanent state of being a child with the government making all the decisions for him. The thought of making self defense a personal responsibility and accepting the risk of such an act, is terrifying to cowards who are afraid to grow up. People like him want to ban guns so they won't be reminded of their own failings as men by armed citizens who proudly proclaim WE WILL MAKE OUR OWN SAFETY A PERSONAL PRIORITY

its time for these gun banners to shed their diapers and rubber pants, and put on their big boy trousers and grow a pair

No, guy, we just get tired of watching kids getting rolled out in body bags because you're compensating for a tiny penis.

32,000 gun deaths a year is to high a price.
How did the 3 people die?

Two suicides and one domestic murders. None would have happened if there hadn't been a gun in the house.

Seriously, did you just sit here for a couple of hours and wait for me to come back... because that's kind of pathetic.

Japan has about ZERO privately owned handguns and tons of suicides. Try again

THey also have a culture where Suicide is considered honorable

They do, however, have less than 600 murders a year
people like joe want to remain in the permanent state of being a child with the government making all the decisions for him. The thought of making self defense a personal responsibility and accepting the risk of such an act, is terrifying to cowards who are afraid to grow up. People like him want to ban guns so they won't be reminded of their own failings as men by armed citizens who proudly proclaim WE WILL MAKE OUR OWN SAFETY A PERSONAL PRIORITY

its time for these gun banners to shed their diapers and rubber pants, and put on their big boy trousers and grow a pair

No, guy, we just get tired of watching kids getting rolled out in body bags because you're compensating for a tiny penis.

32,000 gun deaths a year is to high a price.

More than half are suicides and nothing in terms of gun laws will stop that
and more than 75% of all murders are committed by people who are banned from owning any gun and that is true with 75% or more of the victims

so your calls for gun control is moronic since at best, it might effect less than one tenth of the firearm deaths
How did the 3 people die?

Two suicides and one domestic murders. None would have happened if there hadn't been a gun in the house.

Seriously, did you just sit here for a couple of hours and wait for me to come back... because that's kind of pathetic.

Japan has about ZERO privately owned handguns and tons of suicides. Try again

The US ranks 34th in the world for number of suicides per capita. Japan is 8th.
How did the 3 people die?

Two suicides and one domestic murders. None would have happened if there hadn't been a gun in the house.

Seriously, did you just sit here for a couple of hours and wait for me to come back... because that's kind of pathetic.

Japan has about ZERO privately owned handguns and tons of suicides. Try again

THey also have a culture where Suicide is considered honorable

They do, however, have less than 600 murders a year

and First Generation Japanese living in Free USA have lower rates of gun crimes than their cousins and kinsmen living in Gun Free Japan

gun control has nothing to do with crime control
How did the 3 people die?

Two suicides and one domestic murders. None would have happened if there hadn't been a gun in the house.

Seriously, did you just sit here for a couple of hours and wait for me to come back... because that's kind of pathetic.

Japan has about ZERO privately owned handguns and tons of suicides. Try again

THey also have a culture where Suicide is considered honorable

They do, however, have less than 600 murders a year

Oh, so you want to take their culture into account when it suits you, but want it ignored when it doesn't?

More dishonesty. What a surprise.
LMAO!! I came back a little bit ago. I have my laptop in my company vehicle.

You might be right that the domestic violence murder wouldn't have happened. There have been a lot of spouses killed without a gun being involved.

But the suicides? How do you know they wouldn't have killed themselves another way? Please enlighten us on how you came to this bullshit conclusion?

You take away a method of suicide, the suicide rate drops.

For instance, when the they redesigned ovens so people couldn't gas themselves, the suicde rate dropped.

In the two cases, one was a teenage kid, the other was a guy with terminal cancer. Neither one would have tried something else.
people like joe want to remain in the permanent state of being a child with the government making all the decisions for him. The thought of making self defense a personal responsibility and accepting the risk of such an act, is terrifying to cowards who are afraid to grow up. People like him want to ban guns so they won't be reminded of their own failings as men by armed citizens who proudly proclaim WE WILL MAKE OUR OWN SAFETY A PERSONAL PRIORITY

its time for these gun banners to shed their diapers and rubber pants, and put on their big boy trousers and grow a pair

No, guy, we just get tired of watching kids getting rolled out in body bags because you're compensating for a tiny penis.

32,000 gun deaths a year is to high a price.

I am not compensating for anything. No need.
Oh, so you want to take their culture into account when it suits you, but want it ignored when it doesn't?

More dishonesty. What a surprise.

Uh, no. I can actually analyze. Unlike a gun nut fanatic who has to pretend the whole rest of the world doesn't the world doesn't exist.

Japanese consider suicide honorable.
Americans consider it a sin.

And yet we have more of them.
LMAO!! I came back a little bit ago. I have my laptop in my company vehicle.

You might be right that the domestic violence murder wouldn't have happened. There have been a lot of spouses killed without a gun being involved.

But the suicides? How do you know they wouldn't have killed themselves another way? Please enlighten us on how you came to this bullshit conclusion?

You take away a method of suicide, the suicide rate drops.

For instance, when the they redesigned ovens so people couldn't gas themselves, the suicde rate dropped.

In the two cases, one was a teenage kid, the other was a guy with terminal cancer. Neither one would have tried something else.

Do you have evidence of that claim?

The teenage kid could have easily found another way to kill himself. As I have said before, using a gun means that they truly wanted to die.

As for the terminal cancer patient, situations like that are not crimes. The guy didn't want to suffer. Nice compassion there.
Oh, so you want to take their culture into account when it suits you, but want it ignored when it doesn't?

More dishonesty. What a surprise.

Uh, no. I can actually analyze. Unlike a gun nut fanatic who has to pretend the whole rest of the world doesn't the world doesn't exist.

Japanese consider suicide honorable.
Americans consider it a sin.

And yet we have more of them.

We have more suicides?
Oh, so you want to take their culture into account when it suits you, but want it ignored when it doesn't?

More dishonesty. What a surprise.

Uh, no. I can actually analyze. Unlike a gun nut fanatic who has to pretend the whole rest of the world doesn't the world doesn't exist.

Japanese consider suicide honorable.
Americans consider it a sin.

And yet we have more of them.

Let me help you out here. No, we do not have more of them.

Japan has an average annual suicide rate of 21 per 100,000 population.
The US has an average annual suicide rate of 12 per 100,000 population.

And whether it is honorable or not has no relevance. The point of the discussion is your claim that banning guns would save the 20k gun suicides. Yet Japan, where guns are very strictly controlled, has a suicide rate that is close to twice what our is.
You have lied through your teeth yet again, like your heroes North and Reagan, Lonestar.

Anybody who is not a far right reactionary is a liberal to you, Lonestar, which reveals that your brain is swiss cheese.

Kicking the far right and the far left in the teeth is not siding with Obama, except in your diseased mind.

Actually anyone left of center I consider a liberal and that would include you.

You lie so often I doubt you even know what the truth sounds like.

Trust me Jake, everyone on this board with half a brain knows you are a liberal and you side with Democrats. The more you shout how much you're a Republican the less credible you become.

I would suggest you try honesty but I don't think your capable of it.

No person in their right mind would trust you to tell the time of day, son.

You are what you are, a piece of cheap furniture for the far forsaken reactionary right.
LMAO!! I came back a little bit ago. I have my laptop in my company vehicle.

You might be right that the domestic violence murder wouldn't have happened. There have been a lot of spouses killed without a gun being involved.

But the suicides? How do you know they wouldn't have killed themselves another way? Please enlighten us on how you came to this bullshit conclusion?

You take away a method of suicide, the suicide rate drops.

For instance, when the they redesigned ovens so people couldn't gas themselves, the suicde rate dropped.

In the two cases, one was a teenage kid, the other was a guy with terminal cancer. Neither one would have tried something else.

According to the CDC, in 2011, 19,528 people committed suicide without using a gun. 16,477 killed themselves by poisoning or suffocation.
You have lied through your teeth yet again, like your heroes North and Reagan, Lonestar.

Anybody who is not a far right reactionary is a liberal to you, Lonestar, which reveals that your brain is swiss cheese.

Kicking the far right and the far left in the teeth is not siding with Obama, except in your diseased mind.

Actually anyone left of center I consider a liberal and that would include you.

You lie so often I doubt you even know what the truth sounds like.

Trust me Jake, everyone on this board with half a brain knows you are a liberal and you side with Democrats. The more you shout how much you're a Republican the less credible you become.

I would suggest you try honesty but I don't think your capable of it.

No person in their right mind would trust you to tell the time of day, son.

You are what you are, a piece of cheap furniture for the far forsaken reactionary right.

Your concession is duly noted.

You're dismissed.

It may not give someone control in all things, but it damn sure gives them some control over what happens to them. It gives them the ability to defend themselves instead of hiding in a closet and hoping the cops get there in time.

Uh, no. A gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the house than a bad guy.

I've known three families who've had to bury members killed by that gun bought for protection.

Well then you hang around some dumbass people!

Listen: a gun in the house endangers a family far more than protecting it.

I agree that people have the right to own guns, but unfortunately a lot of those folks are indifferent, or uncaring, or just stupid. They earn what they get.

Only careless people. I know people who have guns and my own father had guns, and I don't know of one person who was injured by one. If you want to believe some schmuck on the internet who makes up ridiculous stories that just go against all odds, then go right ahead. I think this guy is full of it and is making things up as he goes along.
LMAO!! I came back a little bit ago. I have my laptop in my company vehicle.

You might be right that the domestic violence murder wouldn't have happened. There have been a lot of spouses killed without a gun being involved.

But the suicides? How do you know they wouldn't have killed themselves another way? Please enlighten us on how you came to this bullshit conclusion?

You take away a method of suicide, the suicide rate drops.

For instance, when the they redesigned ovens so people couldn't gas themselves, the suicde rate dropped.

In the two cases, one was a teenage kid, the other was a guy with terminal cancer. Neither one would have tried something else.

when the they redesigned ovens so people couldn't gas themselves, the suicde rate dropped.

I'd like to see a link to THAT!

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