NRA General Counsel Robert Dowlut Convicted of Murder


It may not give someone control in all things, but it damn sure gives them some control over what happens to them. It gives them the ability to defend themselves instead of hiding in a closet and hoping the cops get there in time.

Uh, no. A gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the house than a bad guy.

I've known three families who've had to bury members killed by that gun bought for protection.

Well then you hang around some dumbass people!

Listen: a gun in the house endangers a family far more than protecting it.

I agree that people have the right to own guns, but unfortunately a lot of those folks are indifferent, or uncaring, or just stupid. They earn what they get.
He paid his debt to society, how is this relevant today? I cannot believe any State Bar would let him practice unless he is proven rehabilitated.

I agree with the reasoning, until you run into an Ollie North, who had his conviction reversed: not because of guilt but because prosecution violated an immunity deal.

Would you believe Ollie when he raised his hand to tell Congress the truth, or if he had become a senator from VA and raised his hand in the other to swear.

Just cause a guy walked, does not mean you give him the benefit of the doubt later on.

It does, however, mean that he is legally able to practice law. And that, in turn, means what he is doing when working for the NRA is fine. If he were selling guns or whatever, maybe there would be some grounds for an argument. But not for practicing law as a member of the Bar Association.

It may not give someone control in all things, but it damn sure gives them some control over what happens to them. It gives them the ability to defend themselves instead of hiding in a closet and hoping the cops get there in time.

Uh, no. A gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the house than a bad guy.

I've known three families who've had to bury members killed by that gun bought for protection.

Well then you hang around some dumbass people!

Listen: a gun in the house endangers a family far more than protecting it.

I agree that people have the right to own guns, but unfortunately a lot of those folks are indifferent, or uncaring, or just stupid. They earn what they get.

This entire idea comes from a study done in 1986. That is the source of the idea that you are more likely to die from having a gun than to use it saving yourself. It has been debunked. The study only looked at cases in which the gun in the home was used to kill a criminal. It ignored the times a criminal was wounded, a criminal was held until police arrived, or when a criminal fled after seeing the gun.
No problem with Ollie being a lawyer if he meets the requirements.

I just would not believe a word he had to say, if he said, "on my honor."
Poor Joe getting beat like a red-he
He paid his debt to society, how is this relevant today? I cannot believe any State Bar would let him practice unless he is proven rehabilitated.

I agree with the reasoning, until you run into an Ollie North, who had his conviction reversed: not because of guilt but because prosecution violated an immunity deal.

Would you believe Ollie when he raised his hand to tell Congress the truth, or if he had become a senator from VA and raised his hand in the other to swear.

Just cause a guy walked, does not mean you give him the benefit of the doubt later on.

Why not?

You give Obama the benefit of the doubt no matter how many times he lies to you.
Actually it is you who give the politicians the benefit of the doubt, Lonstar_Logic.

Since Johnson and Nixon, they have all been liars.

It's such that Ollie, though, a Marine officer lied through his teeth to Congress.

But that's what we expect from far lefties and far righties, like you.
Actually it is you who give the politicians the benefit of the doubt, Lonstar_Logic.

Since Johnson and Nixon, they have all been liars.

It's such that Ollie, though, a Marine officer lied through his teeth to Congress.

But that's what we expect from far lefties and far righties, like you.

Anyone right of center is a far righties in your view.

Give some examples of me giving a politician who has consistently lied the benefit of the doubt.

You have consistently sided with Obama and the liberal Democrats on almost every issue. But hey, I don't expect you to be honest about it, Hell, you haven't been honest about much.

Bullshit. That "study" you are quoting has been debunked so many times you should be embarrassed for quoting it.

I shot it down in this thread yesterday. Do try to keep up.

Were the funerals for people who accidently shot themselves?

you gun nuts are still shitting your pants over Kellerman, but none of you have ever debunked it.

Most your arguments are "No fair, he counted suicides" and my favorite, "Well, they were all darkies"!
You have lied through your teeth yet again, like your heroes North and Reagan, Lonestar.

Anybody who is not a far right reactionary is a liberal to you, Lonestar, which reveals that your brain is swiss cheese.

Kicking the far right and the far left in the teeth is not siding with Obama, except in your diseased mind.

It may not give someone control in all things, but it damn sure gives them some control over what happens to them. It gives them the ability to defend themselves instead of hiding in a closet and hoping the cops get there in time.

Uh, no. A gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the house than a bad guy.

I've known three families who've had to bury members killed by that gun bought for protection.

Well then you hang around some dumbass people!

Ah, you must be one of those "Compassionate Conservatives" we've hears so much about.
So it is not entirely debunked.

The study needs to be updated.

The study claimed that people are more likely to be killed by the gun in their home than they are to be protected by it. The lowest reasonable study I have seen claims that civilians use guns +100,000 times per year to stop crimes. If you combine accidental deaths, suicides and murders you can come up with 32,000 gun deaths per year.
You have lied through your teeth yet again, like your heroes North and Reagan, Lonestar.

Anybody who is not a far right reactionary is a liberal to you, Lonestar, which reveals that your brain is swiss cheese.

Kicking the far right and the far left in the teeth is not siding with Obama, except in your diseased mind.

Actually anyone left of center I consider a liberal and that would include you.

You lie so often I doubt you even know what the truth sounds like.

Trust me Jake, everyone on this board with half a brain knows you are a liberal and you side with Democrats. The more you shout how much you're a Republican the less credible you become.

I would suggest you try honesty but I don't think your capable of it.
I figured you are an Obama Fluffer. You obviously have never faced a lethal confrontation on the street

I have-Turtle one-Mugger 3 (years in the penitentiary and 3 surgeries to put his stomach and rectum back in place)

That statement invokes an image of Turtle-Wax


It may not give someone control in all things, but it damn sure gives them some control over what happens to them. It gives them the ability to defend themselves instead of hiding in a closet and hoping the cops get there in time.

Uh, no. A gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the house than a bad guy.

I've known three families who've had to bury members killed by that gun bought for protection.

Well then you hang around some dumbass people!

Ah, you must be one of those "Compassionate Conservatives" we've hears so much about.

How did the 3 people die?

Exactly. I had an intruder break into my home when I was a teenager and masturbated in my room while I was sleeping (he THOUGHT I was sleeping anyway). I don't think I've ever been so frightened and felt so helpless in my life, lying there in my bed with no way to defend myself.

Thankfully for me, it was just some pervy neighborhood kid and not a rapist or a murderer. If it had been, I would have been completely defenseless against him. However, if I had a weapon in my bedside drawer, there is the possibility that I could get to it at some point and use it on the bastard.

And if you screamed, the kid would have probably jumped out the window in embarrassment.

If he had been a rapist, murderer, you'd have never gotten to a weapon.
You have lied through your teeth yet again, like your heroes North and Reagan, Lonestar.

Anybody who is not a far right reactionary is a liberal to you, Lonestar, which reveals that your brain is swiss cheese.

Kicking the far right and the far left in the teeth is not siding with Obama, except in your diseased mind.

Bullshit. That "study" you are quoting has been debunked so many times you should be embarrassed for quoting it.

I shot it down in this thread yesterday. Do try to keep up.

Were the funerals for people who accidently shot themselves?

you gun nuts are still shitting your pants over Kellerman, but none of you have ever debunked it.

Most your arguments are "No fair, he counted suicides" and my favorite, "Well, they were all darkies"!

Try again. I debunked the study previously, and again in post #332.

Where did anyone say "Well, they were all darkies"?

It may not give someone control in all things, but it damn sure gives them some control over what happens to them. It gives them the ability to defend themselves instead of hiding in a closet and hoping the cops get there in time.

Uh, no. A gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the house than a bad guy.

I've known three families who've had to bury members killed by that gun bought for protection.

Well then you hang around some dumbass people!

Listen: a gun in the house endangers a family far more than protecting it.

I agree that people have the right to own guns, but unfortunately a lot of those folks are indifferent, or uncaring, or just stupid. They earn what they get.

that study was debunked. the authors were proven to be dishonest. most of the guns where there was a shooting, were brought into the home by the attacker. Its a lie and anyone who understands this issue knows that

only morons continue to parrot that 43 number

It may not give someone control in all things, but it damn sure gives them some control over what happens to them. It gives them the ability to defend themselves instead of hiding in a closet and hoping the cops get there in time.

Uh, no. A gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the house than a bad guy.

I've known three families who've had to bury members killed by that gun bought for protection.

Well then you hang around some dumbass people!

Listen: a gun in the house endangers a family far more than protecting it.

I agree that people have the right to own guns, but unfortunately a lot of those folks are indifferent, or uncaring, or just stupid. They earn what they get.

Horsecrap. that is based on dishonest "facts"
How did the 3 people die?

Two suicides and one domestic murders. None would have happened if there hadn't been a gun in the house.

Seriously, did you just sit here for a couple of hours and wait for me to come back... because that's kind of pathetic.

Exactly. I had an intruder break into my home when I was a teenager and masturbated in my room while I was sleeping (he THOUGHT I was sleeping anyway). I don't think I've ever been so frightened and felt so helpless in my life, lying there in my bed with no way to defend myself.

Thankfully for me, it was just some pervy neighborhood kid and not a rapist or a murderer. If it had been, I would have been completely defenseless against him. However, if I had a weapon in my bedside drawer, there is the possibility that I could get to it at some point and use it on the bastard.

And if you screamed, the kid would have probably jumped out the window in embarrassment.

If he had been a rapist, murderer, you'd have never gotten to a weapon.

And you know this how?? Oh yeah, you don't need facts. You just make shit up as you go along.

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