NRA General Counsel Robert Dowlut Convicted of Murder


We are the United States of America. We have rights that we hold precious that our forefathers gave up their LIVES for.

Was that the right to be exploited by a big corporation, or the right to die of a treatable disease because we don't have universal health care?

Oh, here you are going off topic again. Your dishonest scumminess is showing.
Whwe... Good thing there were only FOUR guns.

There are still 20 dead kids and 6 dead teachers, though.

Well I'll be damned. You actually admitted that you were wrong or were lying. But only after I posted the CT State Police reports. I bet that hurt, didn't it?

Pity you couldn't have gotten the actual facts before you posted and reposted the same lie.

It's NOT an important point.

The important point is an absolutely insane person was able to get guns and murder 20 children.

Which you gun nuts are perfectly fine with.

more steaming feces

what we are not OK with is people like you banning 100 million people from having guns so you can pretend you may have stopped-for a short period of time-one homicidal Kamikaze

We are the United States of America. We have rights that we hold precious that our forefathers gave up their LIVES for.

Was that the right to be exploited by a big corporation, or the right to die of a treatable disease because we don't have universal health care?

thanks for admitting what really motivates you and many other gun banners

you are welfare socialist income redistributionists who don't like the fact that the people you want to loot may be armed

We are the United States of America. We have rights that we hold precious that our forefathers gave up their LIVES for.

Was that the right to be exploited by a big corporation, or the right to die of a treatable disease because we don't have universal health care?

Oh, here you are going off topic again. Your dishonest scumminess is showing.

the parasite class has no clue about rights

they think they have a right to force other people to pay for their existence and that honest people have no right to self defense.

parasites like disarmed hosts

We are the United States of America. We have rights that we hold precious that our forefathers gave up their LIVES for.

Was that the right to be exploited by a big corporation, or the right to die of a treatable disease because we don't have universal health care?

Oh, here you are going off topic again. Your dishonest scumminess is showing.

I'm pointing the obvious. Most of the Wars we've fought have been for the interests of the wealthy, and I say that as a second generation veteran.

The idea you need a gun because someone fought for your "Freedom" is silly. Most Industrialized Demos limit gun ownership, and they are just as free as we are.

We are the United States of America. We have rights that we hold precious that our forefathers gave up their LIVES for.

Was that the right to be exploited by a big corporation, or the right to die of a treatable disease because we don't have universal health care?

Oh, here you are going off topic again. Your dishonest scumminess is showing.

I'm pointing the obvious. Most of the Wars we've fought have been for the interests of the wealthy, and I say that as a second generation veteran.

The idea you need a gun because someone fought for your "Freedom" is silly. Most Industrialized Demos limit gun ownership, and they are just as free as we are.

No, you are moving the goal posts AGAIN because you are losing the argument. Here in the United States, the citizens control the government, not the other way around (or at least that is supposed to be the way it works). I don't CARE about other countries. I care about this one and our rights and limiting the power the government has over us.

LMAO!!! It wasn't a petty point when you thought you were right.

Sorry, the SCOTUS has consistently ruled that the right is an individual one, not contingent on being part of a militia.

Its funny that you worry about stigmatizing the dangerously insane, but you don't mind holding 60 million gun owners responsible for what that dangerously insane person does. What an astounding leap of hypocrisy.

Uh, the Supreme Court has not "consistently" ruled that way. Look up US v. Miller, to start with. This is a recent deranged reading that will go away when Scalia takes a dirt nap.

I'm not worried about their feelings, I'm worried about them not seeking treatment.
Whwe... Good thing there were only FOUR guns.

There are still 20 dead kids and 6 dead teachers, though.

Well I'll be damned. You actually admitted that you were wrong or were lying. But only after I posted the CT State Police reports. I bet that hurt, didn't it?

Pity you couldn't have gotten the actual facts before you posted and reposted the same lie.

It's NOT an important point.

The important point is an absolutely insane person was able to get guns and murder 20 children.

Which you gun nuts are perfectly fine with.

And I am all for having insane people listed in the database. I am all for requiring proper/safe storage of firearms.

But at least I do not lie, and insist that I posted facts when I did not. At least I take a little time to educate myself on a topic before I post. He you done that you would not have made a fool of yourself over and over and over in this thread.

He is obviously completely ignorant about all topics related to the second amendment, the United States and our rights. Even worse, he is a traitor to the American people and a government butt kisser.

We are the United States of America. We have rights that we hold precious that our forefathers gave up their LIVES for.

Was that the right to be exploited by a big corporation, or the right to die of a treatable disease because we don't have universal health care?

If you can show where the US Constitution addresses either of thoser ights, you will have a point. Not a point that has anything to do with the topic, but a point.

We are the United States of America. We have rights that we hold precious that our forefathers gave up their LIVES for.

Was that the right to be exploited by a big corporation, or the right to die of a treatable disease because we don't have universal health care?

If you can show where the US Constitution addresses either of thoser ights, you will have a point. Not a point that has anything to do with the topic, but a point.


We are the United States of America. We have rights that we hold precious that our forefathers gave up their LIVES for.

Was that the right to be exploited by a big corporation, or the right to die of a treatable disease because we don't have universal health care?

thanks for admitting what really motivates you and many other gun banners

you are welfare socialist income redistributionists who don't like the fact that the people you want to loot may be armed

Guy, I don't worry about that. Most of you don't have the balls to shoot government officials.
No, you are moving the goal posts AGAIN because you are losing the argument. Here in the United States, the citizens control the government, not the other way around (or at least that is supposed to be the way it works). I don't CARE about other countries. I care about this one and our rights and limiting the power the government has over us.

Uh, actually, big corporations control the government. Seriously, where have you been?

We are the United States of America. We have rights that we hold precious that our forefathers gave up their LIVES for.

Was that the right to be exploited by a big corporation, or the right to die of a treatable disease because we don't have universal health care?

thanks for admitting what really motivates you and many other gun banners

you are welfare socialist income redistributionists who don't like the fact that the people you want to loot may be armed

Guy, I don't worry about that. Most of you don't have the balls to shoot government officials.

You mean YOU don't have the balls and you'd rather climb up into the warmth of the governmental womb because you're nothing but a pussy who cannot even protect yourself or your family. I'll bet even a little girl like me could kick your sorry ass.

We are the United States of America. We have rights that we hold precious that our forefathers gave up their LIVES for.

Was that the right to be exploited by a big corporation, or the right to die of a treatable disease because we don't have universal health care?

If you can show where the US Constitution addresses either of thoser ights, you will have a point. Not a point that has anything to do with the topic, but a point.

Whose talking about the "Constitution"?

He was talking about people who died for "Rights". Which is crap. Most of our wars have been fought because Rich people need their interests protected.

LMAO!!! It wasn't a petty point when you thought you were right.

Sorry, the SCOTUS has consistently ruled that the right is an individual one, not contingent on being part of a militia.

Its funny that you worry about stigmatizing the dangerously insane, but you don't mind holding 60 million gun owners responsible for what that dangerously insane person does. What an astounding leap of hypocrisy.

Uh, the Supreme Court has not "consistently" ruled that way. Look up US v. Miller, to start with. This is a recent deranged reading that will go away when Scalia takes a dirt nap.

I'm not worried about their feelings, I'm worried about them not seeking treatment.

Sorry, but the SCOTUS voted 5-4 that the individual's right is what the 2nd Amendment protects. Heller v. DC.

Was Adam Lanza seeking treatment?
You mean YOU don't have the balls and you'd rather climb up into the warmth of the governmental womb because you're nothing but a pussy who cannot even protect yourself or your family. I'll bet even a little girl like me could kick your sorry ass.

Uh, sorry, haven't taken any money from the Government since I was a Staff Sergeant in the US Army.

But realistically, for all your smack talk about fighting the "gummit", we saw that in the 1990's, when your sort all crawled back into your holes after McVeigh did his thing.
Here are some non-gun related mass murders for you to examine:

Arson, Stabbing Rampage in Seoul South Korea : 10/20/2008. 6 people dead, 5 from stabbing. 7 others wounded, 4 seriously. An angry man felt people “looked down on him.”

Anti-police stabbing spree in Shanghai, China: 7/2008. 6 Police Officers stabbed to death, 4 wounded. 28 year old man angry at police attacked a police station with a knife.

Akihabara Massacre, Chiyoda City, Tokyo, Japan: 6/8/2008. 7 people killed (3 struck by car, 4 by stabbing), many more injured. Man slammed into a crowd with his car, then jumped out and began stabbing people to death.

18 year old slashes 4 to death in Sitka, Alaska, US: 3/25/2008. 4 people killed. 18 year old (old enough to purchase a rifle over the counter) kills 4 people, related to him, with a 5 inch knife.

Stabbing Spree kills 2, Tsuchiura, Japan: 3/23/2008. 2 killed, 7 wounded. Man “just wanted to kill anyone.”

Stabbing spree wounds 41, 6 seriously in Berlin Train Station: 5/26/2006. 41 wounded, 6 seriously. Thankfully no one died in this attack, but not for lack of trying on the part of the drunk 16 year old.

4 killed in stabbing spree in London, UK: 9/2004. 4 killed, 2 wounded. Mentally ill man attacks mostly older people.

6 killed over Xbox dispute in Deltona, Florida, US: 8/6/2004. 6 killed. 4 men (all old enough to legally purchase firearms) bludgeon 6 people to death with baseball bats over purloined Xbox.

Daegu subway fire, Daegu, South Korea: 2/18/2003. 198 killed, 147 injured. A 56 year old unemployed taxi driver, dissatisfied with his medical treatment, sets fire to a crowded train.

Osaka School Massacre, Osaka Japan: 6/8/2001. 8 children dead, 13 other children and 2 teachers wounded. Committed by 37 year old former janitor armed with a kitchen knife."

The oldest one listed happened in 2003, so well below your 20 year threshold.
You mean YOU don't have the balls and you'd rather climb up into the warmth of the governmental womb because you're nothing but a pussy who cannot even protect yourself or your family. I'll bet even a little girl like me could kick your sorry ass.

Uh, sorry, haven't taken any money from the Government since I was a Staff Sergeant in the US Army.

But realistically, for all your smack talk about fighting the "gummit", we saw that in the 1990's, when your sort all crawled back into your holes after McVeigh did his thing.

My sort? You don't know anything about anything, never mind about what "my sort" is. You are just a silly government lackey and a traitor to the American people, plain and simple.
You mean YOU don't have the balls and you'd rather climb up into the warmth of the governmental womb because you're nothing but a pussy who cannot even protect yourself or your family. I'll bet even a little girl like me could kick your sorry ass.

Uh, sorry, haven't taken any money from the Government since I was a Staff Sergeant in the US Army.

But realistically, for all your smack talk about fighting the "gummit", we saw that in the 1990's, when your sort all crawled back into your holes after McVeigh did his thing.

Interesting that you bring up McVeigh. He murdered 168 people. And he did not use a gun to kill a single one.

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