NRA General Counsel Robert Dowlut Convicted of Murder

Whwe... Good thing there were only FOUR guns.

There are still 20 dead kids and 6 dead teachers, though.

Well I'll be damned. You actually admitted that you were wrong or were lying. But only after I posted the CT State Police reports. I bet that hurt, didn't it?

Pity you couldn't have gotten the actual facts before you posted and reposted the same lie.

It's NOT an important point.

The important point is an absolutely insane person was able to get guns and murder 20 children.

Which you gun nuts are perfectly fine with.
No, what I posted was NOT the Kleck study. Obviously you have trouble reading or you don't care about actual facts.

I don't click on links provided by gun nuts. I don't waste my time with them. I have no interest in what you have to say.

YOU are the gun nut here. Your fear of and wanting to limit the rights of HONEST citizens boggles the mind. You do realize that none of your proposals would effect the CRIMINALS who are the ones doing the killing, right?

He is woefully ignorant on the topic. But he insists he is right. lol
Whwe... Good thing there were only FOUR guns.

There are still 20 dead kids and 6 dead teachers, though.

Well I'll be damned. You actually admitted that you were wrong or were lying. But only after I posted the CT State Police reports. I bet that hurt, didn't it?

Pity you couldn't have gotten the actual facts before you posted and reposted the same lie.

It's NOT an important point.

The important point is an absolutely insane person was able to get guns and murder 20 children.

Which you gun nuts are perfectly fine with.

How do you think your laws are going to stop insane people who are intent on killing, from obtaining a weapon? A lot of the time these people have NO past history, so how would anyone know? Your suggestions are BEYOND ridiculous.

It is already illegal to kill people with a weapon, ANY weapon.

YOU are the gun nut here. Your fear of and wanting to limit the rights of HONEST citizens boggles the mind. You do realize that none of your proposals would effect the CRIMINALS who are the ones doing the killing, right?

Up until the morning he went on his rampage, Lanza was an honest citizen. So was Holmes. So was Loughner. So was Cho.

Most people are murdered by people they know, and countries that limit gun ownership have nowhere near our murder rates.
Whwe... Good thing there were only FOUR guns.

There are still 20 dead kids and 6 dead teachers, though.

Well I'll be damned. You actually admitted that you were wrong or were lying. But only after I posted the CT State Police reports. I bet that hurt, didn't it?

Pity you couldn't have gotten the actual facts before you posted and reposted the same lie.

It's NOT an important point.

The important point is an absolutely insane person was able to get guns and murder 20 children.

Which you gun nuts are perfectly fine with.

It was not a particularly important point, I will give you that. But the fact that you argued adamantly that you were correct, without taking a few seconds to check, speaks volumes about you.

And no, the gun buffs are not ok with what happened. We just refuse to allow you to take away the rights of 60+ million law abiding gun owners because 1 lunatic was willing to murder his mother in order to gain access to guns and commit a heinous crime.

The fact that I do not give up my rights does NOT mean I approve of anything he did.

Also, rather than disarm the population, how about you push the mental health community to submit the names of the lunatics to the database for the background checks? Adam Lanza was never reported to that database as dangerously insane. But NOOOOO, you demand that everyone give up a constitutional right because the system you demanded isn't being fed the proper info by medical professionals.

YOU are the gun nut here. Your fear of and wanting to limit the rights of HONEST citizens boggles the mind. You do realize that none of your proposals would effect the CRIMINALS who are the ones doing the killing, right?

Up until the morning he went on his rampage, Lanza was an honest citizen. So was Holmes. So was Loughner. So was Cho.

Most people are murdered by people they know, and countries that limit gun ownership have nowhere near our murder rates.

Once again, most countries have lower rape rates, assault rates, and general violence rates.

How do you think your laws are going to stop insane people who are intent on killing, from obtaining a weapon? A lot of the time these people have NO past history, so how would anyone know? Your suggestions are BEYOND ridiculous.

It is already illegal to kill people with a weapon, ANY weapon.

Well, let's see now, if no one is allowed to own guns or manufacture them, getting guns is going to be a lot harder.

It's why you don't hear about these mass shootings in Japan, England, Germany, etc.

(Watch, the gun nuts will cite some 20 year old incident from one these countries and miss the point.)

YOU are the gun nut here. Your fear of and wanting to limit the rights of HONEST citizens boggles the mind. You do realize that none of your proposals would effect the CRIMINALS who are the ones doing the killing, right?

Up until the morning he went on his rampage, Lanza was an honest citizen. So was Holmes. So was Loughner. So was Cho.

Most people are murdered by people they know, and countries that limit gun ownership have nowhere near our murder rates.

That is such bull! Plenty of countries that limit gun ownership have TONS of violence and murders. Also, some, like Sweden, that have high rates of gun ownership do NOT have high levels of violence. Therefore, your attempts at correlating gun ownership with violence are bogus.

GUNS do not make people kill.
Whwe... Good thing there were only FOUR guns.

There are still 20 dead kids and 6 dead teachers, though.

Well I'll be damned. You actually admitted that you were wrong or were lying. But only after I posted the CT State Police reports. I bet that hurt, didn't it?

Pity you couldn't have gotten the actual facts before you posted and reposted the same lie.

It's NOT an important point.

The important point is an absolutely insane person was able to get guns and murder 20 children.

Which you gun nuts are perfectly fine with.

And I am all for having insane people listed in the database. I am all for requiring proper/safe storage of firearms.

But at least I do not lie, and insist that I posted facts when I did not. At least I take a little time to educate myself on a topic before I post. He you done that you would not have made a fool of yourself over and over and over in this thread.

How do you think your laws are going to stop insane people who are intent on killing, from obtaining a weapon? A lot of the time these people have NO past history, so how would anyone know? Your suggestions are BEYOND ridiculous.

It is already illegal to kill people with a weapon, ANY weapon.

Well, let's see now, if no one is allowed to own guns or manufacture them, getting guns is going to be a lot harder.

It's why you don't hear about these mass shootings in Japan, England, Germany, etc.

(Watch, the gun nuts will cite some 20 year old incident from one these countries and miss the point.)

Then, only the government will have guns. Good Lord, you must be dense. You have absolutely NO idea why we have rights do you?

How do you think your laws are going to stop insane people who are intent on killing, from obtaining a weapon? A lot of the time these people have NO past history, so how would anyone know? Your suggestions are BEYOND ridiculous.

It is already illegal to kill people with a weapon, ANY weapon.

Well, let's see now, if no one is allowed to own guns or manufacture them, getting guns is going to be a lot harder.

It's why you don't hear about these mass shootings in Japan, England, Germany, etc.

(Watch, the gun nuts will cite some 20 year old incident from one these countries and miss the point.)

So you propose to eliminate private gun ownership and stop all gun manufacturing??? LMAO!!!!

Yeah, because our borders are so secure that no guns could ever be smuggled in, could they??

And your plan would, obviously, also include removing all firearms used for hunting too. Good luck controlling animal populations and funding state conservation efforts.
It was not a particularly important point, I will give you that. But the fact that you argued adamantly that you were correct, without taking a few seconds to check, speaks volumes about you.

That I'm not an ana-retentive type who argues over petty points?

And no, the gun buffs are not ok with what happened. We just refuse to allow you to take away the rights of 60+ million law abiding gun owners because 1 lunatic was willing to murder his mother in order to gain access to guns and commit a heinous crime.

Nobody is taking away your right to join a well-regulated militia

The fact that I do not give up my rights does NOT mean I approve of anything he did.

Also, rather than disarm the population, how about you push the mental health community to submit the names of the lunatics to the database for the background checks? Adam Lanza was never reported to that database as dangerously insane. But NOOOOO, you demand that everyone give up a constitutional right because the system you demanded isn't being fed the proper info by medical professionals.

Main reason? Because we don't want to stigmatize the mentally ill. It's hard enough to get them to seek treatment as it is.

Adam didn't get the help he needed because his mother was as crazy as he was.

Then, only the government will have guns. Good Lord, you must be dense. You have absolutely NO idea why we have rights do you?

And that works perfectly fine in England and Japan. Hey, you know, the cops in Tokyo only had to draw their weapons about five times a year. Women can walk the streets at night with out fear.

The main reason why you have cops armed like the military in this country is too many of you guys have guns.
here those gun nuts wanna have power to kill again. same mindset as rapists.haha. might makes right. ?

How do you think your laws are going to stop insane people who are intent on killing, from obtaining a weapon? A lot of the time these people have NO past history, so how would anyone know? Your suggestions are BEYOND ridiculous.

It is already illegal to kill people with a weapon, ANY weapon.

Well, let's see now, if no one is allowed to own guns or manufacture them, getting guns is going to be a lot harder.

It's why you don't hear about these mass shootings in Japan, England, Germany, etc.

(Watch, the gun nuts will cite some 20 year old incident from one these countries and miss the point.)

How about one from 10 days ago? This is an article about a woman gunned down with a shotgun and a machine gun, in a country with extremely strict gun laws, and on an island (meaning much more control over what comes in and out).

Sabrina Moss death Pictures show moment gangsters shot dead innocent teacher as she celebrated 24th birthday - Mirror Online

Since you don't look at links we post, let me provide some important info for you.

From the linked article:
"The nursery schoolteacher and her friend Sabrina Gachette were gunned down in the street by two hooded men armed with a machine gun and a shot gun"


Then, only the government will have guns. Good Lord, you must be dense. You have absolutely NO idea why we have rights do you?

And that works perfectly fine in England and Japan. Hey, you know, the cops in Tokyo only had to draw their weapons about five times a year. Women can walk the streets at night with out fear.

The main reason why you have cops armed like the military in this country is too many of you guys have guns.

We are the United States of America. We have rights that we hold precious that our forefathers gave up their LIVES for.

How do you think your laws are going to stop insane people who are intent on killing, from obtaining a weapon? A lot of the time these people have NO past history, so how would anyone know? Your suggestions are BEYOND ridiculous.

It is already illegal to kill people with a weapon, ANY weapon.

Well, let's see now, if no one is allowed to own guns or manufacture them, getting guns is going to be a lot harder.

It's why you don't hear about these mass shootings in Japan, England, Germany, etc.

(Watch, the gun nuts will cite some 20 year old incident from one these countries and miss the point.)

How about one from 10 days ago? This is an article about a woman gunned down with a shotgun and a machine gun, in a country with extremely strict gun laws, and on an island (meaning much more control over what comes in and out).

Sabrina Moss death Pictures show moment gangsters shot dead innocent teacher as she celebrated 24th birthday - Mirror Online

Since you don't look at links we post, let me provide some important info for you.

From the linked article:
"The nursery schoolteacher and her friend Sabrina Gachette were gunned down in the street by two hooded men armed with a machine gun and a shot gun"

Two persons is a mass shooting?
It was not a particularly important point, I will give you that. But the fact that you argued adamantly that you were correct, without taking a few seconds to check, speaks volumes about you.

That I'm not an ana-retentive type who argues over petty points?

And no, the gun buffs are not ok with what happened. We just refuse to allow you to take away the rights of 60+ million law abiding gun owners because 1 lunatic was willing to murder his mother in order to gain access to guns and commit a heinous crime.

Nobody is taking away your right to join a well-regulated militia

The fact that I do not give up my rights does NOT mean I approve of anything he did.

Also, rather than disarm the population, how about you push the mental health community to submit the names of the lunatics to the database for the background checks? Adam Lanza was never reported to that database as dangerously insane. But NOOOOO, you demand that everyone give up a constitutional right because the system you demanded isn't being fed the proper info by medical professionals.

Main reason? Because we don't want to stigmatize the mentally ill. It's hard enough to get them to seek treatment as it is.

Adam didn't get the help he needed because his mother was as crazy as he was.

LMAO!!! It wasn't a petty point when you thought you were right.

Sorry, the SCOTUS has consistently ruled that the right is an individual one, not contingent on being part of a militia.

Its funny that you worry about stigmatizing the dangerously insane, but you don't mind holding 60 million gun owners responsible for what that dangerously insane person does. What an astounding leap of hypocrisy.

How do you think your laws are going to stop insane people who are intent on killing, from obtaining a weapon? A lot of the time these people have NO past history, so how would anyone know? Your suggestions are BEYOND ridiculous.

It is already illegal to kill people with a weapon, ANY weapon.

Well, let's see now, if no one is allowed to own guns or manufacture them, getting guns is going to be a lot harder.

It's why you don't hear about these mass shootings in Japan, England, Germany, etc.

(Watch, the gun nuts will cite some 20 year old incident from one these countries and miss the point.)

How about one from 10 days ago? This is an article about a woman gunned down with a shotgun and a machine gun, in a country with extremely strict gun laws, and on an island (meaning much more control over what comes in and out).

Sabrina Moss death Pictures show moment gangsters shot dead innocent teacher as she celebrated 24th birthday - Mirror Online

Since you don't look at links we post, let me provide some important info for you.

From the linked article:
"The nursery schoolteacher and her friend Sabrina Gachette were gunned down in the street by two hooded men armed with a machine gun and a shot gun"

Two persons is a mass shooting?

So mass shootings, which amounts to less than 1% of the gun murders in the US is all that counts?

No comment that the criminals had a shotgun and a machine gun, it such a tightly controlled country?

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