NRA General Counsel Robert Dowlut Convicted of Murder


so now you are a government teat sucking parasite? liberalism is a scheme to get people who want to be treated like children to give more and more wealth and power to control freaks who want to be everyone else's parent

actually, what's created more liberals is guy like your boy Mitt Romney sending good paying union jobs to China and looted their pension funds. Then you wonder why Granny working for Minimum wage at Wal-Mart is for more food stamps and social security.

Apparently it is impossible for you to be honest about anything.

The reason he gives for switching his entire ideology is quite pathetic as well. Because his boss fired him? For medical bills? My BS radar is going off! Lol!

This mythical "I was fired for being injured and running up medical bills" has been his excuse for any number of things. Maybe if he repeats it enough he will believe it.

yet you firmly believe Nancy Lanza was a responsible gun owner...

Can you even make an attempt at an honest discussion? Or do you rely on lies for your entire debate?

Here you claim that I "... firmly believe Nancy Lanza was a responsible gun owner...". I ask if that was what I said, and you ignored it.

I only found one reference to Nancy Lanza and whether or not she was a responsible gun owner. And that was in Post #190. I said, "No, Nancy Lanza was not a responsible gun owner if she did not store her firearms properly.".

Do you think gang members in the inner cities are going to follow your gun laws, or ANY criminals for that matter? :lol:

Basically, the only thing you and people like you suggest is to leave the law-abiding citizens in this country to be sitting ducks for the criminals to prey upon, knowing full well that WE are unarmed and defenseless. GREAT idea!!!

Hey, Captain Dumbass, according to the FBI,there were only 201 cases of "justifiable homicide" with guns by civilian owners. So 300 million guns and 32,000 gun fatalities, it doesn't look like you guys are doing a lot of "Crime Stopping" to justify the risk.

speaking of dumbasses-you are only COUNTING KILLED Criminals-

not ones wounded

not ones captured at gun point

not ones driven away by the sight of a firearm

most of those gun deaths are suicides btw

so your math just plain sucks

we might promote you to colonel

so now you are a government teat sucking parasite? liberalism is a scheme to get people who want to be treated like children to give more and more wealth and power to control freaks who want to be everyone else's parent

actually, what's created more liberals is guy like your boy Mitt Romney sending good paying union jobs to China and looted their pension funds. Then you wonder why Granny working for Minimum wage at Wal-Mart is for more food stamps and social security.

divert much. sounds like your anti gun psychobabble is nothing more than typical unionista Dem toady croakings

Do you think gang members in the inner cities are going to follow your gun laws, or ANY criminals for that matter? :lol:

Basically, the only thing you and people like you suggest is to leave the law-abiding citizens in this country to be sitting ducks for the criminals to prey upon, knowing full well that WE are unarmed and defenseless. GREAT idea!!!

Hey, Captain Dumbass, according to the FBI,there were only 201 cases of "justifiable homicide" with guns by civilian owners. So 300 million guns and 32,000 gun fatalities, it doesn't look like you guys are doing a lot of "Crime Stopping" to justify the risk.

speaking of dumbasses-you are only COUNTING KILLED Criminals-

not ones wounded

not ones captured at gun point

not ones driven away by the sight of a firearm

most of those gun deaths are suicides btw

so your math just plain sucks

we might promote you to colonel

Of course his math and reasoning sucks.

He has been dishonest during this entire thread.

He constantly adds the gun suicides into the numbers, to inflate them.
He tries to claim people have expressed certain ideas when they have not.
He has bounced all over the place to different topics when he starts to lose.
He talked about the number of criminals killed like it is the only mark of success.

He is a liar and an idiot.

so now you are a government teat sucking parasite? liberalism is a scheme to get people who want to be treated like children to give more and more wealth and power to control freaks who want to be everyone else's parent

actually, what's created more liberals is guy like your boy Mitt Romney sending good paying union jobs to China and looted their pension funds. Then you wonder why Granny working for Minimum wage at Wal-Mart is for more food stamps and social security.

Oh, Romney is responsible for jobs going to China? I must say that you have a very interesting and unusual outlook. Lol!

Do you think gang members in the inner cities are going to follow your gun laws, or ANY criminals for that matter? :lol:

Basically, the only thing you and people like you suggest is to leave the law-abiding citizens in this country to be sitting ducks for the criminals to prey upon, knowing full well that WE are unarmed and defenseless. GREAT idea!!!

Hey, Captain Dumbass, according to the FBI,there were only 201 cases of "justifiable homicide" with guns by civilian owners. So 300 million guns and 32,000 gun fatalities, it doesn't look like you guys are doing a lot of "Crime Stopping" to justify the risk.

speaking of dumbasses-you are only COUNTING KILLED Criminals-

not ones wounded

not ones captured at gun point

not ones driven away by the sight of a firearm

most of those gun deaths are suicides btw

so your math just plain sucks

we might promote you to colonel

Of course his math and reasoning sucks.

He has been dishonest during this entire thread.

He constantly adds the gun suicides into the numbers, to inflate them.
He tries to claim people have expressed certain ideas when they have not.
He has bounced all over the place to different topics when he starts to lose.
He talked about the number of criminals killed like it is the only mark of success.

He is a liar and an idiot.

Yes, he is totally transparent.

Do you think gang members in the inner cities are going to follow your gun laws, or ANY criminals for that matter? :lol:

Basically, the only thing you and people like you suggest is to leave the law-abiding citizens in this country to be sitting ducks for the criminals to prey upon, knowing full well that WE are unarmed and defenseless. GREAT idea!!!

Hey, Captain Dumbass, according to the FBI,there were only 201 cases of "justifiable homicide" with guns by civilian owners. So 300 million guns and 32,000 gun fatalities, it doesn't look like you guys are doing a lot of "Crime Stopping" to justify the risk.

speaking of dumbasses-you are only COUNTING KILLED Criminals-

not ones wounded

not ones captured at gun point

not ones driven away by the sight of a firearm

most of those gun deaths are suicides btw

so your math just plain sucks

we might promote you to colonel

I'm sure plenty more criminals flee and are not shot. This guy is a government tool apparently.

speaking of dumbasses-you are only COUNTING KILLED Criminals-

not ones wounded

not ones captured at gun point

not ones driven away by the sight of a firearm

most of those gun deaths are suicides btw

so your math just plain sucks

we might promote you to colonel

Gun suicides are still bad. And, yes, it's a good reason why we should restrict who should have a gun.

I didn't count the uncountable, because there's no way to accurately measure it, and it leads to assholes like Keck throwing out bullshit numbers. I also didn't count times domestic abusers threaten their families with a gun and don't kill them. I'm sure that happens a lot, too.

so now you are a government teat sucking parasite? liberalism is a scheme to get people who want to be treated like children to give more and more wealth and power to control freaks who want to be everyone else's parent

actually, what's created more liberals is guy like your boy Mitt Romney sending good paying union jobs to China and looted their pension funds. Then you wonder why Granny working for Minimum wage at Wal-Mart is for more food stamps and social security.

divert much. sounds like your anti gun psychobabble is nothing more than typical unionista Dem toady croakings

Actually, gun nuts and religious nuts made it possible for the 1%ers to destroy the middle class.

So confiscate their guns and make them bake that gay wedding cake. They deserve it.

speaking of dumbasses-you are only COUNTING KILLED Criminals-

not ones wounded

not ones captured at gun point

not ones driven away by the sight of a firearm

most of those gun deaths are suicides btw

so your math just plain sucks

we might promote you to colonel

Gun suicides are still bad. And, yes, it's a good reason why we should restrict who should have a gun.

I didn't count the uncountable, because there's no way to accurately measure it, and it leads to assholes like Keck throwing out bullshit numbers. I also didn't count times domestic abusers threaten their families with a gun and don't kill them. I'm sure that happens a lot, too.

Gun suicides are "bad" huh? They aren't any worse than any other suicides. Stick to the topic and stop jumping all over the place.

The reason he gives for switching his entire ideology is quite pathetic as well. Because his boss fired him? For medical bills? My BS radar is going off! Lol!

This mythical "I was fired for being injured and running up medical bills" has been his excuse for any number of things. Maybe if he repeats it enough he will believe it.

yet you firmly believe Nancy Lanza was a responsible gun owner...

Can you even make an attempt at an honest discussion? Or do you rely on lies for your entire debate?

Here you claim that I "... firmly believe Nancy Lanza was a responsible gun owner...". I ask if that was what I said, and you ignored it.

I only found one reference to Nancy Lanza and whether or not she was a responsible gun owner. And that was in Post #190. I said, "No, Nancy Lanza was not a responsible gun owner if she did not store her firearms properly.".

But you did say that it was cool for her to have 1600 rounds of ammo, 8 guns, 5 samurai swords and one batshit crazy kid all in the same house.

Or as I like to call her, an NRA Gold member.


Gun suicides are "bad" huh? They aren't any worse than any other suicides. Stick to the topic and stop jumping all over the place.

When people slit their wrists or take pills, you have a reasonable chance of saving them.

Guns, not so much.

Plenty of people successfully carry out suicide every day without a gun.


Gun suicides are "bad" huh? They aren't any worse than any other suicides. Stick to the topic and stop jumping all over the place.

When people slit their wrists or take pills, you have a reasonable chance of saving them.

Guns, not so much.

You should give up on this thread.

The reason he gives for switching his entire ideology is quite pathetic as well. Because his boss fired him? For medical bills? My BS radar is going off! Lol!

This mythical "I was fired for being injured and running up medical bills" has been his excuse for any number of things. Maybe if he repeats it enough he will believe it.

yet you firmly believe Nancy Lanza was a responsible gun owner...

Can you even make an attempt at an honest discussion? Or do you rely on lies for your entire debate?

Here you claim that I "... firmly believe Nancy Lanza was a responsible gun owner...". I ask if that was what I said, and you ignored it.

I only found one reference to Nancy Lanza and whether or not she was a responsible gun owner. And that was in Post #190. I said, "No, Nancy Lanza was not a responsible gun owner if she did not store her firearms properly.".

But you did say that it was cool for her to have 1600 rounds of ammo, 8 guns, 5 samurai swords and one batshit crazy kid all in the same house.

Or as I like to call her, an NRA Gold member.


Indeed I did say that about the ammo she had in the house. And what I have said remains accurate. But my discussion of the amounts of ammo were not in reference to nancy Lanza being a responsible gun owner. It was in response to your claim that she was a prepper. I haven't said a damn thing about swords, so once again you seem incapable of an honest discussion.

speaking of dumbasses-you are only COUNTING KILLED Criminals-

not ones wounded

not ones captured at gun point

not ones driven away by the sight of a firearm

most of those gun deaths are suicides btw

so your math just plain sucks

we might promote you to colonel

Gun suicides are still bad. And, yes, it's a good reason why we should restrict who should have a gun.

I didn't count the uncountable, because there's no way to accurately measure it, and it leads to assholes like Keck throwing out bullshit numbers. I also didn't count times domestic abusers threaten their families with a gun and don't kill them. I'm sure that happens a lot, too.

But you certainly ignored all but the times the criminals are killed. And there are plenty of studies that guns are used to stop crimes far more often than they are used to kill.

so now you are a government teat sucking parasite? liberalism is a scheme to get people who want to be treated like children to give more and more wealth and power to control freaks who want to be everyone else's parent

actually, what's created more liberals is guy like your boy Mitt Romney sending good paying union jobs to China and looted their pension funds. Then you wonder why Granny working for Minimum wage at Wal-Mart is for more food stamps and social security.

divert much. sounds like your anti gun psychobabble is nothing more than typical unionista Dem toady croakings

Actually, gun nuts and religious nuts made it possible for the 1%ers to destroy the middle class.

So confiscate their guns and make them bake that gay wedding cake. They deserve it.

Jeez, jumping to yet another topic??

What do religious nuts have to do with this topic?

And please tell us how gun owners allow the 1%ers to destroy the middle class??

More bullshit.

The reason he gives for switching his entire ideology is quite pathetic as well. Because his boss fired him? For medical bills? My BS radar is going off! Lol!

This mythical "I was fired for being injured and running up medical bills" has been his excuse for any number of things. Maybe if he repeats it enough he will believe it.

yet you firmly believe Nancy Lanza was a responsible gun owner...

Can you even make an attempt at an honest discussion? Or do you rely on lies for your entire debate?

Here you claim that I "... firmly believe Nancy Lanza was a responsible gun owner...". I ask if that was what I said, and you ignored it.

I only found one reference to Nancy Lanza and whether or not she was a responsible gun owner. And that was in Post #190. I said, "No, Nancy Lanza was not a responsible gun owner if she did not store her firearms properly.".

But you did say that it was cool for her to have 1600 rounds of ammo, 8 guns, 5 samurai swords and one batshit crazy kid all in the same house.

Or as I like to call her, an NRA Gold member.


There were 4 guns on the scene and 3 at the house. Perhaps union math works out 4+3=8, but no one else's math does that.

Gun suicides are "bad" huh? They aren't any worse than any other suicides. Stick to the topic and stop jumping all over the place.

When people slit their wrists or take pills, you have a reasonable chance of saving them.

Guns, not so much.

Indeed. But that proves our point, not yours. As I have said, repeatedly, a gun suicide means they truly wanted to die. You aren't going to stop them unless you have a crystal ball and can see the future.

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