NRA General Counsel Robert Dowlut Convicted of Murder

Man, trying to reason with gun nuts is always a futile gesture.

that is mainly because there is no reasonable minds on the gun ban side of the aisle

you all start from a position of dishonesty and it only gets worse

you pretend you are trying to decrease crime when in reality you want to harass conservatives
Arming herself like the Zombie apocalypse was coming?? WTF? She had 3 rifles, 3 handguns and 1 shotgun. (oh, and a BB gun) One of the rifles was an inexpensive bolt action .22. Another was an Enfield rifle, which was first adopted by the British military in 1895.

And was Adam Lanza in the database that would have stopped him from buying a firearm? I know he went to buy a rifle and didn't because of the 14 day waiting period. But I have seen nothing saying he would not have been able to buy a gun.

If you want to pass legislation requiring firearms be stored safely, I have no problem with that.

How about we talk about Elliot Rodgers too? He had been seeing a shrink since he was 9 years old, and yet he was able to buy 3 handguns on 3 different occasions, passing the background check each time.

That just tells me that the background checks were too lax. This is the problem with starting off at the premise gun ownership is a "right". Then it becomes very hard to deny you one.

Lanza had 1600 rounds of ammunition in her home.

Guns knives ammo and gear Adam Lanza s arsenal item by item - U.S. News

Serious, the folks on The Walking Dead wish they had this kind of gear.

I have far more ammunition as do most competitive shooters

you really have no clue what you are talking about

Right? Looking at the inventory, over 650 rounds of that were .22s. The rest of the <940 rounds were mostly various types of shotgun shell.

There are 20 dead kids and 6 dead teachers who would beg to differ.


Do they know something we don't?

If the inventory list the rounds mentioned, why would they "beg to differ??

He's just trying to inject emotion into the argument.
Man, trying to reason with gun nuts is always a futile gesture.

that is mainly because there is no reasonable minds on the gun ban side of the aisle

you all start from a position of dishonesty and it only gets worse

you pretend you are trying to decrease crime when in reality you want to harass conservatives

Right.... See, this is the kind of crazy I'm talking about.

I am sure those dead innocents might have some interesting comments on gun free zones as well

invoking dead kids killed by someone willing to kill his own mother to get guns and not fearful of death is really pathetic. Other than armed teachers, what would have stopped this guy

and don't tell me

waiting periods
Magazine limits

and all the other things the dishonest anti gun scum bags claim would have stopped this massacre

Lanza fired off 157 rounds in that school. Smaller magazines might have slowed him down.

So would a registration regime that would have flagged crazy Mom when she was building her anti-zombie arsenal

I am sure those dead innocents might have some interesting comments on gun free zones as well

invoking dead kids killed by someone willing to kill his own mother to get guns and not fearful of death is really pathetic. Other than armed teachers, what would have stopped this guy

and don't tell me

waiting periods
Magazine limits

and all the other things the dishonest anti gun scum bags claim would have stopped this massacre

Lanza fired off 157 rounds in that school. Smaller magazines might have slowed him down.

So would a registration regime that would have flagged crazy Mom when she was building her anti-zombie arsenal

And you claim to know a lot about firearms? How long do you think a magazine change takes?

And this insistence that his Mom had an "arsenal" is laughable, to say nothing of it being some sort of prepper's stockpile. Other than the .22 rifle, she had less than 200 rounds for each gun she owned. That is not a prepper.
Sad thing is, in your universe, 1600 rounds is a proper amount to have around he house.


Someone let me know when some sane people stop by the thread.
Sad thing is, in your universe, 1600 rounds is a proper amount to have around he house.


Someone let me know when some sane people stop by the thread.

Insanity is thinking that banning handguns will make this country safer.

Insanity is claiming Lanza's mother was some sort of "prepper".

So yes, let us know when someone sane shows up in this thread.
Sad thing is, in your universe, 1600 rounds is a proper amount to have around he house.

Someone let me know when some sane people stop by the thread.

Insanity is thinking that banning handguns will make this country safer.

Insanity is claiming Lanza's mother was some sort of "prepper".

So yes, let us know when someone sane shows up in this thread.

Banning/limiting handguns has made Japan, Germany, Britian, Canada, France, and Italy safer. But Americans are special, right?

Nancy Lanza's own family has said she was a "Prepper".

So remember, Nancy was a responsible gun owner, and it's totally cool that a murderer represents the NRA in court.
Sad thing is, in your universe, 1600 rounds is a proper amount to have around he house.

Someone let me know when some sane people stop by the thread.

Insanity is thinking that banning handguns will make this country safer.

Insanity is claiming Lanza's mother was some sort of "prepper".

So yes, let us know when someone sane shows up in this thread.

Banning/limiting handguns has made Japan, Germany, Britian, Canada, France, and Italy safer. But Americans are special, right?

Nancy Lanza's own family has said she was a "Prepper".

So remember, Nancy was a responsible gun owner, and it's totally cool that a murderer represents the NRA in court.

Once again, you have to look at the non-gun related violent crimes as well. Many nations are less violent than we are, in general. Plus, some of those countries have seen a steady rise in the murder rates, while in the US the rates have been steadily falling.

Nancy Lanza's family must be idiots too. But I would love to see a link showing that they said that.

No, Nancy Lanza was not a responsible gun owner if she did not store her firearms properly. But then, her son was willing to murder his own mother to gain access to the guns. That puts him in a rare category of lunatic.

The fact that Dowlut is a member of the Bar association in good standing is the only legal requirement for practicing law. Your attempts to make his past conviction, and subsequent overturning of that conviction, shows how little hope you have of getting guns banned.

BTW, no rational anti-gunner has ever (to my knowledge) talked about banning the rifles and shotguns used for hunting. They would be far more dangerous in the hands of a crazy person.

But you do follow the anti-gun nut's pattern of focusing on the mass shootings by strangers. These constitute less than 1% of gun related murders, but they are used as examples to spur the emotional responses for gun bans.
You focus on the mass shootings beause the single shootings are so numerous they barely register, and that's sad in and of itself.

But eventually, people are going to get fed up with you gun nuts and your crazy.
You focus on the mass shootings beause the single shootings are so numerous they barely register, and that's sad in and of itself.

But eventually, people are going to get fed up with you gun nuts and your crazy.

Do you think gang members in the inner cities are going to follow your gun laws, or ANY criminals for that matter? :lol:

Basically, the only thing you and people like you suggest is to leave the law-abiding citizens in this country to be sitting ducks for the criminals to prey upon, knowing full well that WE are unarmed and defenseless. GREAT idea!!!

You focus on the mass shootings beause the single shootings are so numerous they barely register, and that's sad in and of itself.

But eventually, people are going to get fed up with you gun nuts and your crazy.

No, I do not focus on the mass shootings. You have only to look over this thread to see that. The topic is the lawyer for the NRA, but you insist on going on and on and on about the mother of one mass shooter. And you insist that your arguments are valid, despite having them destroyed over and over.

from: How many gun owners are there in the United States of America
"Number of guns and gun owners in USA. Most estimates range between 39% and 50% of US households having at least one gun (that's about 43-55 million households). The estimates for the number of privately owned guns range from 190 million to 300 million. Removed those that skew the stats for their own purposes the best estimates are about 45% or 52 million of American households owning 260 million guns).

"A 2011 Gallup poll estimates that 47 percent of US households own a gun"

No, the people have already shown that they are far more tired of the anti-gun nuts lying to press their agenda.

It would take a constitutional amendment to remove guns from the hands of the citizens. With half the household in the country having a gun, you have a snowball's chance in hell of getting that done.
Well, guns are good...they stop violent crime and save lives over 100,000 times a year and the real number is closer to 250-350,000 times a year...and if the guy comitted the murder, it seems like he has been judged and will go to prison...other than putting out a call for a new guy to take his job...what should they say...did they at some point say they support murder...cause from what I know, they never again...what is the point?

people with guns are more likely to be killed by their own guns or kill people they don't mean to kill. your unsubstantiated assertions that if you have a gun, you can stop crime is not borne out by the stats.
Well, guns are good...they stop violent crime and save lives over 100,000 times a year and the real number is closer to 250-350,000 times a year...and if the guy comitted the murder, it seems like he has been judged and will go to prison...other than putting out a call for a new guy to take his job...what should they say...did they at some point say they support murder...cause from what I know, they never again...what is the point?

people with guns are more likely to be killed by their own guns or kill people they don't mean to kill. your unsubstantiated assertions that if you have a gun, you can stop crime is not borne out by the stats.

I would ask you for the source of your claim, but instead I will explain why it is seriously flawed. Here is a good explanation:

from: 10 Need-to-Know Gun Control Myths- Guns Ammo
"Myth No. 1: A gun in the home is more likely to kill a family member than an intruder.
This is probably the most widely circulated gun control myth ever. It’s been argued that a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family than an intruder. You’re actually safer, argue anti-gun folks, in a gun-free home. That may help them sleep at night, but it isn’t true.

Despite this myth’s popularity, have you ever noticed politicians and journalists never cite a source to go along with it? Perhaps that’s because it’s derived from a seriously flawed 1986 report in the New England Journal of Medicine, “Protection or Peril?: An Analysis of Firearm-Related Deaths in the Home.”

Most notably, the study only accounted for cases of self-defense with firearms in which the criminal was killed. If the bad guy was wounded, held at gunpoint for police or ran away, it was not included in the data. That is a rather incredible oversight since, according to Florida State criminologist Gary Kleck, criminals are only shot dead in about 1 percent of firearm-defense incidents. Fact is, according to Kleck’s exhaustive research, a gun in the home is three to five times more likely to help stop a crime than commit one."

I am sure those dead innocents might have some interesting comments on gun free zones as well

invoking dead kids killed by someone willing to kill his own mother to get guns and not fearful of death is really pathetic. Other than armed teachers, what would have stopped this guy

and don't tell me

waiting periods
Magazine limits

and all the other things the dishonest anti gun scum bags claim would have stopped this massacre

Lanza fired off 157 rounds in that school. Smaller magazines might have slowed him down.

So would a registration regime that would have flagged crazy Mom when she was building her anti-zombie arsenal

how stupid does one have to be to think that someone intent on committing multiple counts of capital murder is going to obey a magazine restriction law. there are BILLIONS of normal capacity magazines floating around the world.

what would have slowed Lanza down was an armed response by adults in the school. that is the ONLY thing that stops active shooters

Do you anti gun types ever think things through? if the thought of the death penalty or dying from police weapons does not deter you (or if you are planning on committing SUICIDE after your rampage) why is a law against normal capacity magazines going to deter you

OH_you will claim if such magazines are banned-bad guys won't get them

well we heard that about cocaine, heroin and crystal meth

and unlike those drugs, there are billions of such magazines used by cops and the military and easily stolen and obtained
You focus on the mass shootings beause the single shootings are so numerous they barely register, and that's sad in and of itself.

But eventually, people are going to get fed up with you gun nuts and your crazy.

actually we are fed up with lying assholes who pretend that their garment soiling rants about guns are motivated by public safety, when in reality your caterwauling is all about the fact that gun owners tend not to be left wing moon bats like you
Well, guns are good...they stop violent crime and save lives over 100,000 times a year and the real number is closer to 250-350,000 times a year...and if the guy comitted the murder, it seems like he has been judged and will go to prison...other than putting out a call for a new guy to take his job...what should they say...did they at some point say they support murder...cause from what I know, they never again...what is the point?

people with guns are more likely to be killed by their own guns or kill people they don't mean to kill. your unsubstantiated assertions that if you have a gun, you can stop crime is not borne out by the stats.

the study that claimed that counted as a "gun in the house" guns brought to unarmed homes by criminals
if you wet your drawers over the thought of using a gun for self defense` then don't own one. but I tire of hoplophic hand wringing ninnies projecting their incontinence upon us
You focus on the mass shootings beause the single shootings are so numerous they barely register, and that's sad in and of itself.

But eventually, people are going to get fed up with you gun nuts and your crazy.

actually we are fed up with lying assholes who pretend that their garment soiling rants about guns are motivated by public safety, when in reality your caterwauling is all about the fact that gun owners tend not to be left wing moon bats like you

It is also laughable that JoeB is against gun ownership, but he is quick to excuse violence (or the threat of violence) by union thugs. Funny how that works.

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