NRA General Counsel Robert Dowlut Convicted of Murder


Then stop the people. Worrying about the tool is ridiculous.

Once again, look at how many gun owners there are in the country compared to how many murders. Less than one-tenth of one percent of gun owners kill someone. And that is based on the assumption that all murders are committed with legally owned guns. And we know that isn't the case.

Countries which restrict who can have a gun have lower murder rates.

A gun turns an argument where people get slapped around into an argument where someone ends up in a body bag.

But let's go there. Let's talk about "Stopping the people". Nancy Lanza was arming herself like the Zombie Apocalypse was coming, and she had a crazy son. But if anyone talked about taking her guns pre-emptively, you'd have had a shit-fit.

Arming herself like the Zombie apocalypse was coming?? WTF? She had 3 rifles, 3 handguns and 1 shotgun. (oh, and a BB gun) One of the rifles was an inexpensive bolt action .22. Another was an Enfield rifle, which was first adopted by the British military in 1895.

And was Adam Lanza in the database that would have stopped him from buying a firearm? I know he went to buy a rifle and didn't because of the 14 day waiting period. But I have seen nothing saying he would not have been able to buy a gun.

If you want to pass legislation requiring firearms be stored safely, I have no problem with that.

How about we talk about Elliot Rodgers too? He had been seeing a shrink since he was 9 years old, and yet he was able to buy 3 handguns on 3 different occasions, passing the background check each time.
Chicago crime rate drops as concealed carry applications surge
City sees fewer homicides, robberies, burglaries, car thefts as Illinois residents take arms

Read more: Chicago crime rate drops as concealed carry gun permit applications surge - Washington Times

You are officially safer're welcome.

I'm more scared of gun nuts than common thugs.

Correlation isn't causality...

So correlation isn't causality in this case, but in the case of comparing other countries to ours it is? lol
Arming herself like the Zombie apocalypse was coming?? WTF? She had 3 rifles, 3 handguns and 1 shotgun. (oh, and a BB gun) One of the rifles was an inexpensive bolt action .22. Another was an Enfield rifle, which was first adopted by the British military in 1895.

And was Adam Lanza in the database that would have stopped him from buying a firearm? I know he went to buy a rifle and didn't because of the 14 day waiting period. But I have seen nothing saying he would not have been able to buy a gun.

If you want to pass legislation requiring firearms be stored safely, I have no problem with that.

How about we talk about Elliot Rodgers too? He had been seeing a shrink since he was 9 years old, and yet he was able to buy 3 handguns on 3 different occasions, passing the background check each time.

That just tells me that the background checks were too lax. This is the problem with starting off at the premise gun ownership is a "right". Then it becomes very hard to deny you one.

Lanza had 1600 rounds of ammunition in her home.

Guns knives ammo and gear Adam Lanza s arsenal item by item - U.S. News

Serious, the folks on The Walking Dead wish they had this kind of gear.
Chicago crime rate drops as concealed carry applications surge
City sees fewer homicides, robberies, burglaries, car thefts as Illinois residents take arms

Read more: Chicago crime rate drops as concealed carry gun permit applications surge - Washington Times

You are officially safer're welcome.

I'm more scared of gun nuts than common thugs.

Correlation isn't causality...

So correlation isn't causality in this case, but in the case of comparing other countries to ours it is? lol

Not even a good try.

If we were comparing the US to ONE country, maybe.

But compared to EVERY country, and we still come out lookingworse.
Arming herself like the Zombie apocalypse was coming?? WTF? She had 3 rifles, 3 handguns and 1 shotgun. (oh, and a BB gun) One of the rifles was an inexpensive bolt action .22. Another was an Enfield rifle, which was first adopted by the British military in 1895.

And was Adam Lanza in the database that would have stopped him from buying a firearm? I know he went to buy a rifle and didn't because of the 14 day waiting period. But I have seen nothing saying he would not have been able to buy a gun.

If you want to pass legislation requiring firearms be stored safely, I have no problem with that.

How about we talk about Elliot Rodgers too? He had been seeing a shrink since he was 9 years old, and yet he was able to buy 3 handguns on 3 different occasions, passing the background check each time.

That just tells me that the background checks were too lax. This is the problem with starting off at the premise gun ownership is a "right". Then it becomes very hard to deny you one.

Lanza had 1600 rounds of ammunition in her home.

Guns knives ammo and gear Adam Lanza s arsenal item by item - U.S. News

Serious, the folks on The Walking Dead wish they had this kind of gear.

I have far more ammunition as do most competitive shooters

you really have no clue what you are talking about
Chicago crime rate drops as concealed carry applications surge
City sees fewer homicides, robberies, burglaries, car thefts as Illinois residents take arms

Read more: Chicago crime rate drops as concealed carry gun permit applications surge - Washington Times

You are officially safer're welcome.

I'm more scared of gun nuts than common thugs.

Correlation isn't causality...

why are you a criminal? do you engage in activities that would cause a law abiding gun owner to shoot you?
Arming herself like the Zombie apocalypse was coming?? WTF? She had 3 rifles, 3 handguns and 1 shotgun. (oh, and a BB gun) One of the rifles was an inexpensive bolt action .22. Another was an Enfield rifle, which was first adopted by the British military in 1895.

And was Adam Lanza in the database that would have stopped him from buying a firearm? I know he went to buy a rifle and didn't because of the 14 day waiting period. But I have seen nothing saying he would not have been able to buy a gun.

If you want to pass legislation requiring firearms be stored safely, I have no problem with that.

How about we talk about Elliot Rodgers too? He had been seeing a shrink since he was 9 years old, and yet he was able to buy 3 handguns on 3 different occasions, passing the background check each time.

That just tells me that the background checks were too lax. This is the problem with starting off at the premise gun ownership is a "right". Then it becomes very hard to deny you one.

Lanza had 1600 rounds of ammunition in her home.

Guns knives ammo and gear Adam Lanza s arsenal item by item - U.S. News

Serious, the folks on The Walking Dead wish they had this kind of gear.

And? According to the list, she had over 650 rounds of .22 ammunition. And the list shows no major quantity of any one caliber or type. That list could be almost any gun owner in the world. She had some .22s and various rounds of the other calibers, plus a variety of 12 gauge shells. I have more ammo than that here in Atlanta, and that is not my major stock.

Maybe it looks like a lot for someone who is afraid of guns, but what she had was not that big a deal.

And starting off with the premise that the 2nd Amendment is a right is just where all the laws should begin. And the SCOTUS agrees with me on that.
Arming herself like the Zombie apocalypse was coming?? WTF? She had 3 rifles, 3 handguns and 1 shotgun. (oh, and a BB gun) One of the rifles was an inexpensive bolt action .22. Another was an Enfield rifle, which was first adopted by the British military in 1895.

And was Adam Lanza in the database that would have stopped him from buying a firearm? I know he went to buy a rifle and didn't because of the 14 day waiting period. But I have seen nothing saying he would not have been able to buy a gun.

If you want to pass legislation requiring firearms be stored safely, I have no problem with that.

How about we talk about Elliot Rodgers too? He had been seeing a shrink since he was 9 years old, and yet he was able to buy 3 handguns on 3 different occasions, passing the background check each time.

That just tells me that the background checks were too lax. This is the problem with starting off at the premise gun ownership is a "right". Then it becomes very hard to deny you one.

Lanza had 1600 rounds of ammunition in her home.

Guns knives ammo and gear Adam Lanza s arsenal item by item - U.S. News

Serious, the folks on The Walking Dead wish they had this kind of gear.

I have far more ammunition as do most competitive shooters

you really have no clue what you are talking about

Right? Looking at the inventory, over 650 rounds of that were .22s. The rest of the <940 rounds were mostly various types of shotgun shell.
Arming herself like the Zombie apocalypse was coming?? WTF? She had 3 rifles, 3 handguns and 1 shotgun. (oh, and a BB gun) One of the rifles was an inexpensive bolt action .22. Another was an Enfield rifle, which was first adopted by the British military in 1895.

And was Adam Lanza in the database that would have stopped him from buying a firearm? I know he went to buy a rifle and didn't because of the 14 day waiting period. But I have seen nothing saying he would not have been able to buy a gun.

If you want to pass legislation requiring firearms be stored safely, I have no problem with that.

How about we talk about Elliot Rodgers too? He had been seeing a shrink since he was 9 years old, and yet he was able to buy 3 handguns on 3 different occasions, passing the background check each time.

That just tells me that the background checks were too lax. This is the problem with starting off at the premise gun ownership is a "right". Then it becomes very hard to deny you one.

Lanza had 1600 rounds of ammunition in her home.

Guns knives ammo and gear Adam Lanza s arsenal item by item - U.S. News

Serious, the folks on The Walking Dead wish they had this kind of gear.

I have far more ammunition as do most competitive shooters

you really have no clue what you are talking about

Right? Looking at the inventory, over 650 rounds of that were .22s. The rest of the <940 rounds were mostly various types of shotgun shell.

There are 20 dead kids and 6 dead teachers who would beg to differ.
Arming herself like the Zombie apocalypse was coming?? WTF? She had 3 rifles, 3 handguns and 1 shotgun. (oh, and a BB gun) One of the rifles was an inexpensive bolt action .22. Another was an Enfield rifle, which was first adopted by the British military in 1895.

And was Adam Lanza in the database that would have stopped him from buying a firearm? I know he went to buy a rifle and didn't because of the 14 day waiting period. But I have seen nothing saying he would not have been able to buy a gun.

If you want to pass legislation requiring firearms be stored safely, I have no problem with that.

How about we talk about Elliot Rodgers too? He had been seeing a shrink since he was 9 years old, and yet he was able to buy 3 handguns on 3 different occasions, passing the background check each time.

That just tells me that the background checks were too lax. This is the problem with starting off at the premise gun ownership is a "right". Then it becomes very hard to deny you one.

Lanza had 1600 rounds of ammunition in her home.

Guns knives ammo and gear Adam Lanza s arsenal item by item - U.S. News

Serious, the folks on The Walking Dead wish they had this kind of gear.

I have far more ammunition as do most competitive shooters

you really have no clue what you are talking about

Right? Looking at the inventory, over 650 rounds of that were .22s. The rest of the <940 rounds were mostly various types of shotgun shell.

There are 20 dead kids and 6 dead teachers who would beg to differ.


Do they know something we don't?

If the inventory list the rounds mentioned, why would they "beg to differ??
Arming herself like the Zombie apocalypse was coming?? WTF? She had 3 rifles, 3 handguns and 1 shotgun. (oh, and a BB gun) One of the rifles was an inexpensive bolt action .22. Another was an Enfield rifle, which was first adopted by the British military in 1895.

And was Adam Lanza in the database that would have stopped him from buying a firearm? I know he went to buy a rifle and didn't because of the 14 day waiting period. But I have seen nothing saying he would not have been able to buy a gun.

If you want to pass legislation requiring firearms be stored safely, I have no problem with that.

How about we talk about Elliot Rodgers too? He had been seeing a shrink since he was 9 years old, and yet he was able to buy 3 handguns on 3 different occasions, passing the background check each time.

That just tells me that the background checks were too lax. This is the problem with starting off at the premise gun ownership is a "right". Then it becomes very hard to deny you one.

Lanza had 1600 rounds of ammunition in her home.

Guns knives ammo and gear Adam Lanza s arsenal item by item - U.S. News

Serious, the folks on The Walking Dead wish they had this kind of gear.

I have far more ammunition as do most competitive shooters

you really have no clue what you are talking about

Right? Looking at the inventory, over 650 rounds of that were .22s. The rest of the <940 rounds were mostly various types of shotgun shell.

There are 20 dead kids and 6 dead teachers who would beg to differ.

No one is defending what Adam Lanza did. We are simply correcting you on your claim that his mother had these huge stores of guns and ammunition like she was preparing for an apocalypse.

Blame Adam Lanza for the deaths and destruction. That makes sense.

But your attempt to blame the NRA, other law abiding shooters, and the gun manufacturers is simply nonsense.

The ammunition listed on the inventory is minor and could be found in almost any recreational shooter's home. In fact, I doubt any of the hunters I know have that little. And those guys are not looking for volume shooting.

No one is defending what Adam Lanza did. We are simply correcting you on your claim that his mother had these huge stores of guns and ammunition like she was preparing for an apocalypse.

Blame Adam Lanza for the deaths and destruction. That makes sense.

But your attempt to blame the NRA, other law abiding shooters, and the gun manufacturers is simply nonsense.

The ammunition listed on the inventory is minor and could be found in almost any recreational shooter's home. In fact, I doubt any of the hunters I know have that little. And those guys are not looking for volume shooting.

yes, there are a lot of gun nuts out here with lots of ammo.

BUt I do blame Nancy. No one says 27 victims, she was an enabler. She knew her son was dangerous. She was a crazy prepper. She took him to ranges and let him play first shooter video games all day.

And they were both NRA members.
A crazy prepper? lmao

The ammo list from the police inventory was as follows:
113 shotgun shells - 7 different types
49 rnds .303 British - 2 brands
178 rnds .45 - 3 different brands
183 rnds .223 - 4 different brands
150 rnds .40 cal
134 rnds 10mm - 2 different brands
159 rnds 9mm - 1 brand and one box of 29 misc rnds

The list above shows she was a recreational shooter, nothing more. "Prepper"? That is laughable.

Most shooters try 4 or 5 different rounds (different bullet weights & manufacturers) for each gun they own. Anyone who owns a gun and only has a dozen rounds is not a safe shooter. The way you become a safe shooter is by shooting.

As for your silly cartoon, I can see where you get you firearms knowledge. Oh, but just as an FYI, the places with more guns tend to have less gun violence. Look at the shift in Detroit's gun deaths when law abiding citizens arm themselves more.

The laws you want passed will not remove the guns from the criminal's hands. They will only disarm their victims.
Guy, I was in the Army for 11 years, and my MOS was small weapons repair/supply. I probably know weapons better than you do.

And,no Japan has less guns than American and less violence.

Final point. Most gun deaths are domestic arguments and suicides. Banning gun ownership would reduce those incidents.

Nancy had more guns and ammo than was reasonable. 26 people paid the price for her crazy.
Guy, I was in the Army for 11 years, and my MOS was small weapons repair/supply. I probably know weapons better than you do.

And,no Japan has less guns than American and less violence.

Final point. Most gun deaths are domestic arguments and suicides. Banning gun ownership would reduce those incidents.

Nancy had more guns and ammo than was reasonable. 26 people paid the price for her crazy.

No, I doubt very seriously you know more about guns than I do. And your comments in this thread prove that. Your MOS may have given you technical knowledge of a smal number of firearms that have civilian counterparts. That is all.

Japan has less rape than we do. That is not gun related.
Japan has less domestic violence than we do. That is not gun related.
Japan has less murder using knives than we do. That is not gun related.
Japan has generally less violence than we do. It is a cultural difference.

Japan also has a much less diverse population than we do.

Banning guns would reduce the number of gun suicides. But you have no way of knowing that it would effect the number of suicides. If someone commits suicide using a gun, the only thing you know is that they truly wanted to die. If they want to die, they can accomplish that in many, many ways.

Over 99.9% of gun owners do not kill anyone. Yet you think we should suffer the loss of a constitutional right because of the tiniest percentage?

How many tons of illegal drugs are smuggled into the US every year? If you were to ban all handguns, that would shift to the smuggling of guns, since there is a greater profit margin to be made. so the criminals would still be armed. The honest people would not. So the estimated 100,000 times a year (very low estimate) that an armed citizen stops a crime would dwindle to none.

Oh, and your idea of what is "reasonable" is pure nonsense. What she had was a few boxes of rounds for her guns, and the remnants from times going shooting.

And none of this has anything to do with whether Robert Dowlut should be able to practice law. So you basically lost the argument on 2 fronts.
Man, trying to reason with gun nuts is always a futile gesture.

I am as reasonable as anyone. You, however, are simply angry that your points have been shot down over and over.

Tell me how you know the gun suicides would be alive if they hadn't had access to a gun?

Tell me how you propose to disarm the criminal population, when they cannot legally have guns now? It certainly has not worked with the War On Drugs.

Tell me what was unreasonable about the comparisons I made between the US and Japan?

Oh, and if handguns are banned, the guns used for hunting will become the guns used to kill people. And you will never remove hunting with firearms in the US. (not that you will ever manage to ban handguns either) For that reason I am glad to know Robert Dowlut, one of the nation's leading authorities on 2nd amendment rights, is working for the NRA.

So you can go sulk now.
Arming herself like the Zombie apocalypse was coming?? WTF? She had 3 rifles, 3 handguns and 1 shotgun. (oh, and a BB gun) One of the rifles was an inexpensive bolt action .22. Another was an Enfield rifle, which was first adopted by the British military in 1895.

And was Adam Lanza in the database that would have stopped him from buying a firearm? I know he went to buy a rifle and didn't because of the 14 day waiting period. But I have seen nothing saying he would not have been able to buy a gun.

If you want to pass legislation requiring firearms be stored safely, I have no problem with that.

How about we talk about Elliot Rodgers too? He had been seeing a shrink since he was 9 years old, and yet he was able to buy 3 handguns on 3 different occasions, passing the background check each time.

That just tells me that the background checks were too lax. This is the problem with starting off at the premise gun ownership is a "right". Then it becomes very hard to deny you one.

Lanza had 1600 rounds of ammunition in her home.

Guns knives ammo and gear Adam Lanza s arsenal item by item - U.S. News

Serious, the folks on The Walking Dead wish they had this kind of gear.

I have far more ammunition as do most competitive shooters

you really have no clue what you are talking about

Right? Looking at the inventory, over 650 rounds of that were .22s. The rest of the <940 rounds were mostly various types of shotgun shell.

There are 20 dead kids and 6 dead teachers who would beg to differ.

I am sure those dead innocents might have some interesting comments on gun free zones as well

invoking dead kids killed by someone willing to kill his own mother to get guns and not fearful of death is really pathetic. Other than armed teachers, what would have stopped this guy

and don't tell me

waiting periods
Magazine limits

and all the other things the dishonest anti gun scum bags claim would have stopped this massacre

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