NRA General Counsel Robert Dowlut Convicted of Murder

All this happened almost 50 years ago but it's been more or less unknown to the general public. Despite the NRA's high profile, they haven't talked about the history of one of their most important staff. Moreover, they're not talking now. They won't discuss Robert Dowlut's history and he won't either. That's kind of strange. The NRA tells us guns are good so why aren't they talking?

...A judge threw out his conviction and the local prosecuting attorney didn't want to retry the case. So he's not a convicted murderer.

I've said that repeatedly throughout this topic.

... The police's actions allowed him to get away with murder....

You're right. However, the evidence is overwhelming regardless of what the police did. It leads us to believe Dowlut killed the woman.

Yes I agree the evidence is overwhelming. If the police had not done such a bad job, if the police had not violated his right to a lawyer and if the police had not violated the law and threatened him, he would probably be in prison right now serving his sentence.

That judge had no other choice but to throw that conviction out.

The prosecuting attorney should have put him on trial after the judge's ruling but didn't.

While I don't like the nra or guns I dislike people's rights being violated even more. I dislike police threatening people even more.

I don't like people murdering people and getting away with it either.

I don't think anyone like someone murdering people and getting away with it. But the system is what it is. If we change it so that cases like this could be tried over and over, despite what the cops did, it would have a huge and lasting horrible effect.

As it stands, his case was overturned and he is free to practice law. Were he not working for the NRA, the people protesting him would not care a bit.

Once a person has been found not guilty that person can't be tried using the same charges again. It's unconstitutional and called "Double Jeopardy."

However that man wasn't found not guilty so it's not a violation of any laws or constitution to put him on trial again. It's happened many times in the past and there's no reason it can't happen again.

His conviction was overturned by a judge so there could have been a new trial. The prosecuting attorney chose not to do it.

The articles I read about it said that his conviction was based on his confession and without it they didn't have much of a case. Apparently the police messed up the case that bad. Maybe the prosecuting attorney believed that he couldn't get a conviction so why even bother.

It's too bad because no one should get away with murder.
All this happened almost 50 years ago but it's been more or less unknown to the general public. Despite the NRA's high profile, they haven't talked about the history of one of their most important staff. Moreover, they're not talking now. They won't discuss Robert Dowlut's history and he won't either. That's kind of strange. The NRA tells us guns are good so why aren't they talking?

...A judge threw out his conviction and the local prosecuting attorney didn't want to retry the case. So he's not a convicted murderer.

I've said that repeatedly throughout this topic.

... The police's actions allowed him to get away with murder....

You're right. However, the evidence is overwhelming regardless of what the police did. It leads us to believe Dowlut killed the woman.

Yes I agree the evidence is overwhelming. If the police had not done such a bad job, if the police had not violated his right to a lawyer and if the police had not violated the law and threatened him, he would probably be in prison right now serving his sentence.

That judge had no other choice but to throw that conviction out.

The prosecuting attorney should have put him on trial after the judge's ruling but didn't.

While I don't like the nra or guns I dislike people's rights being violated even more. I dislike police threatening people even more.

I don't like people murdering people and getting away with it either.

I don't think anyone like someone murdering people and getting away with it. But the system is what it is. If we change it so that cases like this could be tried over and over, despite what the cops did, it would have a huge and lasting horrible effect.

As it stands, his case was overturned and he is free to practice law. Were he not working for the NRA, the people protesting him would not care a bit.

Once a person has been found not guilty that person can't be tried using the same charges again. It's unconstitutional and called "Double Jeopardy."

However that man wasn't found not guilty so it's not a violation of any laws or constitution to put him on trial again. It's happened many times in the past and there's no reason it can't happen again.

His conviction was overturned by a judge so there could have been a new trial. The prosecuting attorney chose not to do it.

The articles I read about it said that his conviction was based on his confession and without it they didn't have much of a case. Apparently the police messed up the case that bad. Maybe the prosecuting attorney believed that he couldn't get a conviction so why even bother.

It's too bad because no one should get away with murder.
The general rule of thumb now would be to try the easiest cases first, for those accused of multiple crimes. Dowlut should have been tried for the armed robbery. He would have been convicted on the basis of the eye witness, prior bad acts(both similar and recent), and ballistics showing that oddball family gun being identical to the type used in the murder. With him in jail, plea bargain leverage would have been in the prosecutors favor for the murder. Prosecutor dropped the ball.
Here's part of an article recently published by Mother Jones.

... NRA general counsel Robert J. Dowlut, is a low-profile yet influential legal expert who has spent more than 35 years pushing for an aggressively broad interpretation of the Second Amendment. In 1964, he was sentenced to life in prison for shooting his girlfriend's mother in South Bend, Indiana. ...

Did the NRA Know About Robert Dowlut's Reversed Murder Conviction? | Mother Jones

All this happened almost 50 years ago but it's been more or less unknown to the general public. Despite the NRA's high profile, they haven't talked about the history of one of their most important staff. Moreover, they're not talking now. They won't discuss Robert Dowlut's history and he won't either. That's kind of strange. The NRA tells us guns are good so why aren't they talking?

NRA use to be there to protect my gun rights under the Constitution..

Today, they pair with $$$ from Corporate gun manufacturers. They don't care about the things they use to. The modern turn of the NRA is easy to see by any eye willing to look...
It is a legitimate topic for discussion.

I don't see why. The lawyer is not out shooting. He is being a lawyer. The system is what it is. If someone has no felony convictions, they can be a member of the Bar Association and practice law.

It's a matter of morality. It's just wrong for a gun killer to be in a position to promote more gun killing.
It's too bad because no one should get away with murder.

That's what is happening and the NRA is helping Dowlut do it. Should America allow the NRA to make gun policy while it helps a gun killer "get away with murder?" That's the issue at hand.
It's too bad because no one should get away with murder.

That's what is happening and the NRA is helping Dowlut do it. Should America allow the NRA to make gun policy while it helps a gun killer "get away with murder?" That's the issue at hand.

What utter horseshit! How is the NRA helping him get away with anything? He was tried in 1964. He spent 6 years in jail. All of that was almost 20 years before he went to work for the NRA.

This use of nonsense to try and smear the NRA is laughable.
It's too bad because no one should get away with murder.

That's what is happening and the NRA is helping Dowlut do it. Should America allow the NRA to make gun policy while it helps a gun killer "get away with murder?" That's the issue at hand.

What utter horseshit! How is the NRA helping him get away with anything? He was tried in 1964. He spent 6 years in jail. All of that was almost 20 years before he went to work for the NRA.

This use of nonsense to try and smear the NRA is laughable.

Dowlut is regarded as one of the NRA's most important staff members because of his zealous twisting and manipulation of state laws to serve the NRA's gun proliferation campaign. For the NRA to allow a gun killer to do that is an insult to very idea of civic responsibility.
The NRA once was dedicated to safe gun handling and good shooting. Now it's dedicated to gun proliferation. It wants to put more guns on American streets and it doesn't care who has them. It's all about selling not shooting.

And Obama and Furgeson feed the facts that law abiding citizens need to stock up on multiple guns in like caliber then stack the ammo high and deep

It's too bad because no one should get away with murder.

That's what is happening and the NRA is helping Dowlut do it. Should America allow the NRA to make gun policy while it helps a gun killer "get away with murder?" That's the issue at hand.

What utter horseshit! How is the NRA helping him get away with anything? He was tried in 1964. He spent 6 years in jail. All of that was almost 20 years before he went to work for the NRA.

This use of nonsense to try and smear the NRA is laughable.

Dowlut is regarded as one of the NRA's most important staff members because of his zealous twisting and manipulation of state laws to serve the NRA's gun proliferation campaign. For the NRA to allow a gun killer to do that is an insult to very idea of civic responsibility.

With what is going on out there today you are going to sit here and preach 'civic responsibility?

OMG, the lunacy here is epic


Congress does, indeed, pass gun laws. SCOTUS only rules on them if it is brought before them as unconstitutional. And they have ruled properly, imo.

That's because you're a fucking gun nut.

How is it that it took 200+ years to get a SCOTUS to read the 2nd Amendment the way you clowns do?

It is good to be on the winning side. :D

Only until people get fed up with dead kids being rolled out in body bags.

Congress does, indeed, pass gun laws. SCOTUS only rules on them if it is brought before them as unconstitutional. And they have ruled properly, imo.

That's because you're a fucking gun nut.

How is it that it took 200+ years to get a SCOTUS to read the 2nd Amendment the way you clowns do?

It is good to be on the winning side. :D

Only until people get fed up with dead kids being rolled out in body bags.

But we're not because we don't care when the body bags are at the side of swimming pools and at the scene of car wrecks.

Life goes on for the living


Congress does, indeed, pass gun laws. SCOTUS only rules on them if it is brought before them as unconstitutional. And they have ruled properly, imo.

That's because you're a fucking gun nut.

How is it that it took 200+ years to get a SCOTUS to read the 2nd Amendment the way you clowns do?

It is good to be on the winning side. :D

Only until people get fed up with dead kids being rolled out in body bags.

Then stop the people. Worrying about the tool is ridiculous.

Once again, look at how many gun owners there are in the country compared to how many murders. Less than one-tenth of one percent of gun owners kill someone. And that is based on the assumption that all murders are committed with legally owned guns. And we know that isn't the case.
It's too bad because no one should get away with murder.

That's what is happening and the NRA is helping Dowlut do it. Should America allow the NRA to make gun policy while it helps a gun killer "get away with murder?" That's the issue at hand.

What utter horseshit! How is the NRA helping him get away with anything? He was tried in 1964. He spent 6 years in jail. All of that was almost 20 years before he went to work for the NRA.

This use of nonsense to try and smear the NRA is laughable.

Dowlut is regarded as one of the NRA's most important staff members because of his zealous twisting and manipulation of state laws to serve the NRA's gun proliferation campaign. For the NRA to allow a gun killer to do that is an insult to very idea of civic responsibility.

Civic responsibility? When the anti-gun zealots will lie to sway public opinion, it is a little late to look for civic responsibility.

And since when is disarming a law abiding citizen your civic responsibility? 10k murders with guns annually. Estimates of between 100k and 750k crimes stopped by armed citizens. And you think removing the guns is the answer? lmao
It's too bad because no one should get away with murder.

That's what is happening and the NRA is helping Dowlut do it. Should America allow the NRA to make gun policy while it helps a gun killer "get away with murder?" That's the issue at hand.

What utter horseshit! How is the NRA helping him get away with anything? He was tried in 1964. He spent 6 years in jail. All of that was almost 20 years before he went to work for the NRA.

This use of nonsense to try and smear the NRA is laughable.

Dowlut is regarded as one of the NRA's most important staff members because of his zealous twisting and manipulation of state laws to serve the NRA's gun proliferation campaign. For the NRA to allow a gun killer to do that is an insult to very idea of civic responsibility.

Civic responsibility? When the anti-gun zealots will lie to sway public opinion, it is a little late to look for civic responsibility.

And since when is disarming a law abiding citizen your civic responsibility? 10k murders with guns annually. Estimates of between 100k and 750k crimes stopped by armed citizens. And you think removing the guns is the answer? lmao

CRIME CONTROL has nothing to do with what motivates these anti gun parrots. Its all about harassing gun owners. Look at the whining over a guy who works for the NRA
It's too bad because no one should get away with murder.

That's what is happening and the NRA is helping Dowlut do it. Should America allow the NRA to make gun policy while it helps a gun killer "get away with murder?" That's the issue at hand.

What utter horseshit! How is the NRA helping him get away with anything? He was tried in 1964. He spent 6 years in jail. All of that was almost 20 years before he went to work for the NRA.

This use of nonsense to try and smear the NRA is laughable.

Dowlut is regarded as one of the NRA's most important staff members because of his zealous twisting and manipulation of state laws to serve the NRA's gun proliferation campaign. For the NRA to allow a gun killer to do that is an insult to very idea of civic responsibility.

Civic responsibility? When the anti-gun zealots will lie to sway public opinion, it is a little late to look for civic responsibility.

And since when is disarming a law abiding citizen your civic responsibility? 10k murders with guns annually. Estimates of between 100k and 750k crimes stopped by armed citizens. And you think removing the guns is the answer? lmao

CRIME CONTROL has nothing to do with what motivates these anti gun parrots. Its all about harassing gun owners. Look at the whining over a guy who works for the NRA

If Dowlut wasn't kicking their collective asses, they wouldn't care.
It's too bad because no one should get away with murder.

That's what is happening and the NRA is helping Dowlut do it. Should America allow the NRA to make gun policy while it helps a gun killer "get away with murder?" That's the issue at hand.

What utter horseshit! How is the NRA helping him get away with anything? He was tried in 1964. He spent 6 years in jail. All of that was almost 20 years before he went to work for the NRA.

This use of nonsense to try and smear the NRA is laughable.

So in you world, taking pictures of rich kids is a crime, but murdering a working -class woman because she objected to you banging her underage daughter is okay.
It's too bad because no one should get away with murder.

That's what is happening and the NRA is helping Dowlut do it. Should America allow the NRA to make gun policy while it helps a gun killer "get away with murder?" That's the issue at hand.

What utter horseshit! How is the NRA helping him get away with anything? He was tried in 1964. He spent 6 years in jail. All of that was almost 20 years before he went to work for the NRA.

This use of nonsense to try and smear the NRA is laughable.

So in you world, taking pictures of rich kids is a crime, but murdering a working -class woman because she objected to you banging her underage daughter is okay.

Not at all. In my world, taking pictures of kids for the sole purpose of intimidating their mother and murdering someone are both crimes. The difference is, in one case someone was prosecuted. In the other case, they were excused because the belong to an organization known for their extortion and intimidation tactics.

Then stop the people. Worrying about the tool is ridiculous.

Once again, look at how many gun owners there are in the country compared to how many murders. Less than one-tenth of one percent of gun owners kill someone. And that is based on the assumption that all murders are committed with legally owned guns. And we know that isn't the case.

Countries which restrict who can have a gun have lower murder rates.

A gun turns an argument where people get slapped around into an argument where someone ends up in a body bag.

But let's go there. Let's talk about "Stopping the people". Nancy Lanza was arming herself like the Zombie Apocalypse was coming, and she had a crazy son. But if anyone talked about taking her guns pre-emptively, you'd have had a shit-fit.

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