NRA General Counsel Robert Dowlut Convicted of Murder


Do you think gang members in the inner cities are going to follow your gun laws, or ANY criminals for that matter? :lol:

Basically, the only thing you and people like you suggest is to leave the law-abiding citizens in this country to be sitting ducks for the criminals to prey upon, knowing full well that WE are unarmed and defenseless. GREAT idea!!!

Hey, Captain Dumbass, according to the FBI,there were only 201 cases of "justifiable homicide" with guns by civilian owners. So 300 million guns and 32,000 gun fatalities, it doesn't look like you guys are doing a lot of "Crime Stopping" to justify the risk.
You focus on the mass shootings beause the single shootings are so numerous they barely register, and that's sad in and of itself.

But eventually, people are going to get fed up with you gun nuts and your crazy.

actually we are fed up with lying assholes who pretend that their garment soiling rants about guns are motivated by public safety, when in reality your caterwauling is all about the fact that gun owners tend not to be left wing moon bats like you

I was a right wing Republican until about six years ago-

When My Romney loving boss fired me after I had run up medical bills on the companies insurance.

Then I figured out the whole of Conservatism is to get stupid fucks to vote against their own economic interests.

Do you think gang members in the inner cities are going to follow your gun laws, or ANY criminals for that matter? :lol:

Basically, the only thing you and people like you suggest is to leave the law-abiding citizens in this country to be sitting ducks for the criminals to prey upon, knowing full well that WE are unarmed and defenseless. GREAT idea!!!

Hey, Captain Dumbass, according to the FBI,there were only 201 cases of "justifiable homicide" with guns by civilian owners. So 300 million guns and 32,000 gun fatalities, it doesn't look like you guys are doing a lot of "Crime Stopping" to justify the risk.

You post that and have the audacity to call someone else a dumbass?? LMAO!!!

First of all, please find me anyone who said that guns will stop gun related suicides?? Because that is where you get your bogus numbers. You cling to that number like it is accurate in the discussion. It isn't.

Second of all, your claim is based solely on the number of criminals shot dead by a citizen with a gun. You completely ignore any use of a gun that only wounded the criminal, held them for the police, or scared them away completely. That is because you are totally dishonest in this discussion. The lowest estimates I have seen show privately owned guns preventing 100k or more crimes annually. Reputable polling has shown that to be very low.

Here is an interesting article from Business Week:

"As with everything else concerning guns in this country, the DGU question prompts divergent answers. At one end of the spectrum, the NRA cites research by Gary Kleck, an accomplished criminologist at Florida State University. Based on self-reporting by survey respondents, Kleck has extrapolated that DGU occurs more than 2 million times a year. Kleck doesn’t suggest that gun owners shoot potential antagonists that often. DGU covers various scenarios, including merely brandishing a weapon and scaring off an aggressor.

At the other end of the spectrum, gun skeptics prefer to cite the work of David Hemenway, an eminent public-health scholar at Harvard University. Hemenway, who analogizes gun violence to an epidemic and guns to the contagion, argues that Kleck’s research significantly overestimates the frequency of DGU.

The carping back and forth gets pretty technical, but the brief version is that Hemenway believes Kleck includes too many “false positives”: respondents who claim they’ve chased off burglars or rapists with guns but probably are boasting or, worse, categorizing unlawful aggressive conduct as legitimate DGU. Hemenway finds more reliable an annual federal government research project, called the National Crime Victimization Survey, which yields estimates in the neighborhood of 100,000 defensive gun uses per year. Making various reasonable-sounding adjustments, other social scientists have suggested that perhaps a figure somewhere between 250,000 and 370,000 might be more accurate."

It is also laughable that JoeB is against gun ownership, but he is quick to excuse violence (or the threat of violence) by union thugs. Funny how that works.

How many rich people were killed by union thugs last year?

A lot less than were killed by mass shooters

Please point out where I said there were more union thug murders? I didn't.

I simply stated that you are so gung-ho against violence, except when it comes to union thugs. Then it is a matter of "They got what was coming to them".

More silly cartoons? lol

I guess that is the best you have in the way of arguments.

Personally, I hold the actual shooters responsible for their actions. But then, you and I have disagreed before on personal responsibility.
You focus on the mass shootings beause the single shootings are so numerous they barely register, and that's sad in and of itself.

But eventually, people are going to get fed up with you gun nuts and your crazy.

actually we are fed up with lying assholes who pretend that their garment soiling rants about guns are motivated by public safety, when in reality your caterwauling is all about the fact that gun owners tend not to be left wing moon bats like you

I was a right wing Republican until about six years ago-

When My Romney loving boss fired me after I had run up medical bills on the companies insurance.

Then I figured out the whole of Conservatism is to get stupid fucks to vote against their own economic interests.

so now you are a government teat sucking parasite? liberalism is a scheme to get people who want to be treated like children to give more and more wealth and power to control freaks who want to be everyone else's parent

Do you think gang members in the inner cities are going to follow your gun laws, or ANY criminals for that matter? :lol:

Basically, the only thing you and people like you suggest is to leave the law-abiding citizens in this country to be sitting ducks for the criminals to prey upon, knowing full well that WE are unarmed and defenseless. GREAT idea!!!

Hey, Captain Dumbass, according to the FBI,there were only 201 cases of "justifiable homicide" with guns by civilian owners. So 300 million guns and 32,000 gun fatalities, it doesn't look like you guys are doing a lot of "Crime Stopping" to justify the risk.

That's because MOST fatalities due to gun violence are from gang violence where gang bangers are killing one another, genius.
You focus on the mass shootings beause the single shootings are so numerous they barely register, and that's sad in and of itself.

But eventually, people are going to get fed up with you gun nuts and your crazy.

actually we are fed up with lying assholes who pretend that their garment soiling rants about guns are motivated by public safety, when in reality your caterwauling is all about the fact that gun owners tend not to be left wing moon bats like you

I was a right wing Republican until about six years ago-

When My Romney loving boss fired me after I had run up medical bills on the companies insurance.

Then I figured out the whole of Conservatism is to get stupid fucks to vote against their own economic interests.

Sure . . . sure you were. Lol! And I was a banana. :banana:
You focus on the mass shootings beause the single shootings are so numerous they barely register, and that's sad in and of itself.

But eventually, people are going to get fed up with you gun nuts and your crazy.

actually we are fed up with lying assholes who pretend that their garment soiling rants about guns are motivated by public safety, when in reality your caterwauling is all about the fact that gun owners tend not to be left wing moon bats like you

I was a right wing Republican until about six years ago-

When My Romney loving boss fired me after I had run up medical bills on the companies insurance.

Then I figured out the whole of Conservatism is to get stupid fucks to vote against their own economic interests.

Sure . . . sure you were. Lol! And I was a banana. :banana:

He appears to be a Ben and Jerry follower. . Ben and Jerry used to hold seminars to oppose Bush (W). they would tell their low wattage followers that when the followers called a radio show or wrote a letter to the press, the followers should always say

I WAS A REPUBLICAN BUT W SUCKS rather than saying

I am a gerbil felching far left nutcase or I am a member of the Criminal conspiracy known as the SEIU

According to Ben and Jerry, pretending to have been a REPUBLICAN makes you sound more credible when you Bash the GOP, the NRA, W or Mom and Apple pie then admitting you hate America and want taxpayers to pay for your sex change operation in prison
You focus on the mass shootings beause the single shootings are so numerous they barely register, and that's sad in and of itself.

But eventually, people are going to get fed up with you gun nuts and your crazy.

actually we are fed up with lying assholes who pretend that their garment soiling rants about guns are motivated by public safety, when in reality your caterwauling is all about the fact that gun owners tend not to be left wing moon bats like you

I was a right wing Republican until about six years ago-

When My Romney loving boss fired me after I had run up medical bills on the companies insurance.

Then I figured out the whole of Conservatism is to get stupid fucks to vote against their own economic interests.

Sure . . . sure you were. Lol! And I was a banana. :banana:

He appears to be a Ben and Jerry follower. . Ben and Jerry used to hold seminars to oppose Bush (W). they would tell their low wattage followers that when the followers called a radio show or wrote a letter to the press, the followers should always say

I WAS A REPUBLICAN BUT W SUCKS rather than saying

I am a gerbil felching far left nutcase or I am a member of the Criminal conspiracy known as the SEIU

According to Ben and Jerry, pretending to have been a REPUBLICAN makes you sound more credible when you Bash the GOP, the NRA, W or Mom and Apple pie then admitting you hate America and want taxpayers to pay for your sex change operation in prison

The reason he gives for switching his entire ideology is quite pathetic as well. Because his boss fired him? For medical bills? My BS radar is going off! Lol!
You focus on the mass shootings beause the single shootings are so numerous they barely register, and that's sad in and of itself.

But eventually, people are going to get fed up with you gun nuts and your crazy.

actually we are fed up with lying assholes who pretend that their garment soiling rants about guns are motivated by public safety, when in reality your caterwauling is all about the fact that gun owners tend not to be left wing moon bats like you

I was a right wing Republican until about six years ago-

When My Romney loving boss fired me after I had run up medical bills on the companies insurance.

Then I figured out the whole of Conservatism is to get stupid fucks to vote against their own economic interests.

Sure . . . sure you were. Lol! And I was a banana. :banana:

He appears to be a Ben and Jerry follower. . Ben and Jerry used to hold seminars to oppose Bush (W). they would tell their low wattage followers that when the followers called a radio show or wrote a letter to the press, the followers should always say

I WAS A REPUBLICAN BUT W SUCKS rather than saying

I am a gerbil felching far left nutcase or I am a member of the Criminal conspiracy known as the SEIU

According to Ben and Jerry, pretending to have been a REPUBLICAN makes you sound more credible when you Bash the GOP, the NRA, W or Mom and Apple pie then admitting you hate America and want taxpayers to pay for your sex change operation in prison

The reason he gives for switching his entire ideology is quite pathetic as well. Because his boss fired him? For medical bills? My BS radar is going off! Lol!

This mythical "I was fired for being injured and running up medical bills" has been his excuse for any number of things. Maybe if he repeats it enough he will believe it.

The reason he gives for switching his entire ideology is quite pathetic as well. Because his boss fired him? For medical bills? My BS radar is going off! Lol!

This mythical "I was fired for being injured and running up medical bills" has been his excuse for any number of things. Maybe if he repeats it enough he will believe it.

yet you firmly believe Nancy Lanza was a responsible gun owner...

The reason he gives for switching his entire ideology is quite pathetic as well. Because his boss fired him? For medical bills? My BS radar is going off! Lol!

This mythical "I was fired for being injured and running up medical bills" has been his excuse for any number of things. Maybe if he repeats it enough he will believe it.

yet you firmly believe Nancy Lanza was a responsible gun owner...

Did I say that?

That's because MOST fatalities due to gun violence are from gang violence where gang bangers are killing one another, genius.

No, most fatalities due to gun violence is due to suicide (19,000 out of 32,000 fun fatalities).

Taking out the 800 accidents, you are left with about 11,000 murders. Most of whom were killed by people they know.

In 2009, 24.2 percent of victims were slain by family members; 53.8 percent were killed by someone they knew (acquaintance, neighbor, friend, boyfriend, etc.). The relationship of murder victims and offenders was unknown in 43.9 percent of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter incidents in 2009.

Expanded Homicide Data - Crime in the United States 2009


That's because MOST fatalities due to gun violence are from gang violence where gang bangers are killing one another, genius.

No, most fatalities due to gun violence is due to suicide (19,000 out of 32,000 fun fatalities).

Taking out the 800 accidents, you are left with about 11,000 murders. Most of whom were killed by people they know.

In 2009, 24.2 percent of victims were slain by family members; 53.8 percent were killed by someone they knew (acquaintance, neighbor, friend, boyfriend, etc.). The relationship of murder victims and offenders was unknown in 43.9 percent of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter incidents in 2009.

Expanded Homicide Data - Crime in the United States 2009


Are you still talking about guns here? Or are you talking about "homicides?" Good Lord, stop changing the goal posts!!!

Now you are bringing suicide into it? That is a different topic ENTIRELY, as I'm sure you are aware. MOST homicides with guns are due to gang violence, and THAT is a fact.

so now you are a government teat sucking parasite? liberalism is a scheme to get people who want to be treated like children to give more and more wealth and power to control freaks who want to be everyone else's parent

actually, what's created more liberals is guy like your boy Mitt Romney sending good paying union jobs to China and looted their pension funds. Then you wonder why Granny working for Minimum wage at Wal-Mart is for more food stamps and social security.

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