NRA General Counsel Robert Dowlut Convicted of Murder

He paid his debt to society, how is this relevant today? I cannot believe any State Bar would let him practice unless he is proven rehabilitated.

As a matter of fact, the conviction was overturned on a technicality. The State Supreme Court ordered a new trial but none ever was conducted. Dowlut never had to be show to be "rehabilitated."

That's pretty much the problem. The evidence is compelling and conclusive. It points to him as the murderer but he won't talk about it. He's relying on a police error to shield him from the condemnation he should be suffering.
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Here is an idea as to why the NRA is not talking about it ready? It was 50 years ago nobody in the year 2014 cares.
Here is an idea as to why the NRA is not talking about it ready? It was 50 years ago nobody in the year 2014 cares.

Murder cases have no statute of limitations. The police consider it an open case and Dowlut almost certainly remains the primary suspect.
... You posted this lame crap on another board and you got destroyed. ...

Only in your delusions. The competent commentary agreed with me.

WHAT competent commentary? You are a NRA hater because they support the right of free citizens to be armed as a bulwark against a dictatorial government and psychotic criminals-two groups you are a fluffer for
Here is an idea as to why the NRA is not talking about it ready? It was 50 years ago nobody in the year 2014 cares.

Murder cases have no statute of limitations. The police consider it an open case and Dowlut almost certainly remains the primary suspect.

Does not change the fact it was 50 years ago and is not relevant to anything happening today no matter how much you would like to make it so.
Here is an idea as to why the NRA is not talking about it ready? It was 50 years ago nobody in the year 2014 cares.

Murder cases have no statute of limitations. The police consider it an open case and Dowlut almost certainly remains the primary suspect.

Does not change the fact it was 50 years ago and is not relevant to anything happening today no matter how much you would like to make it so.

Nor does your insistence it means nothing actually mean it means nothing. The unavoidable fact is, the NRA is relying on a murder suspect to promote its gun policies.
Here is an idea as to why the NRA is not talking about it ready? It was 50 years ago nobody in the year 2014 cares.

Murder cases have no statute of limitations. The police consider it an open case and Dowlut almost certainly remains the primary suspect.

Does not change the fact it was 50 years ago and is not relevant to anything happening today no matter how much you would like to make it so.

Dowlut's gun was used to kill a woman (his girlfriend"s mother), and wound another in an armed robbery, but if we can agree that guns don't kill people, only people kill people, then what's left is Dowlut.
Did I mention that over sixty percent of Missouri voters supported amending the state Constitution to expand Second Amendment protections?

I'm sure I did, but here it is again for those who missed it.

"Gun Rights

Constitutional Amendment 5 establishes the unalienable right of citizens to keep and bear arms, ammunition and accessories associated with the normal functioning of arms for the purpose of defending themselves, family, home and property. It also removes the exception to the current constitutional right to bear arms that explicitly states it can’t be used to justify the wearing of concealed weapons. The amendment allows the state to limit the possession of arms by convicted felons and those adjudged as mentally ill. The final vote on this amendment was YES 602,076 (61%) NO 385,422 (39%)"

Missouri Constitutional Amendment Results -

Murder cases have no statute of limitations. The police consider it an open case and Dowlut almost certainly remains the primary suspect.

Does not change the fact it was 50 years ago and is not relevant to anything happening today no matter how much you would like to make it so.

Nor does your insistence it means nothing actually mean it means nothing. The unavoidable fact is, the NRA is relying on a murder suspect to promote its gun policies.

The unavoidable fact is you don't like the NRA fine whatever but since you can't come with anything relevant you have go back 50 years ago to try and find something to support your cause. I will also point out the man went through the legal process was convicted in no small part due to the sorry work done by the police which got his conviction overturned all of this happening before he was even 20 years old I might add after which instead of staying on the path of a career criminal he actually turned his life around and made something of himself. It's truly tragic it took something like this for it to happen but given how many other's start down the same road and never get off it I would say he deserves a little slack as does anyone else who has gone down the same road and turned their life around.
"Technicalties" prevent a fair and impartial, that is why convictions can be overturned.
He paid his debt to society, how is this relevant today? I cannot believe any State Bar would let him practice unless he is proven rehabilitated.

As a matter of fact, the conviction was overturned on a technicality. The State Supreme Court ordered a new trial but none ever was conducted. Dowlut never had to be show to be "rehabilitated."

That's pretty much the problem. The evidence is compelling and conclusive. It points to him as the murderer but he won't talk about it. He's relying on a police error to shield him from the condemnation he should be suffering.

Are you opposed to the 5th amendment to the Constitution?

That is the "technicality" you are referring to.

The SAME RIGHT that lefty fuckwads like you proclaimed sacrosanct when Lois Lerner invoked it.

That the right to not answer questions is NOT an admission of guilt.

But as usual, that standard only applies when the lefty agenda is in peril.

So fuck-off hypocrite, take your Mother Jones hit piece and shove in up your ass sideways.
He paid his debt to society, how is this relevant today? I cannot believe any State Bar would let him practice unless he is proven rehabilitated.

As a matter of fact, the conviction was overturned on a technicality. The State Supreme Court ordered a new trial but none ever was conducted. Dowlut never had to be show to be "rehabilitated."

That's pretty much the problem. The evidence is compelling and conclusive. It points to him as the murderer but he won't talk about it. He's relying on a police error to shield him from the condemnation he should be suffering.
Innocent until proven guilty.
Apparently that only applies to people you like.
Here's part of an article recently published by Mother Jones.

... NRA general counsel Robert J. Dowlut, is a low-profile yet influential legal expert who has spent more than 35 years pushing for an aggressively broad interpretation of the Second Amendment. In 1964, he was sentenced to life in prison for shooting his girlfriend's mother in South Bend, Indiana. ...

Did the NRA Know About Robert Dowlut's Reversed Murder Conviction? | Mother Jones

All this happened almost 50 years ago but it's been more or less unknown to the general public. Despite the NRA's high profile, they haven't talked about the history of one of their most important staff. Moreover, they're not talking now. They won't discuss Robert Dowlut's history and he won't either. That's kind of strange. The NRA tells us guns are good so why aren't they talking?

Overturned due to a technicality? :lol: Just a little one to you whackos right?

That technicality just happened to be a forced confession and a continual denial of an attorney.

Holy toledo you left wing scumbuckets are such fucking assholes. If the State had an iron clad case with solid forensic evidence they would have never relied on a confession to begin with.

And most certainly if this was airtight against Dowlut, they would have retried.

But after serving half a decade in prison, and despite solid forensic evidence matching Dowlut's dug-up pistol to the murder, the Indiana Supreme Court found that police had overzealously violated his constitutional rights in obtaining that confession—they reportedly denied him a lawyer despite multiple requests—and his conviction was overturned.

The NRA's Top Attorney Was Convicted of Murder in 1964
"Technicalties" prevent a fair and impartial, that is why convictions can be overturned.

Peach you seem to be well schooled in the law so you can tell me if I'm wrong in thinking this technicality was a serious one.

If the technicality that the case was overturned on just happened to be a forced confession and a continual denial of an attorney that was requested repeatedly, isn't that like a "biggie" as far as technicalities go?
Here's part of an article recently published by Mother Jones.

... NRA general counsel Robert J. Dowlut, is a low-profile yet influential legal expert who has spent more than 35 years pushing for an aggressively broad interpretation of the Second Amendment. In 1964, he was sentenced to life in prison for shooting his girlfriend's mother in South Bend, Indiana. ...

Did the NRA Know About Robert Dowlut's Reversed Murder Conviction? | Mother Jones

All this happened almost 50 years ago but it's been more or less unknown to the general public. Despite the NRA's high profile, they haven't talked about the history of one of their most important staff. Moreover, they're not talking now. They won't discuss Robert Dowlut's history and he won't either. That's kind of strange. The NRA tells us guns are good so why aren't they talking?

What is a bigger threat? Thugs in in the inner city southside of Chicago who shoot yet another 3 year old using an illegal firearm or a Montana mountain man firing a legal AK 47 at tin cans?
He paid his debt to society, how is this relevant today? I cannot believe any State Bar would let him practice unless he is proven rehabilitated.

As a matter of fact, the conviction was overturned on a technicality. The State Supreme Court ordered a new trial but none ever was conducted. Dowlut never had to be show to be "rehabilitated."

That's pretty much the problem. The evidence is compelling and conclusive. It points to him as the murderer but he won't talk about it. He's relying on a police error to shield him from the condemnation he should be suffering.

Are you opposed to the 5th amendment to the Constitution?

That is the "technicality" you are referring to.

The SAME RIGHT that lefty fuckwads like you proclaimed sacrosanct when Lois Lerner invoked it.

That the right to not answer questions is NOT an admission of guilt.

But as usual, that standard only applies when the lefty agenda is in peril.

So fuck-off hypocrite, take your Mother Jones hit piece and shove in up your ass sideways.

Joe Squeal got his slanderous nonsense stuffed up there on another board why he thinks it will be different here is hard to fathom
Here is an idea as to why the NRA is not talking about it ready? It was 50 years ago nobody in the year 2014 cares.

If the NRA said anything, it would highlight the importance of the issue. The NRA knows its staff member is a liability to whatever moral authority the NRA believes it has. Talking about his murder conviction and the subsequent reversal on a mere technicality would bring the issue to the public's attention and it would create a severe threat to the NRA's facade of respectability.
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Here is an idea as to why the NRA is not talking about it ready? It was 50 years ago nobody in the year 2014 cares.

If the NRA said anything, it would highlight the importance of the issue. The NRA knows its staff member is a liability to whatever moral authority the NRA believes it has. Talking about his murder conviction and the subsequent reversal on a mere technicality would bring the issue to the public's attention and it would create a severe threat to the NRA's facade of respectability.

Nice try.. LMAO


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