NRA General Counsel Robert Dowlut Convicted of Murder

WHAT competent commentary? You are a NRA hater because they support the right of free citizens to be armed as a bulwark against a dictatorial government and psychotic criminals-two groups you are a fluffer for

The NRA supports the guns rights because the gun industry pays them to do it.
All this happened nearly 50 years ago! Oh Noeeessssss!!!!!11!!!!!!!

Let's riot and loot some shoe stores.
The NRA receives the majority of its funding from the gun industry. It is merely coincidence that they happen to agree on the issues.

Every issue.

are you of the opinion that the gun industry and us gun owners would have divergent points of view when it comes to the 2A? the current tactics of the anti gun scum is to pretend that being supported by the gun industry is a bad thing. Its the talking points of assholes like Brady and Josh Sugarmann. They seem to think its a new tactic to demonize the NRA in the minds of pillow headed sheeple
Here's part of an article recently published by Mother Jones.

All this happened almost 50 years ago but it's been more or less unknown to the general public. Despite the NRA's high profile, they haven't talked about the history of one of their most important staff. Moreover, they're not talking now. They won't discuss Robert Dowlut's history and he won't either. That's kind of strange. The NRA tells us guns are good so why aren't they talking?
eh, one of bloombergs top anti gun guys was just convicted of embezzlement and perjury. another one has been charged with false imprisonment, unlawful restraint, reckless endangerment, serving alcohol to a minor and other crimes, and he also allegedly used more than one gun in this incident, in which at least one shot was fired. A leading anti gun california congressman was convicted of gun running. and this is all current. not 50 years old
The NRA once was dedicated to safe gun handling and good shooting. Now it's dedicated to gun proliferation. It wants to put more guns on American streets and it doesn't care who has them. It's all about selling not shooting.
The NRA once was dedicated to safe gun handling and good shooting. Now it's dedicated to gun proliferation. It wants to put more guns on American streets and it doesn't care who has them. It's all about selling not shooting.

more idiocy. you just constantly lie because you are butt hurt over the fact that the NRA funds and supports candidates who are not far left moon bats such as you
Dowlut is employed by the NRA today. This about the morality of relying on a murder suspect to set national policy.

We elect the NRA to set national policy?

Who knew?
Dowlut is employed by the NRA today. This about the morality of relying on a murder suspect to set national policy.

We elect the NRA to set national policy?

Who knew?

Who knew?

Who doesn't.

Please link to where the NRA holds elected office that gives it the power to set national policy. I haven't found that role in The Constitution.

He's got the sheep/tool DNC talking points down pat

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