NRA General Counsel Robert Dowlut Convicted of Murder

you are lying again. tell me how many felonies you have prosecuted or criminal federal appeals you have handled. the entire weaver case is one of the real nadirs of the US law enforcement community and is a disgrace to all of us who worked for the federal government.

Unless you're like the copy boy, I don't imagine a nut like you would last very long in any federal agency.

The only problem iwth the Weaver Case is they let these Nazi fucks live.

I am sorry that you can't get the federal gov't to kill the people you dislike or that are not politically correct enough.

But the feds killed two people, without justification. That is plenty. Your insistence that they are Nazis is still without any evidence. But feel free to give us a link to any you find. Until you do I will assume this is just another lie from you.

Whatever, guy. The fact they hung with Aryan Nation assholes is proof enough. The ATF had this guy's number.

But just remember.
Nancy wasn't a prepper.
Weaver wasn't a Nazi
David Koresh wasn't a kiddie diddler,
and Dowlut is an outstanding member of the bar despite the fact he murdered a woman.

That's some pretty fucked up shit right there.

you are setting a record for ignorant assumptions about a topic you are clueless about.

you need to put that sign up

and buy a big jar of KY jelly

it won't hurt so bad

if you are afraid of guns you are going to get OWNED by those who have them and use them

you are going to be some scum bag's own private peg boy

Never needed a gun to defend myself. Ever. In 52 years. Not even when I was in the Army.

But you seem pretty obsessed about being violated in a homosexual way. Ugh. Really, seeing your sexual fantasies is not a pretty thing, Dude.

I'm sure everyone is suitably scared. You are so tough. But then, if you don't use guns to defend yourself, I guess you just hope and pray that who ever attacks you doesn't use guns either? I mean, that is your entire defensive strategy, isn't it? "Oh I hope they don't have a gun"? And the hope that teh cops show up pretty fast, after you call 911.

Your the scared little guys who live in mortal terror. I really don't.

again, gun in the house, 43 times more likely to kill bad guys. Known a lot of people who've had to bury loved ones who died from a gun they bought for "protection".

I am sorry that you can't get the federal gov't to kill the people you dislike or that are not politically correct enough.

But the feds killed two people, without justification. That is plenty. Your insistence that they are Nazis is still without any evidence. But feel free to give us a link to any you find. Until you do I will assume this is just another lie from you.

They had justification. They shot and killed federal agents.

I am sorry that you can't get the federal gov't to kill the people you dislike or that are not politically correct enough.

But the feds killed two people, without justification. That is plenty. Your insistence that they are Nazis is still without any evidence. But feel free to give us a link to any you find. Until you do I will assume this is just another lie from you.

They had justification. They shot and killed federal agents.

They murdered a 14 year old boy who had committed no crime. Then they murdered a mother holding a 10 month old baby in her arms, when there was no imminent threat to anyone. The entire Ruby Ridge debacle was unnecessary and more should have been prosecuted.
you are lying again. tell me how many felonies you have prosecuted or criminal federal appeals you have handled. the entire weaver case is one of the real nadirs of the US law enforcement community and is a disgrace to all of us who worked for the federal government.

Unless you're like the copy boy, I don't imagine a nut like you would last very long in any federal agency.

The only problem iwth the Weaver Case is they let these Nazi fucks live.

I am sorry that you can't get the federal gov't to kill the people you dislike or that are not politically correct enough.

But the feds killed two people, without justification. That is plenty. Your insistence that they are Nazis is still without any evidence. But feel free to give us a link to any you find. Until you do I will assume this is just another lie from you.

Whatever, guy. The fact they hung with Aryan Nation assholes is proof enough. The ATF had this guy's number.

But just remember.
Nancy wasn't a prepper.
Weaver wasn't a Nazi
David Koresh wasn't a kiddie diddler,
and Dowlut is an outstanding member of the bar despite the fact he murdered a woman.

That's some pretty fucked up shit right there.

Yeah, tell us again how you want the feds to execute people and how you cheer the murder of women and children, then go on about how fucked up something is.

1) If Nancy was a prepper, she sucked at it.
2) I'm still waiting for any evidence that Randy Weaver was a nazi.
3) No one here has defended Koresh.
4) Dowlut faced his punishment and was subsequently released due to police bungling on an amazing scale. And the prosecutors elected not to go after him again.

I'm sure everyone is suitably scared. You are so tough. But then, if you don't use guns to defend yourself, I guess you just hope and pray that who ever attacks you doesn't use guns either? I mean, that is your entire defensive strategy, isn't it? "Oh I hope they don't have a gun"? And the hope that teh cops show up pretty fast, after you call 911.

Your the scared little guys who live in mortal terror. I really don't.

again, gun in the house, 43 times more likely to kill bad guys. Known a lot of people who've had to bury loved ones who died from a gun they bought for "protection".

Yeah, we know. You've known 3, one of whom was dying of a terminal disease and should have been allowed to end his own suffering and not be kept in pain for someone else's selfish reasons.

You finally got it right. "again, gun in the house, 43 times more likely to kill bad guys." I have no problem with a gun in the house being used to kill bad guys.

I am sorry that you can't get the federal gov't to kill the people you dislike or that are not politically correct enough.

But the feds killed two people, without justification. That is plenty. Your insistence that they are Nazis is still without any evidence. But feel free to give us a link to any you find. Until you do I will assume this is just another lie from you.

They had justification. They shot and killed federal agents.

They murdered a 14 year old boy who had committed no crime. Then they murdered a mother holding a 10 month old baby in her arms, when there was no imminent threat to anyone. The entire Ruby Ridge debacle was unnecessary and more should have been prosecuted.

No crime, except shooting at federal agents.

I'll agree, it was a debacle. They never should have tried to reason with these nuts. They never should have tried to reason with the nuts at Waco, either.

I'm sure everyone is suitably scared. You are so tough. But then, if you don't use guns to defend yourself, I guess you just hope and pray that who ever attacks you doesn't use guns either? I mean, that is your entire defensive strategy, isn't it? "Oh I hope they don't have a gun"? And the hope that teh cops show up pretty fast, after you call 911.

Your the scared little guys who live in mortal terror. I really don't.

again, gun in the house, 43 times more likely to kill bad guys. Known a lot of people who've had to bury loved ones who died from a gun they bought for "protection".

Yeah, we know. You've known 3, one of whom was dying of a terminal disease and should have been allowed to end his own suffering and not be kept in pain for someone else's selfish reasons.

You finally got it right. "again, gun in the house, 43 times more likely to kill bad guys." I have no problem with a gun in the house being used to kill bad guys.

Yawn, I guess i'm just getting tired of typing the same thing and watch you go into denial.

Sorry, guns in the house are 43 times more likely to kill people in the house than a bad guy.

And, no, the guy shouldn't have killed himself. It was actually kind of inconsiderate to his wife who found him. He also could have killed someone when his "trial run" sent a bullet flying across the parking lot.

Yeah, tell us again how you want the feds to execute people and how you cheer the murder of women and children, then go on about how fucked up something is.

1) If Nancy was a prepper, she sucked at it.
2) I'm still waiting for any evidence that Randy Weaver was a nazi.
3) No one here has defended Koresh.
4) Dowlut faced his punishment and was subsequently released due to police bungling on an amazing scale. And the prosecutors elected not to go after him again.

1) 7 guns, 1600 rounds of ammunition, 7 swords, a shitload of other military paraphenalia. Someone needed to tell her Zombies aren't real.

The Randy Weaver Ruby Ridge Trial An Account

Vicki and Randy were slipping further and further away from mainstream life. They adopted a conspiratorial world view that linked Jews to the Illuminati, Masons, and the Trilateral Commission. Randy began sleeping in a flak jacket with a loaded gun under his pillow. In an interview with a reporter for a Waterloo paper, they said they planned to build a house in the woods with a defensible 300-yard "kill zone" around its perimeter. They became increasingly isolated, as their radical beliefs caused them to lose former friends. In 1983, the couple left Iowa for good, with Randy driving a moving van and Vicki following behind in a pickup truck, heading west to meet the end time in the mountains.

Within a year of their arrival, the Weavers had made both friends and enemies. Randy befriended a number of locals who shared his racist and religious views, but those same views, as well as property disputes and his habit of constantly firing off bullets into the surrounding hillside set some other neighbors against him. One upset neighbor reported to the Boundary County sheriff that Randy had threatened to kill President Reagan and the governor of Idaho, and soon Weaver was the focus of unwelcome attention from federal law enforcement officials. Randy called the report of his alleged threat "a smear campaign" and sent a letter to the Secret Service agent who interviewed him demanding an apology.

Moving right along.

3) Come on, we know you all want to. So you are calling Waco a righteous kill, right/

4) Law Enforcement blunders aside, there was no evidence he didn't do what he was accused of. He killed that woman. Period. Life for a life.
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Yeah, tell us again how you want the feds to execute people and how you cheer the murder of women and children, then go on about how fucked up something is.

1) If Nancy was a prepper, she sucked at it.
2) I'm still waiting for any evidence that Randy Weaver was a nazi.
3) No one here has defended Koresh.
4) Dowlut faced his punishment and was subsequently released due to police bungling on an amazing scale. And the prosecutors elected not to go after him again.

1) 7 guns, 1600 rounds of ammunition, 7 swords, a shitload of other military paraphenalia. Someone needed to tell her Zombies aren't real.

The Randy Weaver Ruby Ridge Trial An Account

Vicki and Randy were slipping further and further away from mainstream life. They adopted a conspiratorial world view that linked Jews to the Illuminati, Masons, and the Trilateral Commission. Randy began sleeping in a flak jacket with a loaded gun under his pillow. In an interview with a reporter for a Waterloo paper, they said they planned to build a house in the woods with a defensible 300-yard "kill zone" around its perimeter. They became increasingly isolated, as their radical beliefs caused them to lose former friends. In 1983, the couple left Iowa for good, with Randy driving a moving van and Vicki following behind in a pickup truck, heading west to meet the end time in the mountains.

Within a year of their arrival, the Weavers had made both friends and enemies. Randy befriended a number of locals who shared his racist and religious views, but those same views, as well as property disputes and his habit of constantly firing off bullets into the surrounding hillside set some other neighbors against him. One upset neighbor reported to the Boundary County sheriff that Randy had threatened to kill President Reagan and the governor of Idaho, and soon Weaver was the focus of unwelcome attention from federal law enforcement officials. Randy called the report of his alleged threat "a smear campaign" and sent a letter to the Secret Service agent who interviewed him demanding an apology.

Moving right along.

3) Come on, we know you all want to. So you are calling Waco a righteous kill, right/

4) Law Enforcement blunders aside, there was no evidence he didn't do what he was accused of. He killed that woman. Period. Life for a life.

1) Nancy had lots of .22 LR ammo, but less than 200 rounds of anything else. Zombies? I saw a few references to her family saying she was talking about being prepared, but the whole "zombie" thing is more of your bullshit. And the samurai swords?? LMAO!! You still include those like they matter. lol

2) Yes, Randy & Vicki Weaver were religious survivalists and perhaps racists. Anything to show they were nazis? Or is that just more lying on your part? Surely you know what a nazi actually is? Just because someone is a racist does not mean they are a nazi. But then, you have kept saying that Sammy killed the marshal, and that was a lie. So I'm not really sure why anyone expects the truth from you. You have lied over and over and over in this thread. That makes it hard to believe much of anything you say.

3) Come on now, I stick with facts. You are the one who cannot help but lie.

4) Talk to the prosecutors. There are constitutional rights that were violated. He served 6 years and then was released. You claim one thing, but the prosecutors didn't see fit to retry him.

I'm sure everyone is suitably scared. You are so tough. But then, if you don't use guns to defend yourself, I guess you just hope and pray that who ever attacks you doesn't use guns either? I mean, that is your entire defensive strategy, isn't it? "Oh I hope they don't have a gun"? And the hope that teh cops show up pretty fast, after you call 911.

Your the scared little guys who live in mortal terror. I really don't.

again, gun in the house, 43 times more likely to kill bad guys. Known a lot of people who've had to bury loved ones who died from a gun they bought for "protection".

Yeah, we know. You've known 3, one of whom was dying of a terminal disease and should have been allowed to end his own suffering and not be kept in pain for someone else's selfish reasons.

You finally got it right. "again, gun in the house, 43 times more likely to kill bad guys." I have no problem with a gun in the house being used to kill bad guys.

Yawn, I guess i'm just getting tired of typing the same thing and watch you go into denial.

Sorry, guns in the house are 43 times more likely to kill people in the house than a bad guy.

And, no, the guy shouldn't have killed himself. It was actually kind of inconsiderate to his wife who found him. He also could have killed someone when his "trial run" sent a bullet flying across the parking lot.

You were more accurate the first time. Now you are back to the claim that has been debunked.

So he should have suffered more pain, more indignities and taken longer to die, all so someone else could wait? Bullshit. Perhaps he should have done it another way, but our laws do not allow terminally ill patients to determine their own fates. Medical technology is used to keep them alive whether they have a good life or a miserable one, and whether there is hope or only dispair.

I am sorry that you can't get the federal gov't to kill the people you dislike or that are not politically correct enough.

But the feds killed two people, without justification. That is plenty. Your insistence that they are Nazis is still without any evidence. But feel free to give us a link to any you find. Until you do I will assume this is just another lie from you.

They had justification. They shot and killed federal agents.

They murdered a 14 year old boy who had committed no crime. Then they murdered a mother holding a 10 month old baby in her arms, when there was no imminent threat to anyone. The entire Ruby Ridge debacle was unnecessary and more should have been prosecuted.

No crime, except shooting at federal agents.

I'll agree, it was a debacle. They never should have tried to reason with these nuts. They never should have tried to reason with the nuts at Waco, either.

Shooting at intruders on their land who had already killed their dog and fired at them. And obviously they were not acting as most federal agents do, since they shot a fleeing 14 year old in the back and killed him.
1) you have that much ammo, all I can think is "zombies'. No reason why anyone should have that much ammo.

2) Oh, they were racist and anti-semitic, but man, don't call them Nazis. They didn't wear the armbands!

3) So you are saying Koresh got what was coming to him?

4) The prosecutors should have gone after him. Regardless of what they did, he murdered a woman. A woman whose only crime was she didn't like this 20 year old guy doing her 15 year old daughter. But the totally right guy to Represent the National Rampage Association.

Nice people you associate with and champion.

Shooting at intruders on their land who had already killed their dog and fired at them. And obviously they were not acting as most federal agents do, since they shot a fleeing 14 year old in the back and killed him.

Um, yeah, the fact that a Federal Marshal was killed pretty much negates any "Sammy was an innocent kid."

Well, man, I mean, those Federal Marshall totally deprived the Aryan Brotherhood in prison their mascot.
1) you have that much ammo, all I can think is "zombies'. No reason why anyone should have that much ammo.

2) Oh, they were racist and anti-semitic, but man, don't call them Nazis. They didn't wear the armbands!

3) So you are saying Koresh got what was coming to him?

4) The prosecutors should have gone after him. Regardless of what they did, he murdered a woman. A woman whose only crime was she didn't like this 20 year old guy doing her 15 year old daughter. But the totally right guy to Represent the National Rampage Association.

Nice people you associate with and champion.

1) You yourself said you fired at least 100 rounds every time you went to the range. Have you tried to buy ammo lately? Finding .22lr is tough, and when you do they often limit you to one box. The ammo for the other guns she had was equally difficult to get. If I have a chance to buy a brick of .22s, I certainly do so. (1 brick = 500)

2) Words do have actual meanings. I would suggest you use words that fit the actual facts, instead of picking words for their inflammatory value. Oh, and the Weavers never once did anything illegal where their racial beliefs are concerned. So you are advocating execution for what they THOUGHT, not what they did. Even the FBI agreed the charges against Randy Weaver were bogus.

3) I don't believe I have discussed Koresh at all, except that he was part of the reason McVeigh blew up the federal building and that the feds could have taken him when he went into town.

4) It is telling that you want to prosecute one person for their crimes, but want union thugs to have a free pass to threaten people and destroy property.

You have no idea who I associate with. As for my championing people, that is not what I have done. I expect the federal law enforcement to act in a lawful manner. I expect every citizen to be treated as though they are innocent until proven guilty. And I expect gov't agents to refrain from executing citizens unless they are an imminent threat.

Unlike you I do not want people murdered for what they think.

Shooting at intruders on their land who had already killed their dog and fired at them. And obviously they were not acting as most federal agents do, since they shot a fleeing 14 year old in the back and killed him.

Um, yeah, the fact that a Federal Marshal was killed pretty much negates any "Sammy was an innocent kid."

Well, man, I mean, those Federal Marshall totally deprived the Aryan Brotherhood in prison their mascot.

Sammy was murdered by a federal marshal. He was shot in the back as he ran away from the fighting.

If someone starts shooting at you, on your land, you have every right to return fire. The feds should not have been there. And Harris is the one who shot Degan, despite your continued lies to the contrary.

Shooting at intruders on their land who had already killed their dog and fired at them. And obviously they were not acting as most federal agents do, since they shot a fleeing 14 year old in the back and killed him.

Um, yeah, the fact that a Federal Marshal was killed pretty much negates any "Sammy was an innocent kid."

Well, man, I mean, those Federal Marshall totally deprived the Aryan Brotherhood in prison their mascot.

The marshal was killed in a firefight that they initiated.

And Sammy was indeed an innocent kid. Unless you want to persist in the claim that he killed Degan, he committed no crime.

I'm sure everyone is suitably scared. You are so tough. But then, if you don't use guns to defend yourself, I guess you just hope and pray that who ever attacks you doesn't use guns either? I mean, that is your entire defensive strategy, isn't it? "Oh I hope they don't have a gun"? And the hope that teh cops show up pretty fast, after you call 911.

Your the scared little guys who live in mortal terror. I really don't.

again, gun in the house, 43 times more likely to kill bad guys. Known a lot of people who've had to bury loved ones who died from a gun they bought for "protection".

Yeah, we know. You've known 3, one of whom was dying of a terminal disease and should have been allowed to end his own suffering and not be kept in pain for someone else's selfish reasons.

You finally got it right. "again, gun in the house, 43 times more likely to kill bad guys." I have no problem with a gun in the house being used to kill bad guys.

Yawn, I guess i'm just getting tired of typing the same thing and watch you go into denial.

Sorry, guns in the house are 43 times more likely to kill people in the house than a bad guy.

And, no, the guy shouldn't have killed himself. It was actually kind of inconsiderate to his wife who found him. He also could have killed someone when his "trial run" sent a bullet flying across the parking lot.


Only DULLARDS who don't follow this issue are stupid enough to repeat that disgraced study


Shooting at intruders on their land who had already killed their dog and fired at them. And obviously they were not acting as most federal agents do, since they shot a fleeing 14 year old in the back and killed him.

Um, yeah, the fact that a Federal Marshal was killed pretty much negates any "Sammy was an innocent kid."

Well, man, I mean, those Federal Marshall totally deprived the Aryan Brotherhood in prison their mascot.

but harris was acquitted of killing Degan


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