NRA General Counsel Robert Dowlut Convicted of Murder


you are setting a record for ignorant assumptions about a topic you are clueless about.

you need to put that sign up

and buy a big jar of KY jelly

it won't hurt so bad

if you are afraid of guns you are going to get OWNED by those who have them and use them

you are going to be some scum bag's own private peg boy

Never needed a gun to defend myself. Ever. In 52 years. Not even when I was in the Army.

But you seem pretty obsessed about being violated in a homosexual way. Ugh. Really, seeing your sexual fantasies is not a pretty thing, Dude.

that's like saying I have never needed a fire extinguisher so no one else needs them.

Most gun hating males are eunuchs or fairies

that's a fact

you are setting a record for ignorant assumptions about a topic you are clueless about.

you need to put that sign up

and buy a big jar of KY jelly

it won't hurt so bad

if you are afraid of guns you are going to get OWNED by those who have them and use them

you are going to be some scum bag's own private peg boy

Never needed a gun to defend myself. Ever. In 52 years. Not even when I was in the Army.

And hopefully you never will need a gun to defend yourself. But assuming that no one will ever need a gun to defend themselves is blatantly wrong. People do use guns to stop crimes. At least 100,000 times per year they do so.
But you seem pretty obsessed about being violated in a homosexual way. Ugh. Really, seeing your sexual fantasies is not a pretty thing, Dude.

See, this is what they call "projection" where an individual places there fears, and inadequacies, on another person as a self defense mechanism....when they "project" like this, they don't have to deal with these fears in their own life...

If you are obsessed with this sort of attack, don't project it...get help with it....go see a psychiatrist or social worker and they can help you with sexual fears and will take time...but you can get better....

you are setting a record for ignorant assumptions about a topic you are clueless about.

you need to put that sign up

and buy a big jar of KY jelly

it won't hurt so bad

if you are afraid of guns you are going to get OWNED by those who have them and use them

you are going to be some scum bag's own private peg boy

Never needed a gun to defend myself. Ever. In 52 years. Not even when I was in the Army.

And hopefully you never will need a gun to defend yourself. But assuming that no one will ever need a gun to defend themselves is blatantly wrong. People do use guns to stop crimes. At least 100,000 times per year they do so.

I whacked a mugger and caused his cohort to be captured and charged with several crimes including defecation in a police car
I think you are one of these people who just argues to hear himself talk, and I am wondering if I should keep feeding your black hole of emotional need. But anyway.

1) You yourself said you fired at least 100 rounds every time you went to the range. Have you tried to buy ammo lately? Finding .22lr is tough, and when you do they often limit you to one box. The ammo for the other guns she had was equally difficult to get. If I have a chance to buy a brick of .22s, I certainly do so. (1 brick = 500)

Um, I was a trained professional acting as part of a "well-regulated" military unit. If I had that amount of ammo in my barracks or my residence, they'd have wanted to have a word with me.

But, hey, it was a good thing Nancy had all that Ammo around. Her son totally took out those Zombies...oh, wait, those were preschoolers. My bad.

2) Words do have actual meanings. I would suggest you use words that fit the actual facts, instead of picking words for their inflammatory value. Oh, and the Weavers never once did anything illegal where their racial beliefs are concerned. So you are advocating execution for what they THOUGHT, not what they did. Even the FBI agreed the charges against Randy Weaver were bogus.

NO, any reasonable definition of Nazi would probably fit the Weavers. Anti-Semitic, Racist and against the government.

And I advocate their execution becuase they murdered a federal agent.

As for the FBI guy, in the case of both Ruby Ridge and Waco, the Hostage Negotiation Team did a lot of CYA when the shit hit the fan and they had to explain why they gave nutbags so much leash. So, yeah, blaming the Hostage Rescue Team and the snipers was a great way to go.

3) I don't believe I have discussed Koresh at all, except that he was part of the reason McVeigh blew up the federal building and that the feds could have taken him when he went into town.

Well, okay, then what was your opinion of Koresh. Was the government right to take him down or not?

Simple enough. No evading.

4) It is telling that you want to prosecute one person for their crimes, but want union thugs to have a free pass to threaten people and destroy property.

You have no idea who I associate with. As for my championing people, that is not what I have done. I expect the federal law enforcement to act in a lawful manner. I expect every citizen to be treated as though they are innocent until proven guilty. And I expect gov't agents to refrain from executing citizens unless they are an imminent threat.

Unlike you I do not want people murdered for what they think.

Um, yeah, breaking property of scabs is not quite the same as murdering a woman because you were statutoraly raping her daughter and didn't want to get turned in.

Frankly, I'd love it if union thuggery weren't necessary because we had strong laws that protected working folks. THat would be even better.


Only DULLARDS who don't follow this issue are stupid enough to repeat that disgraced study


Actually, I've studied Kellerman pretty extensively. 39 of the 43 murders were suicides. .5 was an accident. and 3.5 were homicides, usually between family members or acquaintances.

Shooting at intruders on their land who had already killed their dog and fired at them. And obviously they were not acting as most federal agents do, since they shot a fleeing 14 year old in the back and killed him.

Um, yeah, the fact that a Federal Marshal was killed pretty much negates any "Sammy was an innocent kid."

Well, man, I mean, those Federal Marshall totally deprived the Aryan Brotherhood in prison their mascot.

The marshal was killed in a firefight that they initiated.

And Sammy was indeed an innocent kid. Unless you want to persist in the claim that he killed Degan, he committed no crime.

Sammy was a future Nazi convict looking for a place to happen. seriously, being raised in that environment, he was just destined for a lifetime in police custody.

Shooting at intruders on their land who had already killed their dog and fired at them. And obviously they were not acting as most federal agents do, since they shot a fleeing 14 year old in the back and killed him.

Um, yeah, the fact that a Federal Marshal was killed pretty much negates any "Sammy was an innocent kid."

Well, man, I mean, those Federal Marshall totally deprived the Aryan Brotherhood in prison their mascot.

The marshal was killed in a firefight that they initiated.

And Sammy was indeed an innocent kid. Unless you want to persist in the claim that he killed Degan, he committed no crime.

Sammy was a future Nazi convict looking for a place to happen. seriously, being raised in that environment, he was just destined for a lifetime in police custody.

Jeez, you are really stretching here, aren't you. It is ok that he was murdered because you think he was destined to be something you don't like? What a spiteful piece of shit you must be.

First you claim he was a murderer. Then, without admitting you lied, you claim he should have died because of some bullshit you know nothing about.
I think you are one of these people who just argues to hear himself talk, and I am wondering if I should keep feeding your black hole of emotional need. But anyway.

1) You yourself said you fired at least 100 rounds every time you went to the range. Have you tried to buy ammo lately? Finding .22lr is tough, and when you do they often limit you to one box. The ammo for the other guns she had was equally difficult to get. If I have a chance to buy a brick of .22s, I certainly do so. (1 brick = 500)

Um, I was a trained professional acting as part of a "well-regulated" military unit. If I had that amount of ammo in my barracks or my residence, they'd have wanted to have a word with me.

But, hey, it was a good thing Nancy had all that Ammo around. Her son totally took out those Zombies...oh, wait, those were preschoolers. My bad.

2) Words do have actual meanings. I would suggest you use words that fit the actual facts, instead of picking words for their inflammatory value. Oh, and the Weavers never once did anything illegal where their racial beliefs are concerned. So you are advocating execution for what they THOUGHT, not what they did. Even the FBI agreed the charges against Randy Weaver were bogus.

NO, any reasonable definition of Nazi would probably fit the Weavers. Anti-Semitic, Racist and against the government.

And I advocate their execution becuase they murdered a federal agent.

As for the FBI guy, in the case of both Ruby Ridge and Waco, the Hostage Negotiation Team did a lot of CYA when the shit hit the fan and they had to explain why they gave nutbags so much leash. So, yeah, blaming the Hostage Rescue Team and the snipers was a great way to go.

3) I don't believe I have discussed Koresh at all, except that he was part of the reason McVeigh blew up the federal building and that the feds could have taken him when he went into town.

Well, okay, then what was your opinion of Koresh. Was the government right to take him down or not?

Simple enough. No evading.

4) It is telling that you want to prosecute one person for their crimes, but want union thugs to have a free pass to threaten people and destroy property.

You have no idea who I associate with. As for my championing people, that is not what I have done. I expect the federal law enforcement to act in a lawful manner. I expect every citizen to be treated as though they are innocent until proven guilty. And I expect gov't agents to refrain from executing citizens unless they are an imminent threat.

Unlike you I do not want people murdered for what they think.

Um, yeah, breaking property of scabs is not quite the same as murdering a woman because you were statutoraly raping her daughter and didn't want to get turned in.

Frankly, I'd love it if union thuggery weren't necessary because we had strong laws that protected working folks. THat would be even better.

What a load of bullshit. If you had had a gun in the barracks that was not military issue you would have been in trouble. In fact,if you had had any ammunition at all you would have been in trouble. But we are not talking about a privately owned firearm. And the 2nd amendment was not to provide for a gov't force.

One person shot BACK at and killed a federal agent. Sammy Weaver did not kill a federal agent. Vicki Weaver to not kill a federal agent. And randy Weaver did not kill a federal agent.

And the agents did not give them any leash. They set up and assaulted them on a bogus charge. The agents and the sniper SHOULD have done time.

Simple question, yes indeed. Much like the one I asked numerous times.


Only DULLARDS who don't follow this issue are stupid enough to repeat that disgraced study


Actually, I've studied Kellerman pretty extensively. 39 of the 43 murders were suicides. .5 was an accident. and 3.5 were homicides, usually between family members or acquaintances.

suicides are not a criminal issue

I don't feel unsafe because the dude down the road ate a revolver after being told he has ALS or his entire family was wiped out in the world trade center bombing

Shooting at intruders on their land who had already killed their dog and fired at them. And obviously they were not acting as most federal agents do, since they shot a fleeing 14 year old in the back and killed him.

Um, yeah, the fact that a Federal Marshal was killed pretty much negates any "Sammy was an innocent kid."

Well, man, I mean, those Federal Marshall totally deprived the Aryan Brotherhood in prison their mascot.

The marshal was killed in a firefight that they initiated.

And Sammy was indeed an innocent kid. Unless you want to persist in the claim that he killed Degan, he committed no crime.

Sammy was a future Nazi convict looking for a place to happen. seriously, being raised in that environment, he was just destined for a lifetime in police custody.

still that idiocy. what sammy was, was the son of a guy who served his country honorably in the Green Beret and then adopted some unpopular views known as "white separatism". was Randy weaver a racist-perhaps
was he an anti semite-probably

was he a Nazi-no-there is no evidence of that
still that idiocy. what sammy was, was the son of a guy who served his country honorably in the Green Beret and then adopted some unpopular views known as "white separatism". was Randy weaver a racist-perhaps
was he an anti semite-probably

was he a Nazi-no-there is no evidence of that

Naw, he just moved with all the Aryan Nations assholes.

I think when you join racist hate groups and start talking about assassinating the President, you move out of "Served his country" and into "All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic".
suicides are not a criminal issue

I don't feel unsafe because the dude down the road ate a revolver after being told he has ALS or his entire family was wiped out in the world trade center bombing

It's not about you, dude. It's about the 32,000 gun deaths we have every year because we let people have guns who just plain shouldn't have them.

What a load of bullshit. If you had had a gun in the barracks that was not military issue you would have been in trouble. In fact,if you had had any ammunition at all you would have been in trouble. But we are not talking about a privately owned firearm. And the 2nd amendment was not to provide for a gov't force.

No, the second Amendment was for having a militia back in the days before we had professional armies and police forces. It's not relevent today.

One person shot BACK at and killed a federal agent. Sammy Weaver did not kill a federal agent. Vicki Weaver to not kill a federal agent. And randy Weaver did not kill a federal agent.

No, but they were accomplices. And just because a jury of inbreds felt bad for them doesn't take away from that.

And the agents did not give them any leash. They set up and assaulted them on a bogus charge. The agents and the sniper SHOULD have done time.

Simple question, yes indeed. Much like the one I asked numerous times.

No, the Weavers and Harris should have done time. Lots of Time.
still that idiocy. what sammy was, was the son of a guy who served his country honorably in the Green Beret and then adopted some unpopular views known as "white separatism". was Randy weaver a racist-perhaps
was he an anti semite-probably

was he a Nazi-no-there is no evidence of that

Naw, he just moved with all the Aryan Nations assholes.

I think when you join racist hate groups and start talking about assassinating the President, you move out of "Served his country" and into "All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic".

And none of that, even if it were true, is a reason for execution without a trial.
still that idiocy. what sammy was, was the son of a guy who served his country honorably in the Green Beret and then adopted some unpopular views known as "white separatism". was Randy weaver a racist-perhaps
was he an anti semite-probably

was he a Nazi-no-there is no evidence of that

Naw, he just moved with all the Aryan Nations assholes.

I think when you join racist hate groups and start talking about assassinating the President, you move out of "Served his country" and into "All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic".

And none of that, even if it were true, is a reason for execution without a trial.

You know, that's probably what Mike Brown was thinking during "Grand Theft Cigar", but a whole shitload of Wingnuts think shooting him was fine.

What a load of bullshit. If you had had a gun in the barracks that was not military issue you would have been in trouble. In fact,if you had had any ammunition at all you would have been in trouble. But we are not talking about a privately owned firearm. And the 2nd amendment was not to provide for a gov't force.

No, the second Amendment was for having a militia back in the days before we had professional armies and police forces. It's not relevent today.

One person shot BACK at and killed a federal agent. Sammy Weaver did not kill a federal agent. Vicki Weaver to not kill a federal agent. And randy Weaver did not kill a federal agent.

No, but they were accomplices. And just because a jury of inbreds felt bad for them doesn't take away from that.

And the agents did not give them any leash. They set up and assaulted them on a bogus charge. The agents and the sniper SHOULD have done time.

Simple question, yes indeed. Much like the one I asked numerous times.

No, the Weavers and Harris should have done time. Lots of Time.

No, the 2nd Amendment was written to allow the population to be armed. It is as relevant today as ever.

Your dramatic attempts as belittling language aside, the feds were WAY out of line during the entire debacle.

This memo from FBI Deputy Assistant Director Danny Coulson shows that.

"OPR 004477
Something to Consider
1. Charge against Weaver is Bull Shit.
2. No one saw Weaver do any shooting.
3. Vicki has no charges against her.
4. Weaver's defense. He ran down the hill to see what dog was
barking at. Some guys in camys shot his dog.
Started shooting at him. Killed his son. Harris did the

shooting [of Degan]. He [Weaver] is in pretty strong legal position.""

Both the internal 1994 Ruby Ridge Task Force Report and the public 1995 Senate subcommittee report on Ruby Ridge criticized the rules of engagement as unconstitutional. In other words, the feds fucked up.
still that idiocy. what sammy was, was the son of a guy who served his country honorably in the Green Beret and then adopted some unpopular views known as "white separatism". was Randy weaver a racist-perhaps
was he an anti semite-probably

was he a Nazi-no-there is no evidence of that

Naw, he just moved with all the Aryan Nations assholes.

I think when you join racist hate groups and start talking about assassinating the President, you move out of "Served his country" and into "All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic".

And none of that, even if it were true, is a reason for execution without a trial.

You know, that's probably what Mike Brown was thinking during "Grand Theft Cigar", but a whole shitload of Wingnuts think shooting him was fine.

Funny that you bring his name up so many times. Brown had actually committed crimes and been convicted of violent crimes. Yet you defend him. Weaver had not been convicted of anything and had lived an honest life, but you celebrate the slaughter of his son and wife. You are a sick fuck.

No, the 2nd Amendment was written to allow the population to be armed. It is as relevant today as ever.

No, it's not relevant at all. First, if your logic is you needs your gun to fight the gummit, the gummit has tanks and planes and drones. That's going to be a one-sided fight.

if you needs your gun to fight them coloreds, the fact is, a gun in your house is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

Your dramatic attempts as belittling language aside, the feds were WAY out of line during the entire debacle.

This memo from FBI Deputy Assistant Director Danny Coulson shows that.

Both the internal 1994 Ruby Ridge Task Force Report and the public 1995 Senate subcommittee report on Ruby Ridge criticized the rules of engagement as unconstitutional. In other words, the feds fucked up.

Again, Coulson was a paper-pusher trying to cover his ass after a debacle. Until he was the one who had crazy Nazis pointing guns at him, he really didn't have much to say.
Funny that you bring his name up so many times. Brown had actually committed crimes and been convicted of violent crimes. Yet you defend him. Weaver had not been convicted of anything and had lived an honest life, but you celebrate the slaughter of his son and wife. You are a sick fuck.

Um, Brown had never been convicted of a violent crime.

Official Michael Brown had no felony conviction as juvenile

A juvenile court official said Wednesday that Ferguson Police shooting victim Michael Brown was never convicted of a serious felony such as first-degree murder or second-degree murder. The information came out in St. Louis County Circuit Court as the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and petitioned to have Brown's juvenile record made public, if it existed.

The Nazis did kill a federal agent.

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