NRA opposes Fla move to raise age for rifles to 21, the same age for other firearms.

...So you don't think that all people should be treated equally under the eyes of the law?...
Worst convoluted Straw Man that I've seen in some time.

...Some should have more rights than others, that rights are not inherent, and that government can arbitrarily deny rights to any group of citizens it wants?...
More of the same.

...How about if that group someone decides is "dangerous", is Jewish, Black, women, etc.? how are you then not also justifying the attempt by someone else to implement the Holocaust, slavery, etc.?...
More of the same.

...By what authority could anyone simply deny those from 18 to 21 their rights?...
By that same authority which allows both the Federal government and the States to set the minimum drinking age at 21 rather than 18.

...There is no such laws or authority to draw on...
See above.

...Government would have to just make it up out of thin air, so that what is to prevent them from making up whatever they want, whenever they want? ...
Straw Man Round Two.

...Please read the definition of an authoritarian regime:...
The NRA is, indeed, attempting to impose an authoritarian regime upon a citizenry which does not agree in large part with the self-interests of the Gun Industry.

...Gun control in general, and arbitrary age restrictions specifically, fit all the descriptions of an illegal authoritarian regime.
The same can be said of driver's licenses and a thousand-and-one other restrictions or responsibilities that have been incorporated into the Social Contract.

Don't like it?

Move to Rwanda.
Just because an 18-year-old soldier can use a rifle in the Army is no reason to allow an 18-year-old civilian to buy a rifle. His use of a rifle in the Army is tightly controlled and closely monitored. That is very different from allowing some 18-year-old punk to walk into a gun store and buy an AR-15. There is just no need for a kid that age to own a rifle. A handgun? Maybe. But not a rifle.

An 18-year-old is not a kid; he's an adult. And nothing that you have yet written offers any just cause to deny him an essential Constitutional right.
It's time to begin isolating the NRA...

We see the serious beginnings of this with Enterprise, Symantec, the First National Bank of Omaha, and SimpliSafe, today...

Gotta love it, when the Big Boys begin shunning the Obstructionists and standing alongside The Children's Crusade that now unfolding...

The NRA is being repositioned as a Toxic Brand...

And we may finally have reached a tipping point...


It's about time...

This is delusional, and a bit scary...
It is not delusional in the slightest, although I'm glad you find it scary.

...What does the NRA have to do with the Parkland school shooting?...
Your Honor, the Prosecution rests.

...The NRA has been urging stronger security in schools for years...
Locking the barn door after the horses have bolted.

...Is it the NRA's fault that the FBI and the local police failed to follow up on clear leads and red flags that should have prevented the shooting many times over?...

It is the NRA's fault that they bribed legislators to allow continued access to assault weapons by those under 21.

... And what if Cruz had used a car? Would you be saying it's about time we isolate the AAA auto club and all car makers?
Kinda difficult to get a car into a classroom or up a set of stairs or to quickly move from room to room in the opening seconds of any such attack.

So you don't think that all people should be treated equally under the eyes of the law?
Some should have more rights than others, that rights are not inherent, and that government can arbitrarily deny rights to any group of citizens it wants? How about if that group someone decides is "dangerous", is Jewish, Black, women, etc.?
How are you then not also justifying the attempt by someone else to implement the Holocaust, slavery, etc.?

By what authority could anyone simply deny those from 18 to 21 their rights?
There is no such laws or authority to draw on.
Government would have to just make it up out of thin air, so that what is to prevent them from making up whatever they want, whenever they want?

Please read the definition of an authoritarian regime:

Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms. Individual freedoms are subordinate to the state and there is no constitutional accountability under an authoritarian regime.[1] Juan Linz's influential 1964 description of authoritarianism[2] characterized authoritarian political systems by four qualities:

  1. Limited political pluralism, that is such regimes place constraints on political institutions and groups like legislatures, political parties and interest groups;
  2. A basis for legitimacy based on emotion, especially the identification of the regime as a necessary evil to combat "easily recognizable societal problems" such as underdevelopment or insurgency;
  3. Minimal social mobilization most often caused by constraints on the public such as suppression of political opponents and anti-regime activity;
  4. Informally defined executive power with often vague and shifting powers.[3]

Gun control in general, and arbitrary age restrictions specifically, fit all the descriptions of an illegal authoritarian regime.
For at least 85% of these leftists who push for “gun control”; the issue is less about guns, and more about control.
Please keep deluding yourselves that this is the case.

The longer you do, the more traction the new-age Children's Crusade obtains, and the more Fortune 500 companies sever ties with and boycott the NRA.
It's a useless change in the law that will accomplish nothing. It's security theater and nothing more.
If you don't want schools to be shot up with an AR15 type weapon, then don't sell them. It's that simple.

Actually, I kinda want schools not to be shot up with ANY weapon, but since disarming law-abiding people won't accomplish that, your demands are not helpful.

Leftists are so naive. You don't sell certain guns and poof! No one can get them! You know, like drugs! Idiots

The Mexican drug gangs, with their Mexican police and army allies are putting up gun factories in the areas they control...they are making fully automatic rifles all on their serial numbers are on these weapons.......just across our border....

Yes, just like they import drugs to the United States. What cracks me up is when leftists call everyone else naive and not living in the real world
It's time to begin isolating the NRA...

We see the serious beginnings of this with Enterprise, Symantec, the First National Bank of Omaha, and SimpliSafe, today...

Gotta love it, when the Big Boys begin shunning the Obstructionists and standing alongside The Children's Crusade that now unfolding...

The NRA is being repositioned as a Toxic Brand...

And we may finally have reached a tipping point...


It's about time...

This is delusional, and a bit scary...
It is not delusional in the slightest, although I'm glad you find it scary.

...What does the NRA have to do with the Parkland school shooting?...
Your Honor, the Prosecution rests.

...The NRA has been urging stronger security in schools for years...
Locking the barn door after the horses have bolted.

...Is it the NRA's fault that the FBI and the local police failed to follow up on clear leads and red flags that should have prevented the shooting many times over?...

It is the NRA's fault that they bribed legislators to allow continued access to assault weapons by those under 21.

... And what if Cruz had used a car? Would you be saying it's about time we isolate the AAA auto club and all car makers?
Kinda difficult to get a car into a classroom or up a set of stairs or to quickly move from room to room in the opening seconds of any such attack.

That is silly because the NRA has nothing to do with the question of weapons rights clearly being inherent to each individual under the Constitution and the SCOTUS precedents.
Bringing the NRA into the discussion shows a strong personal emotional bias not based on and contrary to the principles of law.

However, it is clearly true that this shooting occurred because of insufficient school security, and would have also happened just as easily if AR rifles never existed. Anyone could easily have killed far more with the usual firearms used in most crimes, which are pistols or shotguns.

What should be most clear of all is that it is anyone who would try to reduce rights for ANY group of the population that is against the democratic principle of equality in a republic. And that is a clear and present danger not just to a few, but to the whole democratic republic.
Doesn't matter.

There is now a Children's Crusade afoot to push for sweeping Gun Reform in the United States and much of the adult population is beginning to back them.

Not to mention an increasing number of Fortune 500 companies now beginning to boycott (sever ties with) the NRA.

Come the Fall mid-term elections, if you're still taking NRA money, you can kiss your election or reelection goodbye, in a great many jurisdictions.

Time's up, NRA... The People have grown tired of your $hit, and the Children are showing us the way forward.
It's time to begin isolating the NRA...

We see the serious beginnings of this with Enterprise, Symantec, the First National Bank of Omaha, and SimpliSafe, today...

Gotta love it, when the Big Boys begin shunning the Obstructionists and standing alongside The Children's Crusade that now unfolding...

The NRA is being repositioned as a Toxic Brand...

And we may finally have reached a tipping point...


It's about time...

This is delusional, and a bit scary...
It is not delusional in the slightest, although I'm glad you find it scary.

...What does the NRA have to do with the Parkland school shooting?...
Your Honor, the Prosecution rests.

...The NRA has been urging stronger security in schools for years...
Locking the barn door after the horses have bolted.

...Is it the NRA's fault that the FBI and the local police failed to follow up on clear leads and red flags that should have prevented the shooting many times over?...

It is the NRA's fault that they bribed legislators to allow continued access to assault weapons by those under 21.

... And what if Cruz had used a car? Would you be saying it's about time we isolate the AAA auto club and all car makers?
Kinda difficult to get a car into a classroom or up a set of stairs or to quickly move from room to room in the opening seconds of any such attack.

That is silly because the NRA has nothing to do with the question of weapons rights clearly being inherent to each individual under the Constitution and the SCOTUS precedents.
Bringing the NRA into the discussion shows a strong personal emotional bias not based on and contrary to the principles of law.

However, it is clearly true that this shooting occurred because of insufficient school security, and would have also happened just as easily if AR rifles never existed. Anyone could easily have killed far more with the usual firearms used in most crimes, which are pistols or shotguns.

What should be most clear of all is that it is anyone who would try to reduce rights for ANY group of the population that is against the democratic principle of equality in a republic. And that is a clear and present danger not just to a few, but to the whole democratic republic.
Doesn't matter.

There is now a Children's Crusade afoot to push for sweeping Gun Reform in the United States and much of the adult population is beginning to back them.

Not to mention an increasing number of Fortune 500 companies now beginning to boycott (sever ties with) the NRA.

Come the Fall mid-term elections, if you're still taking NRA money, you can kiss your election or reelection goodbye, in a great many jurisdictions.

Time's up, NRA... The People have grown tired of your $hit, and the Children are showing us the way forward.

Bull shit. Those are children of leftists being used as political pawns by their parents, the Democrat party and the leftist media.

If conservatives did that, you'd have a cow
So you think that it is ok for a group [the NRA] that gives out millions for congress to vote in their favor to have more power over the Americans..

From where does the NRA get its money and its power? It all comes from American citizens, who support the NRA because we expect the NRA to defend our rights under the Second Amendment, against a hostile and corrupt government that continually attacks our rights.
It's time to begin isolating the NRA...

We see the serious beginnings of this with Enterprise, Symantec, the First National Bank of Omaha, and SimpliSafe, today...

Gotta love it, when the Big Boys begin shunning the Obstructionists and standing alongside The Children's Crusade that now unfolding...

The NRA is being repositioned as a Toxic Brand...

And we may finally have reached a tipping point...


It's about time...

This is delusional, and a bit scary...
It is not delusional in the slightest, although I'm glad you find it scary.

...What does the NRA have to do with the Parkland school shooting?...
Your Honor, the Prosecution rests.

...The NRA has been urging stronger security in schools for years...
Locking the barn door after the horses have bolted.

...Is it the NRA's fault that the FBI and the local police failed to follow up on clear leads and red flags that should have prevented the shooting many times over?...

It is the NRA's fault that they bribed legislators to allow continued access to assault weapons by those under 21.

... And what if Cruz had used a car? Would you be saying it's about time we isolate the AAA auto club and all car makers?
Kinda difficult to get a car into a classroom or up a set of stairs or to quickly move from room to room in the opening seconds of any such attack.

That is silly because the NRA has nothing to do with the question of weapons rights clearly being inherent to each individual under the Constitution and the SCOTUS precedents.
Bringing the NRA into the discussion shows a strong personal emotional bias not based on and contrary to the principles of law.

However, it is clearly true that this shooting occurred because of insufficient school security, and would have also happened just as easily if AR rifles never existed. Anyone could easily have killed far more with the usual firearms used in most crimes, which are pistols or shotguns.

What should be most clear of all is that it is anyone who would try to reduce rights for ANY group of the population that is against the democratic principle of equality in a republic. And that is a clear and present danger not just to a few, but to the whole democratic republic.

The left hate advocacy groups, but just the ones they don't agree with. It's because of their strong belief in democracy (sic)

I am opposed to it as well unless you change the legal age of being an adult to 21, remove voting rights, military service rights, and everything else that comes when one turns 18 and move it all to 21.

We should have one age of majority in this country. When you hit that age, you can buy booze, join the military, vote, ...

This three year phase in period is BS.

I'd propose 19 because 18 is a bad idea having legal adults in high school. But whatever age it is, let's pick one.

I agree totally! I could live with 19, I think 21 is bullshit.

Would you agree to raise age for the military to 19?

Or would you have soldiers who are given safe spaces instead of rifles?
It's time to begin isolating the NRA...

We see the serious beginnings of this with Enterprise, Symantec, the First National Bank of Omaha, and SimpliSafe, today...

Gotta love it, when the Big Boys begin shunning the Obstructionists and standing alongside The Children's Crusade that now unfolding...

The NRA is being repositioned as a Toxic Brand...

And we may finally have reached a tipping point...


It's about time...

This is delusional, and a bit scary...
It is not delusional in the slightest, although I'm glad you find it scary.

...What does the NRA have to do with the Parkland school shooting?...
Your Honor, the Prosecution rests.

...The NRA has been urging stronger security in schools for years...
Locking the barn door after the horses have bolted.

...Is it the NRA's fault that the FBI and the local police failed to follow up on clear leads and red flags that should have prevented the shooting many times over?...

It is the NRA's fault that they bribed legislators to allow continued access to assault weapons by those under 21.

... And what if Cruz had used a car? Would you be saying it's about time we isolate the AAA auto club and all car makers?
Kinda difficult to get a car into a classroom or up a set of stairs or to quickly move from room to room in the opening seconds of any such attack.

So you don't think that all people should be treated equally under the eyes of the law?
Some should have more rights than others, that rights are not inherent, and that government can arbitrarily deny rights to any group of citizens it wants? How about if that group someone decides is "dangerous", is Jewish, Black, women, etc.?
How are you then not also justifying the attempt by someone else to implement the Holocaust, slavery, etc.?

By what authority could anyone simply deny those from 18 to 21 their rights?
There is no such laws or authority to draw on.
Government would have to just make it up out of thin air, so that what is to prevent them from making up whatever they want, whenever they want?

Please read the definition of an authoritarian regime:

Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms. Individual freedoms are subordinate to the state and there is no constitutional accountability under an authoritarian regime.[1] Juan Linz's influential 1964 description of authoritarianism[2] characterized authoritarian political systems by four qualities:

  1. Limited political pluralism, that is such regimes place constraints on political institutions and groups like legislatures, political parties and interest groups;
  2. A basis for legitimacy based on emotion, especially the identification of the regime as a necessary evil to combat "easily recognizable societal problems" such as underdevelopment or insurgency;
  3. Minimal social mobilization most often caused by constraints on the public such as suppression of political opponents and anti-regime activity;
  4. Informally defined executive power with often vague and shifting powers.[3]

Gun control in general, and arbitrary age restrictions specifically, fit all the descriptions of an illegal authoritarian regime.
For at least 85% of these leftists who push for “gun control”; the issue is less about guns, and more about control.
Please keep deluding yourselves that this is the case.

The longer you do, the more traction the new-age Children's Crusade obtains, and the more Fortune 500 companies sever ties with and boycott the NRA.
You keep pinning your dreams, and political aspirations on kids who last week were munching on laundry detergent, and still don’t know which bathroom to use... Lemme know how that works out for ya.
You’re assuming they didn’t know. Every kid in our family gets their first gun at 12. What’s your new law going to do about that?

My wife has a 20-gauge shotgun that her parents gave her as a Christmas present when she was eight years old.

Bet she never shot up a school with it.

By outlawing guns, the Communists have made them mysterious and crushed the healthy respect smarter generations had for guns.
Blamng the NRA for shooting deaths is like blaming AAA for Traffic deaths

The AAA participates in facilitating highway and motor vehicle safety; the NRA actively opposes laws and measures that would facilitate a decrease in gun crime and violence.

I am opposed to it as well unless you change the legal age of being an adult to 21, remove voting rights, military service rights, and everything else that comes when one turns 18 and move it all to 21.

We should have one age of majority in this country. When you hit that age, you can buy booze, join the military, vote, ...

This three year phase in period is BS.

I'd propose 19 because 18 is a bad idea having legal adults in high school. But whatever age it is, let's pick one.

I agree totally! I could live with 19, I think 21 is bullshit.

Would you agree to raise age for the military to 19?

Or would you have soldiers who are given safe spaces instead of rifles?

He did agree to 19 if you read what he was responding to.

I don't know what your second sentence means.

The main thing to me with military is the draft. No one should be able to be forced into the military and yet be denied full citizenship rights.

If volunteers are under the age of 19 in that system, I'd be fine with that.

Then again I oppose a draft entirely, that's why I phrased it that way
Blamng the NRA for shooting deaths is like blaming AAA for Traffic deaths

The AAA participates in facilitating highway and motor vehicle safety; the NRA actively opposes laws and measures that would facilitate a decrease in gun crime and violence.


The NRA facilitates gun safety and training across the nation.

You're a liar and a scumbag, but at least you're a coward to boot.

I am opposed to it as well unless you change the legal age of being an adult to 21, remove voting rights, military service rights, and everything else that comes when one turns 18 and move it all to 21.

We should have one age of majority in this country. When you hit that age, you can buy booze, join the military, vote, ...

This three year phase in period is BS.

I'd propose 19 because 18 is a bad idea having legal adults in high school. But whatever age it is, let's pick one.

I agree totally! I could live with 19, I think 21 is bullshit.

Would you agree to raise age for the military to 19?

Or would you have soldiers who are given safe spaces instead of rifles?

He did agree to 19 if you read what he was responding to.

I don't know what your second sentence means.

The main thing to me with military is the draft. No one should be able to be forced into the military and yet be denied full citizenship rights.

If volunteers are under the age of 19 in that system, I'd be fine with that.

Then again I oppose a draft entirely, that's why I phrased it that way

It's real simple, the left generally wants a double standard - we will hand a soldier a rifle at 18 - but suddenly 18 year olds are not mature enough to own a rifle - but yet they are mature enough to vote?

It is the absurdity of the positions the left takes.
One fucked up 19 year old kid does something really stupid and the knee jerk reaction to it is to curtail the right to keep and bears arms to millions of 18, 19 and 20 year olds that did not commit a crime.

Typical Libtard stupidity.

If the idiot Moon Bats think that 18, 19 and 20 years are too immature to enjoy their Constitutional rights then the young men shouldn't be allowed to serve in the military.

There goes about a third of our military.

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