NRA Puppet Donald Trump Blames Mental Health Issues On Las Vegas And Florida/Slashes MH Funding

Trump is just pretending to be ‘presidential.’

Trump is merely going through the motions, waiting for this latest shooting to blow over so that he and other Republicans can go back to ignoring the problem – they have no will or desire to address the issue.

Just what is the issue? Keeping firearms out of the hands of ineligible people? Aren't there already laws on the books that are supposed to do that?

Yes there are, and Clayton is afraid to admit that. He would much rather continue his moral preening.
Trump is just pretending to be ‘presidential.’

Trump is merely going through the motions, waiting for this latest shooting to blow over so that he and other Republicans can go back to ignoring the problem – they have no will or desire to address the issue.

Just what is the issue? Keeping firearms out of the hands of ineligible people? Aren't there already laws on the books that are supposed to do that?

I don't think those laws are working too well, considering all of the mass shootings taking place. There needs to be tougher laws. And the AR-15 should be banned for non-military use.
Trump and the GOP puppets love to blame mental health issues on mass shooting, but Trump's budget slashes funding for mental health and the GOP has been doing the same thing for years.
We have the gun freaks proposing teachers with guns, that there big solution.
The point and facts of all this bullshit is, we have way too many guns in America and America is the only country in the world, were mass shooting are becoming common incidences. All those guns and yet all these senseless shooting. And the answer is more guns. Well that has worked really well as facts show.
Then Trump ($31 million NRA contributions), doesn't mention guns, he blames mental health. Trumps budget? Cuts funding for mental health centers
.Trump and the GOP's huge hypocrisy on mental health care
What a crap of steaming shit.
Now you gun worshipers can go back a fellate your guns and continue to turn your backs on reality.

Meh, all acceptable risk to call ourselves American

Trump is just pretending to be ‘presidential.’

Trump is merely going through the motions, waiting for this latest shooting to blow over so that he and other Republicans can go back to ignoring the problem – they have no will or desire to address the issue.

Just what is the issue? Keeping firearms out of the hands of ineligible people? Aren't there already laws on the books that are supposed to do that?

I don't think those laws are working too well, considering all of the mass shootings taking place. There needs to be tougher laws. And the AR-15 should be banned for non-military use.

The military doesn't use the AR-15 They use an M4 carbine which has a three-round burst function. The AR-15 is only semi-auto.
Looking at Cruz’s comments on the social media, his comments mirror many of the gun nut jobs who post on USMB. Of course they are Trumpsters too. I wonder how many own MAGA hats, like the shooter?
Trump and the GOP puppets love to blame mental health issues on mass shooting, but Trump's budget slashes funding for mental health and the GOP has been doing the same thing for years.
We have the gun freaks proposing teachers with guns, that there big solution.
The point and facts of all this bullshit is, we have way too many guns in America and America is the only country in the world, were mass shooting are becoming common incidences. All those guns and yet all these senseless shooting. And the answer is more guns. Well that has worked really well as facts show.
Then Trump ($31 million NRA contributions), doesn't mention guns, he blames mental health. Trumps budget? Cuts funding for mental health centers
.Trump and the GOP's huge hypocrisy on mental health care
What a crap of steaming shit.
Now you gun worshipers can go back a fellate your guns and continue to turn your backs on reality.
How do you "fund" mental health, dumass. Will "funding" mental health take away all these ADD drugs being force-fed to our kids, turning them into walking zombies? Do you actually think that putting a kid in front of a "psychologist", feeding him full of mind-altering substances, is gonna change a kid that should have had his ass beat when he was young enough to teach right from wrong?
Trump and the GOP puppets love to blame mental health issues on mass shooting, but Trump's budget slashes funding for mental health and the GOP has been doing the same thing for years.
We have the gun freaks proposing teachers with guns, that there big solution.
The point and facts of all this bullshit is, we have way too many guns in America and America is the only country in the world, were mass shooting are becoming common incidences. All those guns and yet all these senseless shooting. And the answer is more guns. Well that has worked really well as facts show.
Then Trump ($31 million NRA contributions), doesn't mention guns, he blames mental health. Trumps budget? Cuts funding for mental health centers
.Trump and the GOP's huge hypocrisy on mental health care
What a crap of steaming shit.
Now you gun worshipers can go back a fellate your guns and continue to turn your backs on reality.

Orange Assclown has a big brain...

too bed it's made of shit... which spills out his mouth

You got that right. Just like this one of his EO.

Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness

President Donald Trump quietly signed a bill into law Tuesday rolling back an Obama-era regulation that made it harder for people with mental illnesses to purchase a gun.

The rule, which was finalized in December, added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database.

Had the rule fully taken effect, the Obama administration predicted it would have added about 75,000 names to that database.
Trump and the GOP puppets love to blame mental health issues on mass shooting, but Trump's budget slashes funding for mental health and the GOP has been doing the same thing for years.
We have the gun freaks proposing teachers with guns, that there big solution.
The point and facts of all this bullshit is, we have way too many guns in America and America is the only country in the world, were mass shooting are becoming common incidences. All those guns and yet all these senseless shooting. And the answer is more guns. Well that has worked really well as facts show.
Then Trump ($31 million NRA contributions), doesn't mention guns, he blames mental health. Trumps budget? Cuts funding for mental health centers
.Trump and the GOP's huge hypocrisy on mental health care
What a crap of steaming shit.
Now you gun worshipers can go back a fellate your guns and continue to turn your backs on reality.
How do you "fund" mental health, dumass. Will "funding" mental health take away all these ADD drugs being force-fed to our kids, turning them into walking zombies? Do you actually think that putting a kid in front of a "psychologist", feeding him full of mind-altering substances, is gonna change a kid that should have had his ass beat when he was young enough to teach right from wrong?

Maybe all those with mental illness automatically qualified them not to buy guns?
Obviously, you have no clue about mental health.
First of all funding mental health is to fund community centers. It’s that simple, simpleton.
Secondly most approaches to mental illness is evidence based approaches. Of course involves science, being you are a diehard Trumpster, you are anti-science.
So in other words, I’m wasting my time with someone’s intelligence that doesn’ even equal a rock.
Trump and the GOP puppets love to blame mental health issues on mass shooting, but Trump's budget slashes funding for mental health and the GOP has been doing the same thing for years.
We have the gun freaks proposing teachers with guns, that there big solution.
The point and facts of all this bullshit is, we have way too many guns in America and America is the only country in the world, were mass shooting are becoming common incidences. All those guns and yet all these senseless shooting. And the answer is more guns. Well that has worked really well as facts show.
Then Trump ($31 million NRA contributions), doesn't mention guns, he blames mental health. Trumps budget? Cuts funding for mental health centers
.Trump and the GOP's huge hypocrisy on mental health care
What a crap of steaming shit.
Now you gun worshipers can go back a fellate your guns and continue to turn your backs on reality.

Yep, it's a sad situation. Trump is only making it worse.



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Trump and the GOP puppets love to blame mental health issues on mass shooting, but Trump's budget slashes funding for mental health and the GOP has been doing the same thing for years.
We have the gun freaks proposing teachers with guns, that there big solution.
The point and facts of all this bullshit is, we have way too many guns in America and America is the only country in the world, were mass shooting are becoming common incidences. All those guns and yet all these senseless shooting. And the answer is more guns. Well that has worked really well as facts show.
Then Trump ($31 million NRA contributions), doesn't mention guns, he blames mental health. Trumps budget? Cuts funding for mental health centers
.Trump and the GOP's huge hypocrisy on mental health care
What a crap of steaming shit.
Now you gun worshipers can go back a fellate your guns and continue to turn your backs on reality.
That rifle was probably loaded with blanks. Those frail little arms couldn’t take the precussion.
Trump and the GOP puppets love to blame mental health issues on mass shooting, but Trump's budget slashes funding for mental health and the GOP has been doing the same thing for years.
We have the gun freaks proposing teachers with guns, that there big solution.
The point and facts of all this bullshit is, we have way too many guns in America and America is the only country in the world, were mass shooting are becoming common incidences. All those guns and yet all these senseless shooting. And the answer is more guns. Well that has worked really well as facts show.
Then Trump ($31 million NRA contributions), doesn't mention guns, he blames mental health. Trumps budget? Cuts funding for mental health centers
.Trump and the GOP's huge hypocrisy on mental health care
What a crap of steaming shit.
Now you gun worshipers can go back a fellate your guns and continue to turn your backs on reality.

Yep, it's a sad situation. Trump is only making it worse.




There were not 19 school shootings, that is a lie that has been shown to be a lie over and over again since yesterday...

FACT CHECK: Have There Been 18 School Shootings In 2018?

Verdict: False

The commonly cited “18 school shootings” statistic counts suicides and accidental firearm discharges on school grounds as “school shootings.” The Florida incident is the first school mass shooting of 2018, according to FBI standards.

Fact Check:

Authorities reported that a gunman open fired on students and faculty at a Florida high school Wednesday. The suspected shooter was apprehended later that afternoon.

The shooting, which left at least 17 dead and many others injured, led to calls on social media and television for stricter gun control policies.

Many public figures claimed that the Wednesday incident is the 18th school shooting of 2018. The claims cited a database of school shootings that is maintained by Everytown for Gun Safety, a nonprofit that advocates for gun control measures.

Everytown’s database includes any publicly known incident in which “a firearm discharges a live round inside a school building or on a school campus or grounds.”

This is a broad standard, and Everytown ends up grouping relatively minor incidents together with serious active shooter situations like what happened in Florida. Law enforcement officials apply a considerably more rigorous standard to distinguish an active shooter situation from less serious gun incidents.

Federal agencies like the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security define an active shooter as an “individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area,” such as a school or college campus. In previous analyses of active shooter situations, the FBI has accordingly excluded gun incidents that “appeared generally not to have put others in peril,” going on to list “the accidental discharge of a firearm in a school building or a person who chose to publicly commit suicide in a parking lot” as specific examples.

Many of the incidents that Everytown listed as school shootings fall under these exact two types of situations.

The very first school shooting of 2018 according to the database, for instance, is an incident involving a 31-year-old man shooting and killing himself in a Michigan elementary school parking lot. No teachers or students were harmed or even on the premise, as the school had closed back in June.

Another incident listed in Everytown’s database involved a third grade student at a Minnesota special needs school pulling the trigger of a school liaison officer’s holstered gun. The officer was sitting on a bench, distracted while talking to other children. The bullet hit the ground and no one was injured.

The database also includes a situation where a student at a Texas college accidentally fired a gun at an indoor target. The college’s criminal justice club’s adviser, a law enforcement officer, had left the room with the club’s training gun, mistaking it for his loaded gun. After he left, a student picked up and fired what she thought was the training gun at a target. No one was injured in the incident.

Everytown additionally considers one-off acts of crime involving guns as school shootings.

One example is an incident in which a Maryland high school student was shot in what appeared to have been an attempted robbery. The incident took place on school grounds after classes had ended for the day, although extracurricular activities were still ongoing on the other side of the school’s campus. The victim was admitted and shortly thereafter released from a hospital. Police charged two teens, who the victim knew, with attempted murder the next day.

None of these circumstances involved an active shooter situation. Some incidents listed by Everytown did, such as a January Kentucky high school shooting that left two dead and over a dozen others injured, but many simply involved a firearm being discharged on school property.
Trump is just pretending to be ‘presidential.’

Trump is merely going through the motions, waiting for this latest shooting to blow over so that he and other Republicans can go back to ignoring the problem – they have no will or desire to address the issue.
Trump is just pretending to be ‘presidential.’

Trump is merely going through the motions, waiting for this latest shooting to blow over so that he and other Republicans can go back to ignoring the problem – they have no will or desire to address the issue.
Ok whats the solution that doesn't infringe on the Constitutional rights of law abiding citizens ?
Trump is just pretending to be ‘presidential.’

Trump is merely going through the motions, waiting for this latest shooting to blow over so that he and other Republicans can go back to ignoring the problem – they have no will or desire to address the issue.
Trump is just pretending to be ‘presidential.’

Trump is merely going through the motions, waiting for this latest shooting to blow over so that he and other Republicans can go back to ignoring the problem – they have no will or desire to address the issue.
Ok whats the solution that doesn't infringe on the Constitutional rights of law abiding citizens ?

1) Ppl should have to take a test before they are allowed to own a gun, just like they do before driving a car.

2) More stringent background checks.

3) The AR-15 has been used in all of the mass shooting that took place in the last few years. It should be banned. That leaves plenty of guns and rifles around for protection and for hunting.
Trump is just pretending to be ‘presidential.’

Trump is merely going through the motions, waiting for this latest shooting to blow over so that he and other Republicans can go back to ignoring the problem – they have no will or desire to address the issue.
Trump is just pretending to be ‘presidential.’

Trump is merely going through the motions, waiting for this latest shooting to blow over so that he and other Republicans can go back to ignoring the problem – they have no will or desire to address the issue.
Ok whats the solution that doesn't infringe on the Constitutional rights of law abiding citizens ?

1) Ppl should have to take a test before they are allowed to own a gun, just like they do before driving a car.

2) More stringent background checks.

3) The AR-15 has been used in all of the mass shooting that took place in the last few years. It should be banned. That leaves plenty of guns and rifles around for protection and for hunting.

First , driving is a privilege owning a firearm is a right I've been around firearms my entire life and I was in the military I'm not taking a fucking test so that I can exercise my Constitutional rights. do people have to take test before they vote or pray, how about taking one before speaking in a public forum ?

Ban the AR-15 because its been used in mass shootings shows a complete ignorance of how firearms function and it does that in the exact same way as all other gas operated semi-automatic weapons. There are literally a shit ton of other firearms that are better weapons. I know which way that road goes ban the AR-15 when the shootings don't stop ban the next and the next. That shit will not stand.
Trump and the GOP puppets love to blame mental health issues on mass shooting, but Trump's budget slashes funding for mental health and the GOP has been doing the same thing for years.
We have the gun freaks proposing teachers with guns, that there big solution.
The point and facts of all this bullshit is, we have way too many guns in America and America is the only country in the world, were mass shooting are becoming common incidences. All those guns and yet all these senseless shooting. And the answer is more guns. Well that has worked really well as facts show.
Then Trump ($31 million NRA contributions), doesn't mention guns, he blames mental health. Trumps budget? Cuts funding for mental health centers
.Trump and the GOP's huge hypocrisy on mental health care
What a crap of steaming shit.
Now you gun worshipers can go back a fellate your guns and continue to turn your backs on reality.

The reality is this asshole was reported to the FBI twice and they didn't follow up. Also FL knew he had been institutionalized in a mental health facility and didn't report it to the background check system. And the asshole had to lie on his background check form because it asks about previous mental health treatment.

So there's your reality, the system failed, because people were too lazy to do their freaking jobs. That's not law abiding citizens fault so don't try to add more of a burden on them.

Trump and the GOP puppets love to blame mental health issues on mass shooting, but Trump's budget slashes funding for mental health and the GOP has been doing the same thing for years.
We have the gun freaks proposing teachers with guns, that there big solution.
The point and facts of all this bullshit is, we have way too many guns in America and America is the only country in the world, were mass shooting are becoming common incidences. All those guns and yet all these senseless shooting. And the answer is more guns. Well that has worked really well as facts show.
Then Trump ($31 million NRA contributions), doesn't mention guns, he blames mental health. Trumps budget? Cuts funding for mental health centers
.Trump and the GOP's huge hypocrisy on mental health care
What a crap of steaming shit.
Now you gun worshipers can go back a fellate your guns and continue to turn your backs on reality.

He's going to take that money and redirect it towards building INSTITUTIONS so we can house all the dangerous lunatics before they shoot up schools.

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