Mental Health and Gun Ownership.

Every mass shooting. Every murder. We are told by the Right Wing that we need to address mental health. Prevent the crazies from getting guns. I’ve decided they are right. We have an easy test.

First let me link to the news story that gave me the epiphany.

So why are there so many shootings of innocents? Paranoia.

The perception among Republicans is that Crime is skyrocketing. This is due to their constant ingestion of massive amounts of Propaganda.

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The reality is that overall crime is lower according to Police who would know.

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This is the same police departments year over year. This shows that crime really isn’t skyrocketing. So what does the constant screeds succeed in doing? Reinforcing the illusion succeeds in boosting the fear to paranoia status.

Paranoia. Paranoia is a serious mental health issue. And as we have seen deadly to innocents. So the first thing we should do is get the guns away from the crazies.

People who believe crime in their area is skyrocketing without any factual basis should lose the right to keep and bear arms. People who believe in vast conspiracies without proof to cheat them of something they believe they are owed. They have to lose their guns.

I’m not suggesting we take the guns from everyone. Not by a long shot. I’m agreeing with the Right that we should take the guns only from those with demonstrated mental health issues. Those with paranoia. Those who believe in insane conspiracy theories.

Because both of those are based in delusions. And we wouldn’t want delusional people owning guns now would we? Let’s do it. Let’s make sure only rational and fact based people are able to own guns. Let’s make sure those who suffer from serious delusional mental illness are kept from hurting anyone.

So much wrong with that whole post that I hardly know where to begin. I guess I'll start in order.

1. Yes we say that mental health should be addressed but we also, and this is important, say that we need to stop the revolving door in our penal system. We need to stop letting violent criminals out of jail early. We also say that the Police need to be funded more, not defunded. A very large portion of the gun violence is gang related. There is more and for you to leave them out is dishonest.

2. Paranoia? Absurd. Are gangs paranoid? Was the shooter in Nashville paranoid? Gun deaths have very little to do with paranoia. It's just a lie that sets up an attempt to put the blame on the GOP.

3. You and the WaPo claim that the republicans are concerned about crime "in their own neighborhoods" and then quote national stats as if it debunks them. If you don't know the difference between those two, I don't think I can help you.

4. Lastly, you create this false narrative about paranoia being a leading cause of gun deaths and you suggest that they forfeit their Constitutionally protected rights. THAT there is a great example of why red flag type laws of which you suggest, should never be implemented.

Dumbest OP I've seen in quite some time.
The Heller decision upheld the right to own a gun AND the people`s right to regulate them.
Every regulation in question before the court in Heller was struck, Heller upheld none of the regulations in question before it.
Every regulation in question before the court in Heller was struck, Heller upheld none of the regulations in question before it.
Would you support a law that makes it illegal to store a gun in a vehicle overnight? I don`t think vehicles have 2nd amendment rights but I`m all for letting the SC make the call. I`m sure that the gun & criminal lobby would oppose it.

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