NRA readies lawsuit against tyrannical California ammunition law

Well regulated means ammo.
Just about any gun law is unconstitutional. Idc what the activist SC says. The constitution is clear.
No. That’s not what it means.
Damn right it does. It means arms are to be working efficiently and all means to use them are readily available.
Try reading history dingbat.
You said well regulated means ammo, dummy.

Well regulated means ammo.


But if you are going to change your answer, please get it right.

Well regulated does not mean regulations. When the Constitution specifies regulations it specifically states who and what is being regulated. The phrase "well-regulated" was in common use long before 1789, and remained so for a century thereafter. It referred to the property of something being in proper working order. Something that was well-regulated was calibrated correctly, functioning as expected. So it's not just the arms that should be well regulated, it's also the militia.
Ammo is part of it working, genius.
Quit humping my leg, faggot.
Or at least stop being wrong
Well regulated means ammo?

Where did you go to school? Tennessee?
It also means gun powder! GASP!
If you had any self awareness you would have committed suicide years ago.
No. That’s not what it means.
Damn right it does. It means arms are to be working efficiently and all means to use them are readily available.
Try reading history dingbat.
You said well regulated means ammo, dummy.

Well regulated means ammo.


But if you are going to change your answer, please get it right.

Well regulated does not mean regulations. When the Constitution specifies regulations it specifically states who and what is being regulated. The phrase "well-regulated" was in common use long before 1789, and remained so for a century thereafter. It referred to the property of something being in proper working order. Something that was well-regulated was calibrated correctly, functioning as expected. So it's not just the arms that should be well regulated, it's also the militia.
Ammo is part of it working, genius.
Quit humping my leg, faggot.
Or at least stop being wrong
Well regulated means ammo?

Where did you go to school? Tennessee?
It also means gun powder! GASP!
If you had any self awareness you would have committed suicide years ago.
Are you going to cry again?
You all are missing the fact that the NRA is not fighting it on Constitutional grounds, but on a technicality that Cali did not follow its own timeline.
Damn right it does. It means arms are to be working efficiently and all means to use them are readily available.
Try reading history dingbat.
You said well regulated means ammo, dummy.

Well regulated means ammo.


But if you are going to change your answer, please get it right.

Well regulated does not mean regulations. When the Constitution specifies regulations it specifically states who and what is being regulated. The phrase "well-regulated" was in common use long before 1789, and remained so for a century thereafter. It referred to the property of something being in proper working order. Something that was well-regulated was calibrated correctly, functioning as expected. So it's not just the arms that should be well regulated, it's also the militia.
Ammo is part of it working, genius.
Quit humping my leg, faggot.
Or at least stop being wrong
Well regulated means ammo?

Where did you go to school? Tennessee?
It also means gun powder! GASP!
If you had any self awareness you would have committed suicide years ago.
Are you going to cry again?
Just because I drop a few tears from laughing at your retardedness, doesnt mean its crying.
This is why your jesus hates you. You are a liar and too stupid for heaven.
You said well regulated means ammo, dummy.


But if you are going to change your answer, please get it right.

Well regulated does not mean regulations. When the Constitution specifies regulations it specifically states who and what is being regulated. The phrase "well-regulated" was in common use long before 1789, and remained so for a century thereafter. It referred to the property of something being in proper working order. Something that was well-regulated was calibrated correctly, functioning as expected. So it's not just the arms that should be well regulated, it's also the militia.
Ammo is part of it working, genius.
Quit humping my leg, faggot.
Or at least stop being wrong
Well regulated means ammo?

Where did you go to school? Tennessee?
It also means gun powder! GASP!
If you had any self awareness you would have committed suicide years ago.
Are you going to cry again?
Just because I drop a few tears from laughing at your retardedness, doesnt mean its crying.
This is why your jesus hates you. You are a liar and too stupid for heaven.
Your tears taste like fine whine.

Want to see my shoe?
Second Amendment says nothing about bullets

Register all bullets
Well regulated

We need well regulated gun owners
Richard Henry Lee agrees...

A militia when properly formed are in fact the people themselves…and include, according to the past and general usuage of the states, all men capable of bearing arms… "To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."

- Richard Henry Lee, Federal Farmer No. 18, January 25, 1788

We need more we’ll regulated militias

Register, train and organize all gun owners

Another ignorant, non-informed post.

What is it with you wimps who are scared of guns? You act as if you are experts, but have absolutely no experience whatsoever with a firearm. Get out of the leftist cities and expand your horizons a bit.
Ammo is part of it working, genius.
Quit humping my leg, faggot.
Or at least stop being wrong
Well regulated means ammo?

Where did you go to school? Tennessee?
It also means gun powder! GASP!
If you had any self awareness you would have committed suicide years ago.
Are you going to cry again?
Just because I drop a few tears from laughing at your retardedness, doesnt mean its crying.
This is why your jesus hates you. You are a liar and too stupid for heaven.
Your tears taste like fine whine.

Want to see my shoe?
I dont want you drinking my fluids, you sick fuck.
It’s actually better if they stay in the cities. That way when all hell breaks loose they can eat each other.
Well regulated means ammo?

Where did you go to school? Tennessee?
It also means gun powder! GASP!
If you had any self awareness you would have committed suicide years ago.
Are you going to cry again?
Just because I drop a few tears from laughing at your retardedness, doesnt mean its crying.
This is why your jesus hates you. You are a liar and too stupid for heaven.
Your tears taste like fine whine.

Want to see my shoe?
I dont want you drinking my fluids, you sick fuck.
There, there, TN. It will all be over soon enough.

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