NRA readies lawsuit against tyrannical California ammunition law

I’m not the one who wrote well regulated means ammo and fuck the NRA. :lol:
It does mean ammo. And gun powder. And everything associated with a gun working properly.
The NRA are not constitutionalists. If they were, they would not be supporting gun laws.
So fuck them.
You lose again, dumbfuck :dunno:
Dave about it some more. :lol:
While you cross post?
Like I said, if you had awareness, you would kill yourself a long time ago
I can’t hear you over your crying.
A well regulated militia is a militia whose guns are well regulated.

Don’t forget the ammo. :lol:
Ammo isn't Constitutionally protected, only arms that are well regulated.
End runs around the 2nd amendment are non-starters.
Would have to be tested in court to know.
It can be solved by inspection. It’ a dead end for gun nuts like yourself.
How can I be a gun nut if I don't even have a gun?

And it would have to be tested in court, because I'm not sure, but I don't think they'll take your say so.

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