NRA School Shield: Why should the NRA be the voice of how schools are protected?

And when they attack a church? Arm the Churches
Movie Theater? Arm the Theaters
Little League game? Arm the umpires

NRA Nirvana

Well those "gun free zone" signs aren't working now are they?:D

Seriously though, why not provide security for the most helpless among us?

Airport security, mall security, bank security; the list is endless. Security is everywhere.

Why not protect our children?

If we really want to drive this point home, why don't we insist that the President disband the Secret Service? Or at least take their guns away.

Why not insist the legislators disband the Capitol Hill police? Or take away their guns?

If we don't get to have the right to bare arms to protect ourselves, then let's make everything even steven.

Schools aren't prevented from having armed guards now if they want them.

My school district has 2 high schools 2 middle schools and I think about 6 elementary schools.

That's ten schools needing at the very least ten guards. How much apiece? 70,000 a year?

That's 700,000 a year added to the school budget. And added to your school taxes.
LaPierre called upon the CONGRESS to appropriate the funds needed to put armed guards in every school.

130,000 schools. About 100,000 a year per school. That's what? 13 billion a year? I think I got that wrong the other day.

Anyway, are you willing to see your taxes raised to pay for it?

Trade one overpaid, underworked 'administrator' at each school for each guard and NO taxes need be raised.

So you want an unfunded federal mandate to put guards in every school.

lol, conservatives are funny.

My business is dealing with public schools in all 50 states.

I spend a LOT of time talking to both classroom teachers and administrators, and both groups admit to a lot of 'topheaviness'.

Trading an EXTRA glorified bookkeeper for an armed guard is NOT 'unfunded', Beaner, and it gets the job done.
I consider the assault weopons an abomination. They are guns created for the sole purpose of killing people rapidly in large numbers. That said, the majority of the owners of the millions that are in public hands are responsible law abiding citizens. They are not the problem. It is that small percentage that store these so very lethal weapons carelessly, or that even smaller percentage that are severly menatally ill, that use these weopons on the general public.

So, how do we get the weapons off the streets, yet not engage in a futile and self defeating house to house search?

1. A federal law that requires anybody that has one of these weapons outside their home to have the same license as for a fully automatic weapon. You are caught with the weapon and no license, the gun is confiscated and destroyed, you go to jail, and have a felony count on your record.

You cannot sell or give the weapon to anybody that does not have such a license. You do, and the both of you face felony counts.

2. You store your gun irresponsibly, any type of gun, and it is taken and used in a crime, you own that crime.

The first would not require federal law enforcement, the checks would be legal for any officer at any government level to check the license. And if there were someone that the neighbors considered a bit mentally unstable, and they saw them putting these kinds of weapons in the their car, they could call the police to have that fellow checked. Inconveniant, in some cases, yes. Far less inconveniant than another Sandy Hook. For that will be what we get if we do not come together and address this problem in a sane manner.
and I gotta say, letting Wayne LaPierre handle the NRA's public response to the Sandy Hook tragedy is just about the stupidest thing the NRA coulda done...

the guy has a history of being a gratingly obnoxious loud-mouthed jerk that only a gun nut could love...

and the NRA put Loose-Cannon LaPierre in front of the cameras just when they needed to try to make new friends... or, at the very least, not have people tune them out and write 'em off as a pack of fringe nut-jobs...

and his proposed solution to the problem of mass shootings, of calling on the federal government to put an armed guard at each and every school in the country, is nearly as pathetic, ludicrous, impractical, and ultimately ineffective as anything the libs have suggested...

I 'spect that, when the coming laundry-list of restrictive federal gun control measures is signed into law, people on both sides of the issue will point to LaPierre's performance today as being a major reason for its passage...

I find it funny that they took that many days to remain silent, only to come out with his "popular" response. It's also funny that a seemingly "conservative" organization with a most likely large conservative membership would also advocate more big government and allegedly advocate the restriction of the First Amendment rights of video game producers. :lol:.
On the flip side, lolberals thought Bubba's "100,000 new cops on the streets" meme was the greatest idea since the wheel, and have supported goons like the TSA without batting an eye....Now LaPierre says what he did and it's the stupidest thing since Quayle misspelled potato.

Which way do y'all want it?...I mean besides both ways.
And when they attack a church? Arm the Churches
Movie Theater? Arm the Theaters
Little League game? Arm the umpires

NRA Nirvana

Well those "gun free zone" signs aren't working now are they?:D

Seriously though, why not provide security for the most helpless among us?

Airport security, mall security, bank security; the list is endless. Security is everywhere.

Why not protect our children?

If we really want to drive this point home, why don't we insist that the President disband the Secret Service? Or at least take their guns away.

Why not insist the legislators disband the Capitol Hill police? Or take away their guns?

If we don't get to have the right to bare arms to protect ourselves, then let's make everything even steven.

Schools aren't prevented from having armed guards now if they want them.

My school district has 2 high schools 2 middle schools and I think about 6 elementary schools.

That's ten schools needing at the very least ten guards. How much apiece? 70,000 a year?

That's 700,000 a year added to the school budget. And added to your school taxes.

In addition to the 10 guards for 10 schools--relief guards are needed for lunch/breaks.

My local district must now focus on closing schools and purchasing textbooks, among other grim realities. One plan proposed--combine middle and high school students--6-12 under one roof. I think that might be the worst plan I have heard in a while. I think some of those schools may already have security guards. Veering from the focus of the discussion.

??The National Guard??--Fairly certain the military is not allowed to be used in that manner.
Driver education is disappearing too. Why are schools getting rid of such programs? Because of the conservative anti-tax obsession.

Schools have ended almost ALL life skills classes. Now when they want money the first thing they throw out are bus transportation and sports programs. It is basically using programs students and parents like or need as leverage to extort money.
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Gun safes,
trigger locks,

1. Had the CT shooter's mother stored her firearms in a quality gun safe, her firearms would not have caused the carnage they did.

2. Trigger locks; ammo stored safely and apart from the gun, would save gun accidents among young people.

3, The owner of a gun should be civilly liable for any tort shown to have been caused by their gun; insurance should be required for all gun owners and let the insurance industry decide the actuarial cost for each firearm.

4. States should be allowed to require a license (or not) for citizens of the state to own, possess or have in one's custody and control a gun. Said license could be denied, suspended or revoked for cause, TBD by individual states. No gun could cross state lines without approval of the Dept. of Justice in the receiving state(s).
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ummm..... he had an "assault" rifle. The key word being- "assault". You can aim those at things like lock-cylinders :rolleyes:

they'll prolly pay for like they do for every zany rw idea, putting the financial burden on the backs of the middle-class & poor. :thup:

The right wing may not complain about the cost of turning schools into a militarized zone. Maybe even get Black Water or Halliburton involved. This is something they can relate to. Now better pay for teachers, nutrition programs for the children from low income households, maybe an art program here, or a music program there, or the big one HEALTH CARE for children? They'll soon be foaming at the mouth.

seriously. the rw would prolly have no prob farming out the security *cough* "jobs" to private contractors like blackwater (on their 3rd name change since their iraq "incident")
Academi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Academi[2]—previously known as Xe Services LLC, previously known as Blackwater USA and Blackwater Worldwide—is a private military company
And abracadabra! The head guy leading the charge behind LaPierre, is Asa Hutchinson - who's clients include...shazam...

-- Xe Services, the private security company previously known as Blackwater and now known as Academi. It also lists Science Applications International Corporation, or SAIC, a major federal contractor...

My my.

"a company which in March agreed to pay New York City $500 million for its role in a project that U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara called “corrupted to its core by one of the largest and most brazen frauds ever committed against the City of New York.”

Asa Hutchinson: The Man Leading The NRA’s Push For Guns In Schools | TPMMuckraker
The right wing may not complain about the cost of turning schools into a militarized zone. Maybe even get Black Water or Halliburton involved. This is something they can relate to. Now better pay for teachers, nutrition programs for the children from low income households, maybe an art program here, or a music program there, or the big one HEALTH CARE for children? They'll soon be foaming at the mouth.

seriously. the rw would prolly have no prob farming out the security *cough* "jobs" to private contractors like blackwater (on their 3rd name change since their iraq "incident")
Academi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Academi[2]—previously known as Xe Services LLC, previously known as Blackwater USA and Blackwater Worldwide—is a private military company
And abracadabra! The head guy leading the charge behind LaPierre, is Asa Hutchinson - who's clients include...shazam...

-- Xe Services, the private security company previously known as Blackwater and now known as Academi. It also lists Science Applications International Corporation, or SAIC, a major federal contractor...

My my.

"a company which in March agreed to pay New York City $500 million for its role in a project that U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara called “corrupted to its core by one of the largest and most brazen frauds ever committed against the City of New York.”

Asa Hutchinson: The Man Leading The NRA’s Push For Guns In Schools | TPMMuckraker

what the heck is TPMMuckraker
With all due respect, could we not reduce the huge government run TSA program? You know. The one that mandates agents to frisk 98 year old ladies and children in wheelchairs?

Re appropriate the funds to local governments to disburse to school security?

Isn't there any pork anywhere that couldn't be cut to provide security to the nation's children? All this hullabaloo about saving children from obesity and financing schools to buy arugala vs providing children a safe place to learn?
What else could that fucking tool of the Gun Manufacturers gave said? His corporate masters want him to sell more guns so the speech he gave was perfect for that.

  • Stop playing video games and buy real guns
  • Arm the teachers and buy more real guns

The NRAs answer is ALWAYS going to be "buy more guns" because that is what they are being PAID to say by the gun manufacturers.
What else could that fucking tool of the Gun Manufacturers gave said? His corporate masters want him to sell more guns so the speech he gave was perfect for that.

  • Stop playing video games and buy real guns
  • Arm the teachers and buy more real guns

The NRAs answer is ALWAYS going to be "buy more guns" because that is what they are being PAID to say by the gun manufacturers.

yeah yeah, so what if they are..
Planned Parenthood is there to drum up money to pay for abortions
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and I gotta say, letting Wayne LaPierre handle the NRA's public response to the Sandy Hook tragedy is just about the stupidest thing the NRA coulda done...

Really? Even topping this:

The National Rifle Association is urging the Bush administration to withdraw its support of a bill that would prohibit suspected terrorists from buying firearms.
Some schools have more than one building, some have six or seven buildings, and some of those building have three floors, would one guard do the job?

Exactly why CHL carriers should be able to carry... Ban gun free zones, they are open invites to bad guys.
How many billions would it take to place armed guards at every school in the nation.
Will congress foot the bill?
So what's next placing armed guards at daycare centers, little league baseball games etc etc etc, where does it end?
Why would Congress foot the bill? School districts are locally governed.

Yes, let’s burden local school districts with even more expense, to the further detriment of the quality of education.

If this idea is so vital to the safety of children, as you and others on the right contend, then Federal funding is perfectly appropriate.

But if conservatives were truly concerned about the safety of children, they’d advocate Federal funds to help local school districts and communities pay for mental health programs to address the actual cause of the Sandy Hook tragedy.
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What else could that fucking tool of the Gun Manufacturers gave said? His corporate masters want him to sell more guns so the speech he gave was perfect for that.

  • Stop playing video games and buy real guns
  • Arm the teachers and buy more real guns

The NRAs answer is ALWAYS going to be "buy more guns" because that is what they are being PAID to say by the gun manufacturers.

yeah yeah, so what if they are..
Planned Parenthood is there to drum up money to pay for abortions

You must've made the Dean's List at the school of false equivalencies. 3% of what PP does is Abortions. The money from gun lobbyists outpaced membership dues for the NRA a long time ago.
With all due respect, could we not reduce the huge government run TSA program? You know. The one that mandates agents to frisk 98 year old ladies and children in wheelchairs?

Re appropriate the funds to local governments to disburse to school security?

Isn't there any pork anywhere that couldn't be cut to provide security to the nation's children? All this hullabaloo about saving children from obesity and financing schools to buy arugala vs providing children a safe place to learn?

Can you guys be consistent please?

TSA agents have guns. You guys love that.
They keep us safe. you guys love that

The TSA is just the solution the NRA is advocating
By Evan McMorris-Santoro

There were a lot of words at the NRA presser, but the message was very simple: the NRA will not follow some of the pro-gun rights politicians in Washington into a new discussion of gun regulations. Instead, the group has created a program designed to usher more guns into schools: NRA School Shield, led by former Arkansas Rep. Asa Hutchison (R). Hutchison was on hand to explain the program, and LaPierre likened it to NRA efforts during the Second World War.

“Our training programs are the most advanced in the world. That expertise must be brought to bear to protect our schools and our children now,” he said. “We did it for the nation’s defense industries and military installations during World War II, and we’ll do it for our schools today.”

School Shield is a “multifaceted” program, LaPierre said, but it was clear that the goal was more armed guards in schools. LaPierre said Congress should get a jump start on the process by putting armed adults in all schools by the end of the holiday break.

The idea behind School Shield isn’t new for the gun lobby. Indeed, LaPierre reminded the press he suggested something similar after the 2007 Virginia Tech shootings.

More: NRA Chief Wayne LaPierre Blames Anything But Guns For Massacre | TPMDC

Annual dues for one member.....$35.

About 4,500,000 members. Does that give you a clue?

Money talks and bullshit walks
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A few folks on the gun control side have brought up how bombings have stopped after Oklahoma City. At least where I live, access to diesel fuel and nitrogen fertilizer is the same. Restricting it isn't what has changed. What has changed is the effort to identify those who might want access for killing purposes.

That is why I think mental health is the best path along with public willingness to ID people they think pose a risk. Every time it seems like the story is the same, he was a loner, fascination with weapons, recent purchases of guns, personality changes. People notice, but do nothing. THAT is where we can make the easiest, fastest and most effective change.
What about some of the people that post here? I'm being serious, some of them sound like crazed crack pots....should they be reported?

Aside from that, what kind of psychological test do you think should be given to potential gun buyers?

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