NRA School Shield: Why should the NRA be the voice of how schools are protected?

Dear Libs:

If you are truly interested in giving school children the same protection as people on airplanes, shopping malls, etc., why are you opposed to armed guards at schools? Are you more interested in pushing your gun control agenda than protecting these children? Isn't your ultimate aim to remove all weapons from society, thus leaving your paternalistic government in control of other people's lives? What has turned you into such control freaks?

Are all 'libs' opposed to that?
You must've made the Dean's List at the school of false equivalencies. 3% of what PP does is Abortions. The money from gun lobbyists outpaced membership dues for the NRA a long time ago.


From Wiki:

Planned Parenthood is the largest U.S. provider of reproductive health services, including cancer screening, HIV screening and counseling, contraception, and abortion.[3][4][5] Contraception accounts for 35% of PPFA's total services and abortions account for 3%; PPFA conducts roughly 300,000 abortions each year, among 3 million people served.[6][7][8]

From Politifact...
Planned Parenthood calculates the numbers by services provided, rather than dollars spent. In a fact sheet last updated in March 2011, the group lists the following breakdown of its services:

Contraception (including reversible contraception, emergency contraception, vasectomies and tubal sterilizations): 4,009,549 services

Sexually transmitted infections testing and treatment: 3,955,916 services

Cancer screening and prevention: 1,830,811 services

Other women’s health services (including pregnancy tests and prenatal care): 1,178,369 services

Abortions: 332,278 procedures

Miscellaneous (including primary care and adoption referrals): 76,977

Total services: 11,383,900

By this tally, abortions accounted for just under 3 percent of the procedures Planned Parenthood provided in 2009, which is the most recent year for which the group is reporting statistics. And that would make Kyl’s statement way off.

We should note a few caveats.

First, we think many people would acknowledge a difference between providing an abortion and, say, handing out a pack of condoms or conducting a blood test. The former is a significant surgical procedure, whereas the latter are quick and inexpensive services. So Planned Parenthood’s use of "services" as its yardstick likely decreases abortion’s prominence compared to what other measurements would show. Using dollars spent or hours devoted to patient care would likely put abortion above 3 percent in the calculations.

Second, it’s worth noting that Planned Parenthood self-reported these numbers, although the group says each affiliate’s numbers are independently audited. (There is no single, national audit.) So we have no choice but to accept their accuracy more or less on faith.
When I was kid, you generally outgrew your desire to run around with fake military guns, playing 'army',

at about puberty.

Nowadays the nuts have turned it into an adult sport.

well wonderful for you now get manicures and pedicures, you know Metro sexual?
and you mention machine guns, that's one gun I haven't shot yet, looking forward to it.

So you want an unfunded federal mandate to put guards in every school.

lol, conservatives are funny.

My business is dealing with public schools in all 50 states.

I spend a LOT of time talking to both classroom teachers and administrators, and both groups admit to a lot of 'topheaviness'.

Trading an EXTRA glorified bookkeeper for an armed guard is NOT 'unfunded', Beaner, and it gets the job done.

You're also the guy who said that Lanza's mother should have been able to legally own machine guns.

Idiot, she IS legally able to own machine guns. A $400 FFA license is ALL that is required.

Annual dues for one member.....$35.

About 4,500,000 members. Does that give you a clue?

Money talks and bullshit walks

omg, that's just HORRIBLE they represent the people who are paid members..
funny you all don't see anything wrong with UNION DUES're confused. The company hired thugs were the ones with the automatic weapons. Union members wielded axe handles.

Any citizen of this country who honestly believes military assault weapons have a place in the homes and on the streets needs to get in touch with reality. The old men who wrote the second amendment owned slaves and counted them worth 3/5 of a white man. Another consideration should be the fact that at the time they wrote it state of the art weapons were muzzle loading muskets and cannon balls.

The insane people who belong to the NRA and propose leaving the automatic assault weapons on the street should have to pay for armed guards, training and new weapons in all the nation's schools. They should also pay for it with a tax on weapons, extended clips and ammunition sales. Great Britain has strict gun control laws and each day in the U S about the same number of gun deaths occur as there are in a year over there.

'Course I realize that the bible thumpers have to go armed because that's exactly what this means:

Matthew 5
5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth

Matthew 5
39 But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

Matthew 5
41 And whosoever shall compel thee to go one mile, go with him two

Matthew 5
44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.

Matthew 5
48 Be you therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Matthew 6
44 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own (401K anyone?)
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I consider the assault weopons an abomination. They are guns created for the sole purpose of killing people rapidly in large numbers. That said, the majority of the owners of the millions that are in public hands are responsible law abiding citizens. They are not the problem. It is that small percentage that store these so very lethal weapons carelessly, or that even smaller percentage that are severly menatally ill, that use these weopons on the general public.

So, how do we get the weapons off the streets, yet not engage in a futile and self defeating house to house search?

1. A federal law that requires anybody that has one of these weapons outside their home to have the same license as for a fully automatic weapon. You are caught with the weapon and no license, the gun is confiscated and destroyed, you go to jail, and have a felony count on your record.

You cannot sell or give the weapon to anybody that does not have such a license. You do, and the both of you face felony counts.

2. You store your gun irresponsibly, any type of gun, and it is taken and used in a crime, you own that crime.

The first would not require federal law enforcement, the checks would be legal for any officer at any government level to check the license. And if there were someone that the neighbors considered a bit mentally unstable, and they saw them putting these kinds of weapons in the their car, they could call the police to have that fellow checked. Inconveniant, in some cases, yes. Far less inconveniant than another Sandy Hook. For that will be what we get if we do not come together and address this problem in a sane manner.

Point 1 neglects the fact people have large amounts of property, and can use those guns there. Also limitng them to the home is a restriction on "bear" arms.

Point 2 might be doable, as long as the liscence is freely availible

Point 3 violates all sorts of criminal law concepts, where there has to be intent for a crime.
Gun safes,
trigger locks,

1. Had the CT shooter's mother stored her firearms in a quality gun safe, her firearms would not have caused the carnage they did.

2. Trigger locks; ammo stored safely and apart from the gun, would save gun accidents among young people.

3, The owner of a gun should be civilly liable for any tort shown to have been caused by their gun; insurance should be required for all gun owners and let the insurance industry decide the actuarial cost for each firearm.

4. States should be allowed to require a license (or not) for citizens of the state to own, possess or have in one's custody and control a gun. Said license could be denied, suspended or revoked for cause, TBD by individual states. No gun could cross state lines without approval of the Dept. of Justice in the receiving state(s).

All just trying to skirt around the 2nd amendment, and will do zero to stop criminals.

All you are again doing is punishing law abiding gun owners for something you dont like

Apply the same to your own blog posts, and we will see how you like it
and I gotta say, letting Wayne LaPierre handle the NRA's public response to the Sandy Hook tragedy is just about the stupidest thing the NRA coulda done...

Really? Even topping this:

The National Rifle Association is urging the Bush administration to withdraw its support of a bill that would prohibit suspected terrorists from buying firearms.

Thier concern was a "suspected terrorist" can be anyone. If the government decided it didnt like you or guns in particular, it can add a bunch of people to the "suspected terrorist" list and voila, instant gun ban.

Due process is an annoying thing, but its the law.

Do they give out nobel prizes for suspected chemistry?
All just trying to skirt around the 2nd amendment, and will do zero to stop criminals.

All you are again doing is punishing law abiding gun owners for something you dont like

Apply the same to your own blog posts, and we will see how you like it

No one ever died from one of my blog posts. That I know of. Of course, I haven't seen Cali-Girl since the election, but that doesn't mean anything necessarily.

If we were ONLY talking about "Criminals", you might have a point.

But most gun deaths are people with no criminal records who either took their own lives OR the lives of someone else.
Even if every law abiding citizen walked in to police stations and turned in every gun they owned. The gun related crime incidents wouldn't change much, as drug dealers, gang members, burglars, robbers, killers, et cetera, would still have their stolen guns and continue to use them against the people.
Also, if a law were passed today, making it illegal to own firearms, there would be a new civil war.
All just trying to skirt around the 2nd amendment, and will do zero to stop criminals.

All you are again doing is punishing law abiding gun owners for something you dont like

Apply the same to your own blog posts, and we will see how you like it

No one ever died from one of my blog posts. That I know of. Of course, I haven't seen Cali-Girl since the election, but that doesn't mean anything necessarily.

If we were ONLY talking about "Criminals", you might have a point.

But most gun deaths are people with no criminal records who either took their own lives OR the lives of someone else.

Source please, second time I am asking for a source.
Gun safes,
trigger locks,

1. Had the CT shooter's mother stored her firearms in a quality gun safe, her firearms would not have caused the carnage they did.

2. Trigger locks; ammo stored safely and apart from the gun, would save gun accidents among young people.

3, The owner of a gun should be civilly liable for any tort shown to have been caused by their gun; insurance should be required for all gun owners and let the insurance industry decide the actuarial cost for each firearm.

4. States should be allowed to require a license (or not) for citizens of the state to own, possess or have in one's custody and control a gun. Said license could be denied, suspended or revoked for cause, TBD by individual states. No gun could cross state lines without approval of the Dept. of Justice in the receiving state(s).
Excuse me, Mr. Home Invader, would you mind standing by while I remove my trigger lock and retrieve my ammo from the next room? :rolleyes:
Did the kid have an obsession with guns that caused him to step over the line?

Or did he have an obession with violent video games that caused him to step over the line?

If the answer is no to both then this discussion about gun control serves no purpose.

I think the boy was wacked and his mother did not excerise the proper gun control.
As a NRA member that never knew what the CEO looked like....he looks like a monster anti-gun nuts would claim are NRA people.....bad move even hiring this guy.

You need a slick looking person that is personable in this hated position. You don't win the debate by scaring people just with the person's face you put in the position.

Source please, second time I am asking for a source.

I don't do links unless I feel like doing them.

Because when I do, you guys pretend you didn't see them. And then you spew the same bullshit on another thread like that thread never happened.
As a NRA member that never knew what the CEO looked like....he looks like a monster anti-gun nuts would claim are NRA people.....bad move even hiring this guy.

You need a slick looking person that is personable in this hated position. You don't win the debate by scaring people just with the person's face you put in the position.

The NRA tried that when Charlton Heston was in charge.

Wayne's been around for a long time saying batshit crazy stuff. Like when he called the ATF Jack-booted thugs, and President Bush-41 was so disgusted he quit the organization.

It isn't Wayne's looks that are the problem. It's his rhetoric, which when you get right down to it, is just batshit crazy.
Gun safes,
trigger locks,

1. Had the CT shooter's mother stored her firearms in a quality gun safe, her firearms would not have caused the carnage they did.

2. Trigger locks; ammo stored safely and apart from the gun, would save gun accidents among young people.

3, The owner of a gun should be civilly liable for any tort shown to have been caused by their gun; insurance should be required for all gun owners and let the insurance industry decide the actuarial cost for each firearm.

4. States should be allowed to require a license (or not) for citizens of the state to own, possess or have in one's custody and control a gun. Said license could be denied, suspended or revoked for cause, TBD by individual states. No gun could cross state lines without approval of the Dept. of Justice in the receiving state(s).

1. Agreed

2. Most, if not all, states already require firearms to be secure with minor children in the home.

3. Civil liability is for the courts to decide; otherwise requiring insurance would be un-Constitutionally burdensome.

4. Federal law already requires interstate sales to go through a licensed gun dealer, who will then conduct a background check on the buyer in the buyer’s state of residence.

Although the states are free to do as they see fit, it can still be argued that requiring a license to own a firearm is un-Constitutionally burdensome.
I knew the NRA was nuts about 20 years ago when I left.

Lapierre always prefaces his comments with "...4 million daughters, sons, fathers, mothers are members of the NRA". He always forgets to mention that the NRA is nothing but a major lobbyist for the military industrial base and manufacturers who sell arms to anyone with the money to buy them: Blackwater, terrorists or deer hunters, makes no difference.

Wayne really shot himself in the foot this time. (no pun intended....hahahahahaha
Liberals don't believe in personal responsibility, the Government should do that for you...including personal protection which means you don't need a gun.

They don't think you should be able to gun down a criminal coming into your house, just call the police to come "taser him." In England the police come to beat him with a club.

Most liberals oppose hunting Bambi, so banning hunting guns is a-ok with them. They don't trust you Red State American with a "legal" handgun under your coat, so ban that too. They don't trust Joe Schmoe that plays soldier with his weapons on the weekend at a shooting range.

Their nanny state utopia is where the Government controls your life, you shouldn't fend for yourself and shouldn't be allowed to be different than them with your guns.
Anybody that thinks assault weapons are in the hands of the public is confused. True story.

You are referring to semi automatic weapons.

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