NRA School Shield: Why should the NRA be the voice of how schools are protected?

Probably already been brought up, but the OP title is spin.

The media and gun control advocates have been pressing the NRA for a response to the shooting. Now they want to make it appear unsolicited?
Dear Libs:

If you are truly interested in giving school children the same protection as people on airplanes, shopping malls, etc., why are you opposed to armed guards at schools? Are you more interested in pushing your gun control agenda than protecting these children? Isn't your ultimate aim to remove all weapons from society, thus leaving your paternalistic government in control of other people's lives? What has turned you into such control freaks?

Got it.

You support a tax on ammo and gun sales to pay for this new huge government program. So higher taxes & bigger government.

I am on the fence. Many schools around here have security guards, some "resource" officers. This is not very exciting or different to me but I'm willing to wait a few months before declaring it time to further tax gun owners. That way we eliminate some emotion from the vote.
I proposed the NRA proposal a week before they came out with it.

There was no support for it on this board. I even suggested that it would be a good way to employ veterans,

and several rightwing nut posters said that because of PTSD, veterans couldn't be trusted with guns.

Democrats don't trust Veterans they consider them "Right wing extremists"

and how do you treat war heros like Kerry?

Kerry was a war hero for what he did in Vietnam, but his actions after the war has been a disappointment.
He wants to condemn those who want to limit your right to own a gun. Your second amendment right.

But in the same damn breath condems the first amendment right of film makers and game developers.

Why can't the right defend their constitutional rights without trying to limit mine?

Gramps is working on a screenplay for a feature film called, "Today I took a crap without help."

If you really need a laugh, let's see CrazyCrusaderFrank deny he was a hard-core....

and I gotta say, letting Wayne LaPierre handle the NRA's public response to the Sandy Hook tragedy is just about the stupidest thing the NRA coulda done...

the guy has a history of being a gratingly obnoxious loud-mouthed jerk that only a gun nut could love...

and the NRA put Loose-Cannon LaPierre in front of the cameras just when they needed to try to make new friends... or, at the very least, not have people tune them out and write 'em off as a pack of fringe nut-jobs...

and his proposed solution to the problem of mass shootings, of calling on the federal government to put an armed guard at each and every school in the country, is nearly as pathetic, ludicrous, impractical, and ultimately ineffective as anything the libs have suggested...

I 'spect that, when the coming laundry-list of restrictive federal gun control measures is signed into law, people on both sides of the issue will point to LaPierre's performance today as being a major reason for its passage...

I find it funny that they took that many days to remain silent, only to come out with his "popular" response. It's also funny that a seemingly "conservative" organization with a most likely large conservative membership would also advocate more big government and allegedly advocate the restriction of the First Amendment rights of video game producers. :lol:.
On the flip side, lolberals thought Bubba's "100,000 new cops on the streets" meme was the greatest idea since the wheel, and have supported goons like the TSA without batting an eye....Now LaPierre says what he did and it's the stupidest thing since Quayle misspelled potato.

Which way do y'all want it?...I mean besides both ways.

I wasn't in favor of "100,000 new cops on the streets" , I'm not in favor of a "police state". It's funny how the political definitions and descriptions have evolved over the years. For instance the "War on Drugs" was not coined by Liberals it was started and coined by Republican conservatives. You can see on the following link both big government parties were in favor of the "War on Drugs": War on Drugs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The TSA was created by a conservative republican Administration in 2001. I agree with some of what he said, like this loose paraphrase: " I takes good guys with guns to stop bad guys with guns." , or something to that effect. Many schools already have security guards and some local police liaisons.

I wouldn't mind, in fact i would be happy if the security guard at my wife's elementary school was armed. I think it should be a local deal instead of a national policy.

I never fell for the "Quayle was stupid" thing, he made a little gaffe and people ran with it. It seems that conservatives who once supported the various acts and actions by the previous republican conservative Administration, are now becoming more interested in Civil Liberties and a more Libertarian stance on domestic and foreign issues these days! Nice! The people who were once the people who stated; "If you have nothing to hide what are your worried about?", now want to respect people's Fourth Amendment rights. The ones who were in favor of racial profiling, now have a problem with being politically profiled themselves because of a bumper sticker, etc. :)
When I was kid, you generally outgrew your desire to run around with fake military guns, playing 'army',

at about puberty.

Nowadays the nuts have turned it into an adult sport.

Hmm..., apparently you only played with fake guns. Today in the real world and especially those that were in the military know that to stay alive one must be able to protect themselves and not rely on others. Ever build your own carpet gun? I doubt it. Come to think of it, I'm sure you were more comfortable dressed in your mother's or sister's clothes.
Did the kid have an obsession with guns that caused him to step over the line?

Or did he have an obession with violent video games that caused him to step over the line?

If the answer is no to both then this discussion about gun control serves no purpose.

I think the boy was wacked and his mother did not excerise the proper gun control.

He's not a kid, he was a 20 year old man and responsible for his own actions. I was three years into my military service when I was 20.
The NRA wants to arm everyone.

Well, if you are in the business of selling guns, or if you have a business that provides private security guards for public or private events and/or longer term clients, the NRA's idea is a reason to celebrate.
Bingo, it's all about selling guns.

One has to wonder if the NRA is not really trying to make the case for turning America into an armed camp.

I know that conservatives don't often embrace logic in making their arguments since my experience has shown me that they prefer the emotional reaction-based argument.

So, I guess I'll have to help them out here.

If one accepts the argument that many armed people are specifically and deliberately targeting places where there are believed to be no people with guns so that they can inflict maximum carnage without much fear of being stopped, then doesn't it make sense that once schools have guards in them that the assailants will move on to other 'unguarded' places?

So, wouldn't we THEN have to place armed guards THERE next? And so on until all of America is little more than big armed camp with armed security guards at virtually every corner...
19 December, 2012 | Mike Morris

A home invasion robbery suspect died overnight when he jumped out a second-floor apartment window, apparently after his intended victims opened fire on the alleged intruders. The incident happened at an apartment complex on Lancashire Circle near Stone Mountain. Channel 2 Action News reported that a couple with two small children live in the apartment, and exchanged gunfire with the suspects.

Home invasion suspect killed in gunfight at DeKalb apartment... |
19 December, 2012 | Mike Morris

A home invasion robbery suspect died overnight when he jumped out a second-floor apartment window, apparently after his intended victims opened fire on the alleged intruders. The incident happened at an apartment complex on Lancashire Circle near Stone Mountain. Channel 2 Action News reported that a couple with two small children live in the apartment, and exchanged gunfire with the suspects.

Home invasion suspect killed in gunfight at DeKalb apartment... |

Someone should reimburse them for the ammunition costs.
Shithead....the clown in my avatar is your black messiah.:badgrin: Are you really that blind and stupid?

Oh, putting local police in schools like most inner city schools do is smarter than preventing someone like me from legally owning a gun under my Second Amendment right.

Hmmmm, public schools protected by the public police...what a concept, too deep for your demented mind.

Liberals don't believe in personal responsibility, the Government should do that for you...including personal protection which means you don't need a gun.

They don't think you should be able to gun down a criminal coming into your house, just call the police to come "taser him." In England the police come to beat him with a club.

Most liberals oppose hunting Bambi, so banning hunting guns is a-ok with them. They don't trust you Red State American with a "legal" handgun under your coat, so ban that too. They don't trust Joe Schmoe that plays soldier with his weapons on the weekend at a shooting range.

Their nanny state utopia is where the Government controls your life, you shouldn't fend for yourself and shouldn't be allowed to be different than them with your guns.

Yes sir the NRA BEGGING the Federal Government to be more intrusive. Provide armed guards. And the gun manufacters don't even have to pay for it. The gun nuts will pay for it. Right? Through taxes on the sale of guns and ammo.

And dude with the clown face. Is that clown face your idea of.......what? Looking the fool.
Well done.

But it sure is hard to take a clown saying weird shit very seriously. But then again, you are not what I would call a serious person. You are a CLOWN. LMAO.
When I was kid, you generally outgrew your desire to run around with fake military guns, playing 'army',

at about puberty.

Nowadays the nuts have turned it into an adult sport.

Hmm..., apparently you only played with fake guns. Today in the real world and especially those that were in the military know that to stay alive one must be able to protect themselves and not rely on others. Ever build your own carpet gun? I doubt it. Come to think of it, I'm sure you were more comfortable dressed in your mother's or sister's clothes.

I got my first gun at 14. A 22/410 over/under.

And I'm a veteran so fuck off.
When I was kid, you generally outgrew your desire to run around with fake military guns, playing 'army',

at about puberty.

Nowadays the nuts have turned it into an adult sport.

well wonderful for you now get manicures and pedicures, you know Metro sexual?
and you mention machine guns, that's one gun I haven't shot yet, looking forward to it.[/IMG[/QUOTE]

I qualified expert with an M-16 and a .45 in the military.
By Evan McMorris-Santoro

There were a lot of words at the NRA presser, but the message was very simple: the NRA will not follow some of the pro-gun rights politicians in Washington into a new discussion of gun regulations. Instead, the group has created a program designed to usher more guns into schools: NRA School Shield, led by former Arkansas Rep. Asa Hutchison (R). Hutchison was on hand to explain the program, and LaPierre likened it to NRA efforts during the Second World War.

“Our training programs are the most advanced in the world. That expertise must be brought to bear to protect our schools and our children now,” he said. “We did it for the nation’s defense industries and military installations during World War II, and we’ll do it for our schools today.”

School Shield is a “multifaceted” program, LaPierre said, but it was clear that the goal was more armed guards in schools. LaPierre said Congress should get a jump start on the process by putting armed adults in all schools by the end of the holiday break.

The idea behind School Shield isn’t new for the gun lobby. Indeed, LaPierre reminded the press he suggested something similar after the 2007 Virginia Tech shootings.

More: NRA Chief Wayne LaPierre Blames Anything But Guns For Massacre | TPMDC

Because you dont put the security of ANYTHING in the hands of the limpristed left.

I would never even allow a single lefty on this board to babysit my kids. Their idea of dealing with the bad guys is.........when they show up, offer them a seat at the table, brew up some coffee and negotiate their surrender.
The NRA has announced their 'solution' to gun violence in school. Armed guards.

I'm sure that the idea will have both multiple supporters and detractors as is usually the case when one side of the political aisle suggests a solution to a problem.

However, aside from the costs associated with placing armed guards in thousands (if not tens of thousands) of schools nationwide at a time of statewide budget cuts and even more proposed federal cuts, and the fact that there are usually multiple entrances to most schools and the fact that guards would likely be the first targets of any gunmen...what about school buses? How many school buses leave a school with 50 plus students at the end of the day, every day, all across the country? Should they ALL have armed guards on them like federal Marshalls on planes?

How about community centers? Swimming pools? After school sports games in gymnasiums? Bus stops? Cross walks? Any and every public place? How about day care centers? Restaurants? How about EVERY single movie theatre? Lobbies alone? Or the actual screening theaters? How about libraries?

Is the answer to gun violence mean that America has to embrace armed guard everywhere that children and adults congregate?
No...for most of your scenarios a good guy with a concealed weapon will do the trick. There are planty of retired people who could volunteeer to cover the schools and or busses. The libtard solution is always to spend more monety, hire administrators and staff and never get the job done. Screw them.

Yeah, put an armed elderly retired person with a few age-related aches and pains and other ailments who also likely has a limited amount of patience for shenanigans of just about any kind on a school bus full of rambunctious kids all hopped up on the fact that school has just been let out. What cold possibly go wrong?
"The Department of Education has counted 98,817 public schools in the United States and an additional 33,366 private schools."

So, 99,000 public schools times approximately $30,000 per armed guard...

By my calculation that's about $3 Billion a year, undoubtedly subtracted from money spent on teachers (and teaching, of course).


Oh and lets not forget, they had an armed guard at columbine, so even if there are one there, killings still happen. 3 billion a year and its already proven to not be a deterrent.

Only the right would approve of this.

I've not seen that, according to Wiki it was a Jefferson County Sheriff that was shooting at Harris and Klebold.

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