NRA School Shield: Why should the NRA be the voice of how schools are protected?

Anybody that thinks assault weapons are in the hands of the public is confused. True story.

You are referring to semi automatic weapons.

LOL.... a middle school student could fire off 100 rounds in 30-50 seconds with a well adjusted, well maintained AR-15. The triggers on those things can be easily adjusted to return to the fire position in two or three tenths of a second. When I was tank commander on an M-48 medium patton tank my weapon, mounted on the turret was a 50 caliber Browning Machine Gun, 500 rounds a minute. Anybody who can come up with a reason or purpose for the AR-15 other than killing people really con't know what the fuck they're talking about.

I talked to a gun owner (in person) I know the other day who told me (with a straight face) that AR-15s are used for hunting. As a former soldier, I found that hard but not impossible to believe, so I said that I suppose I could see someone using it for hunting vermin or very small game animals but that other more traditional firearms (like a 22 Remington) were likely better suited for doing so.

At any rate, we kept going around for a while, and he again mentioned hunting. And I said that I never heard of anyone using an AR-15 for hunting bigger game like deer. He disagreed with me and said that it's not uncommon for people to use AR-15s to hunt for deer. Now, I'm NOT a hunter. Never have been. But I've NEVER heard of someone using such a small caliber weapon for hunting deer.

What say you?

I'd rather use a composite bow and arrow. At least there would be less chance of wounding one and letting it suffer for hours. If a hunter gets close enough to put an arrow in a deer it will more than likely be a head or heart hit. It just doesn't make sense to use a military styled weapon for hunting...especially a rapid fire small caliber. I remember the .45 caliber "grease gun" during the second world war. That thing was magnificent for cleaning out buildings at close range but I've fired them and on a 100 yd. range you can actually see the bullets drop betweem yourself and the target...the downside of windage. I'll guarantee you that the weapon was good for nothing else except killing at close range.

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Teachers, school superintendents, mayors and police chiefs in Connecticut are rejecting the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) response to the shooting in Newtown, describing the gun lobby’s proposal to equip schools with armed guards and more guns as too simplistic, shameful, and opportunistic.

More: Connecticut School Officials Blast NRA's Reaction To Newtown | ThinkProgress

So they reject the only proposed option that stands a chance of reducing the carnage?

We already know gun bans don't do SHIT to lower crime rates because the law only disarms the innocent.

Teachers, school superintendents, mayors and police chiefs in Connecticut are rejecting the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) response to the shooting in Newtown, describing the gun lobby’s proposal to equip schools with armed guards and more guns as too simplistic, shameful, and opportunistic.

More: Connecticut School Officials Blast NRA's Reaction To Newtown | ThinkProgress

So they reject the only proposed option that stands a chance of reducing the carnage?

We already know gun bans don't do SHIT to lower crime rates because the law only disarms the innocent.

We're the only industrialized nation in the world with a gun death rate like we have. You would think somebody would have enough sense to catch on.

So they reject the only proposed option that stands a chance of reducing the carnage?

We already know gun bans don't do SHIT to lower crime rates because the law only disarms the innocent.

We're the only industrialized nation in the world with a gun death rate like we have. You would think somebody would have enough sense to catch on.

we are still pretty much a Free country with Constitutional rights that a lot of people died to come here for, but we won't be once you bleeding hearts get done with us
So they reject the only proposed option that stands a chance of reducing the carnage?

We already know gun bans don't do SHIT to lower crime rates because the law only disarms the innocent.

We're the only industrialized nation in the world with a gun death rate like we have. You would think somebody would have enough sense to catch on.

we are still pretty much a Free country with Constitutional rights that a lot of people died to come here for, but we won't be once you bleeding hearts get done with us

Free my ass. If the Republicans ever get their way again they'll be the ones with the freedom. Blacks, Latinos, Lesbians, Gays, Women, Poor People, Young People etc. will listen to them for their marching orders. You should remember. I'm taking about the majority who reelected the president. last month. They include the 47% Romney said he wasn't concerned about.
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We're the only industrialized nation in the world with a gun death rate like we have. You would think somebody would have enough sense to catch on.

we are still pretty much a Free country with Constitutional rights that a lot of people died to come here for, but we won't be once you bleeding hearts get done with us

Free my ass. If the Republicans ever get their way again they'll be the ones with the freedom. Blacks, Latinos, Lesbians, Gays, Women, Poor People, Young People etc. will listen to them for their marching orders. You should remember. I'm taking about the majority who reelected the president. last month.

yeah yeah, this coming from a so called life long Republican who had a transformation in his old age
what a joke
Numbers of guns in the country keeps going up.

Number of deaths by gun keep going up.

Yes sir ree guns are working real well for us.

Steph tell me again how many kid deaths by gun and suicides by gun will

And how many crimes were stopped last night by homeowners with guns. (I never can find that info).
ANd it should be easy. According to gun nuts, at least a million crimes were stopped by private gun owners, this past year. 1 million divided by 365 days equals 2739 crimes a day stopped.

Should be easy to find at least several examples. Each and every day. But you can't. Why is that?
You people elected a Second Amendment hating President who wouldn't think twice of disarming the people if he could

so don't complain now that gun sales have went up
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Numbers of guns in the country keeps going up.

Number of deaths by gun keep going up.

Yes sir ree guns are working real well for us.

Steph tell me again how many kid deaths by gun and suicides by gun will

And how many crimes were stopped last night by homeowners with guns. (I never can find that info).
ANd it should be easy. According to gun nuts, at least a million crimes were stopped by private gun owners, this past year. 1 million divided by 365 days equals 2739 crimes a day stopped.

Should be easy to find at least several examples. Each and every day. But you can't. Why is that?

OHOOOOH I just had an epiphany during a bowel movement.

It the Main Steam Media's fault. Right steph. They won't report all those crimes stopped by homeowners with guns cause they don't love God or Guns. Or the USofA.

Damn that MSM.
You people elected a Second Amendment hating President who wouldn't think twice of disarming the people if he could

so don't complain now that gun sales have went up

What stupid responses you give steph. Always.

However I wasn't complaining. Just stating fact. Gun sales are way up and deaths by gun are up. Each and every year for many years.

Just the way it is in gun loving Ameria.

Armed to the teeth to kill each other. Ain't it great.

You ever remember when Christmas was all about Peace on Earth and Good Will toward your fellow man.

Wasn't that quaint. Being in an armed camp is much better.
we are still pretty much a Free country with Constitutional rights that a lot of people died to come here for, but we won't be once you bleeding hearts get done with us

Free my ass. If the Republicans ever get their way again they'll be the ones with the freedom. Blacks, Latinos, Lesbians, Gays, Women, Poor People, Young People etc. will listen to them for their marching orders. You should remember. I'm taking about the majority who reelected the president. last month.

yeah yeah, this coming from a so called life long Republican who had a transformation in his old age
what a joke

Old age? In 1976 I was 42 years old.

1956 Eisenhower
1960 Nixon
1964 Goldwater
1968 Nixon
1972 Nixon
1976 Did Not Vote
1980 Anderson(I)
1984 Reagan
1988 Did Not Vote
1992 Did Not Vote
1996 Did Not Vote
2000 Did Not Vote
2004 Kerry *********
2008 Obama *********
2012 Obama *********

******** Voted Against Republicans

I was a dyed in the wool Republican when they believed in balanced budgets, individual rights and small government. The goddam crook Richard Nixom was a criminal and lied to the American people repeatedly. After voting for him three times that was the first thing which raised my eyebrows and caused me to take a look at things. Then I settled down and even voted for Reagan one time. When I realized the asshole increased spending, cut taxes for his wealthy friends and began to borrow from foreign banks to cover the shortfall which resulted in he and Bush41 quadrupling the national debt that was nearly it. When Clinton balanced the budget, generated surpluses and had the entire debt on a course to totally settle the entire national debt I raised my eyebrows higher. Then....when George W. Bush came along and immediately cut taxes for the rich two times using reconciliation to block Democrat resistance, started two wars, one totally unnecessary and doubled the national debt again that did it. I wouldn't vote for one of the crazy pricks again if I live to 100. The Republicans have become a party of corporations and the rich with a touch of T Party(T stands for Thumpers)
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You people elected a Second Amendment hating President who wouldn't think twice of disarming the people if he could

so don't complain now that gun sales have went up

What stupid responses you give steph. Always.

However I wasn't complaining. Just stating fact. Gun sales are way up and deaths by gun are up. Each and every year for many years.

Just the way it is in gun loving Ameria.

Armed to the teeth to kill each other. Ain't it great.

You ever remember when Christmas was all about Peace on Earth and Good Will toward your fellow man.

Wasn't that quaint. Being in an armed camp is much better.

What percentage of those deaths are from criminal on criminal, gang-banging morons that don't obey the laws anyway?

70%? 80%? 90%?

Care to guess?
You people elected a Second Amendment hating President who wouldn't think twice of disarming the people if he could

so don't complain now that gun sales have went up

Well, it will be a pity when they have to turn them all in for no compensation, won't it?

Turn them in??

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Bullets FIRST, maybe....

Yeah, why don't you ask this guy...


how well that turned out..


Ooooh... that didn't work out so good, did it?

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