NRA School Shield: Why should the NRA be the voice of how schools are protected?

Numbers of guns in the country keeps going up.

Number of deaths by gun keep going up.

Yes sir ree guns are working real well for us.

Steph tell me again how many kid deaths by gun and suicides by gun will

And how many crimes were stopped last night by homeowners with guns. (I never can find that info).
ANd it should be easy. According to gun nuts, at least a million crimes were stopped by private gun owners, this past year. 1 million divided by 365 days equals 2739 crimes a day stopped.

Should be easy to find at least several examples. Each and every day. But you can't. Why is that?

If we are to believe the FBI one of those stats has been steadily declining.
The man was given ample oppurtunity to surrender... but he knows what they do to child molestors in the big house, so he picked suicide. That the stupid sheep went along with him was kind of sad, but pretty much Darwinian.

You listen to Janet Reno? You should get out more, Joe, and learn what REALLY happened in Waco...

I have....

You've had three investigations into Waco, and they all came to the same conclusion. Mass suicide.

One of these was conducted by Republican Senator John Danforth.

Not that it's a bad thing, really. A few less religous whacks always makes america a happier place.

I have to admit that it is strange that a guy who supports the government decided to clear t of all responsibility. Did you ever consider the possibility that the only people that viewed Waco as a Democrat/Republican thing are the idiots like you?
The FBI started pumping highly flammable gas into the buildings at 6AM, and didn't stop until the fires started 5 hours later, when the FBI fired incendiary rounds into the gas-filled buildings.
And you wonder how they went up in flames so quickly?

Also, I can find no record of any Davidian claiming 'suicide drills'.

Got a link?

Why do you keep making the Davidians into heroes.

They were creepy ass cultists and honestly, good riddance.

The flames went up so quickly because fires were started by the Davidians in three separate parts of the building.

Report to the Deputy Attorney General on the Events at Waco, Texas: Attitudes of Koresh and others in the Compound

Several former compound residents and relatives of current compound residents spoke of the Davidians' devotion to Koresh and their desire to kill or die for him. one former resident who left during the standoff told investigators that on March 2 Koresh intended to leave the compound with his followers and commit mass suicide, until Koresh changed his mind when God told him "to wait." Another former resident stated she had heard the members speak numerous times about suicide. Former Koresh "wife" Dana Okimoto said that if Koresh were to die before his followers, everyone inside the compound would kill themselves.

On March 5, 1993, released child Joan Vaega had a note pinned to her clothes stating that her mother (Marguerita Vaega) would be dead by the time other relatives had read the note. Former compound residents now living in Australia reported that Koresh planned mass suicide. Dr. Bruce Perry, who interviewed the released Davidian children, reported that the Davidians had apparently reached some group consensus about a final end to the confrontation. Finally, "cult expert" Kelli Waxman warned in early March that Koresh probably had suicide plans.

Last time I checked, being a creepy ass cultist is not a death penalty crime.
Texas Republican Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, a strong ally of the National Rifle Association and its legislative priorities, told CBS’s Face The Nation on Sunday that she could support tighter regulations of high-capacity magazines in the aftermath of the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.

“You know, I think we ought to be looking at where the real danger is, like those large clips, I think that does need to be looked at,” Hutchison, who is retiring from the Senate, said. She added, “it’s the semi-automatics and those large magazines that can be fired off very quickly. You do have to pull the trigger each time, but it’s very quick.” Watch it:

More: Texas Senator Embraces Federal Gun Control, Limits On Large Magazines | ThinkProgress

[ame=]Hutchison on guns - YouTube[/ame]
Forbs Magazine: "In fact law-abiding citizens in America used guns in self-defense 2.5 million times during 1993 (about 6,850 times per day), and actually shot and killed 2 1/2 times as many criminals as police did (1,527 to 606). Those civilian self-defense shootings resulted in less than 1/5th as many incidents as police where an innocent person was mistakenly identified as a criminal (2% versus 11%).

Just how effectively have gun bans worked to make citizens safer in other countries? Take the number of home break-ins while residents are present as an indication. In Canada and Britain, both with tough gun-control laws, nearly half of all burglaries occur when residents are present. But in the U.S. where many households are armed, only about 13% happen when someone is home.

Recognizing clear statistical benefit evidence, 41 states now allow competent, law-abiding adults to carry permitted or permit-exempt concealed handguns. As a result, crime rates in those states have typically fallen at least 10% in the year following enactment."
Guns aren't sentient beings, for those who aren't already aware.

PSA #1036589 from Si modo.
Your #3 tells me you don't know SHIT about what happened, Joe. You just ASSume that the government stooges are telling you the truth, when the hours of video show something entirely different.

A good place to start your education would be the FLIR video that shows the Feds and their tanks attacking the building, filling it with highly flammable gas and watching it burn to the ground.

But then again, you'd rather not believe your own eyes, it's 'an inconvenient truth'.

Guy, once again, until about five years ago, used to be as right wing as you are.

And, yes, I know all about the FLIR and every other whackadoo conpsiracy theory.

the problem with whackadoo conpsiracy theories- Waco, 9/11, UFO, the JFK assassination - is that no amount of evidence ever convinces true believers.

You either have to believe the FBI agents were horrible monsters or Koresh and his followers were.

I think it's more likely the latter, given Koresh was a religious nut who molested children, stockpiled guns and believed the world was coming to an end in 2000.

What's so difficult about believe the FBI agents are horrible monsters? Lon Horishi's job is assassinating people. He's the guy who knocked off randy weaver's wife, baby and son. the FBI has a history of incinerating innocent civilians who have become embarrassments to the FBI by failing to die without a fight.

Yeah, real nice guys, those FBI agents.
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because to them dead childern is just collateral damage for their right to own a gun with no reason to exsit

I believe that to the fascists are the ones who believe that dead children is collateral damage in their quest to disarm America,

Your #3 tells me you don't know SHIT about what happened, Joe. You just ASSume that the government stooges are telling you the truth, when the hours of video show something entirely different.

A good place to start your education would be the FLIR video that shows the Feds and their tanks attacking the building, filling it with highly flammable gas and watching it burn to the ground.

But then again, you'd rather not believe your own eyes, it's 'an inconvenient truth'.

Guy, once again, until about five years ago, used to be as right wing as you are.

And, yes, I know all about the FLIR and every other whackadoo conpsiracy theory.

the problem with whackadoo conpsiracy theories- Waco, 9/11, UFO, the JFK assassination - is that no amount of evidence ever convinces true believers.

You either have to believe the FBI agents were horrible monsters or Koresh and his followers were.

I think it's more likely the latter, given Koresh was a religious nut who molested children, stockpiled guns and believed the world was coming to an end in 2000.
I know several FBI agents who are monsters. I know several who aren't, too. But it's about 50/50 in my experience.
What's so difficult about believe the FBI agents are horrible monsters? Lon Horishi's job is assassinating people. He's the guy who knocked off randy weaver's wife, baby and son. the FBI has a history of incinerating innocent civilians who have become embarrassments to the FBI by failing to die without a fight.

Yeah, real nice guys, those FBI agents.

Besides the fact that Randy Weaver was a Nazi coward who hid behind children rather than answer a subpeona (again, wonderful heroes you right wing hacks have- Nazis and child molesting religious nuts), Weaver's baby wasn't killed, and his son wasn't killed by the FBI, he was killed by Federal Marshalls when Weaver, his friend and the kid had shootout with them when they were serving an arrest warrant.
The NRA, a special interest group funded by the gun manufacturers' lobby,

makes the central theme of their big plan that we need more guns.

How much more blatantly transparent do they need to be for you people to get it?????
The NRA, a special interest group funded by the gun manufacturers' lobby,

makes the central theme of their big plan that we need more guns.

How much more blatantly transparent do they need to be for you people to get it?????

It kind of reminds me of all those "Smokers rights" groups that were funded by the Tobacco industry that denied for years that cigarettes caused lung cancer.
The NRA, a special interest group funded by the gun manufacturers' lobby,

makes the central theme of their big plan that we need more guns.

How much more blatantly transparent do they need to be for you people to get it?????

Get what, that they're a LEGAL lobbying group? Don't care

What I do care about is their desire to get the debate off of them (which I understand) by bringing up other issues that don't belong in the debate.
Your #3 tells me you don't know SHIT about what happened, Joe. You just ASSume that the government stooges are telling you the truth, when the hours of video show something entirely different.

A good place to start your education would be the FLIR video that shows the Feds and their tanks attacking the building, filling it with highly flammable gas and watching it burn to the ground.

But then again, you'd rather not believe your own eyes, it's 'an inconvenient truth'.

Guy, once again, until about five years ago, used to be as right wing as you are.

And, yes, I know all about the FLIR and every other whackadoo conpsiracy theory.

the problem with whackadoo conpsiracy theories- Waco, 9/11, UFO, the JFK assassination - is that no amount of evidence ever convinces true believers.

You either have to believe the FBI agents were horrible monsters or Koresh and his followers were.

I think it's more likely the latter, given Koresh was a religious nut who molested children, stockpiled guns and believed the world was coming to an end in 2000.
I know several FBI agents who are monsters. I know several who aren't, too. But it's about 50/50 in my experience.

Lon Horishi was/is an FBI agent who is nothing more than a paid government assassin. He got paid to knock off totally innocent Americans.
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What makes you think a mandatory buyback would be constitutional?

You know what, guy, we don't need to check with the Founding Slave-Rapers on everything.

We are really capable of making decisions on our own.

In other words, you don't give a flying fuck about the Constitution? Is that something you really want to admit?

And, no, you aren't capable of making decisions on how other people should run their lives.

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