NRA School Shield: Why should the NRA be the voice of how schools are protected?

He wants to condemn those who want to limit your right to own a gun. Your second amendment right.

But in the same damn breath condems the first amendment right of film makers and game developers.

Why can't the right defend their constitutional rights without trying to limit mine?

LOL he's not trying to limit anyone's constitutional rights. You misunderstood. What he is saying is guns and the second amendment are not responsible for the culture of violence in America, more so the media, music, Hollywood, and video games are, and he's right.
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What makes you think a mandatory buyback would be constitutional?

You know what, guy, we don't need to check with the Founding Slave-Rapers on everything.

We are really capable of making decisions on our own.

Does that mean you don't think it is constitutional? Does it also mean you would prefer we scrap the constitution? I am only asking because, after rereading my post, and going back and checking my posting logs, I don't see any mention of the Founders in anything I said, so you must be resorting to a strawman argument because nothing else you could say made sense even to you.
Your #3 tells me you don't know SHIT about what happened, Joe. You just ASSume that the government stooges are telling you the truth, when the hours of video show something entirely different.

A good place to start your education would be the FLIR video that shows the Feds and their tanks attacking the building, filling it with highly flammable gas and watching it burn to the ground.

But then again, you'd rather not believe your own eyes, it's 'an inconvenient truth'.

Guy, once again, until about five years ago, used to be as right wing as you are.

And, yes, I know all about the FLIR and every other whackadoo conpsiracy theory.

the problem with whackadoo conpsiracy theories- Waco, 9/11, UFO, the JFK assassination - is that no amount of evidence ever convinces true believers.

You either have to believe the FBI agents were horrible monsters or Koresh and his followers were.

I think it's more likely the latter, given Koresh was a religious nut who molested children, stockpiled guns and believed the world was coming to an end in 2000.

What's so difficult about believe the FBI agents are horrible monsters? Lon Horishi's job is assassinating people. He's the guy who knocked off randy weaver's wife, baby and son. the FBI has a history of incinerating innocent civilians who have become embarrassments to the FBI by failing to die without a fight.

Yeah, real nice guys, those FBI agents.

Yeah right. Randy was making sawed off shotguns, that are illegal, in his home. He and his son decided to have a shootout. People died as a result. You're a stupid twat.
Okay, so while all you Looney Leftists whine about this, how about how our Dear Leader and other bigshots in Washington, D.C. school their kids?

School Obama's Daughters Attend Has 11 Armed Guards


Some interesting news has broken in the wake of the latest push for gun control by President Obama and Senate Democrats: Obama sends his kids to a school where armed guards are used as a matter of fact.

The school, Sidwell Friends School in Washington, DC, has 11 security officers and is seeking to hire a new police officer as we speak.

If you dismiss this by saying, "Of course they have armed guards -- they get Secret Service protection," then you've missed the larger point.

The larger point is that this is standard operating procedure for the school, period. And this is the reason people like NBC's David Gregory send their kids to Sidwell, they know their kids will be protected from the carnage that befell kids at a school where armed guards weren't used (and weren't even allowed).

Shame on President Obama for seeking more gun control and for trying to prevent the parents of other school children from doing what he has clearly done for his own. His children sit under the protection guns afford, while the children of regular Americans are sacrificed.
Liberals have been blaming the First Amendment for violence for years, just lately they blamed the deaths of four Americans on the first amendment and jailed a movie maker who made a bad movie.
What makes you think a mandatory buyback would be constitutional?

You know what, guy, we don't need to check with the Founding Slave-Rapers on everything.

We are really capable of making decisions on our own.

In other words, you don't give a flying fuck about the Constitution? Is that something you really want to admit?

And, no, you aren't capable of making decisions on how other people should run their lives.

I'm saying it isn't the be-all and end all of what law is, and even our own government recognizes this...

Clearly the founders never thought someone would misinterpret their bad syntax in the 2nd Amendment to mean "Crazy people with a Bushmaster in a room full of kindergarteners".
You know what, guy, we don't need to check with the Founding Slave-Rapers on everything.

We are really capable of making decisions on our own.

In other words, you don't give a flying fuck about the Constitution? Is that something you really want to admit?

And, no, you aren't capable of making decisions on how other people should run their lives.

I'm saying it isn't the be-all and end all of what law is, and even our own government recognizes this...

Clearly the founders never thought someone would misinterpret their bad syntax in the 2nd Amendment to mean "Crazy people with a Bushmaster in a room full of kindergarteners".

Why do you insist they screwed up the syntax of the only amendment you don't like? Did they screw up the syntax anywhere else?
What makes you think a mandatory buyback would be constitutional?

You know what, guy, we don't need to check with the Founding Slave-Rapers on everything.

We are really capable of making decisions on our own.

Does that mean you don't think it is constitutional? Does it also mean you would prefer we scrap the constitution? I am only asking because, after rereading my post, and going back and checking my posting logs, I don't see any mention of the Founders in anything I said, so you must be resorting to a strawman argument because nothing else you could say made sense even to you.

I'm saying that if the governmetn says a buy-back is constitutional, it's constitutional. Period.
You know what, guy, we don't need to check with the Founding Slave-Rapers on everything.

We are really capable of making decisions on our own.

Does that mean you don't think it is constitutional? Does it also mean you would prefer we scrap the constitution? I am only asking because, after rereading my post, and going back and checking my posting logs, I don't see any mention of the Founders in anything I said, so you must be resorting to a strawman argument because nothing else you could say made sense even to you.

I'm saying that if the governmetn says a buy-back is constitutional, it's constitutional. Period.

That doesn't even make sense, are you drunk?
You know what, guy, we don't need to check with the Founding Slave-Rapers on everything.

We are really capable of making decisions on our own.

Does that mean you don't think it is constitutional? Does it also mean you would prefer we scrap the constitution? I am only asking because, after rereading my post, and going back and checking my posting logs, I don't see any mention of the Founders in anything I said, so you must be resorting to a strawman argument because nothing else you could say made sense even to you.

I'm saying that if the governmetn says a buy-back is constitutional, it's constitutional. Period.

I wouldn't go that far.

I mean, I agree with the argument that it's bullshit to consult the founders over everything, but the idea that something's constitutional just by virtue of the government saying it is is something we shouldn't accept either.
Did Koresh accept a legal warrant to search his property? Or did he decide that he and his morons should shoot it out? Are you really this fucking stupid?

It wasn't a legal warrant. It was obtained by lying to the judge. Even if it was a legal warrant and Koresh is guilty of everything you believe, how does that justify incinerating dozens of women and children?
What's so difficult about believe the FBI agents are horrible monsters? Lon Horishi's job is assassinating people. He's the guy who knocked off randy weaver's wife, baby and son. The FBI has a history of incinerating innocent civilians who have become embarrassments to the FBI by failing to die without a fight.

Yeah, real nice guys, those FBI agents.

Yeah right. Randy was making sawed off shotguns, that are illegal, in his home. He and his son decided to have a shootout. People died as a result. You're a stupid twat.

The BATF entrapped randy weaver into sawing off those shotguns. They practically forced him to do it. that's what a federal grand jury ruled in the case.

The Weavers never "decided to have a shootout." The federal marshals and Lon Horiuchi gunned them down in cold blood. all charges against randy weaver were dropped and he won a major lawsuit against the government because they killed his wife, son and child. How could that be the case if your version of events is correct?

You have just demonstrated that you're a boot licking toad who is perfectly happy to defend cold blooded murder if it helps you advance your statist agenda.
Did Koresh accept a legal warrant to search his property? Or did he decide that he and his morons should shoot it out? Are you really this fucking stupid?

It wasn't a legal warrant. It was obtained by lying to the judge. Even if it was a legal warrant and Koresh is guilty of everything you believe, how does that justify incinerating dozens of women and children?

^^^ This!! ^^^
What's so difficult about believe the FBI agents are horrible monsters? Lon Horishi's job is assassinating people. He's the guy who knocked off randy weaver's wife, baby and son. The FBI has a history of incinerating innocent civilians who have become embarrassments to the FBI by failing to die without a fight.

Yeah, real nice guys, those FBI agents.

Yeah right. Randy was making sawed off shotguns, that are illegal, in his home. He and his son decided to have a shootout. People died as a result. You're a stupid twat.

The BATF entrapped randy weaver into sawing off those shotguns. They practically forced him to do it. that's what a federal grand jury ruled in the case.

The Weavers never "decided to have a shootout." The federal marshals and Lon Horiuchi gunned them down in cold blood. all charges against randy weaver were dropped and he won a major lawsuit against the government because they killed his wife, son and child. How could that be the case if your version of events is correct?

You have just demonstrated that you're a boot licking toad who is perfectly happy to defend cold blooded murder if it helps you advance your statist agenda.

^^^ And THIS! ^^^
Has the NRA also proposed a plan to fit every child with a Kevlar vest? I ask since it seems clear that preventing guns from getting into schools doesn't seem to be a priority. Stopping the gunman once he's there seems to be the priority. Well, the gunman might just get off a few rounds before the security guard gets to where he's supposed to be. Therefore, it only seems natural to want to protect the kids by buying them some body armor.
Did Koresh accept a legal warrant to search his property? Or did he decide that he and his morons should shoot it out? Are you really this fucking stupid?

It wasn't a legal warrant. It was obtained by lying to the judge. Even if it was a legal warrant and Koresh is guilty of everything you believe, how does that justify incinerating dozens of women and children?

They chose to incinerate themselves according to three investigations.

If you think the warrant was invalid on its face, you get a lawyer and you fight it in court, you don't have a shoot out with federal agents.

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