NRA School Shield: Why should the NRA be the voice of how schools are protected?

Liberals don't believe in personal responsibility, the Government should do that for you...including personal protection which means you don't need a gun.

They don't think you should be able to gun down a criminal coming into your house, just call the police to come "taser him." In England the police come to beat him with a club.

Most liberals oppose hunting Bambi, so banning hunting guns is a-ok with them. They don't trust you Red State American with a "legal" handgun under your coat, so ban that too. They don't trust Joe Schmoe that plays soldier with his weapons on the weekend at a shooting range.

Their nanny state utopia is where the Government controls your life, you shouldn't fend for yourself and shouldn't be allowed to be different than them with your guns.

Yes sir the NRA BEGGING the Federal Government to be more intrusive. Provide armed guards. And the gun manufacters don't even have to pay for it. The gun nuts will pay for it. Right? Through taxes on the sale of guns and ammo.

And dude with the clown face. Is that clown face your idea of.......what? Looking the fool.
Well done.

But it sure is hard to take a clown saying weird shit very seriously. But then again, you are not what I would call a serious person. You are a CLOWN. LMAO.
When I was kid, you generally outgrew your desire to run around with fake military guns, playing 'army',

at about puberty.

Nowadays the nuts have turned it into an adult sport.

No one is running around playing army, shit-for-brains.
Anybody that thinks assault weapons are in the hands of the public is confused. True story.

You are referring to semi automatic weapons.

the boot-licking anti gun crowd always uses the term "automatic" when they are referring to "semi-automatic" weapons in a blatant attempt to confuse the public.

They are fundamentally dishonest. It's pointless trying to make these scumbags see logic.
Liberals don't believe in personal responsibility, the Government should do that for you...including personal protection which means you don't need a gun.

They don't think you should be able to gun down a criminal coming into your house, just call the police to come "taser him." In England the police come to beat him with a club.

Most liberals oppose hunting Bambi, so banning hunting guns is a-ok with them. They don't trust you Red State American with a "legal" handgun under your coat, so ban that too. They don't trust Joe Schmoe that plays soldier with his weapons on the weekend at a shooting range.

Their nanny state utopia is where the Government controls your life, you shouldn't fend for yourself and shouldn't be allowed to be different than them with your guns.

Yes sir the NRA BEGGING the Federal Government to be more intrusive. Provide armed guards. And the gun manufacters don't even have to pay for it. The gun nuts will pay for it. Right? Through taxes on the sale of guns and ammo.

And dude with the clown face. Is that clown face your idea of.......what? Looking the fool.
Well done.

But it sure is hard to take a clown saying weird shit very seriously. But then again, you are not what I would call a serious person. You are a CLOWN. LMAO.

Wayne didn't beg. That's just for starters. He just pointed out that everyone else has security. Just not our children.

Gun nuts? You must live in the city and order pizza from places that buy their pepperoni from places that make the toppings from hog factory farms and your veggies from GMO backed industrial farms.

But detest hunters.


But being a good little left wing lib you put your pizza box in a container labelled paper.

You killed a tree for that box. Did you even think about that? But I have no doubt you are for plastic bag bans. Good little lemming. :D
By Evan McMorris-Santoro

There were a lot of words at the NRA presser, but the message was very simple: the NRA will not follow some of the pro-gun rights politicians in Washington into a new discussion of gun regulations. Instead, the group has created a program designed to usher more guns into schools: NRA School Shield, led by former Arkansas Rep. Asa Hutchison (R). Hutchison was on hand to explain the program, and LaPierre likened it to NRA efforts during the Second World War.

“Our training programs are the most advanced in the world. That expertise must be brought to bear to protect our schools and our children now,” he said. “We did it for the nation’s defense industries and military installations during World War II, and we’ll do it for our schools today.”

School Shield is a “multifaceted” program, LaPierre said, but it was clear that the goal was more armed guards in schools. LaPierre said Congress should get a jump start on the process by putting armed adults in all schools by the end of the holiday break.

The idea behind School Shield isn’t new for the gun lobby. Indeed, LaPierre reminded the press he suggested something similar after the 2007 Virginia Tech shootings.

More: NRA Chief Wayne LaPierre Blames Anything But Guns For Massacre | TPMDC

And why shouldn't they be a voice?Are you now attacking the First Amendment too? According to you and Maobama why should we have a Constitution anyway. It only restricts this wanna be dictator, right?
Are you blind as well as dumb? Don't you see that Maobama is doing? Of course you claim that it was Bush that discarded the Constitution. Hmm... Maobama has signed more Executive Orders circomventing Congress than any other President before him. He's used the EPA to raise the cost of energy and impose some really crazy laws on Americans in the name of "saving" the environment. Now he wants to disarm every American. What next, FEMA Farms, Concentration Camps, nationalization of all business? I guess you're too blind to see, or is it you are all in favor of destroying America?
I used to go to a high school that had a police officer assigned to it as a "liaison". It put the appropriate fear into most kids who cut up, but if someone really wants to shoot up a school and they already know there's going to be someone armed there. It's either going to break their resolve or harden it. They'll either end up not going through with it or they'll just make better plans. Depends entirely on the intent of that person.

In general, I personally think arming schools should be a state decision.

When you build a better mousetrap, eventually nature builds a better mouse.

Indeed. Such is the way with evolution.
Liberals don't believe in personal responsibility, the Government should do that for you...including personal protection which means you don't need a gun.

They don't think you should be able to gun down a criminal coming into your house, just call the police to come "taser him." In England the police come to beat him with a club.

Most liberals oppose hunting Bambi, so banning hunting guns is a-ok with them. They don't trust you Red State American with a "legal" handgun under your coat, so ban that too. They don't trust Joe Schmoe that plays soldier with his weapons on the weekend at a shooting range.

Their nanny state utopia is where the Government controls your life, you shouldn't fend for yourself and shouldn't be allowed to be different than them with your guns.

Yes sir the NRA BEGGING the Federal Government to be more intrusive. Provide armed guards. And the gun manufacters don't even have to pay for it. The gun nuts will pay for it. Right? Through taxes on the sale of guns and ammo.

And dude with the clown face. Is that clown face your idea of.......what? Looking the fool.

You must be looking in the mirror. Why is it you can't bring yourself to agree or disagree with the NRA proposal? Still waiting for your talking points?
130,000 schools,

figure $100,000 a year per school to put armed guards in them.

That's a 130 billion a year isn't it? I'd say a 1% federal income tax surcharge ought to cover that.

No, it's the NRA's idea. Therefore, I think it's only fair that the money for armed guards come from an additional tax on gun and ammo sales. Undoubtedly, Wayne LaPierre and the rest of the Executive Board at the NRA will FULLY support that approach.

"We trust Obama, Americans need to disarm"
The NRA pulled a stunt here. They proposed a new costly federal program that they know Congress won't go along with, therefore,

the NRA thinks it takes itself off the hook by having 'tried' to do something, but, hey, it's not their fault that Congress wouldn't go along with it.
I proposed the NRA proposal a week before they came out with it.

There was no support for it on this board. I even suggested that it would be a good way to employ veterans,

and several rightwing nut posters said that because of PTSD, veterans couldn't be trusted with guns.
The NRA has announced their 'solution' to gun violence in school. Armed guards.

I'm sure that the idea will have both multiple supporters and detractors as is usually the case when one side of the political aisle suggests a solution to a problem.

However, aside from the costs associated with placing armed guards in thousands (if not tens of thousands) of schools nationwide at a time of statewide budget cuts and even more proposed federal cuts, and the fact that there are usually multiple entrances to most schools and the fact that guards would likely be the first targets of any gunmen...what about school buses? How many school buses leave a school with 50 plus students at the end of the day, every day, all across the country? Should they ALL have armed guards on them like federal Marshalls on planes?

How about community centers? Swimming pools? After school sports games in gymnasiums? Bus stops? Cross walks? Any and every public place? How about day care centers? Restaurants? How about EVERY single movie theatre? Lobbies alone? Or the actual screening theaters? How about libraries?

Is the answer to gun violence mean that America has to embrace armed guard everywhere that children and adults congregate?
No...for most of your scenarios a good guy with a concealed weapon will do the trick. There are planty of retired people who could volunteeer to cover the schools and or busses. The libtard solution is always to spend more monety, hire administrators and staff and never get the job done. Screw them.
I proposed the NRA proposal a week before they came out with it.

There was no support for it on this board. I even suggested that it would be a good way to employ veterans,

and several rightwing nut posters said that because of PTSD, veterans couldn't be trusted with guns.

Democrats don't trust Veterans they consider them "Right wing extremists"
The only logical conversation that should be happening after Ct. is putting 2 cops in every single school in America. Its plenty affordable........the Solyndra disgrace could pay for the whole program ( although the left Im sure would prefer the $$ be spent on solar power instead of school protection).

Discussion of mental health, guns etc is all theoretical bs embraced by those who approach this isssue on a purely emotional basis ( several on this thread.........easy to identify)
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If more guns were what would keep us safe then we should already be the safest country in the world
I proposed the NRA proposal a week before they came out with it.

There was no support for it on this board. I even suggested that it would be a good way to employ veterans,

and several rightwing nut posters said that because of PTSD, veterans couldn't be trusted with guns.

Democrats don't trust Veterans they consider them "Right wing extremists"

and how do you treat war heros like Kerry?
How many billions would it take to place armed guards at every school in the nation.
Will congress foot the bill?
So what's next placing armed guards at daycare centers, little league baseball games etc etc etc, where does it end?
Why would Congress foot the bill? School districts are locally governed.

Yes, let’s burden local school districts with even more expense, to the further detriment of the quality of education.

If this idea is so vital to the safety of children, as you and others on the right contend, then Federal funding is perfectly appropriate.

But if conservatives were truly concerned about the safety of children, they’d advocate Federal funds to help local school districts and communities pay for mental health programs to address the actual cause of the Sandy Hook tragedy.
Nah. My school district has 3-4 county cops at the high school/middle school every school day. That's what the voters in this district wanted, so that's what we got.

You have no say in that. Sucks when one is an authoritarian and reality hits that they can't do shit about this.

Oh, and I'm not a fan of psychiatric gulags.
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The NRA has announced their 'solution' to gun violence in school. Armed guards.

I'm sure that the idea will have both multiple supporters and detractors as is usually the case when one side of the political aisle suggests a solution to a problem.

However, aside from the costs associated with placing armed guards in thousands (if not tens of thousands) of schools nationwide at a time of statewide budget cuts and even more proposed federal cuts, and the fact that there are usually multiple entrances to most schools and the fact that guards would likely be the first targets of any gunmen...what about school buses? How many school buses leave a school with 50 plus students at the end of the day, every day, all across the country? Should they ALL have armed guards on them like federal Marshalls on planes?

How about community centers? Swimming pools? After school sports games in gymnasiums? Bus stops? Cross walks? Any and every public place? How about day care centers? Restaurants? How about EVERY single movie theatre? Lobbies alone? Or the actual screening theaters? How about libraries?

Is the answer to gun violence mean that America has to embrace armed guard everywhere that children and adults congregate?
No...for most of your scenarios a good guy with a concealed weapon will do the trick. There are planty of retired people who could volunteeer to cover the schools and or busses. The libtard solution is always to spend more monety, hire administrators and staff and never get the job done. Screw them.

C'mon.....dont sell our lefty friends short...........they have advocated for schools to be equipped with employee's carrying automatic weapons..................

Since there is no way to stop insane people from having access to those not insane, something is going to have to be done. Something that doesn't infringe on the right of the insane to act out their insanity.

Every classroom should be equipped with a safe room. A bulletproof safe room. Now all they have is a closet.

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