NRA School Shield: Why should the NRA be the voice of how schools are protected?

A few folks on the gun control side have brought up how bombings have stopped after Oklahoma City. At least where I live, access to diesel fuel and nitrogen fertilizer is the same. Restricting it isn't what has changed. What has changed is the effort to identify those who might want access for killing purposes.

That is why I think mental health is the best path along with public willingness to ID people they think pose a risk. Every time it seems like the story is the same, he was a loner, fascination with weapons, recent purchases of guns, personality changes. People notice, but do nothing. THAT is where we can make the easiest, fastest and most effective change.
Mental health care should be strengthened and gun laws should be stricter, maybe a gradual tightening of requirements and proof of mental health and NEED past a basic handgun or hunting rifle. You are free to blame the left for thinking inside a box, but you're doing the same thing.

I'm in favor of more training before you can own a gun and even more after that for carrying permits. Definitely some type of personality screening and mental evaluation too. Need? No, the Constitution is reason enough for a person to own any type of gun. Thank you for at least discussing this in more concrete terms Ravi. I appreciate it.
I disagree that the constitution allows for us to own any type of gun. But of course that is the sticking point in the discussion.
If you can tote it, you can own it.

You don't need an AR-15 for self defense, unless of course lax gun laws have put AR-15s into the hands of criminals. Anyone with good training can thwart off a home invader with one well placed bullet.
Home invaders come in gangs these days, and carry their own weapons. You think one bullet will do the trick, huh?

At lease we agree on something, and that is a start.

If you want more training, why did firearms education get pulled from schools DECADES ago? Because liberals thought the knowledge of firearms led to violence with them.

A half a century later we find they were DEAD WRONG.

Another observation about armed guards in schools. I'm not wild about living in an armed camp world. Freedom seems more free when you don't have to look at weapons. Concealed is more appropriate and preferred by me at least.
Guys I understand the concept of dealing with multiple targets. I also understand what most likely is going to happen when you use a semi automatic rifle IN A HOUSE. The neighbors are going to have a lot of bullets flying in their house too. I think you really need to use the militia argument to have any real firm ground for owning assault style weapons.
LaPierre called upon the CONGRESS to appropriate the funds needed to put armed guards in every school.

130,000 schools. About 100,000 a year per school. That's what? 13 billion a year? I think I got that wrong the other day.

Anyway, are you willing to see your taxes raised to pay for it?
I'm in favor of more training before you can own a gun and even more after that for carrying permits. Definitely some type of personality screening and mental evaluation too. Need? No, the Constitution is reason enough for a person to own any type of gun. Thank you for at least discussing this in more concrete terms Ravi. I appreciate it.
I disagree that the constitution allows for us to own any type of gun. But of course that is the sticking point in the discussion.
If you can tote it, you can own it.

You don't need an AR-15 for self defense, unless of course lax gun laws have put AR-15s into the hands of criminals. Anyone with good training can thwart off a home invader with one well placed bullet.
Home invaders come in gangs these days, and carry their own weapons. You think one bullet will do the trick, huh?

At lease we agree on something, and that is a start.

If you want more training, why did firearms education get pulled from schools DECADES ago? Because liberals thought the knowledge of firearms led to violence with them.

A half a century later we find they were DEAD WRONG.


Driver education is disappearing too. Why are schools getting rid of such programs? Because of the conservative anti-tax obsession.
LaPierre called upon the CONGRESS to appropriate the funds needed to put armed guards in every school.

130,000 schools. About 100,000 a year per school. That's what? 13 billion a year? I think I got that wrong the other day.

Anyway, are you willing to see your taxes raised to pay for it?

funny now you all care about money
Mental health care should be strengthened and gun laws should be stricter, maybe a gradual tightening of requirements and proof of mental health and NEED past a basic handgun or hunting rifle. You are free to blame the left for thinking inside a box, but you're doing the same thing.

I'm in favor of more training before you can own a gun and even more after that for carrying permits. Definitely some type of personality screening and mental evaluation too. Need? No, the Constitution is reason enough for a person to own any type of gun. Thank you for at least discussing this in more concrete terms Ravi. I appreciate it.
I disagree that the constitution allows for us to own any type of gun. But of course that is the sticking point in the discussion.

You don't need an AR-15 for self defense, unless of course lax gun laws have put AR-15s into the hands of criminals. Anyone with good training can thwart off a home invader with one well placed bullet.

At lease we agree on something, and that is a start.
There is no 'self defense' requirement listed in the Constitution. None at all. There isn't even one in the 2nd Amendment. It simply says that the people have the right to be armed, and that government cannot infringe upon that.

This self defense, hunting, or other arguments are all red herrings. People who chase these arguments are fools.

I have the right to own arms. I do not have to explain to anyone why I have that right any more than people have to explain why they have the right to breath.
LaPierre called upon the CONGRESS to appropriate the funds needed to put armed guards in every school.

130,000 schools. About 100,000 a year per school. That's what? 13 billion a year? I think I got that wrong the other day.

Anyway, are you willing to see your taxes raised to pay for it?

Trade one overpaid, underworked 'administrator' at each school for each guard and NO taxes need be raised.
btw, if you buy LaPierre's premise that playing violent video games is one of the causes of this problem,

wouldn't it then logically be appropriate to deny firearm purchases to anyone who plays violent video games?

Eh? Never thought of that one did you? LOLOL
LaPierre called upon the CONGRESS to appropriate the funds needed to put armed guards in every school.

130,000 schools. About 100,000 a year per school. That's what? 13 billion a year? I think I got that wrong the other day.

Anyway, are you willing to see your taxes raised to pay for it?

Trade one overpaid, underworked 'administrator' at each school for each guard and NO taxes need be raised.

So you want an unfunded federal mandate to put guards in every school.

lol, conservatives are funny.
LaPierre called upon the CONGRESS to appropriate the funds needed to put armed guards in every school.

130,000 schools. About 100,000 a year per school. That's what? 13 billion a year? I think I got that wrong the other day.

Anyway, are you willing to see your taxes raised to pay for it?

Trade one overpaid, underworked 'administrator' at each school for each guard and NO taxes need be raised.

So you want an unfunded federal mandate to put guards in every school.

lol, conservatives are funny.

No, what's funny is you on the left now Poo pooing ANY suggestions that is being made and now it all about THE MONEY
And when they attack a church? Arm the Churches
Movie Theater? Arm the Theaters
Little League game? Arm the umpires

NRA Nirvana

Well those "gun free zone" signs aren't working now are they?:D

Seriously though, why not provide security for the most helpless among us?

Airport security, mall security, bank security; the list is endless. Security is everywhere.

Why not protect our children?

If we really want to drive this point home, why don't we insist that the President disband the Secret Service? Or at least take their guns away.

Why not insist the legislators disband the Capitol Hill police? Or take away their guns?

If we don't get to have the right to bare arms to protect ourselves, then let's make everything even steven.
And when they attack a church? Arm the Churches
Movie Theater? Arm the Theaters
Little League game? Arm the umpires

NRA Nirvana

Wayne LaPierre makes a million dollars a year as essentially a firearms salesman. The gun industry bankrolls much of the NRA.

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