NRA School Shield: Why should the NRA be the voice of how schools are protected?


lanza wasnt the owner, his mother was. he had to kill her to take possesion of her arsenal.

How would a waiting period or smaller clips have prevented the other two from doing what they did?

You really think you can get a gun easier than a credit card or a car? Really? I'm talking legally, not in some back alley.

Yes, I think the other two are more closely monitored than gun ownership is.

Do I have to go through a federal background check to buy a car? Can I buy a car from anyone on the street?

If I am a felon am I legally disenfranchised from owning a car or Credit card.

Your comparisons are lacking.
This is a publicity stunt by the NRA. Don't be suckered into taking them seriously.

Yeah this is a standard play in their playbook and they did the same thing in Columbine. Anytime something heinous happens that's gun related, they do everything they can to throw gasoline on the fire and piss on everyone involved in the tragedy so that everyone gets so disgusted and frustrated that eventually everyone just gets mad and wanders off on to new things. Look how well it's worked just on the boards. Gun topics were all the rage the last few days and this morning, now with the NRA's bullshit presser already most people have moved on. It's kind of brilliant actually.

You've got to be joking! Every time something like Sandy Hook happens, the left starts with their "Ban assault weapons and large capacity magazine" bullshit. The NRA responds to that.

I would bet that it takes an average of 5 minutes from a 911 call until Law Enforcement enters a school building in a typical school shooting incident. A reasonable competent person could kill 50 or 60 people with a single shot weapon in that length of time. Limiting weapons to 6 or 8 round magazines will do nothing to limit death tolls. It will only serve to convince Liberals that they are doing something to help.
The only logical way to limit an intruder's body count is to make him the first body.
If you oppose having armed guards at schools, please explain why.

Because we shouldn't have to have them.

You're right, but the left has suggested every conceivable answer but mental health ones. The true answer to the problem. Better to choose the solutions that have little chance of working, so you can spend more money and control lives more too.
This is a publicity stunt by the NRA. Don't be suckered into taking them seriously.

Yeah this is a standard play in their playbook and they did the same thing in Columbine. Anytime something heinous happens that's gun related, they do everything they can to throw gasoline on the fire and piss on everyone involved in the tragedy so that everyone gets so disgusted and frustrated that eventually everyone just gets mad and wanders off on to new things. Look how well it's worked just on the boards. Gun topics were all the rage the last few days and this morning, now with the NRA's bullshit presser already most people have moved on. It's kind of brilliant actually.

You've got to be joking! Every time something like Sandy Hook happens, the left starts with their "Ban assault weapons and large capacity magazine" bullshit. The NRA responds to that.

I would bet that it takes an average of 5 minutes from a 911 call until Law Enforcement enters a school building in a typical school shooting incident. A reasonable competent person could kill 50 or 60 people with a single shot weapon in that length of time. Limiting weapons to 6 or 8 round magazines will do nothing to limit death tolls. It will only serve to convince Liberals that they are doing something to help.
The only logical way to limit an intruder's body count is to make him the first body.


Shut the fuck up idiot, seriously. The NRA dumped gasoline on the Columbine fire by having a huge rally there just a few days later in Littleton. After the Virginia Tech Massacres they tried to reduce restrictions on the mentally ill owning guns. They're dumbing gasoline on this fire by getting right wing retards all a titter by blaming everything but guns and making retarded statements like militarizing all the schools in America. This is what they do and they're good at it. Whenever a huge tragedy involving guns breaks out, the NRA tries to turn it into the biggest clusterfuck possible so that no one can do anything to improve or fix the situation. To dispute that is to dispute history.

And for it's worth, it doesn't really bother me. If people who scream about lobbyist groups, government corruption and unions unflinchingly support the NRA, that's their business.
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If you oppose having armed guards at schools, please explain why.

Because we shouldn't have to have them.

There were armed guards in my middle and high school..... both private and the local PD.

There were police at the schools I attended. The sole cop assigned to a high school of a couple of thousand. Wound up blowing his brains out, but, there was no fire arm violence at the school. On the other hand in the South Bronx I went to have lunch with a cop buddy and some kid got his brains blown out. I do not think a significant armed presence is much of a deterrent, indeed, it is more of a challenge and therefore attractive to those who believe the law does not apply to them.
Nichols, of the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, described the NRA’s proposal as preposterous.

“I think it’s an absurd and dangerous idea,” Nichols said. “But as with so many of their proposals I think its real aim is to encourage the sale of more firearms. The biggest donors to the NRA are firearms manufacturers. Besides, arming and equipping all these people he wants to put in schools, having guns where kids see them daily is a tool to market weapons to the next generation.”

More: Child Gun Deaths Nationwide Number Nearly 6 Newtown Massacres

The NRA and firearms manufacturers want to addict kids to guns similar to the tobacco industry targeting kids.
Yeah this is a standard play in their playbook and they did the same thing in Columbine. Anytime something heinous happens that's gun related, they do everything they can to throw gasoline on the fire and piss on everyone involved in the tragedy so that everyone gets so disgusted and frustrated that eventually everyone just gets mad and wanders off on to new things. Look how well it's worked just on the boards. Gun topics were all the rage the last few days and this morning, now with the NRA's bullshit presser already most people have moved on. It's kind of brilliant actually.

You've got to be joking! Every time something like Sandy Hook happens, the left starts with their "Ban assault weapons and large capacity magazine" bullshit. The NRA responds to that.

I would bet that it takes an average of 5 minutes from a 911 call until Law Enforcement enters a school building in a typical school shooting incident. A reasonable competent person could kill 50 or 60 people with a single shot weapon in that length of time. Limiting weapons to 6 or 8 round magazines will do nothing to limit death tolls. It will only serve to convince Liberals that they are doing something to help.
The only logical way to limit an intruder's body count is to make him the first body.


Shut the fuck up idiot, seriously. The NRA dumped gasoline on the Columbine fire by having a huge rally there just a few days later in Littleton. After the Virginia Tech Massacres they tried to reduce restrictions on the mentally ill owning guns. They're dumbing gasoline on this fire by getting right wing retards all a titter by blaming everything but guns and making retarded statements like militarizing all the schools in America. This is what they do and they're good at it. Whenever a huge tragedy involving guns breaks out, the NRA tries to turn it into the biggest clusterfuck possible so that no one can do anything to improve or fix the situation. To dispute that is to dispute history.

And for it's worth, it doesn't really bother me. If people who scream about lobbyist groups, government corruption and unions unflinchingly support the NRA, that's their business.

The NRA hasn't been the lead in any case. They have simply responded to calls for more ineffective gun laws that criminals won't obey

Go ahead, give it a shot. Tell me how baning scary looking guns and 15 round magazines will prevent the next Sandy Hook.
You've got to be joking! Every time something like Sandy Hook happens, the left starts with their "Ban assault weapons and large capacity magazine" bullshit. The NRA responds to that.

I would bet that it takes an average of 5 minutes from a 911 call until Law Enforcement enters a school building in a typical school shooting incident. A reasonable competent person could kill 50 or 60 people with a single shot weapon in that length of time. Limiting weapons to 6 or 8 round magazines will do nothing to limit death tolls. It will only serve to convince Liberals that they are doing something to help.
The only logical way to limit an intruder's body count is to make him the first body.


Shut the fuck up idiot, seriously. The NRA dumped gasoline on the Columbine fire by having a huge rally there just a few days later in Littleton. After the Virginia Tech Massacres they tried to reduce restrictions on the mentally ill owning guns. They're dumbing gasoline on this fire by getting right wing retards all a titter by blaming everything but guns and making retarded statements like militarizing all the schools in America. This is what they do and they're good at it. Whenever a huge tragedy involving guns breaks out, the NRA tries to turn it into the biggest clusterfuck possible so that no one can do anything to improve or fix the situation. To dispute that is to dispute history.

And for it's worth, it doesn't really bother me. If people who scream about lobbyist groups, government corruption and unions unflinchingly support the NRA, that's their business.

The NRA hasn't been the lead in any case. They have simply responded to calls for more ineffective gun laws that criminals won't obey

Go ahead, give it a shot. Tell me how baning scary looking guns and 15 round magazines will prevent the next Sandy Hook.

It won't but it's an equally retarded idea to blow billions of dollars on a retarded idea that will result in more accidents and problems to prevent an extremely rare phenomenon. And it's an even dumber notion to blame everything but the guns for the tragedy like the NRA did today. Instead of intelligent solutions, the NRA is playing the game by bombarding the topic with idiocy and political screaming instead of sensitivity and solutions and that's what they do. Meanwhile, nothing is going to be accomplished from all this and no solutions will be put in place to prevent the next massacre.
omg...this board is wacked

Yeah we've got a new crop of some really whack job, nut case, hyper hack leftist libtards.

Makes ya wonder which mental sanitarium has granted new computer privileges to it's committed.
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Nichols, of the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, described the NRA’s proposal as preposterous.

“I think it’s an absurd and dangerous idea,” Nichols said. “But as with so many of their proposals I think its real aim is to encourage the sale of more firearms. The biggest donors to the NRA are firearms manufacturers. Besides, arming and equipping all these people he wants to put in schools, having guns where kids see them daily is a tool to market weapons to the next generation.”
More: Child Gun Deaths Nationwide Number Nearly 6 Newtown Massacres

The NRA and firearms manufacturers want to addict kids to guns similar to the tobacco industry targeting kids.

According to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence guns are used at least 6 times as often to save lives as they are to kill.

Given that they are extremly biased in favor of gun control, and actually have both the highest numbers for gun fatalities and the lowest numbers for lives saved I can find anywhere, I think those numbers more than make the case for guns.
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If you oppose having armed guards at schools, please explain why.

I cannot think of a reason why not. We have armed guards in congress, in banks, in courthouses, why not schools? unless the libtards think our children aren't worth it.

the Nra suggested it is why, Liberals talk out of both ends of their ass

How many ends do we have? Have you ever had a health class?

Lakota, its ok to take away the right of children behind bars in school to protect them from the semi guns that the whacked out NRA and their rights.

Speaking of asses the NRA should get the stick out of theirs.
Put armed police in every school, NRA urges

By David Nakamura and Tom Hamburger


Video: After a week of silence in the wake of the Newtown shootings, the National Rifle Association finally spoke out Friday defending guns and decrying violence. The NRA’s Wayne LaPierre called for schools to be protected with armed guards, as are sports stadiums, the President of the United States and government buildings.​

The National Rifle Association on Friday called for armed police officers at every school in the nation, offering a defiant challenge to President Obama’s push for stricter gun control laws and potentially setting up a fierce legislative battle early next year.

In his first extensive public comments since the mass shooting in Newtown, Conn., last week, NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre read a lengthy statement that blamed video games, slasher films, the media, inadequate databases on mental illness and lax security for contributing to violence in the culture.

Put armed police in every school, NRA urges - The Washington Post
If you oppose having armed guards at schools, please explain why.

I cannot think of a reason why not. We have armed guards in congress, in banks, in courthouses, why not schools? unless the libtards think our children aren't worth it.

I wonder if Obama and other politicians are willing to give up their many armed body guards.

Couldn't the schools at least lock the damn doors? People should push a button to request entrance. Might not stop all loonies, but at least the school would know who is coming in. I have no problems with either guards or a willing adult at the school to have quick access to a gun, if needed. I know some who are unfamiliar with guns tend to think that everyone goes whacko when they hold one and just can't wait to start shooting people. Mature people understand that a gun in the hands of a responsible adult is a good thing should the need arise. Some clearly can't handle it and shouldn't try.

We could ask the parents of past shooting victims how they would have felt about armed guards at the schools.

Conn already has strict gun laws. Around here, there are actually signs on some business doors stating that no guns are allowed on premises. Those signs are equally effective as the laws that are passed. They don't mean shit to those who intend to harm.

I wonder how many illegal weapons are already in the hands of criminals and will continue to change hands in the future. Homes will continue to be burglarized and more guns will be stolen. It's only a matter of time before the left states that all guns must be confiscated before the bad guys get the guns away from other people.

If we start down this slippery slope, the government will keep going until they disarm the public.

It's always the same thing. They take away one right at a time, for our own good, until they are in complete control. We will not be safer, in fact quite the opposite.

Maybe the White House should just post signs saying no guns allowed. The airports can can post warnings that terrorists are not allowed inside.

Laws are the only way to get something bad off the streets. Sure worked for meth, didn't it. Oh, wait...........................
But an armed guard didn't stop the Columbine massacre! And an armed guard wouldn't necessarily stop any other school massacre!

More guns and armed guards is not the answer.

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