NRA School Shield: Why should the NRA be the voice of how schools are protected?

130,000 schools,

figure $100,000 a year per school to put armed guards in them.

That's a 130 billion a year isn't it? I'd say a 1% federal income tax surcharge ought to cover that.
WLP's performance today was bizarre, and frankly, not helpful to his cause.

Besides the fact that 30% of schools already have armed security personnel, he went into rants blaming everything but guns for the incident.

What will eventually lead to a total ban on guns is when the rest of us realize that the pro-gun community absolutely refuses to police its own. And this is the problem with the NRA, it's the public relations branch of the gun manufacturers, who are very irresponsible in the way they market their products.

99.9% of legal gun owners keep thier weapons safe every day. You can't include those who get thier guns illegally and include them in the "police ourselves" mix.

Yeah, actually, I can when you refuse even the SIMPLEST policies to keep that .1% from getting guns because it might make you fill out an extra form or wait an extra day.

If only .1% of planes crashed, we wouldn't say, "Darn, 99.9% of commercial flights land safely, what is your problem."

My problem would be that 26 commercial flights a day crashed and burned. That would be an unacceptably high number.

9158 gun murders and 13,000 gun suicides are unacceptably high numbers!
Thank goodness where I live and the school I work in they would open to all suggestions..

and our school is secured at all times, you can't get in without a badge or being buzzed in by the front desk

How this kid was able to get in and do this is something that needs to looked at
ummm..... he had an "assault" rifle. The key word being- "assault". You can aim those at things like lock-cylinders :rolleyes:
Do you honestly believe congress would go for it, yes or no?

they'll prolly pay for like they do for every zany rw idea, putting the financial burden on the backs of the middle-class & poor. :thup:

The right wing may not complain about the cost of turning schools into a militarized zone. Maybe even get Black Water or Halliburton involved. This is something they can relate to. Now better pay for teachers, nutrition programs for the children from low income households, maybe an art program here, or a music program there, or the big one HEALTH CARE for children? They'll soon be foaming at the mouth.

[ame=]Isn't that Special.mpg.FLV - YouTube[/ame]
Ok, if not teachers, why not the students? Most students have had lots of experience with toy guns, arcade guns and pretend guns, why can't students defend their own turf. Give students assault rifles and show them some John Wayne movies and bingo we got some killers defending the schools, and not with pretend guns but real guns. Teachers could even grade students on defense tactics and target shooting.

Thank goodness where I live and the school I work in they would open to all suggestions..

and our school is secured at all times, you can't get in without a badge or being buzzed in by the front desk

How this kid was able to get in and do this is something that needs to looked at
ummm..... he had an "assault" rifle. The key word being- "assault". You can aim those at things like lock-cylinders :rolleyes:
Do you honestly believe congress would go for it, yes or no?

they'll prolly pay for like they do for every zany rw idea, putting the financial burden on the backs of the middle-class & poor. :thup:

The right wing may not complain about the cost of turning schools into a militarized zone. Maybe even get Black Water or Halliburton involved. This is something they can relate to. Now better pay for teachers, nutrition programs for the children from low income households, maybe an art program here, or a music program there, or the big one HEALTH CARE for children? They'll soon be foaming at the mouth.

seriously. the rw would prolly have no prob farming out the security *cough* "jobs" to private contractors like blackwater (on their 3rd name change since their iraq "incident")
Academi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Academi[2]—previously known as Xe Services LLC, previously known as Blackwater USA and Blackwater Worldwide—is a private military company
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This is a publicity stunt by the NRA. Don't be suckered into taking them seriously.

Yeah this is a standard play in their playbook and they did the same thing in Columbine. Anytime something heinous happens that's gun related, they do everything they can to throw gasoline on the fire and piss on everyone involved in the tragedy so that everyone gets so disgusted and frustrated that eventually everyone just gets mad and wanders off on to new things. Look how well it's worked just on the boards. Gun topics were all the rage the last few days and this morning, now with the NRA's bullshit presser already most people have moved on. It's kind of brilliant actually.
Thank goodness where I live and the school I work in they would open to all suggestions..

and our school is secured at all times, you can't get in without a badge or being buzzed in by the front desk

How this kid was able to get in and do this is something that needs to looked at

MayI ask what you do at the school?
and the trigger (if you will), will (at least in part) have been LaPierre's performance today...

today, in the arena of public opinion, the dumb-fuck douche bag did irreparable damage to the cause of gun rights...

He certainly made no friends today... I cringed.

he's an asshole and a dumb motherfucker...

I've been waiting for years for the NRA to recognize that fact...
WLP's performance today was bizarre, and frankly, not helpful to his cause.

Besides the fact that 30% of schools already have armed security personnel, he went into rants blaming everything but guns for the incident.

What will eventually lead to a total ban on guns is when the rest of us realize that the pro-gun community absolutely refuses to police its own. And this is the problem with the NRA, it's the public relations branch of the gun manufacturers, who are very irresponsible in the way they market their products.

99.9% of legal gun owners keep thier weapons safe every day. You can't include those who get thier guns illegally and include them in the "police ourselves" mix.

Yeah, actually, I can when you refuse even the SIMPLEST policies to keep that .1% from getting guns because it might make you fill out an extra form or wait an extra day.

If only .1% of planes crashed, we wouldn't say, "Darn, 99.9% of commercial flights land safely, what is your problem."

My problem would be that 26 commercial flights a day crashed and burned. That would be an unacceptably high number.

9158 gun murders and 13,000 gun suicides are unacceptably high numbers!

its not about filling out an additonal form or waiting another day and you know it. How would that have stopped the school shooting (answer, it wouldn't).

Guns already legally require you to go through processes to aquire. Why do you think extra procedures would help.

Just admit you are a gun banner. at least be honest with yourself.
its not about filling out an additonal form or waiting another day and you know it. How would that have stopped the school shooting (answer, it wouldn't).

Guns already legally require you to go through processes to aquire. Why do you think extra procedures would help.

Just admit you are a gun banner. at least be honest with yourself.

Actually, it's not an important issue to me, other than the gun-whacks are allies of the Plutocrats, voting against their own (and my) economic interests. The friend of my enemy is my enemy.

But to the point, if we had stringent rules on who could have guns and made sure that we checked them out like the way we would if we let them buy a car or get a credit card, whacks like Loughner and Holmes and Lanza wouldn't get them.

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