NRA School Shield: Why should the NRA be the voice of how schools are protected?

Why does the Teachers Union want to have dead children?

they don't care..
none of these phony people raging on and on about it do..ALL they want is to take peoples guns away..
don't think for one second they don't have a ulterior motive
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How many billions would it take to place armed guards at every school in the nation.
Will congress foot the bill?
So what's next placing armed guards at daycare centers, little league baseball games etc etc etc, where does it end?
How many billions would it take to place armed guards at every school in the nation.
Will congress foot the bill?
So what's next placing armed guards at daycare centers, little league baseball games etc etc etc, where does it end?
Why would Congress foot the bill? School districts are locally governed.
Thank goodness where I live and the school I work in they would open to all suggestions..

and our school is secured at all times, you can't get in without a badge or being buzzed in by the front desk

How this kid was able to get in and do this is something that needs to looked at

He busted his way in, from what I understand.

Now you know the teachers had hear it.
Think if just one of them had their CHL and was many people might have been saved.
At least they would have had a chance.

I think requiring ANYONE to arm their self is a bad idea, but why not let the ones who do have a CHL keep their weapon with them like they were licensed to do?

Gun free zones are a very bad idea... I mean if they are so good, put a sign in your front yard that reads "gun free zone".
How many billions would it take to place armed guards at every school in the nation.
Will congress foot the bill?
So what's next placing armed guards at daycare centers, little league baseball games etc etc etc, where does it end?

funny, now you all worry about money
WLP's performance today was bizarre, and frankly, not helpful to his cause.

Besides the fact that 30% of schools already have armed security personnel, he went into rants blaming everything but guns for the incident.

What will eventually lead to a total ban on guns is when the rest of us realize that the pro-gun community absolutely refuses to police its own. And this is the problem with the NRA, it's the public relations branch of the gun manufacturers, who are very irresponsible in the way they market their products.
How many billions would it take to place armed guards at every school in the nation.
Will congress foot the bill?
So what's next placing armed guards at daycare centers, little league baseball games etc etc etc, where does it end?

funny, now you all worry about money

Do you honestly believe congress would go for it, yes or no?
How many billions would it take to place armed guards at every school in the nation.
Will congress foot the bill?
So what's next placing armed guards at daycare centers, little league baseball games etc etc etc, where does it end?

I'm in total agreement.

If ya want that, put your kids in a private school where they do such a thing, but damn it, I don't want to foot the bill.
It's a stupid idea.

Knee jerk bed wetters are ruining this country.
This is up to the schools districts. Not anyone else. If the voters in that district want to pay for such a thing, then they can.
How many billions would it take to place armed guards at every school in the nation.
Will congress foot the bill?
So what's next placing armed guards at daycare centers, little league baseball games etc etc etc, where does it end?

funny, now you all worry about money

Do you honestly believe congress would go for it, yes or no?

This Congress..?

Yes, in a heartbeat!
They are drunk with power...! Thanks to assholes like you I might add.. :fu:
Teachers union rejects NRA’s call for armed security in schools

Thank goodness America’s teachers have retained their common sense, particularly in light of the ignorance and stupidity exhibited by the right.
Here's how much the teachers Union gives a shit

Teachers union rejects NRA’s call for armed security in schools

December 21, 2012 | 2:31 pm

Senior Editorial Writer
The Washington Examiner

American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten issued the following statement in reaction to National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre’s press conference today:

After remaining silent for an entire week following the Newtown massacre, the NRA’s first comments were to call for more guns in our schools and our society. This is both irresponsible and dangerous. No matter how much money the NRA spends or propaganda it tries to spread, one thing is clear—the NRA is not serious about confronting the epidemic of gun violence in our nation.

all of it here
Teachers union rejects NRA

The teachers union isn't too bright as hundreds of schools have armed personnel on site already and have had them there for several years.

Teachers aren't known to be the sharpest knives in the drawer, though. *But most USMB teachers are sharp as hell - anomalies*
and I gotta say, letting Wayne LaPierre handle the NRA's public response to the Sandy Hook tragedy is just about the stupidest thing the NRA coulda done...

the guy has a history of being a gratingly obnoxious loud-mouthed jerk that only a gun nut could love...

and the NRA put Loose-Cannon LaPierre in front of the cameras just when they needed to try to make new friends... or, at the very least, not have people tune them out and write 'em off as a pack of fringe nut-jobs...

and his proposed solution to the problem of mass shootings, of calling on the federal government to put an armed guard at each and every school in the country, is nearly as pathetic, ludicrous, impractical, and ultimately ineffective as anything the libs have suggested...

I 'spect that, when the coming laundry-list of restrictive federal gun control measures is signed into law, people on both sides of the issue will point to LaPierre's performance today as being a major reason for its passage...
Why do you think it was so nutty, especially given that lolberals are always going on and on about how they love cops, firefighters and EMS personnel?

Now leftist moonbats think that hiring enough cops to put one at every school is a bad idea?

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