NRA School Shield: Why should the NRA be the voice of how schools are protected?

If you oppose having armed guards at schools, please explain why.

I cannot think of a reason why not. We have armed guards in congress, in banks, in courthouses, why not schools? unless the libtards think our children aren't worth it.

Where's the revenue going to come from WillerTree? New taxes? :doubt:


I like her idea earlier, take the funding that goes to Planned is for the childreeeeeeen afterall
shut down the damn department of education take that money and use for something useful
The US is ONLY 5% of the world's population, we have half of the world's guns, we have more than 30 murders every day and yet, the nation's gun lobby, a cartel of gun makers/sellers, says we need more guns.

The nation's gun lobby, which is a cartel of gun makers/sellers, says the first amendment should be scrapped for movies, videos, books and that we should have guns in every school.

The nation's gun lobby, a CARTEL OF GUN MAKERS AND SELLERS, wants criminals, the mentally ill, domestic and foreign terrorists and illegal aliens to have the same rights to ANY AND ALL guns, ammo mags, tear gas, as the rest of us.

I daresay that most Americans would scoff at anything OPEC has to say. The reason we would doubt the veracity of anything from OPEC is that we know they are a CARTEL of oil producers and care only about selling their product to us for the highest dollar.

But, the gun nuts are lining up to swallow the garbage that Lapierre threw up on us this morning.

Even though Ft Hood and Columbine had armed guards, the cartel of gun makers and sellers says armed guards in our schools will fix everything.

I submit that if you gun nuts really believe this hooey, then YOU should pay the bill. You should pay for the retired/off duty cops AND for the donuts in the teacher's lounge.
I can't think of a single USMB nutter that I'd want around my children.
The liberal way is to keep mentally ill people on the streets and deprive every other person of any means to defend themselves. When threatened just say I understand and I love you.

:confused: I don't want to keep you on the streets. You should be locked up. And you shouldn't have guns.
Good point Luddly. I mean we all know if someone really wants to kill the president there's no way to stop them. So we should stop wasting all that money on the SS and put it towars the deficit.

The US is ONLY 5% of the world's population, we have half of the world's guns, we have more than 30 murders every day and yet, the nation's gun lobby, a cartel of gun makers/sellers, says we need more guns.

Yeah it's outta control. I mean look at Mexico. They have less than half our population. Only one government owned gun shop in the whole country whose annual sales are 6,500 units. They have less than 1% of the worlds guns and only have 42 murders per......hmm wait a mnute.
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and I gotta say, letting Wayne LaPierre handle the NRA's public response to the Sandy Hook tragedy is just about the stupidest thing the NRA coulda done...

the guy has a history of being a gratingly obnoxious loud-mouthed jerk that only a gun nut could love...

and the NRA put Loose-Cannon LaPierre in front of the cameras just when they needed to try to make new friends... or, at the very least, not have people tune them out and write 'em off as a pack of fringe nut-jobs...

and his proposed solution to the problem of mass shootings, of calling on the federal government to put an armed guard at each and every school in the country, is nearly as pathetic, ludicrous, impractical, and ultimately ineffective as anything the libs have suggested...

I 'spect that, when the coming laundry-list of restrictive federal gun control measures is signed into law, people on both sides of the issue will point to LaPierre's performance today as being a major reason for its passage...

Its not the first round I am worried about, which will be mostly cosmetic and will do nothing to help the problem of crime, my concern is this will embolden local governments to attempt to ban certain classes of weapons like handguns again.

Of course the ban is only for regular people. The police and government elite will always be able to get firearms to protect their homes and selves, even when off duty.

Its the commoners who have to wait for the police or knuckle under when someone bigger and stronger than them tries to rob them or force them to do something they dont want to do.
Maybe a tiny fraction of Title 1 money could be used, unless we were forced to hire half a dozen TSA "workers" at every school.
No. The answer to decreasing gun violence is to allow law abiding citizens to carry guns wherever they go...including schools, public transit, theaters, banks, churches,...WHEREVER THEY GO!!

Open carry is fine with me.

Concealed is fine with me if permits are required for it.

Only people that CANNOT READ do not know the facts about gun violence and gun control. The less you control the guns, the less violence there will be with guns. Plain and simple FACT!

You do understand, don't you, that a person can be a law-abiding citizen right up until the very moment that he kills someone with a gun?

And while you ponder the conceptual idea that many murderers were not criminals at the time they committed their very first violent crime...

Do you think the heightened awareness among many people (whether they themselves are carrying firearms or not) that a large number of people around them are (also) carrying guns is going to make them more or less comfortable? More or less relaxed? Will they feel safer or less safe?

So, if you go to your kids' school to pick them up, and you see some young man with tattoos and a handgun in his waistband, will you feel safe or threatened? What are you likely to do if you don't know why he's there. Is he a gang banger? Or is he a parent?
I see there is no sense in trying to discuss the issue with you. You are a dreaming extremist when it comes to conjuring up hypothetical situations that will likely never occur.

It is already the law in Georgia that one can legally carry a firearm in the open. In order for it to be a legal carry, that person has to have a clean record regarding drugs, DUI, felony, etc.

Criminals do not open carry. They conceal their weapons....whether it is legal or illegal to carry in the open.


People that are inclined to be honest, law-abiding citizens do not all of a sudden change their minds and decide to rob a bank or someone else just because they have a gun.

I have no doubt that many silly people are actually afraid of guns (as if guns may suddenly jump up and shoot you all by themselves) but THE FACT of the matter is that the last statement in my previous post is absolutely true. There is no argument you can make that will change that! It is historical FACT!

Silly people are afraid of guns? Are silly people afraid of walking down a dark street late at night too?

That fact is that it's SMART people who sense (at the very least) the real possibility of danger in situations prior to it becoming glaringly obvious to the kind of people who weren't paying close enough attention to what was going on around them beforehand.

As for the highlighted part, I don't know about you, but >I< live in the real world. And the real world is the world in which these scenarios unfold, whether you or a group of idealistic people who just so happen to be gun enthusiasts (for lack of a better word) think that increasing the number of people walking around strapped is a solution to gun violence erupts and shots ring out erupts before you've had a chance to think about what to do.

The fact is this: I've picked up kids at school, and I've seen for myself that not all the parents and/or guardians are carbon copies of myself who only differ from me in minor ways like age and height. I've seen people pick up kids who definitely look like they're in gangs. Doesn't mean that they are, of course. But the point of the mental exercise is this: Knowing that a lot of people are carrying guns in any public place is not necessarily going to make people more relaxed. In fact, it's likely to put more people on edge considering that people don't just have prejudice at home; they walk around with them. Now, if the state is going to issue more concealed carry laws, they're going to have to issue them to people in a nondiscriminatory manner. And I don't think it's all that great of an idea in general to have a bunch of people walking around with guns in a school yard when they're so hyper vigilant that they're likely to read threats that aren't necessarily there.

And like I said, people can have clean records right up to the moment that they commit a violent crime.
The National Guard would make more sense. As for teachers, they aren't paid or trained to provide such protection.

How do teachers feel about being armed?

Teachers Carrying Guns: Debate Follows Sandy Hook Shooting

Slight problem with listening to the idiots that think mental health services is the answer. Adam Lanza came from a well to do family, they had access to everything they could ask for in that area, and his high school assigned a psychologist to him when he got there. Yet, despite all of this, he still killed a bunch of people. Nothing any of the mental health experts, or his parents, did stopped him.
The NRA has announced their 'solution' to gun violence in school. Armed guards.

I'm sure that the idea will have both multiple supporters and detractors as is usually the case when one side of the political aisle suggests a solution to a problem.

However, aside from the costs associated with placing armed guards in thousands (if not tens of thousands) of schools nationwide at a time of statewide budget cuts and even more proposed federal cuts, and the fact that there are usually multiple entrances to most schools and the fact that guards would likely be the first targets of any gunmen...what about school buses? How many school buses leave a school with 50 plus students at the end of the day, every day, all across the country? Should they ALL have armed guards on them like federal Marshalls on planes?

How about community centers? Swimming pools? After school sports games in gymnasiums? Bus stops? Cross walks? Any and every public place? How about day care centers? Restaurants? How about EVERY single movie theatre? Lobbies alone? Or the actual screening theaters? How about libraries?

Is the answer to gun violence mean that America has to embrace armed guard everywhere that children and adults congregate?

If you put armed guards at schools you also must do it on school buses or what is the point?

The NRA guy was basically saying fuck off to little Johnny. Hey, kid, no PE or art or music class but here's an armed guard to protect you from the idiocy of the NRA and its champions.

Exactly. What friggin' sense does it make to put a guard in the school, and then let the buses pull out of the parking lot with 50-60 kids on it without an armed guard on it? I mean, didn't the NRA even consider this before rolling out their idea. Hell, an armed gunman could step onto the bus the very first time the bus stopped to drop off some kids.

What it basically comes down to is that armed guards in schools is only a solution if schools were the only place where kids congregated with minimal adult supervision. Like I said, what about rec centers, and or summer swimming pools? Must we embrace having armed guards EVERYWHERE? Or is this the NRA's idea of a better America?
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Does anyone else remember when the NRA was about education and safety? They were in front of gun control in those days, wanted people to be safe FROM guns. I was a member then but wouldn't support these screwballs now.

Now, this idiot wants armed guards at all schools.

Always the reactionary, thoughtless, hysterical reaction.
Yes, Reagan held those views, too.
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The NRA has announced their 'solution' to gun violence in school. Armed guards.

I'm sure that the idea will have both multiple supporters and detractors as is usually the case when one side of the political aisle suggests a solution to a problem.

However, aside from the costs associated with placing armed guards in thousands (if not tens of thousands) of schools nationwide at a time of statewide budget cuts and even more proposed federal cuts, and the fact that there are usually multiple entrances to most schools and the fact that guards would likely be the first targets of any gunmen...what about school buses? How many school buses leave a school with 50 plus students at the end of the day, every day, all across the country? Should they ALL have armed guards on them like federal Marshalls on planes?

How about community centers? Swimming pools? After school sports games in gymnasiums? Bus stops? Cross walks? Any and every public place? How about day care centers? Restaurants? How about EVERY single movie theatre? Lobbies alone? Or the actual screening theaters? How about libraries?

Is the answer to gun violence mean that America has to embrace armed guard everywhere that children and adults congregate?

If you put armed guards at schools you also must do it on school buses or what is the point?

The NRA guy was basically saying fuck off to little Johnny. Hey, kid, no PE or art or music class but here's an armed guard to protect you from the idiocy of the NRA and its champions.

Exactly. What friggin' sense does it make to put a guard in the school, and then let the buses pull out of the parking lot with 50-60 kids on it with out an armed guard on it? I mean, didn't the NRA even consider this before rolling out their idea. Hell, an armed gunman could step onto the bus the very first time the bus stopped to drop off some kids.

What it basically comes down to is that armed guards in schools is only a solution if schools were the only place where kids congregated with minimal adult supervision. Like I said, what about rec centers, and or summer swimming pools? Must we embrace having armed guards EVERYWHERE? Or is this the NRA's idea of a better America?

omg...If they wanted to take out a school bus they could use a tractor trailer..
man you people are ridiculous coming up with all these dumb scenarios
Typical progressives. "You can't protect children unless you do this..then that..then this...then that..then this..."

It's all the same. They don't want them protected.
Typical progressives. "You can't protect children unless you do this..then that..then this...then that..then this..."

It's all the same. They don't want them protected.

it just goes on and on with them, no friggen commen sense

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