NRA School Shield: Why should the NRA be the voice of how schools are protected?

Adam Lanza, Liberal spokesperson


Slap a little lipstick on him, Frances, and he looks surprisingly like you. Are you allowed to own guns?
If you oppose having armed guards at schools, please explain why.

I cannot think of a reason why not. We have armed guards in congress, in banks, in courthouses, why not schools? unless the libtards think our children aren't worth it.
What is with the left's insistence that competency is determined by the wage a job pays?

How funny.
They think that paying an idiot a lot makes them less idiotic. Which is how we got the mess in the schools....
Your gun is 43 times more likely to shoot a friend, family member or acquaintance than to be used for self defense.

Wrong. That theory is based on comparing people killed by a family member with criminals killed. Of course, in the vast majority of cases, when someone defends himself from an assailant with a gun, no shots are fired. Simply brandishing the weapon is enough to scare the assailant off.

Also, you pulled the number 43 out of your ass. The numbers aren't nearly that high.

Also, some family members are shot because they assaulted a family member with a gun. angry husbands are a classic example of that.

Even if the number was half that (and its not), it's too many.

Not to the person who was able to defend themselves. But I guess you like rule by brute force, where a 250 lb hulk can have thier way with anyone smaller than them.
The liberal way is to keep mentally ill people on the streets and deprive every other person of any means to defend themselves. When threatened just say I understand and I love you.
What about school bus stops?

How about sports events?

Bring on the guns. Hell, how about rocket launchers? I mean, we really need to be ready for everything because, after all, we saw how well armed guards worked for Columbine and Ft Hood MILITARY BASE that was LOADED with armed guards.
and I gotta say, letting Wayne LaPierre handle the NRA's public response to the Sandy Hook tragedy is just about the stupidest thing the NRA coulda done...

the guy has a history of being a gratingly obnoxious loud-mouthed jerk that only a gun nut could love...

and the NRA put Loose-Cannon LaPierre in front of the cameras just when they needed to try to make new friends... or, at the very least, not have people tune them out and write 'em off as a pack of fringe nut-jobs...

and his proposed solution to the problem of mass shootings, of calling on the federal government to put an armed guard at each and every school in the country, is nearly as pathetic, ludicrous, impractical, and ultimately ineffective as anything the libs have suggested...

I 'spect that, when the coming laundry-list of restrictive federal gun control measures is signed into law, people on both sides of the issue will point to LaPierre's performance today as being a major reason for its passage...
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