NRA School Shield: Why should the NRA be the voice of how schools are protected?

and I gotta say, letting Wayne LaPierre handle the NRA's public response to the Sandy Hook tragedy is just about the stupidest thing the NRA coulda done...

the guy has a history of being a gratingly obnoxious loud-mouthed jerk that only a gun nut could love...

and the NRA put Loose-Cannon LaPierre in front of the cameras just when they needed to try to make new friends... or, at the very least, not have people tune them out and write 'em off as a pack of fringe nut-jobs...

and his proposed solution to the problem of mass shootings, of calling on the federal government to put an armed guard at each and every school in the country, is nearly as pathetic, ludicrous, impractical, and ultimately ineffective as anything the libs have suggested...

I 'spect that, when the coming laundry-list of restrictive federal gun control measures is signed into law, people on both sides of the issue will point to LaPierre's performance today as being a major reason for its passage...

Its not the first round I am worried about, which will be mostly cosmetic and will do nothing to help the problem of crime, my concern is this will embolden local governments to attempt to ban certain classes of weapons like handguns again.

Of course the ban is only for regular people. The police and government elite will always be able to get firearms to protect their homes and selves, even when off duty.

Its the commoners who have to wait for the police or knuckle under when someone bigger and stronger than them tries to rob them or force them to do something they dont want to do.

and the trigger (if you will), will (at least in part) have been LaPierre's performance today...

today, in the arena of public opinion, the dumb-fuck douche bag did irreparable damage to the cause of gun rights...
Who would these "guards" be? The gun nuts fantacize that they're Bruce Willis but I've posted the reality several times -


My bet is that the guards would be the, dreams of grandeur, "... pry it from my cold dead hands..." reactionaries, like the nutters here who have no idea what a commie-pinko-spy is but see one behind every bush.
Here's how much the teachers Union gives a shit

Teachers union rejects NRA’s call for armed security in schools

December 21, 2012 | 2:31 pm

Senior Editorial Writer
The Washington Examiner

American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten issued the following statement in reaction to National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre’s press conference today:

After remaining silent for an entire week following the Newtown massacre, the NRA’s first comments were to call for more guns in our schools and our society. This is both irresponsible and dangerous. No matter how much money the NRA spends or propaganda it tries to spread, one thing is clear—the NRA is not serious about confronting the epidemic of gun violence in our nation.

all of it here
Teachers union rejects NRA
None of which is required by the consitution. the only disqualifiers should be felony convictions, domestic violence convictions and mental commitment. You want to have training as a requirement, it must be reasonably priced or free to eliminate an effective poll tax on the exercise of the right.

As for securing, a gun unloaded in a gun safe is worth dick for self defense. Try again.

Your gun is 43 times more likely to shoot a friend, family member or acquaintance than to be used for self defense.

So we should take up a collection to buy bripat9643's friends and family some guns?

Where do I send a check???

1225 Eye Street, NW, Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20005
The NRA has announced their 'solution' to gun violence in school. Armed guards.

I'm sure that the idea will have both multiple supporters and detractors as is usually the case when one side of the political aisle suggests a solution to a problem.

However, aside from the costs associated with placing armed guards in thousands (if not tens of thousands) of schools nationwide at a time of statewide budget cuts and even more proposed federal cuts, and the fact that there are usually multiple entrances to most schools and the fact that guards would likely be the first targets of any gunmen...what about school buses? How many school buses leave a school with 50 plus students at the end of the day, every day, all across the country? Should they ALL have armed guards on them like federal Marshalls on planes?

How about community centers? Swimming pools? After school sports games in gymnasiums? Bus stops? Cross walks? Any and every public place? How about day care centers? Restaurants? How about EVERY single movie theatre? Lobbies alone? Or the actual screening theaters? How about libraries?

Is the answer to gun violence mean that America has to embrace armed guard everywhere that children and adults congregate?

If you put armed guards at schools you also must do it on school buses or what is the point?

The NRA guy was basically saying fuck off to little Johnny. Hey, kid, no PE or art or music class but here's an armed guard to protect you from the idiocy of the NRA and its champions.

Exactly. What friggin' sense does it make to put a guard in the school, and then let the buses pull out of the parking lot with 50-60 kids on it with out an armed guard on it? I mean, didn't the NRA even consider this before rolling out their idea. Hell, an armed gunman could step onto the bus the very first time the bus stopped to drop off some kids.

What it basically comes down to is that armed guards in schools is only a solution if schools were the only place where kids congregated with minimal adult supervision. Like I said, what about rec centers, and or summer swimming pools? Must we embrace having armed guards EVERYWHERE? Or is this the NRA's idea of a better America?

It won't be long before the nutters realize the only possible answer is to arm the kids themselves. Like the rw nutters who sent their 6th grader to school with a loaded gun. No need for them to wait until the 6th grade and no need to arm them only for school.

There's a whole new market opening up for those bullet proof back packs. They need to add a little gun pocket so the kid could get to it while the waited for the armed guide to arrive.

This is a serious problem and its insulting that the rw's can only think of arming guards at school. Like Ravi said, I wouldn't want my kids around any of the reactionary loons here.
If you put armed guards at schools you also must do it on school buses or what is the point?

The NRA guy was basically saying fuck off to little Johnny. Hey, kid, no PE or art or music class but here's an armed guard to protect you from the idiocy of the NRA and its champions.

Exactly. What friggin' sense does it make to put a guard in the school, and then let the buses pull out of the parking lot with 50-60 kids on it with out an armed guard on it? I mean, didn't the NRA even consider this before rolling out their idea. Hell, an armed gunman could step onto the bus the very first time the bus stopped to drop off some kids.

What it basically comes down to is that armed guards in schools is only a solution if schools were the only place where kids congregated with minimal adult supervision. Like I said, what about rec centers, and or summer swimming pools? Must we embrace having armed guards EVERYWHERE? Or is this the NRA's idea of a better America?

It won't be long before the nutters realize the only possible answer is to arm the kids themselves. Like the rw nutters who sent their 6th grader to school with a loaded gun. No need for them to wait until the 6th grade and no need to arm them only for school.

There's a whole new market opening up for those bullet proof back packs. They need to add a little gun pocket so the kid could get to it while the waited for the armed guide to arrive.

This is a serious problem and its insulting that the rw's can only think of arming guards at school. Like Ravi said, I wouldn't want my kids around any of the reactionary loons here.

omg, speaking of a nutter
we need to be saved from people like you..
If you put armed guards at schools you also must do it on school buses or what is the point?

The NRA guy was basically saying fuck off to little Johnny. Hey, kid, no PE or art or music class but here's an armed guard to protect you from the idiocy of the NRA and its champions.

Exactly. What friggin' sense does it make to put a guard in the school, and then let the buses pull out of the parking lot with 50-60 kids on it with out an armed guard on it? I mean, didn't the NRA even consider this before rolling out their idea. Hell, an armed gunman could step onto the bus the very first time the bus stopped to drop off some kids.

What it basically comes down to is that armed guards in schools is only a solution if schools were the only place where kids congregated with minimal adult supervision. Like I said, what about rec centers, and or summer swimming pools? Must we embrace having armed guards EVERYWHERE? Or is this the NRA's idea of a better America?

omg...If they wanted to take out a school bus they could use a tractor trailer..
man you people are ridiculous coming up with all these dumb scenarios

My guess is that many people probably would consider the idea that an armed person with a semiautomatic weapon who's also wearing Kevlar attacking the audience of people who showed up for a midnight movie showing to be a dumb scenario. Or attacking a school of 6-7 year olds.

Of course, maybe you're one of the people who believed Condi Rice when she said (inaccurately, I might add) that nobody considered the possibility of airplanes being used as weapons prior to 9-11. I guess she never heard of the word Kamikaze.
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This from a group that thinks drawing a gun is dangerous, and have been anti-gun propagandist for decades. Paint me totally shocked.
Thank goodness where I live and the school I work in they would open to all suggestions..

and our school is secured at all times, you can't get in without a badge or being buzzed in by the front desk

How this kid was able to get in and do this is something that needs to looked at
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If you put armed guards at schools you also must do it on school buses or what is the point?

The NRA guy was basically saying fuck off to little Johnny. Hey, kid, no PE or art or music class but here's an armed guard to protect you from the idiocy of the NRA and its champions.

Exactly. What friggin' sense does it make to put a guard in the school, and then let the buses pull out of the parking lot with 50-60 kids on it with out an armed guard on it? I mean, didn't the NRA even consider this before rolling out their idea. Hell, an armed gunman could step onto the bus the very first time the bus stopped to drop off some kids.

What it basically comes down to is that armed guards in schools is only a solution if schools were the only place where kids congregated with minimal adult supervision. Like I said, what about rec centers, and or summer swimming pools? Must we embrace having armed guards EVERYWHERE? Or is this the NRA's idea of a better America?

It won't be long before the nutters realize the only possible answer is to arm the kids themselves. Like the rw nutters who sent their 6th grader to school with a loaded gun. No need for them to wait until the 6th grade and no need to arm them only for school.

There's a whole new market opening up for those bullet proof back packs. They need to add a little gun pocket so the kid could get to it while the waited for the armed guide to arrive.

This is a serious problem and its insulting that the rw's can only think of arming guards at school. Like Ravi said, I wouldn't want my kids around any of the reactionary loons here.

On "All in the Family," one of Archie's proposed solution to the hijacking of planes was to have the stewardesses pass out guns to the passengers as they boarded the plane. After the plane landed, the passengers would turn them back in.
You gotta hand it to LaPierre. He's got the loons all stirred up and he did by blaming gun violence on the lack of guns.

Since the Columbine guard was getting his lunch at Subway, will he be wanting to do away with all fast food joints? Or only Subway?
and I gotta say, letting Wayne LaPierre handle the NRA's public response to the Sandy Hook tragedy is just about the stupidest thing the NRA coulda done...

the guy has a history of being a gratingly obnoxious loud-mouthed jerk that only a gun nut could love...

and the NRA put Loose-Cannon LaPierre in front of the cameras just when they needed to try to make new friends... or, at the very least, not have people tune them out and write 'em off as a pack of fringe nut-jobs...

and his proposed solution to the problem of mass shootings, of calling on the federal government to put an armed guard at each and every school in the country, is nearly as pathetic, ludicrous, impractical, and ultimately ineffective as anything the libs have suggested...

I 'spect that, when the coming laundry-list of restrictive federal gun control measures is signed into law, people on both sides of the issue will point to LaPierre's performance today as being a major reason for its passage...

Its not the first round I am worried about, which will be mostly cosmetic and will do nothing to help the problem of crime, my concern is this will embolden local governments to attempt to ban certain classes of weapons like handguns again.

Of course the ban is only for regular people. The police and government elite will always be able to get firearms to protect their homes and selves, even when off duty.

Its the commoners who have to wait for the police or knuckle under when someone bigger and stronger than them tries to rob them or force them to do something they dont want to do.

State and local jurisdictions can’t ban handguns.

But measures could be put into place so burdensome as to amount to a de facto ban.

As for LaPierre's ‘performance,’ he succeeded in only making matters worse, and making it even more impossible to have a constructive dialogue – currently we’re hearing only extremes.
You gotta hand it to LaPierre. He's got the loons all stirred up and he did by blaming gun violence on the lack of guns.

Since the Columbine guard was getting his lunch at Subway, will he be wanting to do away with all fast food joints? Or only Subway? people have done enough to stir things up all on your own..
Exactly. What friggin' sense does it make to put a guard in the school, and then let the buses pull out of the parking lot with 50-60 kids on it with out an armed guard on it? I mean, didn't the NRA even consider this before rolling out their idea. Hell, an armed gunman could step onto the bus the very first time the bus stopped to drop off some kids.

What it basically comes down to is that armed guards in schools is only a solution if schools were the only place where kids congregated with minimal adult supervision. Like I said, what about rec centers, and or summer swimming pools? Must we embrace having armed guards EVERYWHERE? Or is this the NRA's idea of a better America?

It won't be long before the nutters realize the only possible answer is to arm the kids themselves. Like the rw nutters who sent their 6th grader to school with a loaded gun. No need for them to wait until the 6th grade and no need to arm them only for school.

There's a whole new market opening up for those bullet proof back packs. They need to add a little gun pocket so the kid could get to it while the waited for the armed guide to arrive.

This is a serious problem and its insulting that the rw's can only think of arming guards at school. Like Ravi said, I wouldn't want my kids around any of the reactionary loons here.

omg, speaking of a nutter
we need to be saved from people like you..

George Zimmerman is looking for new job opportunities and already has relevant experience with children.
It won't be long before the nutters realize the only possible answer is to arm the kids themselves. Like the rw nutters who sent their 6th grader to school with a loaded gun. No need for them to wait until the 6th grade and no need to arm them only for school.

There's a whole new market opening up for those bullet proof back packs. They need to add a little gun pocket so the kid could get to it while the waited for the armed guide to arrive.

This is a serious problem and its insulting that the rw's can only think of arming guards at school. Like Ravi said, I wouldn't want my kids around any of the reactionary loons here.

omg, speaking of a nutter
we need to be saved from people like you..

George Zimmerman is looking for new job opportunities and already has relevant experience with children.

the nuttiness just never stops with you
Exactly. What friggin' sense does it make to put a guard in the school, and then let the buses pull out of the parking lot with 50-60 kids on it with out an armed guard on it? I mean, didn't the NRA even consider this before rolling out their idea. Hell, an armed gunman could step onto the bus the very first time the bus stopped to drop off some kids.

What it basically comes down to is that armed guards in schools is only a solution if schools were the only place where kids congregated with minimal adult supervision. Like I said, what about rec centers, and or summer swimming pools? Must we embrace having armed guards EVERYWHERE? Or is this the NRA's idea of a better America?

It won't be long before the nutters realize the only possible answer is to arm the kids themselves. Like the rw nutters who sent their 6th grader to school with a loaded gun. No need for them to wait until the 6th grade and no need to arm them only for school.

There's a whole new market opening up for those bullet proof back packs. They need to add a little gun pocket so the kid could get to it while the waited for the armed guide to arrive.

This is a serious problem and its insulting that the rw's can only think of arming guards at school. Like Ravi said, I wouldn't want my kids around any of the reactionary loons here.

On "All in the Family," one of Archie's proposed solution to the hijacking of planes was to have the stewardesses pass out guns to the passengers as they boarded the plane. After the plane landed, the passengers would turn them back in.


But, we'd have to change all the planes to have windows like Mittens wanted.

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