NRA School Shield: Why should the NRA be the voice of how schools are protected?

The NRA wants to arm everyone.

Well, if you are in the business of selling guns, or if you have a business that provides private security guards for public or private events and/or longer term clients, the NRA's idea is a reason to celebrate.
Bingo, it's all about selling guns.

Yep. Like I posted earlier, the NRA is just a cartel of gun makers and sellers. Their only goal is to sell their product and that's what LaPierre's suggestion is really all about - turning this incredible horror of constant murders into a profit.

The NRA gives a whole new meaning to SLIME.
WLP's performance today was bizarre, and frankly, not helpful to his cause.

Besides the fact that 30% of schools already have armed security personnel, he went into rants blaming everything but guns for the incident.

What will eventually lead to a total ban on guns is when the rest of us realize that the pro-gun community absolutely refuses to police its own. And this is the problem with the NRA, it's the public relations branch of the gun manufacturers, who are very irresponsible in the way they market their products.

I can think of one word to define the NRA's leadership today...


eta: just thought of another coupla words for the NRA leadership...

tone deaf...
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There are plenty of homeless people that would take teacher jobs for a lot less money, and if armed would protect our children a lot better. As homeless transits they are used to street people and street nuts, and if allowed to sleep in their classrooms at night, the homeless teachers would protect the schools at night as well as day. As a bonus their nightly room rent could be deducted from their salary, another saving. That NRA is not so dumb.
This from a group that thinks drawing a gun is dangerous ...


This is one conversation that most rw's really have not right to an opinion about. You hate teachers, want them to be paid less and you repeatedly say you want schools to fail.

Teachers are nurturers, care givers. I wouldn't want a teacher who wanted guns in his/her classroom.

Thank goodness where I live and the school I work in they would open to all suggestions..

and our school is secured at all times, you can't get in without a badge or being buzzed in by the front desk

How this kid was able to get in and do this is something that needs to looked at
ummm..... he had an "assault" rifle. The key word being- "assault". You can aim those at things like lock-cylinders :rolleyes:
How many billions would it take to place armed guards at every school in the nation.
Will congress foot the bill?
So what's next placing armed guards at daycare centers, little league baseball games etc etc etc, where does it end?

funny, now you all worry about money

Do you honestly believe congress would go for it, yes or no?

they'll prolly pay for like they do for every zany rw idea, putting the financial burden on the backs of the middle-class & poor. :thup:
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I think any discussion of possible bans would be the worst thing the NRA could do.
It's pretty disgusting watching the NRA politicize this tragedy and try to expand it's influence and power over the bodies of 26 innocent people. If they would just shut the fuck up, they'd be fine. But you have that head pig screaming about everything but the cause of the murders. The NRA's role in these disasters seems to be to throw more gasoline on the fire causing a fucked up situation to become such a clusterfuck that everyone walks away in annoyance and disgust and no positive change occurs.

And a lot of you in this thread are fucking insane.
Why does the Teachers Union want to have dead children?

Because they also like to die while trying to protect them...?
Do you TRY and say something each day that was dumber than the day before, or does it just come naturally?

The poster was referring to the teacher who died with a child in her arms. You right wingers are getting nastier and dumber by the minute.
and I gotta say, letting Wayne LaPierre handle the NRA's public response to the Sandy Hook tragedy is just about the stupidest thing the NRA coulda done...

the guy has a history of being a gratingly obnoxious loud-mouthed jerk that only a gun nut could love...

and the NRA put Loose-Cannon LaPierre in front of the cameras just when they needed to try to make new friends... or, at the very least, not have people tune them out and write 'em off as a pack of fringe nut-jobs...

and his proposed solution to the problem of mass shootings, of calling on the federal government to put an armed guard at each and every school in the country, is nearly as pathetic, ludicrous, impractical, and ultimately ineffective as anything the libs have suggested...

I 'spect that, when the coming laundry-list of restrictive federal gun control measures is signed into law, people on both sides of the issue will point to LaPierre's performance today as being a major reason for its passage...

Its not the first round I am worried about, which will be mostly cosmetic and will do nothing to help the problem of crime, my concern is this will embolden local governments to attempt to ban certain classes of weapons like handguns again.

Of course the ban is only for regular people. The police and government elite will always be able to get firearms to protect their homes and selves, even when off duty.

Its the commoners who have to wait for the police or knuckle under when someone bigger and stronger than them tries to rob them or force them to do something they dont want to do.

State and local jurisdictions can’t ban handguns.

But measures could be put into place so burdensome as to amount to a de facto ban.

As for LaPierre's ‘performance,’ he succeeded in only making matters worse, and making it even more impossible to have a constructive dialogue – currently we’re hearing only extremes.

They cant ban handguns right now outright, but concealed carry has a de facto ban in NYC. you will see more and more of those as gun banners get more confident.
WLP's performance today was bizarre, and frankly, not helpful to his cause.

Besides the fact that 30% of schools already have armed security personnel, he went into rants blaming everything but guns for the incident.

What will eventually lead to a total ban on guns is when the rest of us realize that the pro-gun community absolutely refuses to police its own. And this is the problem with the NRA, it's the public relations branch of the gun manufacturers, who are very irresponsible in the way they market their products.

99.9% of legal gun owners keep thier weapons safe every day. You can't include those who get thier guns illegally and include them in the "police ourselves" mix.
Thank goodness where I live and the school I work in they would open to all suggestions..

and our school is secured at all times, you can't get in without a badge or being buzzed in by the front desk

How this kid was able to get in and do this is something that needs to looked at

He was able to force his way past a security door,which isn't hard to do if you are really determined....
Thank goodness where I live and the school I work in they would open to all suggestions..

and our school is secured at all times, you can't get in without a badge or being buzzed in by the front desk

How this kid was able to get in and do this is something that needs to looked at
ummm..... he had an "assault" rifle. The key word being- "assault". You can aim those at things like lock-cylinders :rolleyes:
funny, now you all worry about money

Do you honestly believe congress would go for it, yes or no?

they'll prolly pay for like they do for every zany rw idea, putting the financial burden on the backs of the middle-class & poor. :thup:

The right wing may not complain about the cost of turning schools into a militarized zone. Maybe even get Black Water or Halliburton involved. This is something they can relate to. Now better pay for teachers, nutrition programs for the children from low income households, maybe an art program here, or a music program there, or the big one HEALTH CARE for children? They'll soon be foaming at the mouth.
This is up to the schools districts. Not anyone else. If the voters in that district want to pay for such a thing, then they can.

But that begs the question, why should they have to?

Why should a school district set aside 10% of its budget for security personnel and lower the number of teachers because guns are too prolific and too easy to get?
Ok, if not teachers, why not the students? Most students have had lots of experience with toy guns, arcade guns and pretend guns, why can't students defend their own turf. Give students assault rifles and show them some John Wayne movies and bingo we got some killers defending the schools, and not with pretend guns but real guns. Teachers could even grade students on defense tactics and target shooting.
Ok, if not teachers, why not the students? Most students have had lots of experience with toy guns, arcade guns and pretend guns, why can't students defend their own turf. Give students assault rifles and show them some John Wayne movies and bingo we got some killers defending the schools, and not with pretend guns but real guns. Teachers could even grade students on defense tactics and target shooting.

That would certainly eliminate the middle man in school shootings.

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