NRA School Shield: Why should the NRA be the voice of how schools are protected?

There were two armed guards at Columbine, how did that work out RWNJs?
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Your gun is 43 times more likely to shoot a friend, family member or acquaintance than to be used for self defense.

Wrong. That theory is based on comparing people killed by a family member with criminals killed. Of course, in the vast majority of cases, when someone defends himself from an assailant with a gun, no shots are fired. Simply brandishing the weapon is enough to scare the assailant off.

Also, you pulled the number 43 out of your ass. The numbers aren't nearly that high.

Also, some family members are shot because they assaulted a family member with a gun. angry husbands are a classic example of that.

Even if the number was half that (and its not), it's too many.

It's more like 1/43 of that. How many is not "too many?"
Wrong. That theory is based on comparing people killed by a family member with criminals killed. Of course, in the vast majority of cases, when someone defends himself from an assailant with a gun, no shots are fired. Simply brandishing the weapon is enough to scare the assailant off.

Also, you pulled the number 43 out of your ass. The numbers aren't nearly that high.

Also, some family members are shot because they assaulted a family member with a gun. angry husbands are a classic example of that.

Even if the number was half that (and its not), it's too many.

It's more like 1/43 of that. How many is not "too many?"

Thanks for looking it up.

Of course, for gun grabbers, one accidental shooting is one too many, but a beaten wife who could have had a gun, killed by her hulking husband, or a robber shooting an unarmed teller that "gave em the eye"..... well they dont matter.
its not about filling out an additonal form or waiting another day and you know it. How would that have stopped the school shooting (answer, it wouldn't).

Guns already legally require you to go through processes to aquire. Why do you think extra procedures would help.

Just admit you are a gun banner. at least be honest with yourself.

Actually, it's not an important issue to me, other than the gun-whacks are allies of the Plutocrats, voting against their own (and my) economic interests. The friend of my enemy is my enemy.

But to the point, if we had stringent rules on who could have guns and made sure that we checked them out like the way we would if we let them buy a car or get a credit card, whacks like Loughner and Holmes and Lanza wouldn't get them.

lanza wasnt the owner, his mother was. he had to kill her to take possesion of her arsenal.

How would a waiting period or smaller clips have prevented the other two from doing what they did?

You really think you can get a gun easier than a credit card or a car? Really? I'm talking legally, not in some back alley.
and I gotta say, letting Wayne LaPierre handle the NRA's public response to the Sandy Hook tragedy is just about the stupidest thing the NRA coulda done...

the guy has a history of being a gratingly obnoxious loud-mouthed jerk that only a gun nut could love...

and the NRA put Loose-Cannon LaPierre in front of the cameras just when they needed to try to make new friends... or, at the very least, not have people tune them out and write 'em off as a pack of fringe nut-jobs...

and his proposed solution to the problem of mass shootings, of calling on the federal government to put an armed guard at each and every school in the country, is nearly as pathetic, ludicrous, impractical, and ultimately ineffective as anything the libs have suggested...

I 'spect that, when the coming laundry-list of restrictive federal gun control measures is signed into law, people on both sides of the issue will point to LaPierre's performance today as being a major reason for its passage...

I find it funny that they took that many days to remain silent, only to come out with his "popular" response. It's also funny that a seemingly "conservative" organization with a most likely large conservative membership would also advocate more big government and allegedly advocate the restriction of the First Amendment rights of video game producers. :lol:.
and I gotta say, letting Wayne LaPierre handle the NRA's public response to the Sandy Hook tragedy is just about the stupidest thing the NRA coulda done...

the guy has a history of being a gratingly obnoxious loud-mouthed jerk that only a gun nut could love...

and the NRA put Loose-Cannon LaPierre in front of the cameras just when they needed to try to make new friends... or, at the very least, not have people tune them out and write 'em off as a pack of fringe nut-jobs...

and his proposed solution to the problem of mass shootings, of calling on the federal government to put an armed guard at each and every school in the country, is nearly as pathetic, ludicrous, impractical, and ultimately ineffective as anything the libs have suggested...

I 'spect that, when the coming laundry-list of restrictive federal gun control measures is signed into law, people on both sides of the issue will point to LaPierre's performance today as being a major reason for its passage...

Its not the first round I am worried about, which will be mostly cosmetic and will do nothing to help the problem of crime, my concern is this will embolden local governments to attempt to ban certain classes of weapons like handguns again.

Of course the ban is only for regular people. The police and government elite will always be able to get firearms to protect their homes and selves, even when off duty.

Its the commoners who have to wait for the police or knuckle under when someone bigger and stronger than them tries to rob them or force them to do something they dont want to do.

It's sad that a few rotten apples tend to ruin it for the rest of us. It's sad that the government's initial response is more regulation. WE have more than enough laws and restrictions already.
I haven't been a member for a long time. LaPierre isn't the best thing that every happened to the NRA. They used to be about gun safety and education. Now, they're just a lobby that wants your money.

They promised all week that that they would contribute something meaningful so that something like Sandy Hill would never happen again. And look what they managed to come up with.

His rant today sounded very desperate, like they just couldn't come up with anything productive or positive so they started throwing spaghetti against the wall in hopes something would stick.

And, really, if they can't control security in their own press conference, why should we trust them elsewhere?

They also should have gotten someone who could at least pretend to be sympathetic because LaPierre is one cold fish.
Even if the number was half that (and its not), it's too many.

It's more like 1/43 of that. How many is not "too many?"

Thanks for looking it up.

Of course, for gun grabbers, one accidental shooting is one too many, but a beaten wife who could have had a gun, killed by her hulking husband, or a robber shooting an unarmed teller that "gave em the eye"..... well they dont matter.

Typically in a home with an abusive partner and a gun, the abused partner ain't the one pointing it.

Just sayin'
its not about filling out an additonal form or waiting another day and you know it. How would that have stopped the school shooting (answer, it wouldn't).

Guns already legally require you to go through processes to aquire. Why do you think extra procedures would help.

Just admit you are a gun banner. at least be honest with yourself.

Actually, it's not an important issue to me, other than the gun-whacks are allies of the Plutocrats, voting against their own (and my) economic interests. The friend of my enemy is my enemy.

But to the point, if we had stringent rules on who could have guns and made sure that we checked them out like the way we would if we let them buy a car or get a credit card, whacks like Loughner and Holmes and Lanza wouldn't get them.

lanza wasnt the owner, his mother was. he had to kill her to take possesion of her arsenal.

How would a waiting period or smaller clips have prevented the other two from doing what they did?

You really think you can get a gun easier than a credit card or a car? Really? I'm talking legally, not in some back alley.

No checks at gun shows or internet.

Go to WalMart. No checks there for rifles.

Terrorists on our federal lists can buy anything they want.

Domestic terrorists can buy anything they want.

Illegals can buy anything they want.

Mentally ill can buy anything they want.

Criminals can buy anything they want.

All legal.
Some schools have more than one building, some have six or seven buildings, and some of those building have three floors, would one guard do the job?
No checks at gun shows or internet.

Go to WalMart. No checks there for rifles.

Terrorists on our federal lists can buy anything they want.

Domestic terrorists can buy anything they want.

Illegals can buy anything they want.

Mentally ill can buy anything they want.

Criminals can buy anything they want.

All legal.

Every line is false.
No checks at gun shows or internet.

Go to WalMart. No checks there for rifles.

Terrorists on our federal lists can buy anything they want.

Domestic terrorists can buy anything they want.

Illegals can buy anything they want.

Mentally ill can buy anything they want.

Criminals can buy anything they want.

All legal.

Every line is false.

Prove it.

You can't because every line is fact.

lanza wasnt the owner, his mother was. he had to kill her to take possesion of her arsenal.

How would a waiting period or smaller clips have prevented the other two from doing what they did?

You really think you can get a gun easier than a credit card or a car? Really? I'm talking legally, not in some back alley.

Yes, I think the other two are more closely monitored than gun ownership is.
Actually, it's not an important issue to me, other than the gun-whacks are allies of the Plutocrats, voting against their own (and my) economic interests. The friend of my enemy is my enemy.

But to the point, if we had stringent rules on who could have guns and made sure that we checked them out like the way we would if we let them buy a car or get a credit card, whacks like Loughner and Holmes and Lanza wouldn't get them.

lanza wasnt the owner, his mother was. he had to kill her to take possesion of her arsenal.

How would a waiting period or smaller clips have prevented the other two from doing what they did?

You really think you can get a gun easier than a credit card or a car? Really? I'm talking legally, not in some back alley.

No checks at gun shows or internet.

Go to WalMart. No checks there for rifles.

Terrorists on our federal lists can buy anything they want.

Domestic terrorists can buy anything they want.

Illegals can buy anything they want.

Mentally ill can buy anything they want.

Criminals can buy anything they want.

All legal.

To legally buy a weapon online you have to go to a Federal firearm dealer, where he will run the background check required.

Walmart has to run background checks as well.

For the others, the background check will stop them, felons especially.

The gun show loophole is basically illegal, as the person is supposed to verify you meet the requirements for gun ownership.

You are a fucking liar. is your position so weak you have to lie to hold it up?

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