NRA v Children

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Yeah, yeah, yeah, we've all read the nutters saying not enough children die to make it worth their time. I don't agree. Oh yeah, and there are other things that kill so why protect kids from guns? And, the favorite of the RWNJs, they aren't fetuses.

Now they've put a traitor to the US in charge. Anyone surprised at that? Me neither.

Here's what one police chief says -

In a statement on Facebook — posted ten hours after Dimitrios Pagourtis allegedly opened fire at Santa Fe High School Friday — Chief Art Acevedo wrote that he’d “shed tears of sadness, pain and anger” over the shooting 37 miles from Houston.

“I know some of you have strong feelings about gun rights but I want you to know I’ve hit rock bottom and I am not interested in your views as it pertains to this issue,” Acevedo wrote. “Please do not post anything about guns aren’t the problem and there’s little we can do.”

He's entitled to his opinion, wrong though it may be.
NRA cultists are just like the rest of the republicans. Once the little buggers are born who cares? Starve them, shoot them, whatever as long as I get to pretend I'm Rambo with my ar15.

What the hell does the NRA have to do with some idiot whose cheese slid off the cracker? Far more children's lives have been saved by NRA gun-safety programs, than those murdered by deranged shooters.

But I understand: The NRA is just one in a long list of boogie-men that keep you awake at night.

has more to do with school shootings than the NRA
NRA cultists are just like the rest of the republicans. Once the little buggers are born who cares? Starve them, shoot them, whatever as long as I get to pretend I'm Rambo with my ar15.

FACT is, children just don't matter to the RWs

That's exactly the legislation LyinRyan is working on before his phony retirement. At lleast he's always been open in his wish to starve children, vets, active military, elderly and women. Little prick had no problem using SocSec to get through college but doesn't want others to have the same opportunity.

Pisses me off that the NRA has bought off the gop. Not to mention the $30+MILLION they paid to bribe trump.
NRA cultists are just like the rest of the republicans. Once the little buggers are born who cares? Starve them, shoot them, whatever as long as I get to pretend I'm Rambo with my ar15.

FACT is, children just don't matter to the RWs

... Blah-Blah-Blah.

Actually ... The your kids are fucking annoying and dangerous ... :thup:
Keep failing and trying to punish everyone else for your inability to manage your expectations with your limited capabilities.

NRA cultists are just like the rest of the republicans. Once the little buggers are born who cares? Starve them, shoot them, whatever as long as I get to pretend I'm Rambo with my ar15.

FACT is, children just don't matter to the RWs

... Blah-Blah-Blah.

Actually ... The your kids are fucking annoying and dangerous ... :thup:
Keep failing and trying to punish everyone else for your inability to manage your expectations with your limited capabilities.

English dude, we speak English here.
--------------------------- i don't care what this one or many political appointee's has to say Luddley .
Guns are tools and weapons. We have a Second Amendment; how much wellness of regulation does it take, gentlemen.

Maybe you should tell the media to stop encouraging copycats.

--------------------------- i don't care what this one or many political appointee's has to say Luddley .

As usual, you missed the point.

Children are being gunned down in their schools.

Yes, I know you have laughed at dead kids before but this cop is on the front lines. Pretty easy for you fat lazy RWNJs to say you don't care.

Would you feel the same if it was YOUR child?

You think you might care then?

Maybe you should tell the media to stop encouraging copycats.


I started to click on the "funny" face but damn.

That's got to be the lamest thing I've read for along time.

Its also really stupid.
as i said , i do not care what this or any political appointee has to say on this issue . He and his Special friends , all government men will still have their guns if they were to take the guns off of Americans that have the RIGHT to be armed Luddley .

Maybe you should tell the media to stop encouraging copycats.


I started to click on the "funny" face but damn.

That's got to be the lamest thing I've read for along time.

Its also really stupid.

These folks want to be famous, the media grants their every wish with wall to wall coverage. Try denying that.


Let's get a grip and a little perspective here.. In the 50s and 60s MANY High Schools had their own markmanship and firing ranges. Students often brought THEIR OWN rifles to compete with. Check out the pictures here --

Here's What Happened When Schools Did Away With Shooting Clubs And It's Not Pretty

Many things changed. H.S. followed the "factory farming" model. BIGGER is more efficient. Graduating classes went from 200 to now 800 in some of the larger schools. Bring a pillow to the grad ceremonies. You're in for the whole day.

The H.S. culture changed. Petty escalations of dumb stuff is now BULLYING. So that the word bullying has lost all meaning. The societal culture has changed for certain and social media MAGNIFIES the cliques and cuts that students have to face. Instead of SIX hours a day, it's now 24 hours a day.

And kids are not COUNSELED about guns. When the NRA attempted to move an "Eddie Eagle" program into K-6th grades just to teach young ones to RESPECT the danger of guns -- the left delivered multiple calves. Even tho the message was clear and clean. Just call an Adult. Dont pick it up.. And helped kids determined by looking whether the gun was a threat.

ROTC became disfavored. Was relegated to air rifles. The DOD Civilian Marksmanship program that provided FREE AMMO to Junior RIfle teams came under fire. Instead of ENCOURAGING adolescent gun safety and use --- it was TABOO to even bring it up.

So -- it's MANDATORY to have condom classes and gender bending accomodations, but verboten to TEACH gun respect and safety. The only gun education indoctrination NOW is Hollywood and multiple shooter bloodfest video gaming.

WHY didn't this happen when kids carried rifles into schools for sport and discipline training?

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