NSA Whistleblower: Spy Agencies Eavesdrop On Americans Without Warrants All The Time


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"NSA surveillance program architect Bill Binney told Sean Hannity Monday that the intelligence community routinely listens in on Americans’ conversations without court-ordered FISA warrants.

President Donald Trump accused former President Barack Obama on Twitter Saturday of wiretapping Trump Tower during the election.

“Under (OBAMA)
executive order one two triple three, they do surveillance of everybody in the United States without warrants and that’s done through various upstream programs Fairview, Stormbrew, Blarney and also in cooperation with other countries in terms of collection worldwide,” Binney said on Hannity’s radio show.

“So it’s all done without warrants and that was testified to by Adrian Kinney and David Murfee Faulk, who were transcribing at Fort Gordon George. They were transcribing conversations between U.S. citizens with no warrant at all.”

"...storage was also under the executive order 12333 section 2 -2.3C. The executive order, Binney explained, is the one President Obama “opened it up to all the other agencies in the intelligence community. Originally it was just restricted. The only ones that had access were NSA CIA and FBI.”

NSA Whistleblower: Spy Agencies Eavesdrop On Americans Without Warrants All The Time
"NSA surveillance program architect Bill Binney told Sean Hannity Monday that the intelligence community routinely listens in on Americans’ conversations without court-ordered FISA warrants.

President Donald Trump accused former President Barack Obama on Twitter Saturday of wiretapping Trump Tower during the election.

“Under (OBAMA)
executive order one two triple three, they do surveillance of everybody in the United States without warrants and that’s done through various upstream programs Fairview, Stormbrew, Blarney and also in cooperation with other countries in terms of collection worldwide,” Binney said on Hannity’s radio show.

“So it’s all done without warrants and that was testified to by Adrian Kinney and David Murfee Faulk, who were transcribing at Fort Gordon George. They were transcribing conversations between U.S. citizens with no warrant at all.”

"...storage was also under the executive order 12333 section 2 -2.3C. The executive order, Binney explained, is the one President Obama “opened it up to all the other agencies in the intelligence community. Originally it was just restricted. The only ones that had access were NSA CIA and FBI.”

NSA Whistleblower: Spy Agencies Eavesdrop On Americans Without Warrants All The Time

Binney is amazing. It's chilling to think that they use illegal means to gather information and THEN they go the legal route with a warrant.
I must say I'm not very surprised. I believe we lost any semblance of real privacy long ago.
I do not find it unreasonable to believe that Obama would violate the law to effect a desired result.
The fact that Obama has not come out and made one Public comment on this when his reputation, ethics, and honor is being called in to question tells me that Trump's allegations are legitimate.

It may only be a matter of time before someone spills the beans on Obama and his Nixon Ways.

But that Administration has kept a wrap on scandal after scandal.

The Obama Admin was like The Mob. If you talk, you die....so I suspect many won't talk.

But someone ratted on THE DNC about rigging primaries against Sanders.......so.
BTW, that EO... I don't like the numerology.

12333 can be converted to 666.

Just saying....

Just a little creepy there.
The fact that Obama has not come out and made one Public comment on this when his reputation, ethics, and honor is being called in to question tells me that Trump's allegations are legitimate.

It may only be a matter of time before someone spills the beans on Obama and his Nixon Ways.

But that Administration has kept a wrap on scandal after scandal.

The Obama Admin was like The Mob. If you talk, you die....so I suspect many won't talk.

But someone ratted on THE DNC about rigging primaries against Sanders.......so.
I'm starting a rumor. I think Obama had something embarrassing on Trump, and Trump got out in front of it so if anything comes out, the finger points straight at Obama.
Remember when Trump said Obama left him a mess?

The CIA was just hacked and exposed after participating in several illegal Intel leaks, and the NSA just had an insider expose a TON of their secrets after also (potentially) participating in illegal Intel leaks.

Umm, this is part of what Trump was accurately talking about - undisciplined, disloyal, criminal, illegally leaking, critical Intel hemorrhaging agencies endangering our National Security.
The fact that Obama has not come out and made one Public comment on this when his reputation, ethics, and honor is being called in to question tells me that Trump's allegations are legitimate.

It may only be a matter of time before someone spills the beans on Obama and his Nixon Ways.

But that Administration has kept a wrap on scandal after scandal.

The Obama Admin was like The Mob. If you talk, you die....so I suspect many won't talk.

But someone ratted on THE DNC about rigging primaries against Sanders.......so.
Most lawless, most corrupt EVUH....
What we are seeing is the capability to bring Bible prophesy to fruition. Thousands of years ago, we were told that in the end times, no one will be able to buy or sell without a mark. In order for that to be true, some one has to keep track of everything we buy and sell. We all have illegal dossiers being compiled under the Instant Criminal Background Check. The Obama Administration considered us all to be domestic terrorists who needed spied on until further notice...
The NSA does this? Well go tell Trump. The ball's in your court Republicans. You control everything now. Let's see what you do.
The NSA does this? Well go tell Trump. The ball's in your court Republicans. You control everything now. Let's see what you do.

We get rid of Obama's shadow government overreach and restore our right to privacy.
Most Americans still don't realize they're living in a Police Sate. They're completely zombified by their cell phones, computers, and tv's. And even many who do realize it, actually support it. They don't know any better. Unfortunately, things are only gonna get worse. They've already Militarized our domestic Police Force. We aren't too far away from some sort of Martial Law scenario. But it won't likely come in the fashion most thought it would. It's instead being implemented methodically and incrementally. It is happening. You will show your papers, or else.

The US already ranks #1 in the world for imprisoning its Citizens. And quietly, new Attorney General Sessions just ordered a major increase in the building of Private Prisons. These prisons are incredibly dangerous. They're privately run with virtually no real oversight. They've already found that some are currently engaging in torture and slavery. So call it a 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory' if you like, but there is a reason they're Militarizing our Police Force, allowing Intelligence Agencies free reign, and rapidly constructing more prisons. They are preparing for something. That's just my take anyway. Stay tuned i guess.
I love how conservatives forget that they were the ones behind expanding gov powers to do this . Remember the patriot act ?
NSA spying on Citizens was massively increased under Obama. That's why i had to laugh the other day when Obama's lackeys were screeching about him never approving surveillance on Citizens. It's already been proven that him and Clapper lied about that. Like the CIA, the NSA is completely out of control. Do these agencies answer to anyone?

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