Nuke Deal Done...Iran Accuses US of Lying about Agreement...

Isn't it fascinating, how the Iranian hardliners and American conservatives sound exactly alike on this issue?

Heck, they sound exactly alike on almost every issue. Separated at birth, those two groups.
Isn't it fascinating, how the Iranian hardliners and American conservatives sound exactly alike on this issue?

Heck, they sound exactly alike on almost every issue. Separated at birth, those two groups.

I know Obama, so I believe the Iranians.
Now lets back up. I know Obama just wanted "an understanding..." not a "treaty." Does this mean that they did not write anything down and did this on a handshake? The two most dishonest brokers on the globe? Maybe that is why we have some confusion here?
Please list all the international agreements broken by Iran or Obama.

Some people here are dishonest brokers ... and surprise! It's the ODS kooks, and their spiritual twins, the Iranian hardliners.
Please list all the international agreements broken by Iran or Obama.

Some people here are dishonest brokers ... and surprise! It's the ODS kooks, and their spiritual twins, the Iranian hardliners.

Poland was one.

Syria's red line was good
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The alert came out that a Deal is on the table and already Iran and the US are calling one another liars. What does this say to the "Peace Process" going forward? Especially if it isn't kept secret from the American people.,,
Kerry's next stop?


Where they run classes on how to bow REALLY deeply!
Iranian officials quickly declared victory, arguing the deal would lift all international sanctions on the regime while allowing it to continue to develop nuclear power.

1. "All Security Council resolutions will be terminated,

2. all U.S. nuclear-related secondary sanctions as well as EU sanctions will be terminated" during the term of the agreement, Iranian Foreign Affairs Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said in a press conference.

3. "None of those measures include closing our facilities. The proud people of Iran would never accept that. Our facilities will continue.

4. We will continue enriching, we will continue research and development, our heavy water reactor will be modernized and we will continue the Fordow facility," Zarif said.

5. European Union Foreign Affairs Minister Federica Mogherini said the EU will terminate economic and financial sanctions under the agreement, and

6. the U.S. will cease implementation of sanctions simultaneous with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) verifying Iran is abiding by its nuclear commitments.

7. United Nations Security Council resolutions imposing sanctions on Iran would also be lifted.

8. "When we implement our measures, there won't be no sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran," she said.

9. She also described new restrictions on Iran that would limit its enrichment capacity and its stockpile of uranium fuel.

10. Iran would commit to only having an enrichment facility in Natanz. Its Fordo site, which until recently had been hidden from the international community, would be converted to a nuclear physics and technology center, Mogherini said.

11. The Arak heavy water reactor also will be redesigned so that it can not produce weapons-grade plutonium, Mogherini said. Spent fuel will be exported, she said.

12. Iran is also agreeing to allow IAEA inspectors access to the nuclear sites to clarify "past and present issues"

Not surprising in the least.

In other news, the Easter Bunny was found dead on the side of Bunny Trail road, struck by an oncoming sleigh. Santa Claus is the prime suspect in the hit and run incident, and has been indicted with intentional bunny slaughter, hit and run, and leaving the scene of an eggcident. Claus, 2415 (born in early 4th Century) has maintained his innocence, although he has also been cited, tried, and convicted in a previous hit and run incident involving an elderly grandmother on Christmas Eve in 1979, the grandmother survived.

If found guilty, he could be sentenced to 20 Christmases without cookies and milk, and be made to wear a GPS ankle bracelet while having to report his movements around the globe each Christmas to the North American Aerospace Defense Command (or NORAD). In addition to a possible conviction, Santa Claus will also have to pay restitution to the Easter Bunny's family in the form of Communibunny service. Rudolph, the lead red nosed Reindeer, is set to testify against him in court in exchange for a plea deal. The Easter Bunny's 16th wife could not be reached for comment.
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Our Commander in Chief Keeps us entertained. At least until a nuke hits us square between the eyes...
There's no deal. There are proposals for a deal. Proposals that obumble lied about and got called on it. I love it. The presidunce getting called a bald faced liar. Is someone going to demand Iran apologize for saying "you Lie".

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