Number of 401K millionaires soars in last quarter 2023

this year has been a great start. My IRA is up ~3% per month YTD. If that continues that would be ~30% (I know lol) by election. If Trump were to get past Election Fraud then things might stabilize.
From your keyboard to Gd’s ears!
The stock market was at 30,000 when FPOUTS#45 left office, it's now at 38,000.

If you are at a loss, maybe you should rethink investments.

Just say'n.

I ran the numbers for your earlier. We are now just back to where we were under Trump when you factor in that our money is worth 20% less.

Plus, I’m in the drawing down stage. It’s the inflation and loss of purchasing power that is the killer for retirees.

But I shared my strategy a few daya ago. I am going to purchase an annuity, which together with my SS payment, will cover my basic expenses. That way, if the Dems can manipulate another win and keep a senile man too demented to stand trial in office, and the market gets spooked, I know I can cover my monthly living expenses.

So don’t give me financial advice. I’m probably more sophisticated than you are.
I ran the numbers for your earlier. We are now just back to where we were under Trump when you factor in that our money is worth 20% less.

Plus, I’m in the drawing down stage. It’s the inflation and loss of purchasing power that is the killer for retirees.

But I shared my strategy a few daya ago. I am going to purchase an annuity, which together with my SS payment, will cover my basic expenses. That way, if the Dems can manipulate another win and keep a senile man too demented to stand trial in office, and the market gets spooked, I know I can cover my monthly living expenses.

So don’t give me financial advice. I’m probably more sophisticated than you are.

Dow up 8,000 points does not mean (in general) investments are down or just getting back to where they were.

My 401K's have grown significantly since FPOTUS#45 left office.

My 401K + Social Security + Military Retirement means that when I retire actual disposable income will actually INCREASE for us in retirement.

Not giving you "financial advice", but then again I probably wouldn't take yours either.

I posted actual IRA results (from an IRA re-adjusted March 2021). I moved to more “safety” under the chowderhead fraudulent takeover. 30% bonds? Bonds were killed in 2022.

i know my “Trump peak” Prior to this account. Finally after three years……the account is now again approaching my Trump “high-water” mark.

in other words…..a wasted three years.//

again, for the board loons….as an example, when your account drops 50% you would need 100% increase off that drop just to break even. $1mil drops to $500K…..must go up 100% just to start over. Yet XponentialChaos is crowing about market increases. Big drops have to be made back up. Smaller fluctuations are easier to make up.
What are you babbling about?

Is your account down in the last 3 years?
Dow up 8,000 points does not mean (in general) investments are down or just getting back to where they were.

My 401K's have grown significantly since FPOTUS#45 left office.

My 401K + Social Security + Military Retirement means that when I retire actual disposable income will actually INCREASE for us in retirement.

Not giving you "financial advice", but then again I probably wouldn't take yours either.

Well, duh….you have a PENSION! Means you’re getting government money so you don’t have to withdraw much, if any, for expenses.

Most retirees do not have pensions, and are worse off now than under Trump, when prices were stable.
Not too long ago if you da one million in your retirement you were in a relatively good position. Now you will need multimillion in you retirement. Bidenomics has FUCKED America forever.

sucks to be you.
I hope not forever, but for sure it will take years to undo what the Obama/Biden Regime has done to the country.
The only way back is another Great Depression. The perfect way to usher in Socialism. That is what they want.
Well, duh….you have a PENSION! Means you’re getting government money so you don’t have to withdraw much, if any, for expenses.

Most retirees do not have pensions, and are worse off now than under Trump, when prices were stable.

My Military Retirement as zero to do with the fact that my 401K is doing really well with the 8,000 point increase over the last 3 years. Don't get me wrong, the 10,000 point increase during FPOTUS#45's administration over 4-years didn't hurt either.

But to think that 401K's (which are usually invested in the stock market) are just now getting back to what they were when FPOTUS#45, well, that's just plan silly.

My Military Retirement as zero to do with the fact that my 401K is doing really well with the 8,000 point increase over the last 3 years. Don't get me wrong, the 10,000 point increase during FPOTUS#45's administration over 4-years didn't hurt either.

But to think that 401K's (which are usually invested in the stock market) are just now getting back to what they were when FPOTUS#45, well, that's just plan silly.

Nope…..because you have a military pension, you don’t have to withdraw funds the way non-pension retirees do. And your pension is probably COLA, so you’re protected from Biden’s inflationary policies.

As I said, I was a lot better off under Trump. People on government, inflation-protected pensions shouldn’t talk.
Nope…..because you have a military pension, you don’t have to withdraw funds the way non-pension retirees do. And your pension is probably COLA, so you’re protected from Biden’s inflationary policies.

Nope.....because my miltary pension as nothing to do with how 401K's have performed over the last two administrations. Dow up 10,000 points in 4 years with FPOTUS#45 and up 8,000 points in the last 3 years.

Your attempting to deflect is funny though.

As I said, I was a lot better off under Trump. People on government, inflation-protected pensions shouldn’t talk.

You mean like Social Security? You know SS gets COLA adjustments right?

Nope.....because my miltary pension as nothing to do with how 401K's have performed over the last two administrations. Dow up 10,000 points in 4 years with FPOTUS#45 and up 8,000 points in the last 3 years.

Your attempting to deflect is funny though.

You mean like Social Security? You know SS gets COLA adjustments right?

SS is not enough to live on. But people who have an additional pension can leave their retirement funds untouched. Most retirees are not in thst position, and are in much worse shape under Biden since their purchasing power has dropped by 20%.

Thing will be better for Americans once Trump is back.
SS is not enough to live on. But people who have an additional pension can leave their retirement funds untouched. Most retirees are not in thst position, and are in much worse shape under Biden since their purchasing power has dropped by 20%.

Thing will be better for Americans once Trump is back.


Again, the claim was investments are just now returning to levels from 3 years ago.

The Dow is up 8,000 points from January 2021. For 401Ks (which are heavily invested in the stock market), how can they just be getting back to equal levels?

This has NOTHING to do with Social Security, Pensions, or COLAs.

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Again, the claim was investments are just now returning to levels from 3 years ago.

The Dow is up 8,000 points from January 2021. For 401Ks (which are heavily invested in the stock market), how can they just be getting back to equal levels?

This has NOTHING to do with Social Security, Pensions, or COLAs.

Because of the 20% loss in purchasing power!
Hardly. Inflation is relatively AFTER the highest inflation most of us have seen in our lifetimes, and we’re not only stuck at those high prices, it’s continuing to inch upward.

The majority of Americans are financially stressed. And Biden’s answer to propose even MORE freebies - like giving $400 a month of other people’s money to people who buy their first house? All that does is flood the market with more money and make it worse for everyone else - especially seniors on fixed incomes.
To put current inflation in perspective, the highest inflation rate we had in the last 50 years was 14% in 1980, followed by years of high inflation. Over the last 20 years the average inflation rate has been 2.7%. The current annual inflation is 3.1% which is the lowest rate among developed nations.

However inflation is just one side of the coin. While wage growth lagged inflation for just over a year which is typical in an inflationary environment, in March 2023 wage growth began exceeding inflation and has beat inflation every month since then. In Jan. 2024, wage growth exceeded inflation by 1.6% Consumer confidence is up 60% from it's low in June 2022. Personal income is at an all time high.

The horrible economy exist only in the minds of Trump and his merry band. They know if the economy continues to improve it will hurt Trump in November so they keep preaching doom and gloom, hoping for a crash.

Although republicans are trying to make a big deal out of the new tax credit for first time home buyers, the fact is, it is very restrictive. Those new home buyers that tax advantage of the current tax benefit or who are not low income will be excluded. Since the current home buyer credit expires in 2026, this will probably just replace the current credit.
For me, during the Trump years (I’m restired and living off of SS and investments), my stock returns more than covered my expenses and I continued to see my balance creep up - despite the fact that I was drawing down every quarter.

Since Biden, I’ve lost a lot, and WAAAY beneath where I was under Trump. I’ve now recovered most of the loss, but I’m still a little bit under where I started.

Now when Trump wins, Gd-willing, businesses will breathe a sigh of relief knowing they no longer will have to contend with a president* who treats successful businesses as the enemy. Can’t wait for November.
Trump's last year in office, 2020 was a very good year for the US stock market due primarily to the anticipation of the end of the pandemic in the US. The stock market rise continue into 2022, Biden's first year office. However the market rise halted abruptly when it became clear that the supply chain problems where going hurt earnings of US companies. The US stock market lost over 20% of it's value in following 18 months. By the summer of 2022, the market saw an end to most of the supply problem as the huge backlog of ships at US ports began to improve. At that time the backlog of Chinese goods bound for US also began improving. The result was a 28% increase in US stocks to date.

As measured by the SP500:
The market increased 38% during the Biden administration to date.
The market increased 52% during the Trump administration.

These are both good returns considering both administrations were effected by Covid-19.
I ran the numbers for your earlier. We are now just back to where we were under Trump when you factor in that our money is worth 20% less.

Plus, I’m in the drawing down stage. It’s the inflation and loss of purchasing power that is the killer for retirees.

But I shared my strategy a few daya ago. I am going to purchase an annuity, which together with my SS payment, will cover my basic expenses. That way, if the Dems can manipulate another win and keep a senile man too demented to stand trial in office, and the market gets spooked, I know I can cover my monthly living expenses.

So don’t give me financial advice. I’m probably more sophisticated than you are
It's deceptive to claim your money is worth 20% less. First, it depends on how you spend your money. If most of your income goes for food and gasoline, that figure is probably correct. However, if most of your income goes to healthcare, taxes, retirement, and other investment then those dollars are buying only slightly less than before the inflation.

Secondly, wage increases and cost of living adjustments are reducing the effect of inflation. Many retirement systems including Social Security adjust benefits for inflation.

The overall increased cost of goods and services has a circular effect on wages. Higher wages will eventually compensate for the increased prices of consumer goods and services. Until last March, the growth rate of wages was less than the inflation rate. Since March the growth rate of wages have exceeded the inflation rate. Today wage increase are running 1.5% higher than the inflation rate. So most people will eventfully be compensated for the inflation.
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