Number of 401K millionaires soars in last quarter 2023

I wonder if it is possible to convince these new millionares, that and everybody around them are doing poorly in this remarkable economy? The GOP has lost the message on this one.
Once again it's an investment product. I'm happy that those people had foresight and self discipline. But you're absolutely correct....99% of the voting populous is left out of this Comparative prosperity.
The market has finally caught up to where it was under Trump...
The market is now significantly higher than it ever was under Trump. The same market that you were celebrating, and it's significantly higher now.

But it seems Dems champions Biden's economy making more millionaires and billionaires, but they don't like millionaires and billionaires because they feel they don't pay enough tax. The reason being is, Dems (Lefties) believe in Utopia.
You don't know whether to shit or go blind.
Funded with “Before Tax” un-taxed dollars into market accounts. But, you will be taxed when you reach retirement and begin to pull the money out to live on. If you were to pull money out before age 59.5 there is a 10% additional Tax penalty imposed. Many of the tens of millions jobless & destroyed by the Deep State Housing bust in 2008 had no choice but to pay the Tax pulling money out and try to survive to a “next job”. Many lost homes, families, divorced and never worked again. Considered to be acceptable causualtiies to force Obiden 1.0 on the Planet. We were in recovery under Trump …. Then the Deep State launched man-made virus.

At retirement time of your choice it becomes “income” and taxed.
We can still reverse things under Trump. On the first day, he can issue EOs that promote business rather than penalize it.
The market has finally caught up to where it was under Trump... back when libs said the market was not a good indicator of the economy as a whole.... hypocrites all....

When Trump entered office the DOW was 19,000.

When Trump left office the DOW was at 31,000.

4 Year increase of 12,000.
When Trump left office the DOW was at 31,000.

The DOW is now at 39,000.

3 Year increase of 7,000.
The market didn't just catch up to 31,000.

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When Trump entered office the DOW was 29,000.

When Trump left office the DOW was at 31,000.

4 Year increase of 2,000.
When Trump left office the DOW was at 31,000.

The DOW is now at 39,000.

3 Year increase of 7,000.
The market didn't just catch up to 31,000.

The DOW was at 19,000 when Trump took office. (Where in the world did you get 29,000 from?) Under him, with a low inflation rate, it went to 31,000 - up about 60%!

Now it’s 39,000. But you have to subtract the 20% increase in prices, so the 39,000 is more like 31,200. Just what it was when Trump left office.

So factor in inflation, and you’ll see that Trump took the market up 60%, and after three years under Biden, we’ve caught up.
My IRA is doing great, too, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have sympathy for the majority of Americans struggling in this economy.
^^^ why did O’Danny laugh at this comment? is that the arrogance among the left that Republicans don’t have sympathy for the working class that is struggling under Biden?
The DOW was at 19,000 when Trump took office. (Where in the world did you get 29,000 from?) Under him, with a low inflation rate, it went to 31,000 - up about 60%!

Thank you very much, slider must have slipped.

I was able to edit my post.

Appreciate it.


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