Number of 401K millionaires soars in last quarter 2023

I'm keeping my money in a 401k too... with the IRS on the march across America and tax rates climbing in states as well as the nation you would be a fool to risk it today...
I bet that 401k is doing awesome too, isn’t it?

I’m happy for you. You’re doing great you in this economy. :)
I bet that 401k is doing awesome too, isn’t it?

I’m happy for you. You’re doing great you in this economy. :)
My IRA is doing great, too, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have sympathy for the majority of Americans struggling in this economy.
I bet that 401k is doing awesome too, isn’t it?

I’m happy for you. You’re doing great you in this economy. :)
Actually it is not keeping pace as it would be under a Trump presidency... and neither is the market... the stock market was about to cross over to 40,000 under Trump which would place it around 50,000 today (my estimate)... this economy can't push it over the 40,000 mark without the feds raising rates again...
I hope you don't have an adjustable home loan....
…the stock market was about to cross over to 40,000 under Trump which would place it around 50,000 today (my estimate)... this economy can't push it over the 40,000 mark without the feds raising rates again...
How high did it get under Trump?

How high is it now?
My IRA is doing great, too, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have sympathy for the majority of Americans struggling in this economy.
Sounds like you’re doing great as well. I’m glad this economy is treating you well. It has certainly been great for me as well.
The market has finally caught up to where it was under Trump... back when libs said the market was not a good indicator of the economy as a whole.... hypocrites all....

You must really be happy now with where the DOW is at. :)
The market has finally caught up to where it was under Trump...

The DJI is 30% higher than it was under Trump

The S&P is 35% higher than it was under Trump

The NASDAQ is 24% higher than it was under Trump.

You are either really uninformed or really dishonest
Really?... explain it then smart guy... lets see your two cents on the table... I have money I consider to be investment funds... I don't dare invest a dime of it in this economy....
I passed up an opportunity to open a business recently (fantastic deal on a retail location). Not taking a chance with the overhead until I'm sure there's at least 4 years of prosperity under a Trump administration.
The DJI is 30% higher than it was under Trump

The S&P is 35% higher than it was under Trump

The NASDAQ is 24% higher than it was under Trump.

You are either really uninformed or really dishonest
Not as high as it would have been without the Biden inflation and recession.... so just stop the foolishness... you can't point at a green apple and say its red....
Not as high as it would have been without the Biden inflation and recession.... so just stop the foolishness... you can't point at a green apple and say its red....

can you link us to your crystal ball that prove what it "would have been"?

I will be happy to wait.
It’s a retirement fund, jointly funded by an employer and employee.

Funded with “Before Tax” un-taxed dollars into market accounts. But, you will be taxed when you reach retirement and begin to pull the money out to live on. If you were to pull money out before age 59.5 there is a 10% additional Tax penalty imposed. Many of the tens of millions jobless & destroyed by the Deep State Housing bust in 2008 had no choice but to pay the Tax pulling money out and try to survive to a “next job”. Many lost homes, families, divorced and never worked again. Considered to be acceptable causualtiies to force Obiden 1.0 on the Planet. We were in recovery under Trump …. Then the Deep State launched man-made virus.

At retirement time of your choice it becomes “income” and taxed.
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You must take into account a market drop of 50% means you need a 100% increase just to get back to even. This is where those touting increases above may be wrong? Like those crowing about the dead-cat bounce Obiden 1.0 had off of the absolute 6300 bottom (caused by Deep State). All crisis are self inflicted wounds by DEM - R - enemies of America. We are lucky to sometimes recover inside 10 yrs.

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