Number of Arab students in Israeli universities grows 78% in 7 years

RE: Number of Arab students in Israeli universities grows 78% in 7 years
※→ Roudy, et al,

Yeah, every time I hear that come out of the mouth of a anti-Israeli, I have to laugh.

Oppression - You're Doing It Wrong.

Meanwhile, the number of Israeli students in Arab universities is holding steady at zero.

Number of Arab students in Israeli universities grows 78% in 7 years
But but but those Joooos are supposed to be racists!

Rarely is it the case that the UN has to go back and revoke a "decision." But in the case of "RACISM" and Israel it did.

Revocation of Determination.png

A/RES/3379 (XXX) published the decision that: "Determines that zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination" There are two important points here.

1. Quietly, and without fanfare, the statement that "zionism" is simply not a form of racism, is made.

2. It renders null the accusation of Aparthied:

ψ The Zionist Conduct was committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic
oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups.

⇒ This is the fourth Element of the Offense of "Apartheid":
Elements of Crimes -- Article 7 (1) (j) -- Crime against humanity of apartheid


Ismail Haniyeh said Tuesday that US Vice President Mike Pence’s tour in Israel was “unwelcome,” adding that his speech before the Knesset a day earlier “proves the USA has a strategic alliance with the Zionist entity.” {LINK}

And the question becomes: So What? The Arab Palestinian, uses the tone that "Zionism" is bad implying that . Any connection made between the US and "Zionism" is bad by extension; ⇒ suggesting that America be aware that others will form opinions of them based on their associates...

Most Respectfully,
After you explain how an atheist is a Jew.

If your mother was a jew, then your are considered to be jewish by other jews, regardless of whether you believe in the religion or not. They call it being a "cultural" jew.

Now answer my question: How can you claim the Jews are a race, when there are white jews, black jews, asian jews, arab jews, and hispanic jews?

I'll be waiting for your answer. ..... :cool:
Talk to Merriam.


a : a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to the same stock b : a class or kind of people unified by shared interests, habits, or characteristics
For thousands of years and even up to the 20th century Jews were referred to as a seperate race and ethnicity i.e. The Persians, Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, Ottomans, Babylonians, the British empire, the European crusaders, and yes, the German Nazis who sought to eliminate the Jewish RACE.
Talk to Merriam.
Nope....I'm talking to you. Now answer my question, like you said that you would.

"Do you believe that white European jews, black Ethiopian jews, Chinese jews, and Middle East arab jews, are all the same race?" ..... :cool:
Take your tunnel vision up with Merriam Webster. Because they are all the same race per their definition.
Arab students of Tel-Aviv University - demonstratively walk out of a lecture by an Egyptian profssor who was talking about normalization.

Watch this:

Now imagine - while they're demonstrating in Israeli universities, the majority of kids their age are doing civil service in the army, or literally rescuing people as members of the Ambulance.
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The students are correct.

Normalization is betrayal. ..... :cool:

The students are typical idiots - they are Israeli citizens who study in Tel-Aviv University and demonstrate because Egypt doesn't want another war with Israel.

Amoebas are more intelligent.
The students are typical idiots - they are Israeli citizens who study in Tel-Aviv University and demonstrate because Egypt doesn't want another war with Israel.
I admire the student's bravery. ..... :thup:

Shouting nonsense because one disagrees requires no bravery, a decent amount of idiocy and herd mentality is enough.

If Tel-Aviv has become too boring, and they want some action...
I hear the Egyptian border is less than 2 hour drive away...

Q. What stops them, lack of coffee shops in the desert or their stipends?
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One doesn't require too much bravery to shout nonsense, a decent amount of idiocy and herd mentality is enough.
The terrorist state of Israel needs to be dismantled and it's criminal leadership locked up for crimes against humanity.

When there are more of these students, they will be the ones who bring the zionist scum to justice. ..... :cool:
One doesn't require too much bravery to shout nonsense, a decent amount of idiocy and herd mentality is enough.
The terrorist state of Israel needs to be dismantled and it's criminal leadership locked up for crimes against humanity.

When there are more of these students, they will be the ones who bring the zionist scum to justice. ..... :cool:

In Israel, prisoners can continue their study behind bars... just saying there're always options.

I've heard Syrian as well as Egyptian educational systems are exceptional.:icon_lol:
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Open University Soft Landing Program for Arab Students
The Transition from Israeli High Schools with Arabic as the first language to Israeli Universities with Hebrew as the Official Language of Study:

At the Open University of Israel, a "Soft Landing" program serves to enhance accessibility to higher education in Israel for Arab citizens. This padded landing is a response to the need revealed by the statistics on Arabic-speaking students going abroad.

The program offers motivational workshops to facilitate the efforts by students to overcome the basic inhibitors which tend to stand between them - Arab Israelis and higher education in Hebrew.

1. Academic Hebrew and English: The transition to academic studies in Hebrew together with the English level that academic studies demand represents a challenge for students whose first language is Arabic.

2. Academic computer applications: Students will be equipped with the tools needed for their studies towards a degree and thereafter.

In addition, the "Soft Landing" package provides options for submitting assignments in Arabic for up to six of a continuously growing number of courses for which academic tutorial sessions are conducted in Arabic and video-recorded for maintaining on the course websites. Exams and assignments for up to six of these courses can also be submitted in Arabic, easing the adjustment to the academic demands of the university. Academic counseling is also provided in Arabic at 11 campuses and study centers throughout the country. The OUI has recruited additional professionals from the Arab sector with academic credentials to implement the various components of this program.

Open University Soft Landing Program for Arab Students

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, in a joint initiative with Josh Arnow, a benefactor of the university, dedicated a student center last week serving Beduin women students.

The center, the first of its kind, aims to serve as a social center and “warm home away from home” for Beduin women students who study at the university.

There are some 1,200 Arab students studying at BGU, nearly 450 of them are Beduin and 70 percent of the Beduin students are women.

Ben-Gurion University dedicates center for women Bedouin students

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