Nunes' Dud Memo may have strengthened Mueller's Quest

Cornered ..........boxed way deep shit......looks real bad.........for the worst president we have ever suffered through...........OBAMA!!!!!
send the pussy grabbing swine to jail ,,,, trump the worst pos ever to enter our wh
We can all remember how Trump boasted that he would readily accept the Mueller team's invitation to testify (even under oath....but that wouldn't make any difference anyway.)

Now, the mood has drastically changed.....

IF Trump refuses to testify, the only other choice for Mueller is to ask one of the grand juries to issue a subpoena....

When that happens, Trump's legal team will try to have the SCOTUS address the issue....and, based on the Watergate history, the SCOTUS would most likely refuse to let Trump off the hook (a Trump phrase regarding his indicted buddy, Flynn.)

So, the only other choice that Trump has, is to face the Mueller team, and

a. Lie (suicidal)
b. Tell the truth (also suicidal)...or
c. Plead the Fifth (politically ALSO suicidal.)

Fun times ahead.

His Trumpaloompas will still love him no matter what.

Is it akin to the way that leftards love Barrypuppet and the Hildebeast?
Cornered ..........boxed way deep shit......looks real bad.........for the worst president we have ever suffered through...........OBAMA!!!!!

Do you beat off to that mantra? I thought you said that was supposed to happen a long time ago. What happened?
Cornered ..........boxed way deep shit......looks real bad.........for the worst president we have ever suffered through...........OBAMA!!!!!

Do you beat off to that mantra? I thought you said that was supposed to happen a long time ago. What happened?

A corrupt DOJ headed by Holder and then Lynch "happened".
We can all remember how Trump boasted that he would readily accept the Mueller team's invitation to testify (even under oath....but that wouldn't make any difference anyway.)

Now, the mood has drastically changed.....

IF Trump refuses to testify, the only other choice for Mueller is to ask one of the grand juries to issue a subpoena....

When that happens, Trump's legal team will try to have the SCOTUS address the issue....and, based on the Watergate history, the SCOTUS would most likely refuse to let Trump off the hook (a Trump phrase regarding his indicted buddy, Flynn.)

So, the only other choice that Trump has, is to face the Mueller team, and

a. Lie (suicidal)
b. Tell the truth (also suicidal)...or
c. Plead the Fifth (politically ALSO suicidal.)

Fun times ahead.


The scary thing is he could start a war .. he is just crazy enough.

We can all remember how Trump boasted that he would readily accept the Mueller team's invitation to testify (even under oath....but that wouldn't make any difference anyway.)

Now, the mood has drastically changed.....

IF Trump refuses to testify, the only other choice for Mueller is to ask one of the grand juries to issue a subpoena....

When that happens, Trump's legal team will try to have the SCOTUS address the issue....and, based on the Watergate history, the SCOTUS would most likely refuse to let Trump off the hook (a Trump phrase regarding his indicted buddy, Flynn.)

So, the only other choice that Trump has, is to face the Mueller team, and

a. Lie (suicidal)
b. Tell the truth (also suicidal)...or
c. Plead the Fifth (politically ALSO suicidal.)

Fun times ahead.

You are so full of shit. They advised him not to meet with Mueller, the trickster special counsel, because Mueller can hang him on one misspeak following a question to which Mueller already has an answer. Mueller could ask him if he's ever parted his hair on the right. Trump says he has not. Mueller pulls out a reversed photo showing Trump lied. Nobody can prove that the photo was reversed unless there's a clock or some printed text in the picture. That's just how fuckin' stupid these biased special counsel inquisitions can get.

Mueller should be offered written answers to written questions. That or Trump's lawyers might agree to a meeting with Trump not under oath and the questions limited to activities that happened before the election....after all, it is about collusion to meddle with the election.

By the way, you liberal shitheads should be worried about Hillary's incarceration, not Trump's. More is coming out that shows she and Obama colluded with the British and the Russians prior to the election. A second special counsel will likely be appointed to investigate that, along with Comey, Lynch, McCabe, Rosenstein, Weissmann, Lerner, Obama, Emanuel and other liberal crooks.

Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock....time will tell.
We can all remember how Trump boasted that he would readily accept the Mueller team's invitation to testify (even under oath....but that wouldn't make any difference anyway.)

Now, the mood has drastically changed.....

IF Trump refuses to testify, the only other choice for Mueller is to ask one of the grand juries to issue a subpoena....

When that happens, Trump's legal team will try to have the SCOTUS address the issue....and, based on the Watergate history, the SCOTUS would most likely refuse to let Trump off the hook (a Trump phrase regarding his indicted buddy, Flynn.)

So, the only other choice that Trump has, is to face the Mueller team, and

a. Lie (suicidal)
b. Tell the truth (also suicidal)...or
c. Plead the Fifth (politically ALSO suicidal.)

Fun times ahead.

The problem is his retarded supporters will support him regardless of what he says or does. Either that, or they pivot to talking about Hillary because they are complete toddlers.
We can all remember how Trump boasted that he would readily accept the Mueller team's invitation to testify (even under oath....but that wouldn't make any difference anyway.)

Now, the mood has drastically changed.....

IF Trump refuses to testify, the only other choice for Mueller is to ask one of the grand juries to issue a subpoena....

When that happens, Trump's legal team will try to have the SCOTUS address the issue....and, based on the Watergate history, the SCOTUS would most likely refuse to let Trump off the hook (a Trump phrase regarding his indicted buddy, Flynn.)

So, the only other choice that Trump has, is to face the Mueller team, and

a. Lie (suicidal)
b. Tell the truth (also suicidal)...or
c. Plead the Fifth (politically ALSO suicidal.)

Fun times ahead.

You are so full of shit. They advised him not to meet with Mueller, the trickster special counsel, because Mueller can hang him on one misspeak following a question to which Mueller already has an answer. Mueller could ask him if he's ever parted his hair on the right. Trump says he has not. Mueller pulls out a reversed photo showing Trump lied. Nobody can prove that the photo was reversed unless there's a clock or some printed text in the picture. That's just how fuckin' stupid these biased special counsel inquisitions can get.

Mueller should be offered written answers to written questions. That or Trump's lawyers might agree to a meeting with Trump not under oath and the questions limited to activities that happened before the election....after all, it is about collusion to meddle with the election.

By the way, you liberal shitheads should be worried about Hillary's incarceration, not Trump's. More is coming out that shows she and Obama colluded with the British and the Russians prior to the election. A second special counsel will likely be appointed to investigate that, along with Comey, Lynch, McCabe, Rosenstein, Weissmann, Lerner, Obama, Emanuel and other liberal crooks.

Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock....time will tell.

Sorry buddy. Nobody is worried about Hillary's incarceration. Only crazy right wingers think there is a chance of that. Fox is lying to keep your hopes up.
We can all remember how Trump boasted that he would readily accept the Mueller team's invitation to testify (even under oath....but that wouldn't make any difference anyway.)

Now, the mood has drastically changed.....

IF Trump refuses to testify, the only other choice for Mueller is to ask one of the grand juries to issue a subpoena....

When that happens, Trump's legal team will try to have the SCOTUS address the issue....and, based on the Watergate history, the SCOTUS would most likely refuse to let Trump off the hook (a Trump phrase regarding his indicted buddy, Flynn.)

So, the only other choice that Trump has, is to face the Mueller team, and

a. Lie (suicidal)
b. Tell the truth (also suicidal)...or
c. Plead the Fifth (politically ALSO suicidal.)

Fun times ahead.

You are so full of shit. They advised him not to meet with Mueller, the trickster special counsel, because Mueller can hang him on one misspeak following a question to which Mueller already has an answer. Mueller could ask him if he's ever parted his hair on the right. Trump says he has not. Mueller pulls out a reversed photo showing Trump lied. Nobody can prove that the photo was reversed unless there's a clock or some printed text in the picture. That's just how fuckin' stupid these biased special counsel inquisitions can get.

Mueller should be offered written answers to written questions. That or Trump's lawyers might agree to a meeting with Trump not under oath and the questions limited to activities that happened before the election....after all, it is about collusion to meddle with the election.

By the way, you liberal shitheads should be worried about Hillary's incarceration, not Trump's. More is coming out that shows she and Obama colluded with the British and the Russians prior to the election. A second special counsel will likely be appointed to investigate that, along with Comey, Lynch, McCabe, Rosenstein, Weissmann, Lerner, Obama, Emanuel and other liberal crooks.

Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock....time will tell.

"Mueller, the trickster special counsel"

So fun watching the GOP eat its own.
Comey: Republican
Rosenstein: Republican
Sessions: Republican
Mueller: Republican
Do you beat off to that mantra?
Feel better? good because you sure look stupid...Trump is not going to be impeached...get over it...lube the big black one up tonight and have a ball while watching Trump leading the nation...something Obama never was able to do...
We can all remember how Trump boasted that he would readily accept the Mueller team's invitation to testify (even under oath....but that wouldn't make any difference anyway.)

Now, the mood has drastically changed.....

IF Trump refuses to testify, the only other choice for Mueller is to ask one of the grand juries to issue a subpoena....

When that happens, Trump's legal team will try to have the SCOTUS address the issue....and, based on the Watergate history, the SCOTUS would most likely refuse to let Trump off the hook (a Trump phrase regarding his indicted buddy, Flynn.)

So, the only other choice that Trump has, is to face the Mueller team, and

a. Lie (suicidal)
b. Tell the truth (also suicidal)...or
c. Plead the Fifth (politically ALSO suicidal.)

Fun times ahead.

You are so full of shit. They advised him not to meet with Mueller, the trickster special counsel, because Mueller can hang him on one misspeak following a question to which Mueller already has an answer. Mueller could ask him if he's ever parted his hair on the right. Trump says he has not. Mueller pulls out a reversed photo showing Trump lied. Nobody can prove that the photo was reversed unless there's a clock or some printed text in the picture. That's just how fuckin' stupid these biased special counsel inquisitions can get.

Mueller should be offered written answers to written questions. That or Trump's lawyers might agree to a meeting with Trump not under oath and the questions limited to activities that happened before the election....after all, it is about collusion to meddle with the election.

By the way, you liberal shitheads should be worried about Hillary's incarceration, not Trump's. More is coming out that shows she and Obama colluded with the British and the Russians prior to the election. A second special counsel will likely be appointed to investigate that, along with Comey, Lynch, McCabe, Rosenstein, Weissmann, Lerner, Obama, Emanuel and other liberal crooks.

Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock....time will tell.

Sorry buddy. Nobody is worried about Hillary's incarceration. Only crazy right wingers think there is a chance of that. Fox is lying to keep your hopes up.

Fox seems to have an endless supply of bright, shiny objects used to distract their mouth-breathing, myopic viewers.
We can all remember how Trump boasted that he would readily accept the Mueller team's invitation to testify (even under oath....but that wouldn't make any difference anyway.)

Now, the mood has drastically changed.....

IF Trump refuses to testify, the only other choice for Mueller is to ask one of the grand juries to issue a subpoena....

When that happens, Trump's legal team will try to have the SCOTUS address the issue....and, based on the Watergate history, the SCOTUS would most likely refuse to let Trump off the hook (a Trump phrase regarding his indicted buddy, Flynn.)

So, the only other choice that Trump has, is to face the Mueller team, and

a. Lie (suicidal)
b. Tell the truth (also suicidal)...or
c. Plead the Fifth (politically ALSO suicidal.)

Fun times ahead.

You are so full of shit. They advised him not to meet with Mueller, the trickster special counsel, because Mueller can hang him on one misspeak following a question to which Mueller already has an answer. Mueller could ask him if he's ever parted his hair on the right. Trump says he has not. Mueller pulls out a reversed photo showing Trump lied. Nobody can prove that the photo was reversed unless there's a clock or some printed text in the picture. That's just how fuckin' stupid these biased special counsel inquisitions can get.

Mueller should be offered written answers to written questions. That or Trump's lawyers might agree to a meeting with Trump not under oath and the questions limited to activities that happened before the election....after all, it is about collusion to meddle with the election.

By the way, you liberal shitheads should be worried about Hillary's incarceration, not Trump's. More is coming out that shows she and Obama colluded with the British and the Russians prior to the election. A second special counsel will likely be appointed to investigate that, along with Comey, Lynch, McCabe, Rosenstein, Weissmann, Lerner, Obama, Emanuel and other liberal crooks.

Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock....time will tell.
tick tock your ass the last time the pos trump was questioned in court he lied 30 times Muelleur would make the AH cry
The problem is his retarded supporters will support him regardless of what he says or does. Either that, or they pivot to talking about Hillary because they are complete toddlers
It's the economy stupidass....
We can all remember how Trump boasted that he would readily accept the Mueller team's invitation to testify (even under oath....but that wouldn't make any difference anyway.)

Now, the mood has drastically changed.....

IF Trump refuses to testify, the only other choice for Mueller is to ask one of the grand juries to issue a subpoena....

When that happens, Trump's legal team will try to have the SCOTUS address the issue....and, based on the Watergate history, the SCOTUS would most likely refuse to let Trump off the hook (a Trump phrase regarding his indicted buddy, Flynn.)

So, the only other choice that Trump has, is to face the Mueller team, and

a. Lie (suicidal)
b. Tell the truth (also suicidal)...or
c. Plead the Fifth (politically ALSO suicidal.)

Fun times ahead.

His Trumpaloompas will still love him no matter what.
Which, by supporting a likely crook and enabling him, makes them complicit.
Fox seems to have an endless supply of bright, shiny objects used to distract their mouth-breathing, myopic viewers
The Nazi looking AVATAR fits you well...good choice!!!!Fox has the truth...I know that the truth is like garlic to a vampire to you but it is what it is...
We can all remember how Trump boasted that he would readily accept the Mueller team's invitation to testify (even under oath....but that wouldn't make any difference anyway.)

Now, the mood has drastically changed.....

IF Trump refuses to testify, the only other choice for Mueller is to ask one of the grand juries to issue a subpoena....

When that happens, Trump's legal team will try to have the SCOTUS address the issue....and, based on the Watergate history, the SCOTUS would most likely refuse to let Trump off the hook (a Trump phrase regarding his indicted buddy, Flynn.)

So, the only other choice that Trump has, is to face the Mueller team, and

a. Lie (suicidal)
b. Tell the truth (also suicidal)...or
c. Plead the Fifth (politically ALSO suicidal.)

Fun times ahead.


Nat you truly are pathetic.

Sent from my iPhone using
We can all remember how Trump boasted that he would readily accept the Mueller team's invitation to testify (even under oath....but that wouldn't make any difference anyway.)

Now, the mood has drastically changed.....

IF Trump refuses to testify, the only other choice for Mueller is to ask one of the grand juries to issue a subpoena....

When that happens, Trump's legal team will try to have the SCOTUS address the issue....and, based on the Watergate history, the SCOTUS would most likely refuse to let Trump off the hook (a Trump phrase regarding his indicted buddy, Flynn.)

So, the only other choice that Trump has, is to face the Mueller team, and

a. Lie (suicidal)
b. Tell the truth (also suicidal)...or
c. Plead the Fifth (politically ALSO suicidal.)

Fun times ahead.


The scary thing is he could start a war .. he is just crazy enough.


Actually, that was what Hillary wanted to do so they could stay on course of the PNAC plan. She wanted USA.INC to put in a "no fly zone" over Syria...who the fuck is she or ANY USA.INC president to tell other countries what they can or cannot do? I know the end Not so much........

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